Removing commands, Patrol, Move?

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I've tried using a temporary unit variable
call UnitRemoveAbility(TEMP_UNIT_STRT, 'Stop')
but i get an error

then just
call UnitRemoveAbilityBJ( 'Patrol', GetTriggerUnit() )

but i believe maybe these commands have codes like a regular ability does
UnitRemoveAbilityBJ( 'A087', GetTriggerUnit() )

Does anyone know the codes of "move, patrol, stop" or knows how to find them?
thanks in advance.
Level 11
May 16, 2016
1. Do a backup map file because i have no guarantee it doesn't break a map.
2. Here is a file you must import in the map.
3. Rename it as Units\CommandFunc.txt inside the import manager
If success then you will have only Move button. Hero "Red Cross button" is moved to up so you have a giant free space. You can provide your success with a screenshot here.


    455 bytes · Views: 57
Level 13
May 10, 2009
Move and Patrol consist of only one ability, which is: 'Amov'.
call UnitRemoveAbility(YOUR_UNIT, 'Amov')
Keep in mind that you won't be able to add that ability back to a unit.

EDIT: Stop is only removed if both "Attack" and "Move" abilities are removed. Also, attack ability can't be given back to a unit either.
'Aatk' and 'Amov'
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oh yes it works. really interesting. thanks for the info now it makes sense.

Aatk and Amov store all those commands so thats why i cant just remove some and leave others.

Sorry if its unrelated but do you guys know how to loop more than 2 vars in the same condition loops (more than integer A and B)?

For each Integer A (1 to 6) loop
if then else
item type in inventory slot (int A) equal to etcX
For each Integer B (1 to 6) loop
if then else
item type in inventory slot (int B) equal to etcY
For each VarC (set nr) loop
if then else
item type in inventory slot (varC) equal to etcZ

now on the last and 3rd variable, I was trying to use an array but i dont know how to set it up so that it loops throught it. I allways get asked for a value.
I'm thinking maybe i set VarC = 1 in the start and for each loop it does VarC = VarC + 1

would that work as my "Integer C,D,E,F" loops? :p
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