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Some Terrians

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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
How come i've been on here (on and off) for some year or so and never noticed this thread . . . . . .well i thought id do a run down of a some terrians i've done as i've been steadily changing my style for some time. i'll start with my older maps and work forwards . . . i'll breifly skip throgh cos i've been biulding a hell of alot . . .

First in line is a map that i made with my brother adn was one of our first and we called it hunter is was your genreic orpg where you killed creatuers and did qusets this was never relased as it was made for 2 player lan but hell of a fun in the day.

next inline is skipping a bit cos i cant find any of the older maps (belive me with some 30-40 gigs of maps i find it hard to find current projects leyt alone ones i;'ve since forgoten about) next is my first full release game AvP:Instincts suposed to be a gritty jungle fight where as long as you stuck together the mariens could win . . . obviusly this is a flaw as people working as a team on wc3 is a challenge at best

ok i've decided to skip loads cos i cant find it tonight but i am going to use this thread as a kind of show case for ongoing projects and old ones too
but the next one is from when i started delving into doodad construction and made a intense "Thing" style game. anoyingly during my little picture taking sesh my editor wasnt playing ball and my custom floor text has buggerd off but no biggy, this game never made it past teh construction level as it took far too much triggering work and terianing work to do.

last one i'll showcase tonight is anotehr failed concept it was PaintBall X Core the concept was simple you can poick up shurbs as items adn hide in them to add a fun aspect to the game, practicly it just made it so you couldnt target any on in abush and then could only target the bush that you were in so failed project but nice maps it was a four way map. very nice set of doodas i used for that cant remeber who made them tho.

i have proberbly some where in the area of a few hundred maps i have made and some proberbly 50 more id like to show case atleast bits or even concepts, but feel free to coment on anything you see i'll be uploading leeks from new projects i'm dooing as well if your actualy that botherd . . xD hope to hear from you all soon

Actualy i will add one more thing tonight and thats a chance to plug my latest project, which is Middle Earth Risk v10.0 ( http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f256/middle-earth-risk-124094/ )
The whole concept of this map is taking it back to basics everything is built in a minimulistic style in a tiny, tiny scale so its functional yet it still looks good, an intrestingly hard idea, for risk game play things cant be clutterd yet its still got to represent a city, this is mostly all built useing ingame doodads with one or 2 custom ones imported, the rohan house is the only one i could be botherd to make for it . . xD
i also biult a custom,e interface for this one not finnished yet if you want to see it look on the thread for the map.


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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
Todays features is One of my most recent Projects and is based on a whole line of games that have never been finished, this is from my Glactica series which firstly started off as a game to replace Space Command as it was all Space Command was and mroe with many features that had been left out tactics put into the combat system and far less automation which is what ruined Space Command for me, this latest instalment is taken from teh Villege biulder concept but put into a space format with a fully rotatablt and adaptable camrea, you will be able to chose 1 of 3 set game camreas or a chase cam if you want to get into the battles yours self or finaly my camrea system that allows you to be able to mod every aspect of the camrea and free rotate or lock it in what evr position you want. Me and Whitehawksan are also devolpoing a system where it counter acts the lack of mas unti control and wc3's inabilaty to prosses massive amounts of orders given by one player. The only problem with space is in 2d pictues there isnt much to show . . . its all about the 3d . .ness but i'll give it a go anyway . . xD

Next one was a bundle of maps i dug up as part of my single player rpg i was developing but never got futher than the story line and this is a compleation of concept maps i made for it, tho recently i started making the real one useing a high res set of doodas and textures, some of which i downloaded and some i made.

The final preview of tonight is one of my greatest anoyances, for any who9 have Couter Strike Soure you may know this game its called slide race its a simple mini game that envolves a littel sliding adn a litte race and alot of shooting . .and knifing . .anyway its a simple enouth conecpt to take onto wc3 so i made the stylised textures adn modles adn set to work on the triggers, epicly failed, got a friend to do them he did them in about half an hour but i wasnt back till the end of the weekend upon which some how his pc crashed had to be wiped ansd he could never be arsed to do wc3 again cos he lost his reinstall code . . . . so this map has been sitting there waiting to be finnished for about 2 months if any one thinks they can help please do mail me as its one slightly complicated triger away from being tested and then onto the public . . . .


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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
I made the model, and the textuers are from a variety of web pages you can find from googleing stone, wood and thatch there all slightly modded and edited so they all fit with each other and its only one model just multipuls of it together to give the impresion of diffrent biuldings . . . . very usefull tip there to biuld models as biulding blocks to use in wc3 that way you get much more diversity out of a single doodad

a map i found today when brousing was the terrian for Parasite 3 Earth Bound that i started biulding it just had a few nice doodas i made for it and so i thought id shove it up here, it never made the game but then the game never made it it was a split in diffrances between me and DarkShoGun as he wanted to make it more seriuos and about role play adn we wanted it to be more about blowing stuff up on an epic scale

the next map is one where i tryed to make a zombie survival thing but never got past makign the concept map, the idea was a simple top down camrea lots of items that you mix and match to make things to survive, the terrian idea was simpler i biuld 4 models for it and they are the biulding blocks of the entire map, just reshape, recolor and work it untill it all fits.

finaly was a spin off map testing the power of engin by biulding stuff at a quite high detail level useing simple biulding blocks to make a stree racing mini game to pass the time, unfortunatly wc3 engin isnt good at mass rendering.


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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
cheers again

I have been busy with work for a bit so I haven’t been profiling so I’ll make up for it with a feature length one, I say that because it’s a massive map made in a tiny scale and one of my longest working projects. it started when I was into MMORPG's (reminiscing of losing a good few months playing a free one online and realizing what it does to you . . . the contemplating the concept of spending money on it so that you feel you have to play it more and realize what an amazing concept blizzard stumbled onto . . . if only i had thought of it first) I had just come off Hero online and was still in my really experimental mapping phase, and had had a few attempts at making a MMORPG before but never any better than the standard ones on Wc3 so I set to work on this, it was before I could model, so I set to work scouring for the models I wanted(some of which I had on test maps for triggers and shizz thus the green blobs) once I got those I came to the first problem of wc3 the size limitations so I decided instead of building an epic scale map big enough to keep you busy for a long time(which I had already attempted on a map I’ll do at some time) id make it for just a small part of it so it become a chain of maps that all had the same save load codes so you could transfer from map to map that way I could build epic mounts onto this. the concept was good with the sander few zones couple of towns and many quest to keep you busy, plus the obligatory mini game side quest thing that you could carry on after you've maxed out to make you even more uber . .er. this came in the form of weapon crystals, the idea was simple you had to mine crystals in the mine (obviously) then you had to take them to the smith (where each furnace took over 45 doodads. . .grrr but a fun little project) where then you would try and combine them with your weapon depending on your skill in this trade it would be easy or hard, each crystal you added on gave a glow of different colours to your weapon and times the damage of it by 2 then 3 then 4 and so on, but each time the chance of forging it got slimmer and slimmer and when you failed you would break the weapon, obviously if you've got to a x4 weapon it’s a hell of a gamble to try x5 but the idea is it a risk that some people will be willing to take and those 5 out of some 2 or 3 hundred people who do it will have funky ass weapons the max was x7. it was built with all heroes with just cloths on them and attachable weapons, shields, armour, helmets and other like cloaks and the chizz. Cant remember how many there was but it was allot.

The game boasted 5 playable dungeons, 4 different mini arenas, 1 pvp area, black smith, trader’s row (never finished) and 5 different main areas plus some other random crap I never got to put on it
Along with this map I was building the first of a large variety of pvp based maps where they were much smaller but were dedicated to pvp fighting for those who enjoyed that more the pve.


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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
This map was high so I’ll continue posting these on extra posts because I’ve run out of uploading space on one . . .

The reason this map stopped is like all the other where me and my triggerer Whitehawksan just couldn’t build it on our own this was before I really started to take it that seriously that id actually ask for help. Almost all the trigger concepts were made and the map was well on its way to competition but it was during the summer and as soon as college kicked back in the game came to a grinding holt.

for actually terraining wise this map was a big leap in doodad control for me and also doodad limits . . . . as I was reaching them allot . . .I found myself constantly having to delete doodads to clear space and minimalizing the usage of them in the most effective way. The whole thing is built on a semi realistic scale of 1/3 normal wc3 scale.


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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
And they still go on . . . .

That game also had 5 races with 3 different characters on each with 15 different achievable powers and 5 specials and race auras and probably some crazy stuff I hadn’t made yet. there was one area never made which was the library/bank/whatever you wanted to call it where you could store items, I was also working on a leader board inventory system where you get a leader board that stores items when they go into your 6th slot and you retrieve them into your 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th slots by type -(row)(column) the idea was when it was stored it popped up with the icon of the item so it was easily found.

if anyone should want to help continue this project as summer is nearly hear and I can resume all paused projects during the last few months of college then plz plz contact me.


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Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
as I said this is just showcasing all the maps I had done in the old times very few of these maps actually made it to completion due to never actually working with a team to do the triggers and stuff I’m sure if id actually got these maps out I would of gone over them and finished them off but that’s a long time off.
I’m also using this a kind of back log for me because at some point I’m going to lose all the maps its Enebitable this way I have an online record of what I’ve done.
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
its been about a week since i posted on this but i've been very busy doing real work but todays feature is also going to be part of a idea i had to test some terainers imagenation

the challege is called the one model challeneg and i shall make a thread on that but heres the pics on the map i started putting together to day with ended up having a very mirros edge theme . . . xD i've only done a small start on this map but i thought i might as well showcase it

lets not waste space so i thoght id add another map on here that i dug up while browsing for ideas it was an atempt back along to try ad make a nice secne out of just in game doodads but i got bored very quickly and only eveer made a tiny thing

and to make a diffrance this last one is more about a set of nice spaceships that me and Whitehawksan made for our epic continuation of sapce command into a far nmore developed game but never finnsihed . . like so many projects as i was doing modles i thought id shove my sup com model i made and was in the proces of making the whole 1st level tech but this was the only few completed models even tho the actual comander needed retextureing but i was far too lazy. the factoryies were perticularly long poroses so much so that i thought i'd just add this one in the makings.

is a good point but far to much effort now plus they can always just block you if they dont like you . . xD

also just so you guys know the reason i keep teh whole screen shot is (appart from this one and the first one) so that its the raw un edited pictures so teh terrian dose the talking not galmming it up.

cheers all your support keeps me terraining . .xD


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