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RPG Hero System

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Level 2
Oct 13, 2008
First of all: Hello guys.

Im posting this, cauz i dont really know if this is a good idea for a rpg arena hero class system...

So my idea was:
You get a starting hero (villager) at level 1 with 2 str, 2 agi and 2 int. For the first you get 5 points to skill your attributes with. each level gives you an extra bonus of 2 attribute points you can skill with eather. at level 5 you will get your first hero class according to the highest attribute... the villager is replaced by a different hero.

for example: strength is your highest attribute
you become a simple warrior instead of being a villager...
the warrior gets +1 to all attributes each lvl up and an additional 3 points you can choose where to put them in...

after turning into the next class the attributes are resetted to the same lvl, eventhough they are not on the same amount... (tell me if you dont get it, im ger^^)

for example: after turning in to the next class you have the attributes 8 strength, 5 int and 5 agility. BUT: Every attribute is treated like it was on the same amount like: 5 strength, 5 int and 5 agility... and here comes the clue:

you can combine attribute heights because of the reset!

you reach, from lvl 5, lvl 10 and the attributes are counted again, the highest changes the class into a combined class...

for example: a warrior reaches lvl 10 with the highest attribute "agility"... the warrior turns into a brute

in summary:
you have 3 basic classes and 3 combined classes for each basic class => 9 heroes with unique abilites
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
I my self haven't seen anything like this in a orpg, it sounds nice but short if there would only be up to 10 levels.. you could make that once you have gotten your third class (warrior gains level 10 and has agility as the highest attribute and becomes a brute) you can at some points gain quests (opptional) that makes you choose between specializing in agility or strength (in this case) and if you had strength as the highest attribute both times when getting the new class you would be forced to get the strength skill. This is just what i though of and i would like to see that in a rpg. hope you like what i came up with :cute:
Level 9
Aug 1, 2008
I like this idea, it is very uquine. But you should have it so it's based on their highest stat and the start so you don't have to make a bunch of low level class. Then at higher levels you could have it like if their agility is between X - X, and str is between X - X, ect. The reason for this is because you could increase the max level in your RPG without making it so you would need to make a bunch more heroes for all the attribute layouts
Level 2
Oct 13, 2008
thank you for all that replies

ill take over some of your ideas^^

to answer the question "what would happen if all the stats were on the same amount?"
youll get an combined class so theyre actually more.

maybe ill make more class tiers to fill up the lvl gaps!

so another thing is: i dont have enough ideas for the hero classes! help me with your ideas!^^
Level 2
Oct 13, 2008
thx for your reply do you have any ideas to complete the spell gap? like for your suggested classes id like to have about 5 ideas...

i am currently working on another branch of the agility attribute and trying to make another hero tier! so please come up with some n1 ideas ;)
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