Spell Idea gather Thread

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Level 17
Sep 29, 2003
I'm looking for very new and unique spell ideas for some units.
I dont wanna hear any spell ideas which are easy to make.
So please dont come up with ideas like. "Water attack: has 10% chance of double the damage". Those spell ideas I consider highly lame. I'm not intending to use any spells which are just modified existant spells.
I need new innovative spell ideas.
And also dont come up with highly lame-uber spells like:
"Waterattack of the death: Kills all units in range instantly".
Overpowered spells make the gameplay boring.

BRINE the murloc (main hero)
- Needs 2 abilities and 4 spells

The following are also heroes and needs spells and abilities:

- Axey (mointainking with 2 axes)
- Choppy (mointainking with 2 swords)
- Angry (Rifledwarf)
- Blasty (Big Mortar Dwarf)
- Bombur (Short Mortar Dwarf)
- Blasty & Bombur (Mortar Team Together)
- Long Round (Big Mortar Dwarf)
- Short Round (Short Mortar Dwarf)
- Long Round & Short Round (Mortar Team Together)
Level 13
May 5, 2004
I have many ideas, I'll edit this post from time to time to add them.

1. Napalm Airstrike (for any dwarven hero)

Calls a dwarven flying machine that throws napalm bombs in a line, leaving small round burning areas where every unit takes damage over time. The Airplane can't be controled, of course, but perhaps still be shot down.

2. Powershot (for Angry the rifledwarf)

Loads his rifle and then shoots a powerful blast from his rifle that damages units in a line throwing them back from the hero (in the direction the blast moves)

3. Artillery Strike (not that innovative, just went through my mind)

Not the easy solution like a modified "blizzard/rain of fire"-spell, more like the one in C&C Generals (so the artillery munition starts in a corner of the maps and flys (very high) through the map and then hits the targeted ground multiple times (like "rain of chaos", ot like "blizzard" where all projectiles hit the ground at the same time))

btw also take ironic/funny BUT innovative and balanced spells?
Level 4
Jan 31, 2004
DarkShadow said:
1. Napalm Airstrike (for any dwarven hero)

Calls a dwarven flying machine that throws napalm bombs in a line, leaving small round burning areas where every unit takes damage over time. The Airplane can't be controled, of course, but perhaps still be shot down.
hehe i have done this you can see it in the map terpentin :D
dl here:

for the guy with the 2 axes (forgot his name :oops: )
Axe run
he throws his axes away and they flow like a boomerang.
Level 8
Feb 25, 2004


Leviathan ( Summon ) - Summons a terrifying beast of the depths to devour his enemies. Each enemy the leviathan kills summons a bog troll to raid on the enemies as well.

Tenacity Croak ( Command ) - Loud croak which creates a ripple in the earth and terrifies all enemies to run away, while also removing there defense for a short duration.

Swamp Aura ( Passive Aura ) - All enemies within range have there health slowly drained and movement reduced, while all swamp creatures have an improved attack damage.

Bog ( Ultimate Command ) - Creates a dark swamp fog in the AOE, any swamp creature or allie within the bog fog will have increased health regeneration and magic immunity.


Swamp Scales ( Passive ) - His scales covered in thick swampland protects him from a negative spell every 60 seconds, and the caster of the negative spell is affected instead.

Infectious Stab ( Passive ) - Poisons an enemy draing 2 health each second for 25 seconds, and also removeing 5 armor during the duration.


Leviathan - Looks like a giant swamp being or troll like creatures with heavy armor and high damage but slow movement and attack.

Swamp Troll - Little tiny critter with quick speed no armor and average attack.
Level 3
Mar 25, 2004
Choppy ideas:

Flying swords: Choppy's swords fly around him dealing damage to everyone around him, but for this period he has no attack (so not just immolation)

Cross Swords: Choppy places his swords in the ground then rips them up with such force that they fly to either side of him and hurt enemies in their path. They soon spin around and he grabs them again, enabling his attack. (he has no attack and/or is paused for the duration of the spell)

Slice 'em: Choppy does some sort of flying attack, dealing lots of damage and stunning the target. Choppy must rest before and after this attack.

Sword of the Dwarves: Choppy channels for a bit then runs around dealing damage to enemies. You cannot control him for this period, and he gives precidence to killing damaged units rather then hurting ones at full health. He also attacks Heros over normal units.

Angry the Dwarf
i think of this guy as kind of comical, so my abilities match this

Spew: Channels Angry's anger through his gun, releasing a big and slow bullet with lots of dmg and splash (make it very slow with a comical roar as he fires it)

Hurl: Hurls a hand grenade that then sits in the ground for a few seconds before exploding (maybe you could make it look like the holy hand grenade from monty python and the holy grail, if you have ever seen that)

Release: Throwing caution to the wind, Angry charges into enemies dealing damage to everyone in his path, then stops and shoots around in a circle, dealing damage to everyone around him (maybe the same roar from spew)

and maybe you could make his attacks missile instead of instant to make it more gun-like and seperate him from old riflemen

i'll be back with more

Level 2
Mar 25, 2004
Let's see, for Brine:
Self-Torpedo, where he Submerges under the water, then speeds toward the target enemy, dealing damage to himself, but 2x as much damage to the target.

Snow Storm, where Brine creates a snow storm in a target area, freezing the units(make the units in the area get a light bluish tint and reduced attack/walk speed). ALL units in the AOE. Each level, the AOE becomes larger and the ability deals more damage; make it so when units are freezed, they take damage over time. EXAMPLE: Level 1 - 10 damage per second
Level 2 - 20 damage per second
Level 3 - 30 damage per second
Also, one more thing for this ability, make it so each level the snow's more intense. Like, first level it's Northren Snow Light, second level it's Northrend Snow Heavy, third level it's Northrend Blizzard.

Mating Call, where Brine lets out a loud screech, scaring enemies away, but brings a small swarm of female Murlocs to his side.

Ultimate: Devour, where he eats one of your swamp creatures under level 4, then spits them at the enemy, kinda like those one things in Diablo II in Act IV.

NORMAL ABILITIES (Still for Brine):

Tree Jump, where he climbs a tree and can only move along tree's until you turn off the ability.

This one might be tough, it'd be called absorb. It'd be kinda like Buu on DBZ. Brine eats a selected unit, and, with each unit he eats, he gains a small section of that unit's model. (Clothes, hands, skin patches, ect...) But, doing this might require several models of Brine.

In case the one right above this can't work, another one would be Cloaking Device, kinda like the Arbiters in Starcraft, where you click it and it cloaks an area of units around your hero.

Another one could be for all creatures, give them play dead, where when you click the ability, the unit stabs himself and acts dead, and enemies can't attack them while they're "dead", and just pass 'em by.
Level 13
Mar 11, 2004
Mortar Teams:

Random Item Shot: Target something for ammo and then choose a target for damage. The missle animation is whatever you choose as ammo.

Fireworks: Shoots multiple rockets at all enemies dealing pathtic damage but firing at an excecptional rate.

Super Flare: Makes it day and blinds all enemies in the AOE. And make it so the screen goes white.

(Ultimate) Creep Cannon: Shoots 2-5 creeps that are allied to you and are levels 4-9 or whatever at your enemy.

Level 9
Jun 10, 2004
Whirlpool (Brine's Ultimate): Target in deep water to create a whirlpool, which draws all nearby units to it in a spiral pattern. The units are slowed and take moderate damage. Units that reach the center of the pool are drawn down (killed). The spell ends when six units have been pulled down.

I don't have a name for it, but it raises sunken ships as ghost ships, which upon being summoned, fan out and seek targets. The ships explode upon impact. The duration of the ships and the number raised can increase with the level of the ability.

Level 5
Apr 17, 2004
Many Moves: -

Rain of Fish - Several waves of fishy badness is unleshed upon a smal area of ground.

Drench - A wave of water is unleashed from our heroes mouth, spraying in a cone, damaging enemies.

Fish-o-morph - A cheap rip-off of Polymorph, im sure u get the drift, but for those of you who dont it turns an enemy tempereroliy into a fish.

Killer Whale - Sounds more exciting than it is... it really does... a Whale drops from the sky flattening anything stupid enough not to move.

Spawn Junior - The hero gives birth to a son! Whom fights with his father until his early death. The one puzzling thing is that the hero is a boy...

FINAL - Up Stream Bass - Stampede in disguse, i think so, as an army of River Bass charge the screen, flipping and flopping onto all whom oppose.
Level 17
Sep 29, 2003
yes true... unfortunately 99% of all those spells are boring as hell (simple ripoffs of existant spells)
Hey folks... dont limit yourself by thinking in the narrow frame you think whats possible in war3...
Think higher...

No summoning spells: those are easy, no challenge and very boring!!



Level 7
Dec 10, 2003
i have another something:

for the axe-using-dwarf:
-Dont have a name yet- : the dwarf will throw his axe (or maybe both of them) and it go from one unit to another and eventually return to the dwarf - while his axe is away he wont be ablr to attack.

another idea - do for one of the dwarves (axes of swords) a spell like the assassin's in diablo 2 in which theyll be able to charge up to 3 charges and the higher the charges count will be the more damage theyll inflict - maybe it can give them something like lightning, frost or fire attack.
Level 1
Jan 15, 2004
I don't think that it's possible to create such a skill, but u could include a feature that you can aim manually with the dwarf that uses a rifle. You click the button and then the camera zooms in and u can aim at your enemys yourself. In order to make it useful you should increase range and damage while your in first person mode. I think it could be pretty funny, to sneak in range of an enemy camp an kill them with well aimed headshots. Maybe u should include the voice from UT that says "Headshot". OK i'm gonna stop now I think I'm getting very unrealistic ;).

As i said, I dont't think it's possible, but you asked for new and uique ideas so... 8)
Level 6
Apr 15, 2004
Some spells, you can change their name and appearance, I just post the effects. I was thinking that there may exist different damage types, such as Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Arcane, Fireworks, Ale, etc etc. Most of these spells are pretty silly, but they are cool in-game.

Fishy Bomb: The caster is immobile for a couple of seconds, but while he is immobile, he build a big orb of fishes on the ground, growing larger and larger, until it explodes, dealing (water) damage upon all foes in the nearby area.

HURL!!!: A dwarven spell, This spell summons thirty crazy dwarves upon the screen who are playing hurling(irish sport) the dwarves will work as neutral beings, and are not dangerous more than that they are in the way for other units. However, the ball they are shooting between eachother will deal siege damage to anyone who comes in its way. This spell is very effective when attacking enemy bases(counts as ale spell).

Gun em'!: Yet another dwarven spell, the dwarf using this takes up a machine gun and blasts the targeted enemy(fireworks spell).

Get Serious: The player controls the character with the "w","s","a","d" keys and has a gun in his arms. You move your head with the mouse and attack with the mouse keys(fireworks spell). You also sees from your characters eyes.
Level 1
Jul 15, 2004
man i seem to be telling everyone this just lately

ive created a good water spell just recently which is called downpour. it makes the user channel the spell without targeting anything and creates an Ashenvale Rain weather effect. the rain soaks enemies, weighing them down and reducing movement and attack speed of all units on the map, including summoned ones and ones that are created during the spells effect. if you wanted to you could make it so that it isnt a channeling spell though so that after it has been cast the user can move and attack, but for my map i found it better balanced to make it a channeling spell.
Level 4
Apr 12, 2004
Right-o Origional eh?, ok lets give it a whirl :lol:
Tsunami- Create a tsunami that crashes down on the feild doing to following effects-
-Making it immpossible to see for 5-7 seconds
-Rusting all machines
-Turning ANY ground below to area of tsunami to shallow water
-Displacing many units
-150 damage to ALL units in area

Trigger Happy- The ginner that uses this will imidiatly have a short chage period in wich to player that controls the gunner presses the zero key repidly. After the chagre is over the gunner will fire as many rounds as the zero key was pressed rounds on the targeted enemy.

La'Summon- (An increse on normal summoning, even if you said you didn't want it)
The player is givin a chose of 10-15 elemental bullets-
Forest-Dark Green
Oceen-Dark Blue
Ice-Light Blue
(etc etc I'll edit to post will more)
The player will selecet 3 of them and target an enemy,
each combo of 3 bullets creates a different summon, and the target it enemy is hit but 3 slow moving colored bullet. When they hit then enemy, it kills them and the summon come out of body
-Can not be used on heros-
-Can not be used on Creeps over level 5-

Cursed Sword- A swords man releasees his sword from hand, turning him and the now floating sword into 2 different models. the sword will hit 3 random units (yours or enemys) and kill them insantly The sword AI will tell it to not target heros if possible
-sword an not on creeps over level 8-
Meanwhile, the swordman that realesed it turns into a punching unit with a small percent form of bash

Knock Out- Used on the swordless swords man, it is a 3% chance to do the following-
-Send a unit falling back
-a 5 second stun
-a 20 second that type of stun you can move in

Potshoot- The gunner chagres unit, during this period the player will press the zero key rapidly when to chage is over damge will be callculated like thi-
Number of times zero key pressed x 3 +30
(this damage will be armor peircing)

I saw many GREAT ideas before mine though, so i hope mine helps.. a bit
Level 4
Apr 12, 2004
Ok I'm apologiing for my auble post, but i got some more ideas, nad want to make this clearer-

Though La'Summon IS a summoning spell, its more complex then normal, so plz at least LOOK at it

Anywho.. more ideas :mrgreen: -

Hurl Fowel- Units throws a duck at the enemy, the duck thrashes wildly in the enemy's face dealing 3 damage a second for a random amount of time

Hot Potato- The unit (preferably a morter)
Fires a VERY explosive bomb at an enemy, the enemy CAN however, catch to bomb with the g key and throw it back at one of your units. you continue throwing the bomb until some1 trips up and then the following effects happen-
-A lagre (1500 radius i was thinking) exploshion happens
-All units in the blast take 700 damage
-All units 1-500 or so outside to blast take 200 damge
-All ground in the blast is lowered by 1 layer of ground
-All ground into the blast becomes desert like
-Tree in to blast die
-Trees 1-500 outside to blast turn into a sorched tree model
-grounf outside to blast looks sortched

Impale- Some meele unit rashes and stabs his weapon into the beely of some enemy unit, dealing 500 damage, but can get weapon stuck in enemy, when weapon stuck player has to following options-
-press p rapidly until unstuck
-press o to make unit forget weapon and turn into a punching unit

Suigin's Blessing- A targeted area in covered with water, turning all grond into DEEP water, out of the water riases the Watter godess Suigin (addapt it to greek name if you want, i don't know it) Suigin will randomly to one of the following-
1. create a huge downpour with the following effects
--all amphibius units heall 5 hp a second
--all ground turns into shallow water
2. bless the water She is standing on, makeing a foutain of health in the middle of it
3. Send All enemy units in an are flying back
--dealing 150 damage
--stuning them for 5 seconds
--Moving them back 300 of so

I hope some of my ideas help



Level 7
Dec 10, 2003
guess what, i have more:
for mortar heroes:

-Cluster Missile: a big missle which deals initial gamage, then breaks to numerous lesser missles that deal secondery damage. at higher level maybe you can have the lesser missiles beark into even more lesser missles.

-Naplam: a missle that will fly high above everything and will pour liquid fire on all who stands under it - extra destructive against buildings.

-Ultimate - Mother of all Bombs: a big long range bomb that will make a very big explotion (like an over clicked sheep :) just slower animation speed) that will instantly kill one non-hero, non-building unit deal secondery damage and leave the whole area scorched and burning for a long time.

maybe you can have us know which spells you currently like better or even chosen and started working on?
Level 17
Sep 29, 2003

Those 2 i'll going to make:

-Cluster Missile: a big missle which deals initial gamage, then breaks to numerous lesser missles that deal secondery damage. at higher level maybe you can have the lesser missiles beark into even more lesser missles.

-Naplam: a missle that will fly high above everything and will pour liquid fire on all who stands under it - extra destructive against buildings.
Level 4
Apr 12, 2004
Cogrates to U.V. he got 2 spells picked!!
Though I wish mine would fit in somewere they were kinda... odd...
Anywho COgrates to U.V.!! :twisted: 8) :D :lol:

Ehem back on topic-
More spell ideas-

Poisin vapor- creates poisinus cloud all over a certain area, poinsining units and doing to following-
-makeing trees into dead-looking model
-remove grasss from ground

Expand- Make an enemy unit stedy bigger and bigger (while caster channels) this makes the enemys stronger, but slowier, and after a while it explode, making water damage to all units around it

Gysers- Make serveal water turrets spout out on random points on the ma[, causing 200 damge to all it hits, and making terrin shallow water

slurp- Make a unt (specifically a murloc) Stick a touge out and grab an enemy unit, then you have the option of
-eating him
-spiting him onto the ground
-attempting to charm
Level 3
Jul 7, 2004
I will assume mana and cooldown are yours to decide.

(Murloc Hero)

Wild Piranha
Deals 10 damage per second to 1 unit for 10 seconds, after which the Piranha moves on to a new random target and repeats the process up to the fourth unit.

Water Spout
Flips randomly selected units surrounding the hero up into the air for 2 seconds. Deals minimal damage.

Shark Bite (Mido Ban?)
A melee ability that absorbs part of the damage given and throws the target enemy behind the hero.

Electric Eel Whip (Amano Ginji?)
Damages 3 units in a Chain-Lightning style attack and give them a Lightning Shield effect that damages them as well as nearby enemies.

Claw Crusher
A melee attack that recieves a percentage bonus damage from the attacked unit's armor value.

Force of the Tempest
An ultimate spell that deals damage according to the hero's lost hit points. Recovers 75% of the damage dealt and has a very long cooldown.

(Mortar Team Hero)
Napalm Stream
A 5 second continuous spell where the team fires a beam of burning napalm. They will remain stationary and can only change the direction they are facing to damage other units outside of their current range.

Mine Shot
Damages a unit. If the unit dies due to the attack its corpse then becomes a mine that explodes, dealing minimal damage, when another enemy comes nearby.

Blaster Mine
Deploys multiple mines around the hero after which they explode randomly one by one.

Satellite Napalm
Ultimate channeled ability that launches a special sphere up into the air and fires projectiles at every enemy unit within a large radius around the hero. Fires more often at closer enemies.
Level 1
Jul 15, 2004
You asked for some crazy spells.........

Here are some spells i came up with while thinking about your question. You said you needed unique spells and abilities which would look good on screen. You also said that we should not come up with some lame revamps of Warcraft 3 spells. So here are a few suggestions:

- (Dwarf Spell) - Log Toss - You use the spell on a group of trees or just one, then the small dwarf runs and chops down the tree and loads it into the mortar, the big dwarf then sends that sucker flying over head and landing into the enemy with a splash affect. When i say splash, i mean the log falls down straight but then keels over and squishes the other enemies underneath it.

- (A Skill For Brine) - Sludge - Our character Brine digs himself into the ground and receives enhanced armor and life regenration, but he cannot move! You might make it possible for him to attack or throw mud at people. I also thought that you might make this spell only work in shallow waters etc....

- (Another Skill For Brine) - Recoil - Our hero starts a faint sign of retreat, for instance he may coil himself into a ball. Then the enemy is attracted to kill him, so for 2 to 3 seconds they march towards him. Then after this time, BOOM!!! :shock: Brine erupts in a sudden and powerful lunge attack which aims towards the nearest enemy unit. It could to a stun effect and then hurl the enemy back.

I'll try to come up with more ideas, tell me what you think about the above, and whether i should spend more time thinking up some cool spells.
Level 3
Jun 29, 2004
For axey

Fart: use cluster rocket with 10of range and with alot of cone effect it will do some sort of nova you could use like the green fog (plague) i think so it would do a nova of pestilence :lol: !

Gouge: basicaly this spell is shadow stricke but axey would trow an axe that would do an initial damage and the unit would bleed after.

FuryStricke: axey unleash his rage and a tornado start shaping on him (make some axe fly on the ennemy while axey is a tornado) :mrgreen: !

ShockWave(ultimate) Use stampede but replace the lizards with some earthquake (make the ground shake will casting) :D !

Well i hope you like my spell please give me credits if you use on of them credit too 13luesMan plz
Level 8
Feb 25, 2004


Bog ( Command ) - Creates a dark swamp fog in the AOE, any swamp creature or allie within the bog fog will have increased health regeneration and magic immunity. Any enemy within the bog fog will have a 15% to miss on attacks and if they were in the fog but ran out of it, the fog follows them were they go. Lasts 25 seconds.

Tenacity Croak ( Command ) - Loud croak which creates a ripple in the earth and terrifies all enemies to run away, while also removing there defense and lowering there health by a percentage. The defense is removed for a short duration.

Swamp Aura ( Passive Aura ) - All enemies within range have there health slowly drained and movement reduced, while all swamp creatures have an improved attack damage and the ability to go invisible in water and swamp lands.

Leviathan ( Morph ) - Morphs into a terrible beast with hardened scaled armor and giant claws. While in Leviathan form Brine is granted health bonus by 40% of his current health, 25% increased damage, chance to reduce damage by x damage, but cannot use Bog fog or Croak spells.


Swamp Scales ( Passive ) - His scales covered in thick swampland protects him from a negative spell every 60 seconds, and the caster of the negative spell is affected instead.

Infectious Stab ( Passive ) - Poisons an enemy draing 2 health each second for 25 seconds, and also removeing 5 armor during the duration.
Level 2
Jul 16, 2004
Hmm... I've been thinking of spells all day, so here they are.


Ability: Tongue
Brine can use his tongue like a grappling hook. By launching it and target an object, he can swing quickly towards it, probably most useful for mazes, but definitely useful in combat, too.

Ability: Submerge
Brine submerges, allowing him to escape some forms of attack and gives him some different abilities, too.

Spell: Torrential Strike (Misleading Name)
Brine quickly dives under the water, then jumps out high in the air. He then can teleport a short distance (timing and speed are required) and will fall to earth with his blade striking anything underneath it.

Spell: Volley of Spines
Brines ejects all of his spines in a circle around him. They may strike something and deal moderate damage. The spine burrow deep into the ground and then emerge under enemy units, throwing them in the air and slightly stunning them once they reach the ground.

Ability: Spider Spines
Brine ejects his spines, but muscular tissue keeps them attached to him. Brine can then use these new spidery 'legs' to move at a slower speed, but he can attack while moving and is a bit more versatile.

Ability: Water Orb
Brine gathers water around him to form an orb. This orb is particularily bouncy, and you can control its movement by using the arrow keys. When Brine lands, you can press the space key and Brine will perform a super bounce, bouncing high into the air, which useful for passing obstacles. If Brine touches water while in the orb, it joins the water, negating the effect. The Orb can also be popped by a well-placed attack, and if he is high midair when it pops, he takes falling damage and is stunned.

Abilty: Net
Brine can throw a net. This net is large and any unit caught under it will be captured underneath it.

Ability: Stretch
Brine's body is particularily stetchy, and Brine can use this to walk over units, obstacles on other such things. This also gives him a slightly longer range on melee attacks.

Ability: Devour
Brine, while submerged, allows him to devour a unit from underneath the water. When they're devoured, the corpse can then be launched at a single target.

Spell: Fishy
Brine can puke up an artificial fish with a vamped up evasion. The fish can be used to spy on bases or other things. The fish dissolves after a set time, which is upgraded with each skill point in the spell.

For the Sword-Dwarf guy

Fuse Swords
Swordy can fuse his sword together, giving him less range and damage dealt, but greatly improves his attack speed.

Sword Dance
Swordy throws his swords and they circle around him. They fly through any opponent too close to Swordy while this skill is in play, but Swordy can't attack while the duration.

Two-Handed Fighting
Swordy puts one of his swords away, and he uses both hands for one sword. This gives his attack a large boost in damage, though he attacks slightly slower.

That's all I can think of right now.
Level 6
May 19, 2004
Ideas for Brine:

Salmon from hell: causes a salmon to fall from the sky that attracts enemies. When an enemy gets too close the salmon tries to bite the enemy to death.
lasts 25 seconds

Quicksand: causes an area to turn into a quicksand pit and trap any enemies that walk into it for 30 seconds.

Bog Aura: causes poison arrow frogs to jump around brine and poison any enemies that come to close. Drains 5 mana points per second.

Ultimate-Swamp Vines: Causes vines to come out of the ground which crush the target. Then hundreds of worms come and eat the corpse, which leaves the unit unraisable.


Fish hook: every time you attack all the damage you have done is converted into HP for Brine

Supply: Every time Brine casts a spell he regains 2 MP
Level 7
Mar 26, 2004
another idea for bine:

Spring tide: a spring tide moves from the position of the caster to the targeted point, all units hit by the tide loose x hp, they are also washed away to the target point, while bine is surfing/swimming above them on the waving comb. during the wave moves, bine is invulnerable, but he can't attack/cast other spells/move to another position as the targeted one.
Level 1
Apr 5, 2004
I had some more fishy ideas ;)

For the main Murloc hero

He grabs a trout from under his cloak and slaps 1 opponent one big slap - pushing that unit back, dealing more dmg and longer push /lvl

Bait (Spell)
The hero grabs one enemy unit and use him as a bait for the rest!
This will change the grabbed unit hostile to his former team and his former team turns on him.
Good for making a little diversion or

Mud Burrow:(ability)
Burrows the murloc in mud, regaining hp/mp faster.
Require the hero to be on a beach or in muddy terain.

Lowers the terain, doing a little dmg on buildings and makes the ground muddy.
Seeks out the closest water on the map, at most 1-2 screens away and makes a river channel across the ground. Creating mud close to the riverbanks.

Do the squiddy:(Spell)
Ejects a large inc-cloud. Makes enemies unable to move and then gradually regain their speed.
Makes it perfect for escaping / hunting.

For Axey, the mountainking with 2 axes:

This will be a combined spell-ability
2 main effects
1)Increased movement speed (permanent) /level.
2)Axey enters a frenzy (like the barbarian in d2), gaining more attack speed and movement speed in each hit.
- You will be able to control him during this, but he might be moving too fast for u :p
The duration of the frenzy, and thus the battle-speed, will be increased / level.

For Choppy, the mountainking with 2 swords:
(2 swords-style made me thinking about Gladiator)

Cheer of the crowd:(Aura)
After laying the last hit on an enemy before it dies, Choppy roars (Like only a dwarf can).
With his roar boosting his fellow soldiers attackspeed(lvl1), dmg(lvl2) and regenerationrate(lvl3)
and duration / lvl

Sword dance:(Spell/Ultimate?)
Throws his 2 swords at one enemy, stunning the enemy.
Choppy then charge the stunned enemy, pulls out his 2 swords and decapitate him. :D

Harikiri: (Ability)
Or so they thought..
Choppy fakes his own death by thrusting one of his swords into himself (missing, but it looks like a hit). And then falls over presuably dead.
Reaction: Enemies will leave him alone, thinking his dead. Making it possible for the hero to survive most situations.
(Will still take dmg from area effect attacks/spells)

Don't have the time to figure out more atm, will come back later and do the other heroes :p
Level 2
Jul 16, 2004

Brine Summons a ball of water. That ball of water is very small. You then can Sacrifice units to make the ball bigger. And the bigger the ball is the more attack it has. But when it attacks it gets weaker and smaller.
Level 1
Jul 7, 2004
Spell Ideas for the murloc hero

Ability 1 - way of the fish - allows the murloc to walk over water
Ability 2 - water dependancy - while in water , allows the murloc to redirect 25% of all ranged attacks back at the attackers
while on land, drains 2 hp/sec and slows movement speed depending on the terrain

Spell 1 - Preservance - coats the murloc body in thick salt, canceling the 2 hp/sec drain on land, lasts 15 secs

Spell Ultimate - Wrath of Neptune - floods an area (water fills the area, changing the terrain to water) for a short duration, slowing movement speed of all non-fish units and dealing damage to them until they leave the water

I hope this helps, if you like them i will post some more
Level 1
Jul 16, 2004
For a dwarve with a gun

Surender ambush:the dwarve kills himselve in an attempt to make alien contact.

i think it should go like this

hero fake dies
alien ship comes (why aint there ufo models????)
aliens ubduct enemy unit or hero or creep (lvl5 or lower)
they come back in your control with a big wopping cable sticking out of there heads

i think there eyes should be white

:D crazy arnt i?!?!?!?
Level 8
Feb 25, 2004
D-Thr33 said:
For a dwarve with a gun

Surender ambush:the dwarve kills himselve in an attempt to make alien contact.

i think it should go like this

hero fake dies
alien ship comes (why aint there ufo models????)
aliens ubduct enemy unit or hero or creep (lvl5 or lower)
they come back in your control with a big wopping cable sticking out of there heads

i think there eyes should be white

:D crazy arnt i?!?!?!?

ur f-ing retarded
Level 3
Dec 12, 2003
Toggle - One of the heroes picks up the other hero allowing you to 'toss' the hero at an enemy. If you hit someone with the thrown hero the unit which hit will fly backwards.

Blade Blast - Remember Knights of the Round from Final Fantasy 7, do it!

Repel: When Axey is surronded by enemies he uses REPEL, this throws up to five enemies away from him. This is done in a star fashion.
Level 1
Jul 2, 2004

this one is for brine it is a sacrifice type move it eats one of your units make brine grow and add to maxium health of brine by 1\10 of the unit's health and mana and adds strength intelligence and agility.
Next is for the motar team called corpse shot first you select a corpse the little dwarf runs over and grabs it then loads it into big dwarf's gun then can be shot or can continue loading but for every corpse loaded in shorten range but increases attack power. :?:
Level 13
Mar 11, 2004

Sea of Fire: (Create a "Rising Water" doodad tinted red and add "small fire" doodad) Burns all units and trees. Try adding a Phonix Fire to the spell for everlasting effect.

Horn of the Deep: Makes one unit at a time invulnerable (like big bad voodo and divine shield) the target constantly switchs if a unit (one of yours)
is targeted for an attack. Lasts 5-15 seconds.

Skin Shed: Creats a corpse the can be used as a shield and has an aura that can force enemy units to attack it.

Camoflauge Scales: When Raining, Brine is invisible.

Swamp Fog: (Create a deep fog effect) causes all enemy units to miss 15-35% of the time and boosts your units attack speed and gives an enourmous boost in hp regeneration.
Level 3
Jun 20, 2004

Invoke Sludge Pool

The hero calls forth a channel of toxic sludge in which he can seek the aid of toxic creatures. Lasts 30/40/50 seconds.

Info: The hero casts the spell anywhere, and the pool of sludge appears. The user clicks on the sludge pool and it brings up a menu, allowing you to quickly choose what you wish to summon:

Noxious Parasite:
Spawns 1 every 6 seconds, their health is pretty much equvilant to a level 1 carrion beetle, and does about 6-8 dmg, with a possible slow poison move. Each parsite lasts 60 seconds.

Defiled Sludge Puss: Spawns 1 every 10 seconds, 320 health, 11-12 attack, and consuming puss (with every attack, the puss has a 1.5% to consume a foe, and spit him out, covering him in sludge; which makes the unit unable to attack, and severly reduced move speed for 70 seconds). They last 60 seconds.

Murloc Poison Caller: A light ranged unit with (magic attack most likely) that deals 1-4 dmg, but has a very strong poison move (like envenomed weapons, but deals 4 dmg a sec for 4 seconds). Spawns 1 every 10 seconds, lasts 50 seconds.

Beast of the Deeps: If the sludge pool can last 30 seconds, then it will summon a feirce beast with 800 hp, 5 armor, and 13-14 attack. The beast knows imoobilizing tentacles (wraps foe, and makes it unable to move, channeling spell) and Toxic Gas, aoe attack that deals very small intial damage, and steadily increases damage over time (dealing something like 200 dmg over 60 seconds). Beast lasts 90 seconds.

The pool has around 200 health, and medium armor, so it needs to be protected if you want to summon the maxium amount of creatures ( you can only choose 1 creature to summon for balancing purposes.

Raise Sea Floor

The murloc raises the sea floor, and anything on it. The random summon lasts 70 seconds.

There is a % chance that the murloc will summon a unit from the deapths:

1% to summon an Ocean Behemoth, which is about as strong as a level 8 creep.
4% to summon an Aquatic Lizard:

840 Hp, 3 armor, 21-23 attack, slow move speed, Crushing Wave, earth quake (that deals 10 dmg per sec to buildings, and slows units by 30%, and lasts 15 seconds)

5% to summon 3 Crab Stalkers (strong as level 3 creep)

10% to summon a reef elemental.

15% to summon an River Turtle (9-10 peircing melee dmg, 1200 hp, and 7 armor, has spiked carapce with +1 armor and 15% damage back).

20% to summon a Reef Choker. (200 Hp, 11-12 attack, slow move speed, and suffocating choke [light damage over 30 seconds, channeling, melee range).

45% chance to summon nothing.

The sea floor lowers back to normal after 45 seconds.

Grow Gills: Allows any air breather to be able to swim for 45/60/75 seconds, if the unit is in deep water when the gills dissapate, the unit will drown.

Sorry, those are all the unique abilities I can think of fora murloc hero, I might be able to think up some more, if I had a little backround info on the hero.
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