Info on the Project can all be found Here This is a serious project and don't think i'm not working on it. we do have our main base on PHQ but that does only matter for the Project members.
As of now, i'm is recruiting members for his team. This is a big project and we really need anyone who can and will help. The following positions need to be filled:
Total Positions: 3
Positions Available: 0
Total Positions: 3
Positions available: 3
Total Positions: 3
Positions Available: 2
Anyone who gives suggestions or comments toward stories and quests, as well as provides ideas, will be credited in the map. We look forward to putting together a successful team, and an even more successful project. Sign up people!
As of now, i'm is recruiting members for his team. This is a big project and we really need anyone who can and will help. The following positions need to be filled:
Triggering & Scripting
General Ray(on PHQ)/Sergeant Ray(on Hive)is in charge of all GUI and JASS triggering, hence his title "Scripting Director". Under him he will need one more triggerer. These triggerers must be able to handle the majority of Triggering work handed to them. I will not accept anyone with little knowledge that is looking at this as a chance to learn. Slack is also not tolerated. Any trigger who fails to complete their work within a reasonable amount of time will have their position and title passed on to the next qualifying member. Total Positions: 3
Positions Available: 0
Skinning & 3D Art
What is a project without custom art work? As of now we are looking for 2D and 3D artists. We currently have two separate positions open. We need an Art Director. The art Director must be able to do both 2D and 3D work. The art director must be experienced and quick, as well as be able to manage other artists. Under the Art Director, we need two artists. We require that we have filled skinner and one modeler, however you will only be given one of the positions, so apply for the one you are best at. Again the art must be decent, and you must use only a reasonable amount of time for the creations. This is also not your chance to learn. We want only experience. We will need examples of your work as proof of experience.Total Positions: 3
Positions available: 3
Aside of directing the project, i'm is also the terrain board director, because Ray says my terrains kick major ass. Under me, we need two terrainers. We will need screenshot examples of your terrains as proof of experience. As above, we need everything submitted within a reasonable amount of time. Total Positions: 3
Positions Available: 2
Anyone who gives suggestions or comments toward stories and quests, as well as provides ideas, will be credited in the map. We look forward to putting together a successful team, and an even more successful project. Sign up people!