Skull Mask

A mask often worn by Witch Doctors.
The purpose of the mask is threefold. It shows their relation to the occult, strikes fear into their enemies, and serves as a symbol of power (the bigger, more decorated, the mask is, the more powerful a Witch Doctor you are).

The mask is "optimized" for the villager, but may appear a bit big (I like it though).

Update 1:
-The tiny ropes and accessories attached to them has been billboarded (see post 1 for more info)
-The model has been checked for flipped polies (none found)

Skull, mask, witch, doctor, occult, black, magic, troll, helm, cranium

Skull Mask (Model)

17:15, 13th Aug 2015 Misha: This one could use being less dark ingame.. maybe it's normals, also bill-boarding the Z-axis on those hanging bits could add some more uniqueness to that mask with sorta-hanging motion very nice and tribal...




17:15, 13th Aug 2015
Misha: This one could use being less dark ingame.. maybe it's normals, also bill-boarding the Z-axis on those hanging bits could add some more uniqueness to that mask with sorta-hanging motion

very nice and tribal witch-doctor-ish mask :]
In game screenshot:

Note to Update 1:
The tiny skull on the mask's left side will float a tiny bit when the model is turning around in game. I'm going to leave it as it is now.
This is the first time I have tried billboarding for War3 and a big thanks to Misha who insisted that those tiny parts became billboarded :)
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