Why would rogues go all strength if it added physical damage? Don't they need a lot of crit dmg and crit chance?
Anyway. You could have all three stats be crit based.
(Based on a 5 level system for show)
Strength: crit multiplier (1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50)
Agility: crit power (Extra damage: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
Intelligence: crit chance (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%)
So Strength times the damage more per point. Agility adds larger base crit damage for Strength to multiply. And Intelligence how often a crit will occur.
I dont see that happening.
Wont that make the game an autoattack frenzy?
Depends on weather the crit is transferred by abilities or plain auto attacks.
Spells crit too :\ and im trying to make this not even close to an autoattack frenzy. Lowest cd spell on mage is ult which is a measly 15 seconds. Level 0 spell is 0 seconds and the mid spells are like 3-7 seconds
If you don't mind making a more complex spell ability system,
Strength - Health, Crit Power
Agility - Evasion, Crit Rate
Intelligence - Health Regeneration, Spell Success
Each spell has a base success rate of about 75%, which decreases against higher level creeps. Intelligence counteracts that.
Otherwise just give Strength a +chance to pulverize/knockback/bash.
Another possibility, would add an interesting element to late game play.. though I'd have to nerf it for casters so it gets evened out
My current layout
Str - Health, health regen, armor reduction (scales like crit rate so like x str would give a 20% armor reduction so a mob that has 100 armor would only have 80 armor against this guy)
Agi - Evasion Rating, Crit Power (i was thinking about something like a chance to reduce the target's armor by 12.5% max of 7 stacks, but it just seems best saved for an item)
Int - Mana Regeneration (%, scales like crit rate), Crit Rate
i was thinking about adding an extra agi and int stat, but I'll have to stop my stance of "Save those abilities for items!" if i want that to happen]
I also dont like this current layout because originally each stat was supposed to have 1 defensive and 1 offensive trait, and mana regeneration is basically an offensive trait so int has 2 offensive 0 defensive
e/ this format looks appealing ATM
Endurance - Health/Armor Penetration
Dexterity - Evasion/Crit Power
Focus - HpRegen/Crit Rate