
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007

When Khelyos was killed by his sister Sylia, a part of the Elves sided with the Undead, later becoming Dark Elves. Those faithful to the Gryphonwing King swore to battle Sylia and her treacherous forces. These ill-fated Elves became the Rangers. The most driven and most cunning of all Elves. The Rangers are masters of bows and natural magic. They strike swiftly and noiselessly with deadly accurate volleys from their longbows, before charging their natural spells in order to make their selves invisible or blast their enemies with natural energy.

The Gryphonwing Rangers persue their war against the Dark Elves with a single-minded focus. In order to excel at this lonely and thankless task, the Ranger trains endlessly, perfecting techniques specifically suited to one aspect or strategy of combat. These "strategic maneuvers" always rely on their Nature Boons. Rangers saving their Nature Boons are usually perfect for long range assaults, giving their shots a chance to deal extra damage based on their Nature Boons. Rangers spending their Nature Boons are specialized in kiting and immobilizing their foes in combination with keeping their selves invisible and healed. These strategies, when combined with the Ranger’s burning desire for vengeance, result in a potent offensive warrior capable of acting alone or as the scout for a larger group.


Nature Boons:
Rangers use Nature Boons. Everytime the Ranger uses an ability or spell there's a chance she gets a Nature Boon up to a maximum of 5 at the same time. Nature Boons passively increase the effect of certain abilities but can also be needed for certain magical spells. It's the player's choice to save Nature Boons or to spend them.

Playing as a Ranger:
To excel as a Ranger you must carefully observe the flow of the battle and choose the best strategy for the situation at hand. A Ranger must always be aware of his opponent's location. This is critical to making the most of his maneuvers and the abilities associated with them. A Ranger should also fight with a cool head and understand that her burst should only be unleashed at the most ideal moment on a weakened opponent. The use of her Nature Boons is also important to defeat opponents in various different ways. A Ranger has to be aware of her amount of Nature Boons to make her able to deal extra damage with certain shots or unleash more powerful shots at the cost of a Nature Boon.

Playing against a Ranger:
When fighting a Ranger you must always be aware of his mobility, and reduce or eliminate it entirely. If a melee class does not do so, the Ranger will constantly be moving and harassing you from range, making it difficult to catch him. Ranged attackers should attempt to keep the Ranger at a close distance. They will still take a beating from ranged archery, but a Ranger poses a much more significant threat if they are allowed to attack from a long range. It is then that they gain specific damage boosting benefits as long as they attack from a long range.



Forest Shot

Cooldown: 3.00 seconds
Cast: instant (autocast)
Range: 700 Range
Cost: 20 Energy
Description: Deals Agi*1.6 nature damage to the target. (Has a 6% chance to deal double damage per Nature Boon)
Wolven Strike

Cooldown: 9.00 seconds
Cast: 1.00 cast
Range: 700 Range
Cost: 35 Energy
Description: Fires a sharpened arrow at the target; dealing Agility * 3 physical damage to the target and stuns it for 2 seconds. (Has a 6% chance per Nature Boon to ignore armor)
Sundering Arrow

Cooldown: 12 seconds
Cast: instant
Range: 700 Range
Cost: 35 Energy
Description: Fires a magical arrow at the target; dealing Agility * 1 arcane damage to the target and reduces it's armor by 15% for 15 seconds. (Has a 6% chance per Nature Boon to deal Agility * 2 arcane damage over 12 seconds.)
The abilities above are just a part of the hero's abilities and might change as well.
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Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
waa.. pro ranger.. even hp like want to die but still survive... i wanna ask something.. each skill how many level??? :D

Each skill has 1 level but will have an increased effect based on attributes or the hero's level. Skills always do Agi*2.7 or Str*1.2 + Lvl*9 damage. So if a level 12 casts a spell it deals Str*1.2 + 12*9 damage etc...