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Same Ability

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Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Ok guys I have encountered another problem and its really killing me :vw_death: . Its about a two custom spells and both of them are based on Inner Fire ability, I already knew that a unit having two custom spells based on the same ability wont work. So what I did is I created different dummies for each spell, lets say the 1st spell that is based on Inner Fire ability is called Courage and it has a different buff. The 2nd spell is Regen still based on Inner Fire and has a different buff too. Ok now here's my problem whenever the dummy cast Courage on a unit and another dummy casted Regen on the same unit, the Courage got replace by Regen. Not only the buff but the bonuses too are replace :ogre_rage:

Is there any other way to get through this :vw_wtf:
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
You must base one the two spells on another skill. One can be Inner Fire but the other one needs a different spell. Your skills overlap like that because they have the same order ID. There are skills similar to inner fire if I recall well so just search for a skill which can serve the purpose of either abilities Courage or Regen.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Courage ability gives + 1 armor, + 3 hp regen and + 20% damaged. While Regen ability gives + 5 armor, 5 hp regen and 5% damaged. I just made up the name as an example.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

The best way to solve this is to base the spell off channel which a spell located in the nuetral section.
It is made by blizzard for custom spells.
Once you have based it off channel, u dont need to create and recreate a single spell just to change its Base order ID. U have to scroll down and change the field "Data - Base Orser ID " to anything else than channel.
Chanbel spell can be used to create target/no target / ground target etc. types of spell.
NOTE : once u have created the ability change the field "Data - Options" to visible (tick the visible checkbox) or else it wont show up in game. :as:
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
^ Apparently he's all ready doing it and it's supposedly not working

I already knew that a unit having two custom spells based on the same ability wont work. So what I did is I created different dummies for each spell, lets say the 1st spell that is based on Inner Fire ability is called Courage and it has a different buff.
Ok now here's my problem whenever the dummy cast Courage on a unit and another dummy casted Regen on the same unit, the Courage got replace by Regen. Not only the buff but the bonuses too are replace

The easiest fix I can think of (use only if you can't find another way) is to use roar as the 2nd ability, it also has + armor + hp regen and + %dmg in object editor, however the ability is no target AoE.

To make it work use a target ability (Channel) and when it's cast create a dummy unit at the same location as the target. Make the dummy unit cast roar with a tiny AoE.
Note: You should give the dummy unit locust ability and have it's cast point set to 0 so that the roar will be instant.
Level 26
Sep 26, 2009
From what I understand, jonbon's problem is not the abilities themselves per se, but the effect/buff. He wrote that he can without any problem cast one spell or the other, but his problem is that one spell replaces the effect of the other spell when casted on same unit.

For that I advise simply using completely different spell altogether and trigger the remaining effects. You could use things like modified Roar or Howl of Terror abilities that have their AoE range just big enough to affect only one unit. That way you take care of the +5% damage boost. The other things like hp regen and armor can be add via item abilities to the units itself (or place those abilities in spellbook and give spellbook to unit).
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