Recruitment for Wc3-Oblivion

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Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Apply here to be a member of the Wc3-Oblivion project team!

To apply for a position please copy the below "Application" and include it in your join request.

Your modding "speciality":

Your modding Experience (Beginner, intermediate,experienced):

Any other modding skills:

Some Examples of your work:

Are you familiar with TES4: Oblivion?

Current Positions available

JASSers/Triggerers(Quests and spells)

Thank You,
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Well, we've got terrainers pretty much covered, Void and me, you can jump in too, OFC and the tilesets I don't see much need since there's something like 25 available tiles to choose from.
But you should specify the type of triggers we need as well.

I'll start a thread in the main forum some time as well, once we've gotten started. Or if you want to, you can, you should put down what we've got though.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
You can give make the storyline Bel, lol I really don't want to do that on top of organizing the map...

@Deskalada: Well, as you can see i just barely decided to start this project, and we can't even start until i'm done organizing the map. We're going to do something like an expansion pack rather than the original map.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
i really think this wont work

and as a map mod i know what i'm taking about when i say bad idea and that this map is sorta well umm like

and if it dose work plese tell me because ide love to look at it

I'm not quite sure you understand what we are doing here. We aren't recreating Oblivion, we are using the storyline and game style to make a unique map, using the world of Oblivion. Really, the only things that will be the same are the systems for fighting and spells and attributes/levels, and the basic outline of the terrain.
Level 6
Mar 10, 2008

Well Belgarath said that if you guys ever need someone for cinematics i could do it. I don't see that position opened but i'm gonna apply for it anyway :p

Your modding "speciality": Cinematics

Your modding Experience intermediate. Learning to master the Jass Cinematic System for uber cinematics.

Any other modding skills: GUI triggers, OK terrain (you prolly don't need that anymore though^^)

Some Examples of your work: Sure

Are you familiar with TES4: Oblivion?

yes greatly. I spent 300 hrs with Morrowind, and 120+hrs with Oblivion. I did the mainquests, all 5 guilds, plus most of minor quests. In addition to having a max out uber pwnzor character ^^
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