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Rise of Heroes II - Idea Factory!

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Hello guys well my problem is simple, I need ideas for hero abilities/spells, ideas for new items, item recipes, monster abilities etc etc:

You can see details below in progress tag:

Here is link to my map: Rise of Heroes II


Nothing for now ^^

Please I wont comment your ideas if you didn't played map!
You must know what is already created there!

Credits and rep as always!
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Level 11
Feb 11, 2010
Sure. Off the top of my head (mind, I haven't played the game in question, so I'm just going off the information given here and in the linked game description):

Shalis Darkhunter, the Queen of Thorns:
Style: A group controlling high damage dealer, the Queen of Thorns is at her best when combining her abilities, bouncing enemies from one effect to another.

Aura: Thorns
Passive: Cleave
Active: 1) Razor Wheel: Summons a large spinning glaive at a target location for a duration, which shreds (deals damage) and knocks back any enemy that approaches it. Synergy: Other abilities can knock enemies into the Razor Wheel to maximize their high damage potential.
2) Scythe Whip: Swings a whip of spinning glaives around the Queen of Thorns, damaging and knocking back surrounding enemies. Synergy: Good for knocking enemies into a razor wheel effect.
3) Buzzsaw: The Queen of Thorns makes a whirling rush attack shredding foes in her path, moving to a target location and damaging all intervening foes. Synergy: Good for repositioning the Queen of Thorns for her knockback effect.
Ultimate: Impalement: Great thorns thrust forth from the earth in a large radius, impaling foes on a spike and freezing them in place for a coupla seconds (eg, they won't be knocked back even by a Razor Wheel, thus taking much more damage from them).

Can easily come up with more ideas if you want.
Level 7
Dec 24, 2009
Here I have some idea for your Warden
1/ Vengeance Aura [aura]: Unit around deals damage upon death to enemies around it. AoE and damage is increased by lever
2/ Rage of Nature [active]: For each corpse in 400 AoE, grow a tree on it and remove the corpse; then after 1 second all trees explode and deal damage to enemies nearby
3/ Immolation (passive): uhm well... its name explained everything I think
4/ [Ultimate]Sky Tear [active]: Create a star fall at target point; when it touches the ground, its power spreads around in a circle, deal heavy damage to enemies around. Higher skill level cause higher damage and AoE. The units which are directly hit by the star fall (100 AoE or so) will take more damage
Level 7
Dec 24, 2009
Well... I have another non-blizzard skills set that wanna share with you.
1/ Flame Walk [active](Base on Immolation): Creates fires as Hero's walking
Based on Immolation so that it can be activated and inactivated anytime
2/ Soul Rage [aura]: Nearby enemies upon death will create a small soul that helps fight in 4-6 seconds
3/ *I haven't got a name for this one* [passive]: Gives chances to blast and deal extra damage to enemies nearby, then push them away from hero by about 300 units length, stun them for a bit
4/ Still the Sky Tear above

-Alternate Skills-
5/ Shadow Path [active]: dashes 1000 units ahead with collision size off, deals primary damage then dashes back to original position, deals secondary damage.
6/ *no name again sorry* [active](ultimate): by killing a creep or command == stop for 3-5 seconds, + 1 to charge; each charge + [x] to agility [using an item skill]. When the main skill is activated, release a ray ahead and deal damage based on Agility. After that reset the number of charges to 1.
7/ Sink Hole [active]: Lower the land height at the target point and push all units to the lowest point; after a few seconds return height to normal, add blasting effect, deal damage to units in the hole and stun them

Hope you will enjoy my skills =D
The exact details such as damage, AoE are your own opinions. I hope I can help you in your RoH
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This is an active spell that I made but unpublished because I can't find any hero suitable for it. Here goes.

It's a turn on and off spell, probably u would wanna base it off Defend.

When it is turned on, gives a % chance to:
1) Turn invisible when attacked (not when damage taken)
2) Create a dummy to cast Cloud at the hero position (silencing enemies and cause them to miss)
3) Create a dummy to use wand of illusion on the hero.
4) Move the newly created illusion to the attacking unit.
5) Order the illusion to attack the attacking unit.

In gameplay, it will look like:
Enemy attacks you, you appear behind (or whatever position) the enemy, (but actually it's an illusion) and strike him.

You can put in more illusions to confuse your enemy, or even move yourself along with the illusion. So it appears like *poof*, then a lot of clones attacking the enemy.

I used to call this skill as "Nightmare" or "Shadow Dodge".
I think i have an idea for Passive :

Name : Deadly Shuriken
Description :

When attacked by an enemy unit, there is a chance that the Warden will throw her shuriken at the the target, also dealing damage to enemy units in a line. If the HP of the target is less than 200, then he will die instantly. 30% chance.

Dude I already have this kind of ability: Havoc Arrow -> Lightning Archer :razz:

Bt thanks for try :at:
Well I want to add this hero first because I already fixed some stuff and think that map need at least one new hero before new upload! I will soon finish this one with some yours and some mine ideas! And then upload new RIH II map version!
After that I will edit thread so this one become my Hero factory or something like that! I will also add items etc etc but all about that when time come!
About that, well some enemy creeps (magic ones) and bosses will have spells that can stun, damage, heal etc etc so point of that hero will be to reduce number of spells that enemy units cast, reduce their damage etc etc
Level 7
Dec 24, 2009
Yo this is what you asked: I made the whole skill set for you
Let's see... Mac'Nor the Silencer
1/ Basic Silence [active]
2/ Curse {Alt name: De-Spell}[active]: Targets an AoE and gives buff to target units. Units with the buff, when cast a spell will be damaged and stunned (The damage can be 0 for the first level)
3/ *no name :(* [passive]: Create a fire (well, I suppose Doom Target effect) on the field. Any unit enters the area around the fire will get Soul Burn for 3 seconds.
4/ Wrath of Silence [active](Ultimate): For each time an unit in AoE casts a spell, silencer will gain an amount of attribute Bonus for a period of time. Max ... bonus points
Explain: when an unit cast a spell, makes an unit somewhere on the map and gives timed life to it. Count the number of unit to set the level of a side skill.

Alternate Skills:
5/ The Last day of Sorcerers: (Ultimate): Target an unit. All unit of that unit type will be silenced for a long period of time.
6/ Wave of Silence: Cast something like a shock wave ahead, deal minor damage to units it touches and silent them for a few seconds. If the units touched got any other Silence buff, deals extra damage
7/ Silent Stomp: Target an unit and blink Silencer there. then stomp and deal damage to all units in range and silence them for a few seconds (This silence has Attack restrict effect added)

Hope that the ideas above can help you in making your map. If I can really help, don't forget to add me to your Credit list! (just kidding :D)
New idea comin

Name:Elite Knight
Attributes based on Strength

Description:The Elite knights charges through and tramples the enemy units while charging through the target position

Description:The Elite knights charges to an enemy target and pierces it, then it has another percentage of chance to keep charge and thrust it's target.

Last Will
Description:When the elite knight dies it will deal 3/4/5/6 x strength to the killer of the elite knight.

Description:The Elite knight slashes the air dealing 20/25/30 damage to the units on front of him and every slash dealt to the target will increase the slash damage by 5/7/10 and will speed up it's slashing speed.Lasts for 15/20/25 seconds of slashing the thin air
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Hey guys I created monsters hidden tag, check first page!
This is new wave system that I want to add to game, it will be more fun, game will be more dynamic, monsters will cast spells etc etc!
You will find all what I need there!

Btw abilities or spells for boss units are hidden from public so far I have really nice ideas and I already started at custom AI for Boss units :DD
Dark Warrior

Vampiric Thrust
Causes Dark warrior's sword to leech it's target's life and convert's it to it's own

Blood Rage
Increases your speed but decreases your health for maximum over-driving speed

Blood thirsty Sword
Your sword is thirsty for blood, attack enemies to feed it(converts %% attack damage to your health)

Culling Stab
Stabs your opponent to deal (VALUE) damage and has a (VALUE)% chance to auto kill it if its health is lower than (VALUE!)
Level 7
Dec 24, 2009
Well... Uzumaki.Minato I think that your set is good but I will contribute a bit to make it more epic :D
Let's see... This unit must be a heavy physical damage dealer, so... I suggest the skills should be changed for a bit...
1/ Vampiric Thrust: After activation, the Dark Warrior drains [x] hit point from all units around him, and convert a [y] percentage of the total amount of life leeched into his own life point.
[x] and [y] are based on skill level
2/ Blood Rage: {Since the first skill has been fixed in that way, the second skill will be imbalance, so I will change it for a bit.} Reduces Dark Warrior's attack and defense, but increase his speed insanely.
3/ Sword of Blood Thirst: This skill is based on Vampiric Aura or Mask of Death item ability. In case Kobas doesn't like it, I suggest using Vampiric Potion's ability instead
4/ Culling Stab: Well, in my opinion, with a map like your map (AoS) this skill can be good, but for a map like RoH, it will not be as effective. I suggest using this skill:
4a/ Culling Stab: Stab ahead and creates a dark effect; deal damage to all units in front of him and cause them to have "darkness" buff, which cause them to miss in 50-90% of attacks :thumbup:

Anyway, your ideas a quite nice. Above are just my opinions. Don't be mad for I've adjusted the skill set.
Nice, although i think my idea set is nice o.o
just ask him to pick one then ^^

Another one

Stunning Trap
Description:puts a trap at a targeted point for (Value) Seconds, every enemies in (value) range will get linked with it and, if it runs too far, it will stun the linked enemies.

Plant Claymore
Description:plants a claymore in a targeted area, if an enemy unit passes through it ,even if the enemy didn't touch it, but it is in (value) range of it, then it will explode and deal damage to the enemy.

Description:plants a spike that will impale the enemies when they pass throughout it.(it is a square , like a bundle of crops in the square, but the in this skill its spikes not crops!)

Description:Immediately traps the enemies in targeted area by using vines around it to squish they're body, dealing (value) damage to the targets overtime.
Level 4
May 1, 2008
Something for a silencer like hero :

This hero is a silencer. He have a really important mana pool but a poor mana regen

Passive :

Reaction : burn the mana of the attacked unit
[or..] Spell shield : protect the hero from a spell every ** second.
[or..] Spirit drain : you gain mana for each kill you do

Aura :
Mana fire : A mana fire based aura(all unit who cast a spell in range take damage)

Devore magic : The hero absorb all magic in the target area, gaining hp and mana for each buff dispelled. Summoned unit take a certain amount of damage. All enemy unit in the area are silenced. [easy to do.. devore magic spell with a silence dummy]

Mana burst : The silencer release an high amount of mana behind him[another time, sorry for my bad english]. All unit in this "breath" area burn, losing hp over time and are silenced.[they can also lose dmg and armor, just depend on wich spell you base it. I think a random breath spell + soulburn on every targetted unit should be nice...]

*here a spell miss* I will edit later. Or not.

Omega III : (channel) (huge amount of mana needed, short cd)
During 3 second, the hero channel energy from his environnement [i'm not sure to how to make this spell... i wanted a channeling cause i love it, and huge dmg because it's cool] It relase a bomb which explode after 3 sec [i imagined something like skibi arcanist ulti, named "mana bomb" or something...]

If you need a lot of specific spell for each wave, remember to use the Orb effects. A wave of mechanical units should be nice, same for a mana-shield wave. The phase spell and the mana fire one can be cool for monster. "hydra" passive ( split on death) can be nice too, and a spellshield can annoy spellcaster.

If you need some events, i found one :
Drop : A lot of undead zeppelin come and directly drop units to the tree of eternity. Dropped units are weaker than a normal wave at this level. Zeppelin can be destroyed easily. Once they dropped their troops, they stay over the fight and attack like normals units.

(please forget all my grammar mistakes :S)
Level 5
Apr 17, 2008
I know you are making a silence hero, but, I need to ask that: How much usefull he will be? Because unless the waves have mana or cast spells, you will need to change that.

Anyway, ideas:

Full Silence (Active): completely silence all enemy units in the targeted area, making them unable to cast spells AND attack. (base on silence and make it stops attacks. For balance issues you should make it with a small area of effect.)

Nameless spell (passive or autocast like Searing Arrow): When the Silencer kills an enemy unit there is a chance (or not) that unit explodes, silencing all nearby units, making then unable to cast spells, reducing attack damage and dealing damage over time (base that silence on Soul Burn). (if you make it passive, give a % chance, if you make it autocast with mana cost for every shot, make it explodes always.)

Second Version of Above spell (passive or autocast like Searing Arrow): Every time the Silencer attacks an enemy unit it will leaves an acumulative buff, when that unit dies, it will explode silencing all nearby enemy units based on how many times that unit was attackes by the Silencer. (base that silence on Soul Burn). (basicly the more times you attack the unit, the stronger will be the silence. Cap increases with level.)

Another Nameless spell (active or passive like aura): If you make it active leave a buff on the targeted area, if you make like an aura use its buff. Every time an affected unit casts an spell, a part of its mana will burn, dealing damage on it and part of this damage will split to all nearby enemy units.

Last Word (Ultimate Active): Pick all enemy units with any kind of silence buff and stuns, deals damage and remove the silence buff from then. (Global spell.)

Why recipes? Almost all the maps use recipes. Maybe if you think on something else it may make your map more attractive.

You should create some waves that are good against especific heroes. Like, units with stun, mana shield, feedback, spell resist, damage resist with lowered magic resistence, summoners, when they die becomes something else, minor immolation, split (like Hydra), reincarnation, die effects (when they die something happens, eg: heal nearby units), buffers, mix waves (few melee with some casters, or melee with long ranged siege units), flying units, auras, etc.

Increase the cap level of the heroes and spells. 4 levels for the spells is too low. Increasing it, make the game more interesting and easier to balance. Because, so far, the heroes are overpower in mid/early game and really weak on late game.

Sorry for the nameless spells and lame names, but that was what I could think of for now. Also sorry for my bad english. ^^'
New Hero comin'!

Vocation:Elite Swordsman
Drive Strike
Description:Moves to the target and does a vertical slash on the target, dealing [Value] Damage to the target and deals [Value] Area damage

Piercing Strike
Description:pierces through enemies till you reach a targeted point, when piercing through enemies, the caster cannot stop until it reaches it's target position , and while piercing it deals damage to the unit it passes through

Horizontal Slash
Description:Strike horizontally allows the striker to damage the units in front of him and knocks back every unit which is slashed by the slasher

Description:Slashes every units around him until it reaches it's limits that is [Value] units around the caster dealing [value] on each slash, and every successful slashes will contribute an extra damage for the next upcoming slashes
Hope you like this, this abilities are based off dealing AOE damage!
Ok I don't need anymore heroes :D (Only silencer so far)
Map will have 10 heroes max because I don't like maps with 1000 heroes you need to play game 100 times to learn everything + abilities will be same for few of them!

Also my new hero selection system will soon be finished so there is no need for 2 many heroes :D


About items, well any idea? (to replace recipes)
Level 5
Apr 17, 2008
Ok I don't need anymore heroes :D (Only silencer so far)
Map will have 10 heroes max because I don't like maps with 1000 heroes you need to play game 100 times to learn everything + abilities will be same for few of them!

Also my new hero selection system will soon be finished so there is no need for 2 many heroes :D


About items, well any idea? (to replace recipes)
It looks like you didn't like my spells ideas. :sad:

I desagree with you about only 10 heroes. It's a survival map, in this case you don't really need to know all the heroes to play, you just pick the one you like and play. Many heroes can increase the replayability of the map. Of course this is only my opinion.

About the items I don't know... maybe some kind of socket system? :huh:
New hero will carry your name because of Idea

I don't want to tell ya more details check thread I will tomorrow maybe write all about items! :thumbs_up:

@Falzelo damn I forgot about that, sure dude I will check!

BTW I uploaded hero picture and MONSTERS TEST map, just open with editor to check monsters and models...
Level 5
Apr 17, 2008
New hero will carry your name because of Idea

I don't want to tell ya more details check thread I will tomorrow maybe write
Wow, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the ideas.:thumbs_up:

I checked the monsters map. They look ok, but I would suggest you to remove the black monsters, they will be pretty hard to see in game and your terrain is kinda dark.
Well that is point, I will also add some transparency to them lol just wait, each new wave will increase monster hit points by little, spawn time will be reduced by little, boss unit will have custom AI, items will be deleted and I will add only few for start with new awesome system (thanks to Skar for idea)! I already added all units to map and started working on triggers!

Hello guys I am back to project!
I finished awesome creep spawn system (maybe will upload it to THW as tutorial who knows :D)

So here it is progress:

Coming soon for X version
Rise of Heroes II 2.0 will show you:
-New wave system with 51 different units!
Progress: ██████████ 100% Completed (FINISHED)
-New Silencer Hero
Progress: █████████ 100% Completed (FINISHED)
-New Boss units with custom AI
Progress: █████████ 80% Completed
-Monsters will have awesome abilities
Progress: █████████ 10% Completed
-New Items (Old ones will be deleted, new item system instead of recipes)
Progress: ██████████ 0% Completed
-New Terrain changes (River, Small Lake and Waterfalls)
Progress: ██████████ 100% Completed (FINISHED)
-Bugs/Fixes/Changes etc etc
Progress: █████████ 90% Completed
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Level 19
Feb 25, 2009
Here is my quickly made hero idea.
Hope you like it.

Mortis the Soulblade

Name: Soulblade
Primary Attribute: Agility
Attack Type: Melee

Default Demon-Hunter image [/ IMG]

[B][COLOR="Cyan"]Way of the Warrior[/COLOR][/B]

[COLOR="White"]As the Blademaster steps in battle, he enrages he's allies with an lust. Every 5 attacks made from an friendly Hero around him will grant it increased movement speed and attack rate for up to 7 seconds. Units with the buff cannot benefit from it or 8 seconds after that.

Level 1 - 15% IAS, 5% MS
Level 2 - 20% IAS, 8% MS
Level 3 - 25% IAS, 11% MS
Level 4 - 30% IAS, 15% MS[/COLOR]

[B][COLOR="Cyan"]Sharpen Blade[/COLOR][/B]

[COLOR="White"]Blademaster's blade is soo sharp, that each attack made will cause more and more pain. Gives 15% chance that an will do bonus damage and cause the target to bleed, increasing damage taken. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts for 10 seconds.

Level 1 - 20 bonus damage, 3% increased damage per stack (9% w/ stacks)
Level 2 - 40 bonus damage, 5% increased damage per stack (15% w/ stacks)
Level 3 - 60 bonus damage, 6% increased damage per stack (18% w/ stacks)
Level 4 - 80 bonus damage, 8% increased damage per stack (24% w/ stacks)[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Cyan"]Blade Rush[/COLOR]

[COLOR="White"]The blademaster concentrate all his weapon skills in a single attack, jumping over the battlefield close to an enemy and slashing it with his blade. The target takes damage, it's slowed for duration based on how much life its left.

Level 1 - 0.20 seconds for each 20% of missing hp
Level 2 - 0.40 seconds for each 20% of missing hp
Level 3 - 0.80 seconds for each 20% of missing hp
Level 4 - 1 second for each 20% of missing hp

[COLOR="Cyan"]Bladestorm (ultimate)[/COLOR]

[COLOR="White"]Creates a whirldwind of destructive force by spinning. Passing thru units will damage them once a second. applying a instance to it. Each instance increase the damage from the previous one by 20. Lasts 5 seconds.

Level 1 - 80 initial damage.
Level 2 - 120 initial damage.
Level 3 - 160 initial damage.
Level 4 - 240 initial damage.[/COLOR]
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
An idea that's been running around in my head for a while: the Memewarrior. Spells based on various memes from all corners of the Internet. Whenever he is given an order, text appears above his head (he speaks in Lolcat).

With the power of teh Interwebz behind him, the Memewarrior crushes his foes under a bewildering array of spells and abilities.

Leekspin: The Memewarrior spins his weapon (there's a spinning axe missile you can use...), dealing additional damage but draining mana until deactivated (while the Loituma song plays). Higher levels increase damage and lower manacost.

LEEROOOOOOYYYY...: The Memewarrior charges forwards without regard for his safety, sending a single foe backwards. Deals knockback and damage to an enemy unit but drastically lowers armor while doing so.

IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR: After a few seconds gathering power, the Memewarrior unleashes it as a devastating laser beam. (Channeling) Fires a giant laser beam that deals constant damage to units caught within it. Higher levels increase the beam's width and damage.

Ultimate: Avatar of the Destroyer. Becoming the Internet's ultimate engine of destruction, the Memewarrior calls upon the spirit of Chuck Norris to aid him.
(Metamorphosis into a giant Chuck Norris, I'm sure I saw a skin for it somewhere.) Make this spell as ridiculously overpowered as you like, but give it a much longer cooldown /manacost than normal. When transformed, replace the lolcat phrases with random Chuck Norris Facts.

I'll think up some more later.
Please don't think :xxd:

This map is maybe new and not so large project, because I work solo on it and I don't have time to give nice advertisement! Rise of Heroes II are so far my the best work out there, and all must be perfect, heroes are units from night elves army so please read map info or first post in this thread!

I also stopped working on heroes because there is no point to create 100 heroes for this map, you can try it maybe you will see that! I need IDEAS: Items and Abilities for Monsters/Creeps...

Thanks for comment btw but guys please read 1st post or map info and then write comment! It will save your and my time! Thanks!
Mah first idea :
Ancient Sword:
Level 1: (500 gold)
+25 damage
+5 Strength
+5% Life Steal

Level 2: (1000 gold)
+50 damage
+10 Strength
+10% Life Steal

Level 3: (1500 gold)
+100 damage
+25 Strength
+15% Life Steal

Level 4: (2000 gold)
+150 damage
+50 Strength
+20% Life Steal

Level 5: (2500 gold)
+200 damage
+75 Strength
+25% Life Steal
Mah second idea :
Elune's Bow:
Level 1: (500 gold)
+10 damage
+7 Agility
+5% Attack Speed

Level 2: (1000 gold)
+25 damage
+15 Agility
+10% Attack Speed

Level 3: (1500 gold)
+50 damage
+20 Agility
+15% Attack Speed

Level 4: (2000 gold)
+75 damage
+25 Agility
+20% Attack Speed

Level 5: (2500 gold)
+100 damage
+30 Agility
+25% Attack Speed
Level 3
Dec 9, 2009
Ok here is my hero idea
Passive spell-No name
Increase hero damage based on his armor.
Aura-No name
Reduces Magic damage dealt to the units near Hero.
First Spell - No target
Reduced armor of enemy units near hero.
  • Level 1 - 20%
  • Level 2 - 40%
  • Level 3 - 60%
  • Level 4 - 80%
Second Spell - Auto Cast
Add bonus damage on attack.
  • Level 1 - 20% bonus damage
  • Level 2 - 30% bonus damage
  • Level 3 - 40% bonus damage
  • Level 4 - 50% bonus damage
Third Spell- Target
Hurls a bolt that jump 5 times, and gives enemy unit chance to miss on attack. Each jump have less chance.
  • Level 1 - 15% miss, reduced by 2%
  • Level 2 - 30% miss, reduced by 3%
  • Level 3 - 45% miss, reduced by 5%
  • Level 4 - 60% miss, reduced by 8%
Ulti - No Target
Start to channel. Per each second increases hero armor. Maximum 10 channels. Lasts 15 seconds after channel.
  • 1 armor per second
  • 1.5 armor per second
  • 2 armor per second
I can do all of these spells if you need.
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