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UC16's Terrian Showcase

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Level 4
Jul 9, 2008
This will be my last thread I make. I will just add terrrians onto this one. Only been terrianing for about a week now this is what I could come up with. This is just all of my terrians stuck into one thread. How do u make a showcase link?

Picture 1 - A Pathway in the Forest ( first terrian updated a few times) :razz:
Picture 2 - Dark Forest (alright I guess) :gg:
Picture 3 - The Lonly Path in The Creepy Forest ( Was meant to be Creepy Forest updated turned out to be something different) :thumbs_up:
Picture 4 - What a bad day... ( Second terrian updated also) :eekani:
Picture 5 - (Third Version) The Three WaterFalls (Changed camera angle a little bit, added a sunken ship, a few more rocks, a blue fog(idk), and a few more trees.)
Picture 6 - Wild Prairie (not finished) (Trees - bad, good?)
Picture 7 - Orc Fortress (humans finally using there technology)
EDIT: My girlfriend:slp: made me remove everything wc3 from my comp.I lost all my maps and pics maybe by summer ill terrian again:eekani:. Well i guess i just play xbox360:grin:. I know they werent great but serously:ugly: i needed a reality check and needed to take a break from wc3.


  • Terrian1.jpg
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  • TerrianForest1UPDATED.jpg
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  • TerrianForest2.jpg
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  • TerrianFarm1UPDATE.jpg
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  • TerrianWaterFall2UPDATE.jpg
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  • TerrianPrairie1.jpg
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  • Terrian OrcFortress1.jpg
    Terrian OrcFortress1.jpg
    365.1 KB · Views: 134
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MY critique, before hawkwing.

1. The Archways seem too unnaturally uneven and close together. also, the red ground doesn't match the purple fog atmosphere.

2. not much to see, only fire every where, and randomly too. there is a devil, but thats pretty much it.

3. shrubs seem scattered and the towers need some bigger scaling. a better angle would be better too. random towers in front of the gate don't look too good either.

4. end of the world.

5. end of the world. and some shrubs near the tree would make it look better.

6. more background would be wonderful and all the trees are the same size.

7. the Hay is kind of random, the end of the world is there again, and too much wheat.

8. this one is quite nice, the atmosphere and all, but you need to add some background with maybe some mountains.

9. best one IMO. lil more background on the top right corner would be better.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
The last one is your best for sure, although the first is decent too. I'd work on doodad placement, it's too random and perfectly spread out right now (your plants and grass).
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Look at terrainfallback1. The shrubs aren't the right color to start with, and they are evenly covering the ground. Not that wouldn't look bad if they were thick, but when they aren't, you should try and bunch them a bit, and make it a little more random. It's really hard to explain, it just takes practice to know where a doodad should go.

When I'm working on a terrain, I place grass and all that pretty quickly, but I place each one exactly where I want it. With practice you get faster, and a better eye for where things should go.
Level 4
Jul 9, 2008
yeah the prairie will be very hard with the doodads but I think it I can make it look decent. I didnt want to add big mountians behind because I like the sky effect, anyways its updated now.

- Deleted a few of my "useless" posts so new posts can be added to the first page.
- So if it looks like some of our moderators are crazy because they reply to themselves
its because I deleted a few questions.
Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
Dude, I just need to comment this. So, here it goes:

Overall Look:

You know, huh.... You have the potential of a great terrainer, as I can see your effort on trying to fix the flaws pointed and accepting thje critcism. Also, the most of the terrains are decent/more than decent, wich is very good, since you're just started at this.

What I can say:

1) People are pointing that the background needs wrk, and the end of the map can be seen. What happens is that you need the feeling of space, you have to find a way to build the idea that there is a large space between the foreground and the background, a thing that I failed to do at this terrain, but I did it right at this terrain, for example.
2)The hills you make. Yeah, we got a problem there. It looks like you used the raise tool in only one place, you didn't moved the brush through the terrain. Make larger hills, because the ones you made on the 1st, the 3rd and the 6th scene aren't ok...
3) Good doodad placement, tile variation, and the way you play with the fog. The 3rd screen is an example of good doodad placement, and the waterfall scene (wich I think it is the best) is an example of good usage of the raise tool and fog. Congratulations for that one, seriously.
4) You need to find a better way to use the shrubs (you placed them well in most of the cases, but whatever). Here is a tutorial that may help.
5) The cake is a lie.
6) Well, your terrains have no real problem, you only need to practice more.


Thats what I have to say;

Keep terraining!
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