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Resource Section Changes

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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
New changes are taking place here at hive. I have been changing the resource sections. Moderating is now a bit different.
We have 5 states a resource can be in:
-2 rejected (permanent)
-1 rejected (until updated)
0 pending
1 approved
2 reviewed

Reviewed obviously means that the resource has a review but also that it is approved. This also means that moderators can moderate resources with writing a review, they simply have to type in a few reasons of why and what. This makes the moderation job much quicker, especially for the maps section which we hope to clean out within a few months.

So reviewed resources will be weighted higher than just approved resources, if the rating of the resource is good though. But resource moderators aren't forced to review a resource, though they ARE forced to moderate it. So if your resource is getting reviewed it must be because it's worth it.

So I hope to speed up the moderation process for our moderators with these changes.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Most probably. The bad ones will just get a rejection, I think the moderate ones are going to be approved and dunno the great ones get a full review? I dunno it will probably all depend on how much will a moderator has to review the map.


Master Haosis said:
20:36, 2nd Feb 2009
MasterHaosis: Yeah nice races, to much waves. Not bad at all

Seems like its like in the old days no reviews anymore :p
Level 6
Dec 17, 2007
I like the idea a lot. I've been wondering how difficult it must be for moderators to give a full review. But, there's one flaw in this; rejected maps should be given a reason why it was rejected. You guys might not notice it because you're the good map makers and always get great reviews, but then for the other guys who get their map rejected without any reasoning is very mean and annoying. A simple "you broke 'such and such' rule" would be sufficient at least =\. I think people deserve to be given a reason because they work so hard on a map and then for what? to get rejected?!? you gotta give some people credit at least. they spend more time on making that map than it takes a moderator to review it. yeah im just saying... =\ think about the little people for once ^^

EDIT: I meant the changes are great but I just wanted to add one more thing >.< which is just a little note or something that says the reason why the map was rejected =\.
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Level 31
May 3, 2008
I like the idea a lot. I've been wondering how difficult it must be for moderators to give a full review. But, there's one flaw in this; rejected maps should be given a reason why it was rejected. You guys might not notice it because you're the good map makers and always get great reviews, but then for the other guys who get their map rejected without any reasoning is very mean and annoying. A simple "you broke 'such and such' rule" would be sufficient at least =\. I think people deserve to be given a reason because they work so hard on a map and then for what? to get rejected?!? you gotta give some people credit at least. they spend more time on making that map than it takes a moderator to review it. yeah im just saying... =\ think about the little people for once ^^

EDIT: I meant the changes are great but I just wanted to add one more thing >.< which is just a little note or something that says the reason why the map was rejected =\.

Don't bet on it. :=)

And writing a full reason of why it was rejected could be a pain in the ass and with the map condition, we have no time to write all those reason for it.
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
By Ralle
"This makes the moderation job much quicker, especially for the maps section which we hope to clean out within a few months."
Can someone explain what that means? Mainly regarding the maps section.

I had noticed that some of the campaigns which i had been playing were absent from that place
Tales of Symphonia-Kratos' Story1.2d
Warcraft: Deception
Has this got to do something with this map section cleaning? I was able to go to them anyhow as i had bookmarked. But why have they been taken out of the map section? Are they one of the few which are going to be removed or what?
Also what is the mini-moderation on most of the maps i saw in the campaign menu? Is that only for the mini- moderators or just for anyone who knows about the map/campaign. If for all then is there a way by which i can see the other people's comments over the map/campaign?

Also i agree with MrBimbo that if a map is rejected then it should get a little reason written explaining in brief why the resource was rejected. All the user's of hive are not experts. As is written on hive's welcome --"If you are totally new to the game or very skilled, you may either learn and get help or teach others: there is a place reserved here for you!"--- if the user's can't get reasons and advices from the experts then this line stating that if you are totally new...YOU MAY either LEARN loses its meaning. if the new user's can't know what was the reason of rejection then how can one expect them to learn from hive's community(I am speaking about the moderators who ARE experts)? Then there will not be a place RESERVED for the new map makers as their resources get rejected without telling why.

To the moderators,mini-moderators,admin etc.
If a map is rejected without giving a reason then you are really overlooking a thing, in my opinion.

Let us assume that there are 100 map makers on hive(including experts and all others). Just assume 5 are experts and rest are others. if the 95 of the map makers(non experts) make some map and it is rejected due to one reason or the other but a reason unknown to the map makers then can you assume that the ratio of the experts to non experts to ever change on the Hive? Do you want that there should only be a few good map makers on the Hive? If there are reasons given only to the experts and not to others then is it not possible that only the experts will improve their skills? Some of the non experts may be able to do that even if reasons are not given but can you really assume that whole of the hive map maker community will be able to do so ?

By not giving reasons for rejection it is just undeliberately being done. You may reject one time without giving reason but that just may give rise to another low quality map which you may also reject. So I think That for breaking this circle of low quality maps and rejection a touch of reasoning by the experts(the moderators and the mini-moderators) is quite necessary.

Rejecting a map by reasoning,in my opinion, is justified. But the reasoning should also go to the creators of the map,in brief at least, so they can learn from their mistakes and can thus improve themselves. I think this the real meaning of the welcoming message to the Hive. Isn't it?
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Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
I dont think any maps have been deleted,,
But if you click on the maps section, you only see the approved maps,,
Normally you would also see 'Pending' and 'Reviewed' maps,,
But now only when you click on 'Pending Maps'
Or at least,, that is how it is at Spell Section (but i dont think it makes any difference)
Level 6
Dec 17, 2007
(commenting from Zelda)
thanks for supporting me =D! DUDE i totally had a WTF moment when i read this --"If you are totally new to the game or very skilled, you may either learn and get help or teach others: there is a place reserved here for you!"-- and you pose a very good argument! and you're right the moderators ARE the "experts" haha xD. Yeah... these are the questions that haunt me... and about the map section, basically this is what they are saying, but in a nicer way: "There are too many shitty maps on this website. Boys, we need to clean this out before everyone in the wc3 community download these horrible games!" yeah, they hate sucky map makers and are very hypocritical =P. but who knows? we could both be wrong and MAYBE the moderators have this super cool ultimate, nice plan!.... nah that never happens xD. c'mon we're dealing with people from the wc3 community which 90% of pros are a bunch of douche bags!

i like zelda's ideas ^^

oh and also, yeah my maps have been "deleted" too. the official term is Rejected, but they are basically deleted because no one can access them except yourself and anyone linked to the site. (like a book mark, or the map creator) maps are NEVER deleted on THW or so i've heard...
Level 9
Apr 20, 2008
This bug is rather unfortunate. My campaign was listed as "rejected" because of "errors" that it caused, but I know of no errors associated with it, nor has anyone reported any errors. It is now in my Deleted Maps section, but still downloadable.
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
Can I ask you, Is the Spell section going to be reviewed fully also?
I saw that the Skins, Icons and Model section are almost (or fully) done reviewing all Pending stuff,,
Is this going to happen to the Maps and Spells section too??
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