- Maybe a potion/item store for heroes, so they could heal up.
An Idea:
Maybe you could add random events, which their could be a vote system if they are on or not.
Some random events could be:
- Acid rain (Hurts everyone on field)
- Fog (Makes the screen turn Grey and the ball hard to see
- Wind (Slows all units down and speeds up the ball for the team the wind is blowing)
- Snow (Freezes the heroes/ball)
- Earthquake (Damages everyone on field and cracks the screen for a few seconds making it hard to see the ball)
All these random events would each be an affect by itself ( Say acid rain event is on, you would see yellow or green rain falling on the field.) Random events would happen every 2-3minutes.
*Random Events are just an idea to make your average soccer game look so much better than all the other warcraft soccer maps.*