Reviewers needed, for an AoS.

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Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
If you like AoS maps, and are willing to write down your opinion about one, feel free to write a review in here. Any help will be credited and +rep'd. Even some of previous reviewers (Elainiel, Titania, Zealon) have got a hero name in my map, just for constant reviewing help and support. Suggestions, remakes, balance and new ideas are highly appreciated.
Thanks in forward.​
Download link:

Note: The linked thread will soon be closed for refreshing, please write your reviews here.

Status: New version in few days (v1.27).
Reviews needed? Yes, preferably Hero reviews, but not a must.
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Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
I didn't find many cons in the map, but not many pros either, it is quite balanced and relatively straight-forward, and noob-friendly.

The Good: I liked the variety of heroes being large, but not too large, like a game such as DotA. I also enjoyed the terrain, it was easily maneuverable, with good use of tilesets and trees, though there are some places you have trees where they shouldn't be. The descriptions of the heroes were also very good, short, straight-forward, understandable, something 90% of AoS games do, is create a 400 paragraph description for the heroes, not detailing their strengths or weaknesses, only describing their back story, (which I don't care about in a competitive game). The abilities seemed to be balanced (though I can't determine this for sure without further testing with other players). The items were also very simple, short and sweet, with only a few items you can understand what it is you're trying to accomplish, and what you need, unlike a lot of other AoS games.

[Pro] Simple
[Pro] Balanced
[Pro] Terrain

The Bad: One lane is a definite negative, this means everyone is in that lane at the same time, and the combat becomes hectic, and uncoordinated, also it means the towers need to be absurdly overpowered, (which I think they are, and should less hp, or damage). It's also not innovative, there isn't anything in it that stands out from other AoS games, this is aside from the good balancing of course, and simple gameplay. I would rather play this than most other AoS games, but it doesn't have anything in it that makes me want to play it.

[Con] Not Innovative
[Con] One Lane

It's a good map, but there is room for improvement, innovative systems or gameplay would definitely spice the map up. Overall, I liked it, it's better than most AoS games. I liked that you used camera smoothing, it's one of my favorite features, and rarely utilized by other mappers.

3\5, I really want to give you a 4, because it is so much more polished and hands-on than other AoS games, but it lacks originality. I will make a second review at a later date when I have the chance to play with some other people, and will determine the quality of replayability.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
You fulfilled your promise :grin:
Thanks for your review, xRiotZx. Well, I decided to spice-up the map's Visual rating even more, and I am going for revising tooltips with some extra needed informations, such as Casting Range, Effects and Durations, Improvements with certain items, ... New description preset is down there.

Well, lot of people told me that the map goes much higher than other AoS' with it's balance and new-user-friendliness, but to lack something that will make them play LW over and over again. I just don't know what it is.
You mentioned some trees that are misplaced, I would like to know where are they so that I can rework that area.
About one lane: Well, most, if not 99% of AoS have three lanes. I wanted to create something that will be different, and force people to play as a cohesive, one minded unit. When playing online, I usually see one player going in woods, while two others push the creeps towards enemies. In case of beating up or gank, wood hero is there to ensure fast slaughter.
I might consider of increasing number of created units when more players come to game. I guess that one additional creep per player will do the job.


  • NewSpellDescriptions.PNG
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Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
You fulfilled your promise :grin:
Thanks for your review, xRiotZx. Well, I decided to spice-up the map's Visual rating even more, and I am going for revising tooltips with some extra needed informations, such as Casting Range, Effects and Durations, Improvements with certain items, ... New description preset is down there.

Well, lot of people told me that the map goes much higher than other AoS' with it's balance and new-user-friendliness, but to lack something that will make them play LW over and over again. I just don't know what it is.
You mentioned some trees that are misplaced, I would like to know where are they so that I can rework that area.
About one lane: Well, most, if not 99% of AoS have three lanes. I wanted to create something that will be different, and force people to play as a cohesive, one minded unit. When playing online, I usually see one player going in woods, while two others push the creeps towards enemies. In case of beating up or gank, wood hero is there to ensure fast slaughter.
I might consider of increasing number of created units when more players come to game. I guess that one additional creep per player will do the job.

The new format looks nice.
The three lane, I agree with, in any AoS I would attempt to make, I would however make two lanes, one lane just turns into a real mess in my opinion, because you'll end up weakening an enemy hero, and he'll rush behind his wall of allies, and if you chase, you're most likely going to die, so long range attackers will thrive in a one lane situation, I suppose tanks will be effective also, but those 1v1 stalker types won't be able to do much. I'm surprised you were able to make this on your own, it seems like quite a project for one person.

As for something that adds replayability, I think if the gameplay is good enough, that alone should carry it. When do you plan to upload it to the Maps section?

As for the trees, I may decide to take some shots of them, but there aren't many imperfections in the terrain, considering you did use Blizzard resources. Abnormalities in the trees are patches that hinder movement, and or are on a brick, or stone tileset, as trees do not grow on these tiles irl, I like to make sure all trees are on thick grass.
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
why not make wtf lanes who are strange.
circles are teleports who teleport to teleport of same color. creeps spawn at bases who are squares and follow red lines taking randomly left right or straight directions at red lines intersections. this is strange but that will make your lane dispositions original


  • dotastupid wtf lanes.png
    dotastupid wtf lanes.png
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Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
You did not understand?
But this is simple squares are bases of the teams.
Circles are teleports who teleport to an other teleport of the same color.
Creeps follow red lines changing or guarding the same line at intersections randomly.
And the creeps spawn at bases.
The png show the lines,bases and teleports.
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
there is contualy creeps spawning at bases and going off by the two lanes connected to the base so the ennemies creeps will always collide with creeps when they are near of the base giving egnouph free time to heroes to come and help also the creeps does not stop walking and attacking.
Also I won your map alone in 12 mins with the fearless vilus beacause the fearless vilus make you invulnerable to towers and allow creeps to accumulate beacause towers attack only you.
So your map Is already unbalanced 2/5.
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@Apheraz Lucent, thank you for this map. This can bring very big amount of fun.

- The part of the items are from DotA. This can hurt the originality of your map.
- One lane.
- Most spells are based on the standard.
- Not so many items.

- Original style of hero descriptions.
- Good gameplay
- Each hero totally fits to his theme.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Why my, thanks for review, bowser499. I would personally like to see more cons so that I can improve the map as much as I can before I release it.

@noob, about Fearless Vilus - I played some LW games recently, and found out that it does look imbalanced - in a way. I noticed that the HP regeneration is too strong when enemies get low on HP. I might think of rebalancing it to 0.5 Hp regen per 100 hp missing, or to reduce heal of 1% when a hero is bellow 6-7% of max hp. Thanks for suggestion.

Edit: About the new lanes: well, I think that it's a nice idea, but I am looking for something more... standard, if you know what I mean. If you played it, you would probably notice that everything is new-user-friendly, and as such, I want to keep things as less complicated as possible. Anyways, I was thinking of adding a single mini-lane for one hero, that will take place through the right forest, while both forests would be expanded where the Deep Water currently is, and also modified so that the lane can function without encounter with neutral creeps.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Okay, guys, I need few more reviews before update.
This version will also probably go to Map Section too, after the Error Check.
1. Not innovative with game systems.
2. One lane causes uncoordinated gameplay.
3. Nothing to make players replay the map.
4. Overpowered Fearless Vilus.
5. Few items are from DotA - Stout Shield, Quarterstaff, Staff of Wizardry ...
6. Most of spells are based on the Ladder Warcraft III ones.
7. Low amount of items.
8. No tutorial.
9. Huge map size for a walk, and no Teleportation spell or a speed boost.
10. Stea(i)lth potion has a typo.
11. Skirmisher is nearly complete passive hero, not unique, balanced or fun.
12. Moon Wells and Coral Beds serve for no purpose, except extra gold gain.
13. Hard to get any bounty with full house.
14. Poseidon's Temple needs a name remake, this is not Greek God's AoS.
15. Multiboard displays enemy's gold and items.
16. Assists are not working, the multiboard displays Kills in it's field.
17. Elder Druid is badly made hero, 3 imbalanced AoE supports and one upgrade.
18. Illusionist's attack projectile is weird, and also uses wrong Animation Launch time.
19. Prophetess of Lies' ultimate, Underdouble, is heavily imbalanced.
20. Diamondine's ultimate, Chilling Excellence, is pretty much nerfed. Needs a buff.
21. Diamondine's Crystal Field doesn't fit her other skills and theme.
22. Thunder Legend's missile does weird stuff if he uses Lifesteal items.
23. Map lacks any customization modes, such as All Pick, All Random, ...
24. Hero Icons move when someone from Tavern is picked, making you pick something else.
25. Frost Mage and Crystalia should have their places swapped in Tavern.
26. Some heroes have same attack missiles.
27. There is no "Boss" to fight when you get powerful.
28. Fast paced game is perfect, but you get high amounts of XP and other, dying players can't get along with it, a perfect imbalance.
29. Moon Rose leaves weird dummy missiles used by Crystallia when she casts Moon Finale.
30. Moon Rose loses transparency gained by Phase Cycle when she is hit by some spells.
Anything else?




why not make wtf lanes who are strange.
circles are teleports who teleport to teleport of same color. creeps spawn at bases who are squares and follow red lines taking randomly left right or straight directions at red lines intersections. this is strange but that will make your lane dispositions original

ROFL. Those are indeed WTF lanes, you go this way but then you end up that way... you deny that you are lost, but still have no f***ing clue where you are. So you take a portal and end somewhere completely random, and take a left turn and oops your at the enemy's fountain! ... XDXDXD

But hey Aph, if you take noob's "insanely paint brush" advice, you can then put a really original item in the map:

No pun intended mate, just that your map really messed me up, I rofled.... I am still rofl-ing :3

--- NEW ITEM ---
Directions - 150 Gold
This map is written in ancient language and wrinkled in time. Although you admire its coolness, your knowledge in the language is absurd! Hence you know nothing of it, this chart is completely helpless!
+1 Intelligence
Atleast now you can run, scream and pray in a certain direction!
--- --- ---- ---
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
No one took it seriously, noob. Oh, for Christ sake, I feel like such an idiot calling you like that, even if that is your user name. Give me a name to call you after and which won't make me feel stupid.

I repeat myself: The suggestion is in place, but it's not for my map.
Thanks anyways, again.

Besides, arguments are not for this thread. This thread is for suggestions and reviews.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
No one took it seriously, noob. Oh, for Christ sake, I feel like such an idiot calling you like that, even if that is your user name. Give me a name to call you after and which won't make me feel stupid.

I repeat myself: The suggestion is in place, but it's not for my map.
Thanks anyways, again.

Besides, arguments are not for this thread. This thread is for suggestions and reviews.

I think the WTF lanes suggestion earns him the title noob, that's just me though.

Lol jk. :ogre_hurrhurr:

I think I may play this on tomorrow.




I was joking with my wtf lanes and some guys took it seriously

Definately not the case. But to continue the joke, I did a few serious acts.
You inspired me to create a map with WTF lanes :D
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Thanks to DVendetta and Zack1996, for their reviews via PM.

I already started some massive rework, including terrain, which is nearly done. It now has three smaller lanes, divided by a river and forest with neutral creeps. The new LW will also include new Hero Pick system, basic game modes (ap, ar, sd, rd), runes, new kill/assist systems, even more polishing and better visuals all bugs you mentioned fixed and many other.

Thanks for your support. Release date in 2-3 days.
If you want to bump in another review, please take a note on Heroes and Items. I have got only one un-complete hero review so far (Sapphire Lady).
i have checked your map to help you and tested 3 heroes only anyway lets see,

Didn't find anything yet. Clear

1- No "y" in inventory in the multiboard.

2- If it is a 3 v 3 map you should add another lane.

3- make the fountain do 100% healing and 20-30% mana regeneration it will take the same waiting time but, if anyone tried to attack us we are save and yea i know you added something like invisible tower to attack but better to edit it.

4- If i attacked an ally, nothing happen that's good i checked it on the towers and creeps but didn't check it on allied champion so i advice you to check it.

5- Blacksmith items rearrange them "N.B=I don't remember the name of the items sorry :D" Example: -first row should be +(x)damage Then +(x)damage Then +(x)damage Then +(x)damage+(y)speed.

--second row +(x)armor Then +(x)armor Then +(x)armor Then +(x)armor+Blocks 60% of the damage and leave that last item as it is.

6-Add Better Description For The ability "Attribute Bonus".

7- Rest of the conc. have already been written in your thread

1- Commands for single player and commands for multilayer.

2- I think you will add screenshot and trailer for your map because it will interest more people.

3- Stop the regeneration of the tower when it gets attacked but after 5 seconds of no combat it starts to regenerate health.

4- Give money to all allies when they destroy a tower or a building it will be awesome.

5- Add items like (stun item, invulnerable item, teleport, books and runes).

6- Add credits in map Example: Welcome to legendary war v1.0 created by apheraz lucent and special thanks to "people that helped you alot" thank you for playing.

7- Add Cool loading screen instead of the campaign.

"N.B" 5 is the highest rate

1-Description [5/5].
2-Triggering [5/5].
3-Object managing [3/5]. Try to add little models or something.
4-Terrain [5/5].
5-Playability [3/5].
After adding/changing things of the game play it will take 5/5.

-Overall [4/5]
-Status: Accepted

Hey Apheraz Lucent!

Thanks for still remembering me despite my long inactivity on the Hive. I took a look at the updated version of Legendary War; I found it much improved and just much more polished overall. However, I noticed some things that bugged me:

  • The attack animation of the Illusionist is kinda weird; the projectile comes out only when he finishes his attack animation. Try refering to the values that Blizzard used for the attack point/backswing for the Kobold Geomancer (I believe it is called?)
  • The spell effects of Frozen Wave looks pretty weird. Try playing around with effects like Dark Ritual. Otherwise, try this:
  • The Ultimate of the Ice Mage doesn't quite scale well. Perhaps decrease the cooldown by 30 seconds a level instead of 20.
  • Remagica is really situational and is probably only worth it's cooldown on someone with a huge mana pool. Consider adding a secondary effect to the spell. Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas for the possible secondary effect.
  • Just a small personal comment regarding Magebane. I think that the skills don't quite give Magebane the "feel" that you're supposed to walk in and hit things.
    For example, perhaps the silence could affect an area around the hero instead of a targetted area. This way, players know that that should go into the thick of things to attack their enemy. I'm not a huge fan of having a single target slow on an anti-mage kind of hero, I would rather see it combined with the silence but that may be too strong :p
  • Sapphire Lady's attack animation feels kinda weird too, but it may just be my imagination.
  • Not too big a fan of Crystal Field... Somehow, it doesn't quite fit the way I imagine her to be played: as a spell spammer. Her first spell already slows a target by 80%, the extra slow from that skill may be somewhat excessive.
  • Venonmous Ice is a pretty weird name... :S You might want to try out some other names because the current one sounds pretty random. If you're stuck, a possibility may be simply Splash/Watery Touch (lame name, but you can use the icon for Essence of Blight or whatever that blue hand icon is)

I'm generally a pretty poor gameplay reviewer, so I won't comment much on that. I'll continue the hero reviews some other time.

If you need any more help, do ask.

Good luck :)
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Thanks to DVendetta and Zack1996, for their reviews via PM.

I already started some massive rework, including terrain, which is nearly done. It now has three smaller lanes, divided by a river and forest with neutral creeps. The new LW will also include new Hero Pick system, basic game modes (ap, ar, sd, rd), runes, new kill/assist systems, even more polishing and better visuals all bugs you mentioned fixed and many other.

Thanks for your support. Release date in 2-3 days.
If you want to bump in another review, please take a note on Heroes and Items. I have got only one un-complete hero review so far (Sapphire Lady).
i have checked your map to help you and tested 3 heroes only anyway lets see,

Didn't find anything yet. Clear

1- No "y" in inventory in the multiboard.

2- If it is a 3 v 3 map you should add another lane.

3- make the fountain do 100% healing and 20-30% mana regeneration it will take the same waiting time but, if anyone tried to attack us we are save and yea i know you added something like invisible tower to attack but better to edit it.

4- If i attacked an ally, nothing happen that's good i checked it on the towers and creeps but didn't check it on allied champion so i advice you to check it.

5- Blacksmith items rearrange them "N.B=I don't remember the name of the items sorry :D" Example: -first row should be +(x)damage Then +(x)damage Then +(x)damage Then +(x)damage+(y)speed.

--second row +(x)armor Then +(x)armor Then +(x)armor Then +(x)armor+Blocks 60% of the damage and leave that last item as it is.

6-Add Better Description For The ability "Attribute Bonus".

7- Rest of the conc. have already been written in your thread

1- Commands for single player and commands for multilayer.

2- I think you will add screenshot and trailer for your map because it will interest more people.

3- Stop the regeneration of the tower when it gets attacked but after 5 seconds of no combat it starts to regenerate health.

4- Give money to all allies when they destroy a tower or a building it will be awesome.

5- Add items like (stun item, invulnerable item, teleport, books and runes).

6- Add credits in map Example: Welcome to legendary war v1.0 created by apheraz lucent and special thanks to "people that helped you alot" thank you for playing.

7- Add Cool loading screen instead of the campaign.

"N.B" 5 is the highest rate

1-Description [5/5].
2-Triggering [5/5].
3-Object managing [3/5]. Try to add little models or something.
4-Terrain [5/5].
5-Playability [3/5].
After adding/changing things of the game play it will take 5/5.

-Overall [4/5]
-Status: Accepted

Hey Apheraz Lucent!

Thanks for still remembering me despite my long inactivity on the Hive. I took a look at the updated version of Legendary War; I found it much improved and just much more polished overall. However, I noticed some things that bugged me:

  • The attack animation of the Illusionist is kinda weird; the projectile comes out only when he finishes his attack animation. Try refering to the values that Blizzard used for the attack point/backswing for the Kobold Geomancer (I believe it is called?)
  • The spell effects of Frozen Wave looks pretty weird. Try playing around with effects like Dark Ritual. Otherwise, try this:
  • The Ultimate of the Ice Mage doesn't quite scale well. Perhaps decrease the cooldown by 30 seconds a level instead of 20.
  • Remagica is really situational and is probably only worth it's cooldown on someone with a huge mana pool. Consider adding a secondary effect to the spell. Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas for the possible secondary effect.
  • Just a small personal comment regarding Magebane. I think that the skills don't quite give Magebane the "feel" that you're supposed to walk in and hit things.
    For example, perhaps the silence could affect an area around the hero instead of a targetted area. This way, players know that that should go into the thick of things to attack their enemy. I'm not a huge fan of having a single target slow on an anti-mage kind of hero, I would rather see it combined with the silence but that may be too strong :p
  • Sapphire Lady's attack animation feels kinda weird too, but it may just be my imagination.
  • Not too big a fan of Crystal Field... Somehow, it doesn't quite fit the way I imagine her to be played: as a spell spammer. Her first spell already slows a target by 80%, the extra slow from that skill may be somewhat excessive.
  • Venonmous Ice is a pretty weird name... :S You might want to try out some other names because the current one sounds pretty random. If you're stuck, a possibility may be simply Splash/Watery Touch (lame name, but you can use the icon for Essence of Blight or whatever that blue hand icon is)

I'm generally a pretty poor gameplay reviewer, so I won't comment much on that. I'll continue the hero reviews some other time.

If you need any more help, do ask.

Good luck :)

I didn't want to be too harsh, but most people were right this required reworking, and I will be very glad to test the new version.
Level 17
Jul 1, 2010
You're an idiot if you think that. originality is in the details...So you're better off with one lane even though it kills the gameplay ? DotA SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS...First of:
Work more on the terrain...too flat, no variations of terrain or doodads...second work on heroes they really lack originality...
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Keep the argument down, I don't want to get even more of my normal threads closed because of that.

OT: Chucky, you could say that the map is heavily imbalanced, and that would mean to me as much as what you wrote in there. Without further details, I can't know what to work on.

Anyways, I don't want three lanes. Any alternatives? I was thinking of keeping the main lane, and adding a smaller lane to one of the sides, for one hero.
First of all I would like to start with map presentation.
There is no loading screen or map preview, this is big error, it will increase map size for some 150 KB but cool map preview and blizzard LS with some info and few contact links is something that any map must have.
Then game started. Hero Descriptions are awesome, I have nothing more to say, really great job.
Then I saw that circle of power unit, it seams like you placed 10 units on same point, just remove model from it and you will hide it from the screen, but still allow player to pick hero.
Then I saw terrain, grrr, I don't like it at all, why? Well let me list few reasons:
- 1. Lane will ruin whole idea of AOS maps, players will pick heroes with AOE spells and fast push until they crush enemy, heroes that require a lot of gold, exp to start pwning will become useless and never picked.
- 2. 3 vs 3 in 1 lane is 2 much, at least for start, because there are only 4 or 5 units spawned (Melee heroes won't have any chance to farm).
- 3. Terrain is linear, maybe you still don't have some spells with huge range but you will see how some spells can strike enemy heroes easily, even newbies will be able to control "complex like heroes".
My suggestion keep it 1 lane, but spawn more units and reshape it a little, example: from | to -> S
Spells are cool, some are custom some are not and this is cool. It's AOS so you can use constant values, but try to base some abilities on hero attributes, you can do this for some new complex like hero I mentioned above.
Grrr, there are no items, but judging on shops descriptions and your hero description work, I can expect to see some really awesome design, can't say same for item ideas in general. People usually go with dota (I must compare, sorry) like items because they are, maybe, the most balanced AOS items ever created.
Oh 1 last thing, map base look horrible, honestly, add some special effects like glow, or something (small hint: base models on buffs or abilities).

That would be all for now :)
I won't spare time now checking ballance, you still need to improve map.
Have a nice day :)
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010

Will be uploaded as soon as I get reviews about v1.27, which will be here in a day or two. Maybe three, considering the fact that I will try to do everything which was enlisted as not so good, or con. Jeez, I never knew that I was doing something wrong x)

Thanks for being eye-openers, reviewers <3
Level 7
Oct 11, 2008
I'll review it because I love AoS's :3

  • Selecting the Map
    • Reduce the text from Map Description, not everyone read it, so you should be objective, less text, using different text color for some important information.

  • Player Screen
    • Hide both 'Computer (Normal)', then you have more space for spectators.

  • Loading Screen
    • At least use some Campaign Loading Screen with some information (the information from Selecting the Map would be good), your contact, email, nick, site, any way to find you.

  • Inside Game
    • On Initialized
      • Show some message, maybe a welcome message or something intuitive, because start a map without any information is really hard to learn.
    • Multiboard
      • Invento -> Inventory or Items, also this should be optional to reduce the size.
      • Initialize it minimized.
      • Add some space between each column, because right now we have: KillsDeathsAssists -> Kills Deaths Assists.
      • Maybe add a color to the tittle.
    • Circle of Power
      • Hide it, or at least reduce the size and reorder it.
    • Taverns
      • Heroes description are incredible, really, you color important things, this is really good and intuitive for new players
      • Add hotkey for each hero, then people can pick it instantly.
    • On Hero Pick
      • You showed a message indicating the Hero picked, this is good and demonstrate for enemies and allies what you choose.
    • Shops
      • I'm little confused about it, I spend some time just to make sure what shop is for base items and what shop is recipe.
      • Add hotkey for recipes.
      • There's some strange thing for me, some items has a '- letter' in they name, what this should be?
      • Change the color of the hotkey in the recipe requires because its actually use the same color as Stats and Requires.
      • You could add a function to the recipes, when people click on it, it they have the gold to buy all the components, then, it instantly turn into the new item.
    • Base
      • There's so much space here, you could add some builds or some static build (builds that can't be attacked).
    • Terrain
      • To be honest, I like it.
      • There's some places that you can see the creeps inside the fog (because of tree).
      • Your ramps is too 'simple', maybe make some of then with different size.
      • You could raise some bad ramps, because diagonal ramps are just ugly and bugged.
      • Add more doodads into the lanes and terrain, there's much space to spend.
    • Creeps
      • You colored the names of creep of lane, this is a good idea.
      • Some creeps can be attracted by other creeps if you're fighting and they are in fog.
    • Hero
      • You colored Strength, Agility and Intelligence but not colored the Damage and Armor, you could change it to fit better.
      • The description of abilities (while Learn) is great.
      • You don't need to write "Overrides Orb Effect", just write "Orb Effect".
      • Add better description for 'Attributes Bonus'.
      • Your hotkeys are just perfect.
      • Add hotkey for Attributes Bonus.

For now, only this.

I don't test every hero (not have time).

I like this, and I hope you don't leave this project. :p
Oh, and if you want a new complete review for the new version of the heroes, I can do, but not now (raining right now and I don't want to rewrite everything).

Just ask :D
I can't review it right now, but I do have some suggestions:

  • Select one of the taverns for the player in the beginning
  • Create a special effect when your hero is selected
  • Make the merchants face a centered point (unless they're buildings)
  • Add a timer which will show you when the game will start
  • Add an initiation shop with basic items for almost every hero in the beginning
  • Add a sound effect for Dragon Wrath
  • Add a higher attack priority to the creeps for the towers
  • Make the item tooltips shorter (-X stats, then maybe below that some small text)
  • Show how much gold you get when you've destroyed a tower
  • You can't use Dragon Wrath against creeps in the forest, it will anger creeps from other places
  • Show the HP of the enemy and allied main buildings in the multiboard title
  • Pan the camera to the center maybe when the game is over
  • Maximize the multiboard once the game is over
  • Change 'Kills Deaths Assists' int he multiboard to 'K D A' so that it gets smaller


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
i cant test the map multiplayeing for now but i will give a small review on this.

Hero picking:
The desperation are wonderful with all needed information and nice colour codes, i like the "msg" for each hero :)

the hero(s)
nice desperation again nice colour codes and all the needed information.

i see you have put them into sections wich makes it easy to find what you want fast if your new wich i think is a nice idea.

some small improvements

1. when you hold over time(food or lumber) you see the food or lumber msg "the ammout of food your using and the max ammout"

2. more buildings in the bases it dont looks serious to defend with 2 tress and 2 moonwells i dont need to be trees just something that cover it.

3. the empty player slots gain gold why? also you can remove the "empty" from the multiboard

4. the terain i CANT make terains myself but so i should not camplain much here and its not really importment in aos maps but some dooads would make it better

I think this map can get a kinda high rating and being anjoyable whne you play it i think i would give 4/5.
you and those who helped you have done a nice job, so see you and have a nice day
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
I implemented new systems, added new items and heroes, but I still don't know what to do with Terrain.

I tried to separate few lanes, and it wasn't working.
I tried to get a single curved S lane - not working.
I tried to make the random wtf lanes - not working.

I am trapped. I made up everything except terrain, and now I really don't know what to do. Maybe I will, for the first time in my life, request a terrainer T_T
Level 7
Oct 11, 2008
>>for the first time in my life, request a terrainer T_T

I wish I had had the courage to ask for it :p my AoS terrain sucks too :( but at least is my and I did everything :D (I could show you some print but :( you will laugh at me)
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
I implemented new systems, added new items and heroes, but I still don't know what to do with Terrain.

I tried to separate few lanes, and it wasn't working.
I tried to get a single curved S lane - not working.
I tried to make the random wtf lanes - not working.

I am trapped. I made up everything except terrain, and now I really don't know what to do. Maybe I will, for the first time in my life, request a terrainer T_T

1. You should do the standard 3 lane base, or 2 lanes.

2. I would be willing to "speed-terrain" it for you, done it for a couple of other friends, I would have it finished in 2-3 days.

3. Sounds like Bugz already has that covered though?
Level 6
Jun 16, 2007
If you are going to do a new terrain make it left-right not up-down, computer screens have more width than height.

Tooltips in the game are very nice.

Items are a terrible dota clone and are this map's weakest point.
Why do people keep insisting on using stupid item recipes when there are much better item systems.
Advice: reduce item selling penalty and make simple class items with multiple levels.
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