Recreating Oblivion in Wc3 - Is it possible?

Is it possible?

  • No, it's not possible

    Votes: 12 28.6%
  • Yes, but only do the main storyline

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Yes, but only do the main story, and guilds

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • Yes! Go all the way!

    Votes: 25 59.5%

  • Total voters
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Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Well, I've been giving a lot of thought about recreating oblivion in Wc3 and I have decided to go ahead with it. However, before I put any more time and effort into it I need to know if this project is simply too large, or if it is possible.

This NOT the place to submit "Applications" if you wish to help, I will post a thread in the recruitment section if I wish to continue it.

Thank You.

Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Here is a link to my, so far abandoned oblivion project.

Hope it can help in some way. Maybe we could troubleshoot some idea's an stuff. I jus started another project so I wont think about starting it up again anytime soon unless advances in "Warsoc" happen this year.

(edit) jus some rantage about warsoc on oblivion
If Warsoc becomes completed and you can have a max of 500 players on a map I think an oblivion mod would become the best ORPG on warcraft, probably could even call it a mmorpg with that many people. With Warsoc, their wouldnt be a limit to the size of models and the big one, .blps.

You would most defiantly need a decent computer to support playing a high-rez mod on warcraft so I would expect some high-end and low-end looking orpgs that would come up to meet everyones systems.

The reason I didnt continue my oblivion mod is because I wouldnt want to worry about models,textures,sounds taking up to much space. You need to know jass though to use warsoc to put in even the most basic spells so I might jus join someone that does know how and supply doodads and stuff.

I want to make a basic 3d human model and create attachment points all around him like on his hands, feet, chest, shoulders, legs, head etc that combined with some type of bigger equip inventory system, you could equip, say gauntlets, bracers, legplates, and have them show up on your character like a regular mmorpg.

Combine full character customization,a huge environment filled with rdy customized npcs that dish out quests, a very in-depth storyline with over 100 quests, and a fully customized terrain that can be explored with more than 12 players and you got a nice wc3 orpg.

hmm did anyone else slightly think of WoW reading that last paragraph :p?
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I'd be very much willing to help with terrain, however, this would have to be a 80MB+ Single player map, if not campaign. For the doodads, have you guys noticed the similarities between RTES and Oblivion things? Use that pack, that's the simple answer. As for houses, make enterable ones, use a lot of flying platforms, and that's it. Hell, you could even make it so that you put in a quick fade filter, you go to a "reserved" corner, and you quickly make the doodads there, go upstairs, same thing. All you'd need is flying doodads.
As for the quests, I think story line, guilds and SOME minor quests would be good. But do it in that order. First the storyline and some minor quests, then guilds and then all the minor quests. It's possible, even though it IS hard.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
For the doodads, you should use B2M's hi-res pack. It would make it so awesome, and it would have to be singleplayer. And it gives you another reason to finish that expansion+normal pack map :D (100mb maps FTW)

But really, the only reason I would make/play a map like this is for easy custom spells/zones and stuff like that.

Also-- I would be glad to help a bit with terrain and spells and basically general recreation because I know Oblivion really well.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
I guess it's official! I have decided to start this project! I'll use Born2mods pack for the terrain.

So, Bel and Void, you guys gonna help terrain? I'll give you two the map, if you choose to help. I can do some terraining and model some High res models like characters, weapons and Buildings.

I'll go make a thread in recruitment, we'll need more people. :p
Count me in for terraining. I can also eat some quests from Oblivion and spit them back out in WC3, if you want. By the way, some questions:
-It'll be 3rd person, yes?
-Since it's single player, have you thought about getting someone to make a 3rd party program so you can use the arrow keys to look up/down/right/left and WASD simultaneously?
-Will it be one single huge map?

For the last question, suggestion: Make the outside terrain one gigantic map, maybe split up into areas, then make each city seperate maps. It's going to be a hell of a lot easier like that, since you can easily make enter-/exit-able houses. Also, as for triggers: they shouldn't actually be that hard, the summons and spells are actually quite simple.
But either way, let's hope this works well. If we can do the split map thing, we can make the world more extended, awesomer, and Void and I won't have to bug each other; we could even split it up between city and "outdoors" terrain.
Firstly, why are you even posting here? That was so bloody senseless, seriously.
Secondly, it's not going to be some HUGE MEGA UBER project, read the posts. Don't just look at the first one. We're going to split it into bits, start off with the main story and then do little things.
Thirdly, WC3:WoW could still be completed, even though it'd take ages. But we're not talking about some bloody huge mega project.

As soon as we start, I'm going to do my best to do my fair share of work. In the first public version, there might only be the main quest things there - but still, it'd be good. We're talking about a big project, but a huge project? No way, we've got 3 people and I doubt we'll get any more than maybe six or seven.
Anyway, why don't you change that fact that the projects never get completed, and contribute, how 'bout that?
Level 7
Feb 18, 2007
I can also help with this project if necessary. I know Oblivion well and I can make terrains and triggers pretty well. You can see few of my terrains by just checking my reputation thinga... So if you might need help of mine in some cases just inform me;)
Level 4
Feb 29, 2008
Almost anything is possible to recreate to a certain level in warcraft 3, the only real things you have to consider is the size if you want it compatible, if you are even capable of complex triggers, modelling etc and if you have the time.... but yeah, I don't know if it is even worth it. I have seen other map editors on this site say they are going to recreate oblivion and then after a few comments from members that say something like "why recreate a game thats already out there" they decide its a pointless task. My advice would be that If you have the skill and the time to recreate oblivion, put it to better use and create a similar style of game with your own story, settings and units. good luck
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Yeah, you can have a 480×480 map But I guess we could do 4 seperate maps so that we don't have to hassle each other. And, I meant east :p

About the comment above, We have the terraining skill, two of the best on the hive, and I can do triggers and some modeling and apparently Belgarath can do quests too. As for the question of time, I have plenty of it, I only get like an hours worth of homework every day, if less than that.

So all in all I'm confident in our abilities to complete this project.
Level 4
Feb 29, 2008
sorry, I wasn't really meaning to question your ability as much as if it was worth it... I have no doubt of your ability from the way you are communicating to each other and sorting through the maps steps one by one as a team. It's just that to put sooooo much effort into mimicking something thats already done at a higher graphics level (etc) seems like such a waste of talent. Even if you kept the basic system of the game and changed the story (as if it was your own personal expansion to the storyline) I think the end result would be more interesting to players and more rewarding to yourselves... look at the FPS community and how homemade mods like counter-strike, natural selection and team fortress grew into something much bigger. If you have the skills and add a touch of originality there is a chance that it could get you more then just a bit of popularity on a forum. But yeah it's your project and mine isn't so different (as its based on an existing game formula) cept really the time and effort... anyhow like I said good luck, if you are still sticking to your guns at this point then it is going to be a good project with a good result
Murder has a point. If we added in our own unique storyline, after or before Uriel's death, with the guilds similar and our own unique mini quests, then it'd be a lot better. I could make up a story, just, I can't work without some type of guideline, one of my faults.

We'll still be able to use Tamriel, but Tamriel with our own and Oblivion's people, with our own important people. And: we can make Kvatch as well. I think we should do that.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Yes, it is Tamriel :p

If we do 4× 480×480 we'll be able to throw every little detail into the terrain. I guess we COULD throw in other continents, but that's just a lot more work, we'll think about doing that once we're done with everything else.

I've been messing around with modeling a human character by kind of looking at screenshots of other characters, once i'm done with that, I'll throw attachments points all over him.
Alright, you still need to finish that High Res map first though. Put in the basic SE, NE, SW or NW outline, I'm sure Void can change it by himself, seems to me he plays a lot of Oblivion, while I can't really remember it. Stick some walls wherever and a few rivers too.
But: Let's save Kvatch for the last thing to terrain. We have to make something up.
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Hate to bring you down...

I don't think you could do oblivion for WC, for a few uncomfortable reasons

The first, war3 simply can't handle that kind of detail, even if you could find some1 (or some way) to get every single highly defined unit model (even if you scale down the detail, still a hell of a feat)

The second, oblivion as a game was kinda "Ok", mostly great for it's high detail an awesome RPG features, as an online game for WCIII, it wouldn't be as good (maybe not awful, but worse)

The third, if you got all of these resources, time, skills, everything together and created this map (which is a ridiculous f*cking amount), there is still WoW, which is where alot of ppl who got bored of regular warcraft moved on to

My suggestion, make a normal wcIII rpg map, base it off of oblivion, and add alot of really cool (but do-able!!!) special features. The guilds would be pretty cool, and the quests could be fun with appropriately balanced items and stats


I didn't read that you already got a high res map together, well if the systems don't lag, GO FOR IT!!!
I'd be interested in seeing the outcome of this :D
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
You probably already knew this

I think you could increase the map size dramatically, if you scaled down all of the stuff, and placed the camera at an FPS angle. would create alot of space, although it might still lag like a map with a billion units in it.

I don't know, but you guys seem to know what your doing, good luck
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
I don't believe so

A friend of mine had made a map that was supposed to have extreme detail like you say, and the war3 just couldn't handle it
Everything lagged, not awfully as you'd expect, but annoyingly enough

Now, I'm not sure if it was the map's insane amounts of detail etc., or maybe he had faulty coding, but he seemed fairly prevelant in his programming skills

I really hope he had bad code, and war3 can handle such detail (really looking forward to this :D)

Now that I think about it, I think it could be done no problem if you don't plan to take it online (unless it is in a specific fight arena map, as somebody suggested earlier)
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007

Heh, nvm then, I suppose the wcIII vers of oblivion wouldn't be so much detail, just a storyline and such
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
For one berries, when you asked about my project, and told me about yours, it didn't sound like you had much planned, whereas we are planning to implement every aspect of the game, from the inventory and items to the combat and spells, and we're making an expansion that takes place before the assassination of the emperor and new guild and minor quests, rather than recreate the original storyline.

Overall, I believe this project has a very unique aspect to it.

Level 6
Mar 10, 2008
I think it could be possible, but only if you have a rather large team with you. Then it's only peerseverance and hard work. I don't want to sound negative, but don't let your map die like all other projects that were too ambitious :)i War3: wow ...).
I'd really like to play an oblivion map though, as i'm a fan of the series (more morrowind but meh oblivion is fine ^^)

good luck on your project, i hope it gets completed :)
I'm wondering: if we find ourselves in need of a good cinematic maker, could you help us, Hunter? Watched your cine yesterday, and it was pretty damn good. We'd just be limited on sounds.
How's that map coming, deathcom? Once we have those, we can get started. Oh, by the way: I think one 480x480 map would be better. Instead of mashing lots of shit into 4 maps, using a campaign, which would create extra hassle with triggers and data, we could make just one map. But then we'd have to do it by stage 1 - stage 2 - stage 3, since we don't wanna DL a 80-100mb map 50 times. BTW, we're doing the inventory and stuff? HF!
Level 6
Mar 10, 2008
I'm wondering: if we find ourselves in need of a good cinematic maker, could you help us, Hunter? Watched your cine yesterday, and it was pretty damn good. We'd just be limited on sounds.

Yeah sure no problem :)

I always like to make cines, so if you ever need me send me a PM and i'll see what i can do.
If you need music from oblivion, 43Berries send me a bunch, i have most of the soundtracks from the game.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Yes, it is Tamriel :p

If we do 4× 480×480 we'll be able to throw every little detail into the terrain. I guess we COULD throw in other continents, but that's just a lot more work, we'll think about doing that once we're done with everything else.

I've been messing around with modeling a human character by kind of looking at screenshots of other characters, once i'm done with that, I'll throw attachments points all over him.

I say do 4x 256x256 or w/e at half detail.
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Looking at your quote

Yeah, the neutrals don't exactly give rep because it doesn't take much to impress somebody new.... rep is kind of a joke anyway
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