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RolePlay #2 Preparation

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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Well then I agree with you 100%. I want a chance to defend my nation. I don't just want to see some thing like this:
*army enters Abaddon's fury terretory*
*army kills Abaddon's fury soldiers*
*army conquers all Abaddon's fury terretories*

I say we add a limit of 10 post to take a part of a kingdom but it can't be taken in 10 post if the owner is resisting strongly
Level 6
Jul 3, 2014
@Daffa It bothers me, i hate it when someone do things very simply in roleplay.

@Archimonde I think that we cannot put an actual base for the limit since its based on many things and different for many cases.

I suggest that we just put a limit which would prevent simplification. By that i mean adding a rule which the Roleplayer cannot do such things.

That is my opinion.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Okay I think we should also put a limit on how fast reinforcements arrive.

*a large group of naga are spotted by pitlord patrol*
*pitlords attack naga*
*doomguards arrive*
*doomguards help kill naga*

See the problem?how is it that the doomguards knew exactly when and where they must go?wait,think I know how. Its our old friend...

*A large group of naga are spotted by pitlord patrol*
*pitlords attack naga*
Old Fortune Teller:just as foresaw!the pitlord patrol in central Vesfrica are batteling naga!
Doomguard Commander:What?!
*doomguards goes to Vesfrica*
*doomguards arrive*
*doomguards help kill naga*
@AS: I think reinforcements speed shouldn't be limited, but the reinforcements can't be too OP.

OT: AS, you missed the alphabet 'I' in the old friend's quote. Also, *coughs* spoiler *coughs*
Tauren Chieftains also likes to say "Just as I foresaw".
By the way, one more event (part of the Third Multiverse War):

Ever since General Azolar has died, relations of the Magiet Union (UMSR) and Federal Nation of Gazya towards the Vestrope has been deteriorated. The Vestropian country agents are missing, some had been seemed collaborating with Gazya and UMSR operatives.

And now, what the Vestropians feared is realized......
Kirov Airship #1: "Kirov Reporting!"
*some Gazya forces invade eastern Vestrope, with Gazya forces*

Level 24
May 15, 2013
So, I was thinking, at this coming RP #2, I have a minor(or maybe major event),
After Edge burned and destroyed the gate that linked Omega and Alpha universe together aswell as its files, my Egilian Professor Ezekiel, droven mad by his curiousity of the Alpha Universe and his greediness of the powerful and rare ore Alphanite, he plans to rebuild the gate and link the two universe again, he also has an army in him and plans to invade the (Omega)Egilians, in charge of it is still Edge or know Edgar, Ezekiel will be succesful at invading the Egilian and eventually kill Edge(leaving his son Edward to be the next General), he will then recreate the portal and invade Alpha Egilian, and also succesful, he got control of the Alphanites, powerful and very hard ores, but he will not just go and collect in the Alpha Universe, he will also invade its other kingdoms, including the TMK, UMSSR, the Gazya Force, and maybe more,
Anybody agree to this? :>
Level 6
Jul 2, 2014
Edge45 said:
After Edge burned and destroyed the gate that linked Omega and Alpha universe together aswell as its files, my Egilian Professor Ezekiel, droven mad by his curiousity of the Alpha Universe and his greediness of the powerful and rare ore Alphanite, he plans to rebuild the gate and link the two universe again, he also has an army in him and plans to invade the (Omega)Egilians, in charge of it is still Edge or know Edgar, Ezekiel will be succesful at invading the Egilian and eventually kill Edge(leaving his son Edward to be the next General), he will then recreate the portal and invade Alpha Egilian, and also succesful, he got control of the Alphanites, powerful and very hard ores, but he will not just go and collect in the Alpha Universe, he will also invade its other kingdoms, including the TMK, UMSSR, the Gazya Force, and maybe more

@Edge, I agreed, but I don't know the other
@Everyone, If that approved, I have a minor event (I think):
After Professor Ezekiel kill Edge. Darko put no more trust to Ezekiel. Darko order the Shadow Legion to sabotage, destroy, and steal something from the (Ezekiel's) Egilian. Darko even help the rebel to kill Professor Ezekiel to show his hate to Ezekiel.
And, if possible, one more event:

After the defeat of the Illidari Empire in the Second Multiverse War, the Federal Nation of Gazya and the Magiet Union (UMSR) occupied the Illidari Empire. Directive255 reconstituted the Illidari Empire into a republic -- the Illidari Republic (much like the Weimar Republic after WW1).

Directive255 made the Illidari Republic a democratic nation and installed a puppet Governor in the newly founded Illidari Republic, however, there's a costly mistake......Kael and his Sunfury people are no longer loyal to Lady Vashj and Illidan and formed the Sunfury Elves' Party. Lady Vashj, Illidan, the Crimson Elves and their loyalists formed the Crimson Coilfang Party.

After Directive255 gained the Illidari Republic semi-sovereignty, food shortage, oil shortage, mana shortage frequently happened. Even the intense street beatings between Kael's Sunfury Elves' Party members and Illidan's Crimson Coilfang Party members occur occasionally.

8 years after the Illidari Republic's formation, an election in the Illidari Republic has started. Illidan and Vashj's Crimson Coilfang Party won the elections, mainly thanks to them being the former Illidari Empire's emperor and empress respectively and their awesome charisma.

Illidan and Vashj recovered the economy of the Illidari Republic, and acted normally in Directive255's prying eyes. After the Governor's death, Directive255 did a huge mistake -- grant the Illidari Republic under the Crimson Coilfang Party. Illidan and Vashj seized the Governor's office, restored the Emperor and Empress offices and restored the Illidari Empire to its former glory..........

*to be continued*
Level 24
May 15, 2013
@Soviet: The Emperor wasn't arrested, but the Japanese General Tōjō Hideki was executed, still, in this coming RP, wouldn't a little punishment come from Illidan who ordered the invasion of the kingdoms, Vashj and Kael may be spared because they were just following orders, but its your faction, so yeah,
By the way, how much do you know about war history, you seem to have interest with WW I and WW II, and also the game Red Alert :>
Change of events!

After the defeat of the Illidari Empire in the Second Multiverse War, the Federal Nation of Gazya and the Magiet Union (UMSR) occupied the Illidari Empire. Directive255 remained the Illidari Empire as an empire, spared Illidan, Vashj and Kael, but installed a Governor -- Cyril
(remember the Atreides mentat in Dune 2, he is the same person from Dune 2, but there's no Atreides forces out there)
and arrested many generals.

15 years after the defeat of the Illidari Empire in the Second Multiverse War, Lady Vashj give birth to a special daugther with great potential -- Zhyss. 10 years later, with the help of Zhyss and others, the Illidari Empire managed to get rid of Cyril and shutted down the Gazya intelligence network in the Illidari Empire......
*to be continued*
Level 11
Dec 14, 2014
May I add something?

"Sylvie realizes that Vestroya was just like Azeroth: War erupting in every single corner of it. But this time, she wouldn'd involve herself in other people's war, at least not for free. She took the remmants of the Forsaken and formed a new 'faction' - the Dread Mecenary - this faction wouldn't have a kingdom, only a single fortress: the Uppercity, in honor to the fallen home of these cursed people. In their fortress, built on the highest mointain of Vestroya, Sylvie allows anyone, of any faction, walk around the great halls of fear and lost hope. She want no money, no food, and no land as payment, only the body of the dead enemies, to raise them as undeads, and reforge her vast army. The Dark Lady, watches over all!"

Yeah, that's pretty much my lore for RP #2. Feel free to resume it.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Archimonde Supreme is studying in his realm,wich he has extended to a gigantic 5 room building, the memory of the Great War still haunting him in his head. He doesn't want to return to Vestroya again.After successfully defeating all the old gods he realized that if he stayed in Vestroya things would go worse.
Draug Un'shulac continues his duties as leader of the Onyx Spire on the new Abaddon's Fury homeworld,Masharku
Mannaroth is finalizing the BADASS CRATER OF BADASSITUDE and is still the general of the Abaddon's Fury and longs for battle
Aztor wisely rules over the Abaddon's Fury while Archimonde Supreme studies in his realm.
Gul'dan is still the leader of the Shadow Council,wich has full of warlocks,necromancers and other types of dark mages.They have mastered dark powers that were never even heard of and you never imagined in your worst nightmares.
Just 31 years after the ay the Abaddon's Fury left Vestroya the daedra from Coldharbour opened hundreds of Oblivion Gates all around Masharku and launched a invasion.Archimonde Supreme managed to destroy the Greater Gate just as Molag Bal was entering causing Molag to explode with the portal.This made all the Coldharbour daedra to be destroyed forever and all the Oblivion Gates on Masharku exploded
Both the Abaddon's Fury and Masharku suffered greatly from this but they have recovered and are back to their full glory.
The Abaddon's Fury has become extremely rich and large.Their capital city is the size of Icyartica.
The Abaddon's Fury have been peacefully staying in Masharku.Nobody has heard from them or seen them since the death of N'zoth
However,something darker is approaching and the winds of change are blowing once again,for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear
Level 6
Jul 3, 2014
Tabbed like this:




Black mark and warnings


RP #2 featuring more restricted systems is created to bring great balance to the roleplay and joy. Its timeline is 40 years after Roleplay #1.
The rules contain [OFFICIAL] Roleplay Guide and other rules added to RP #2 to bring balance which consists of:

1- A faction may not be created from the ashes of ground, and must be made from scratch rising time to time and most certainly not within a few days or such, hard times must be counted as well.
2- Joining a faction you cannot become a general from the second you join, you must join the faction (Be found, Register for becoming a soldier, ect) and afterwards prove yourself after some time being promoted and repeat.
Not following the listed rules results in a black mark. A warning will be given before black mark, notifying the user. If the user edits his/her post the black mark will not be given else he/she will receive a black mark.

Three black marks will result in a temporarily ban, while repeating after being temporarily banned results in a permanent one
Under construction

or expanded?

P.S Any color suggestions fitting the banner?
Level 6
Jul 3, 2014
Un-Covered by table:



RP #2 featuring more restricted system is created to bring great balance to the roleplay and joy. Its timeline is 40 years after Roleplay #1.


The rules contain [OFFICIAL] Roleplay Guide and other rules added to RP #2 to bring balance which consists of:

1- A faction may not be created from the ashes of ground,
and must be made from scratch rising time to time and most certainly not within a few days or such,
hard times must be counted as well.
2- Joining a faction you cannot become a general from the second you join,
you must join the faction (Be found, Register for becoming a soldier, ect)
and afterwards prove yourself after some time being promoted and repeat.

Black mark and warnings

Not following the listed rules results in a black mark. A warning will be given before black mark, notifying the user. If the user edits his/her post the black mark will not be given else he/she will receive a black mark.

Three black marks will result in a temporary ban, while repeating after being temporarily banned results in a permanent one.


Mr DeadInactive
Miss ActiveActive
Mr AliveActive
M e g a P 0 $ 7 3 r B I G N A M EActive
Mr Anti SpamActive

Covered by table:



RP #2 featuring more restricted system is created to bring great balance to the roleplay and joy. Its timeline is 40 years after Roleplay #1.


The rules contain [OFFICIAL] Roleplay Guide and other rules added to RP #2 to bring balance which consists of:

1- A faction may not be created from the ashes of ground, and must be made from scratch rising time to time and most certainly not within a few days or such, hard times must be counted as well.
2- Joining a faction you cannot become a general from the second you join, you must join the faction (Be found, Register for becoming a soldier, ect) and afterwards prove yourself after some time being promoted and repeat.

Black mark and warnings

Not following the listed rules results in a black mark. A warning will be given before black mark, notifying the user. If the user edits his/her post the black mark will not be given else he/she will receive a black mark.

Three black marks will result in a temporary ban, while repeating after being temporarily banned results in a permanent one.


Mr DeadInactive
Miss ActiveActive
Mr AliveActive
M e g a P 0 $ 7 3 r B I G N A M EActive
Mr Anti SpamActive

Suggestions, ideas, opinions?
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