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Project Recruitment - Life Of a Terran

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Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
@Hero_Lief: Well, if they do not implement, we can just convert it to sc2. It is not that hard.

Uhm. Yes. Yes it's that hard. Do you want to implement the reading of additional MPQs and have it patch each client you connect with to do the same, all in the split second before Battle.Net 2.0 even connects you?

Level 5
Jul 4, 2007
I know what will make this thread run smoothly: typing certain words in capital letters. You know, to convey anger or some sort of misguided frustration.

Can someone get on that?
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Do you understand conversion?

The way it does this, IT- err, no caps. It modifies the MPQ files, and Warcraft III has a leak that transfers things like that. Unless that SAME EXACT PROBLEM is found in StarCraft II, which I heavily doubt, it WON'T WORK.
Level 2
Sep 11, 2009
Its 8 players in the ladder, 12 players in the custom game

Yo dudes, SC2 supports 16 players.

Just that you know.

Also i want to ask if i can write the story? Also i can get some ideas suggestions. If theres many story writers we can make something in 1 piece and it will be great. Also is there any limit for a SC2 map? Because big WC3 maps make some comps lag like shit. Anyways if i can join the team it could be neat. Contact me via skype or email for a chata bout the map.

E-mail>[email protected]
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
A full 16 players would really be great for a game like LoaT. Makes it more realistic.

Yes, there are limits. The same as WC3. However, we can scale things down in SC2 and they keep quality. We can also modify rendering depth so that it won't make comps lag as much.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Do you guys have a voice actor? XD

I dunno, I want to help and all... and that is the only way I though of. Of course, you may not like my voice and all.. but as FAR as I'm aware, I have a good reach (even with 15) and could interpret a good bunch of voices if needed. (There is ONE problem though... english isn't my native language. But I'll try... you will see if it is good or not.)
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
We do not have a voice actor yet.

As long as you can speak clear english we will definitely give it a try.
We don't need voice acting for any map right now, but it'd be great if you could pick up some quotes from any Starcraft unit and record them... Just to hear what your voice is like.

Since I'm a Sound Designer, you can just PM me the link to the sound files if you don't want everyone to hear it.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Just adding on to what DSG said, always remember to save as full sound files, and not compressed ones.

Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
It is so awful... I'll never made it ç-ç

I recorded the Selected Phrases from the Marine and Ghost (at least the ones they talked on the video, so you can compare.)

Edit: How can I take the echo out? I'm using Sound Forge.

Edit: I've removed the attachments because for some reason the mp3 sounded horribly, while in the Sound Forge they've sounded good (Somewhat good.) I'll try to fix it, but I don't know.

Edit: Did it. I think.


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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009

Edit: Sorry, but... again english is not my native language, so...

how exactly do you say the url? (a "translation" from mine would be double u double u double period life of a terran period com... is it that?)

Edit: Tylon, can you tell me more about Sound Designing? Maybe (if you guys want, of course) I could fit in as it too. (And would be auto sufficient... I would manage my own voice acts! :B)

And I also (maybe) could be a Promotional Agent. I'm the chieftain of a clan, and friends of some clans, and I'm on Metastasis Forum (Metastasis=Futuristic Map=Prolly SC Lovers=Prolly LoaT lovers)

And I plan to make a replica of my clan on SC2.
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Sasuh.. try to put more emotion into your voice.
When saying "by the numbers, boys"

Try something like this..

"BY the numbers (pause), BOYS"

And don't whisper so much. Scream it. Yell it. Reduce loudness in a program. When you mutter words it makes it difficult to understand.

I would personally say remake those sound files, all of em. <.<
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
You say:
Double you double you double you DOT Life Of A Terran DOT com

Not period. When referring to a web site, we usually say dot, even though technically, yes, it's a period.
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
Doesn't "latest updates" sound better?

"Welcome to Life of a Terran
Visit our website for the latest updates

@Rispetto Good tips there.

@SasuhKun Sound Designing in this case would be changin the pitch, noise, sound axis(if that makes any sense) and special effects... like adding a radio transmission effect.
Level 5
Mar 26, 2010
Sounds like a male prostitute hitting on a bunch of drunk guys :)
But its good, we can use that.
For the male prostitutes in the game.

About the marine imitation:
First of all, have the mouth open before you start recording to prevent the tongue sounds.
Now, in "Do you want a piece of me, boy", yes, you sound like a male prostitute, no excuses there. You tried to imitate the voice of the marine with your mouth instead of your throat. There the marine sounds like a talking cigarette pack, and to imitate that voice you must imitate a veteran smoker with the throat black of smoking.
In the other two there's a lack of emotion.
Anyway, you have a voice too soft for a marine, a rude hipermusculated son of a resoc tank where some of them were transformed from dangerous criminals into dangerous marines.

The only and major problem of your Ghost imitation is that you try to imitate the effect of the mask with your own voice, while that effect should be added artificially (no, don't try to record the sound with a gas mask put on. It doesn't sound the same way ><).

You have a good voice, but also a long way to go.
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Thanks everyone for the help and feedback you've been providing. It makes it all so easy...

@DP: I don't know how phBB works, but I could learn.

@Hero_Lief: Thanks.

@Rispetto: Will do.

@Tylon: Yeah, latest updates involves more things aside from the map itself, like news, mods, forum, etc etc.

@Tharkas: Thank you very much Tharkas, I think I got what you meant with the marine... yes, well, to see if it was good it would needed to be edited... so now I'll just use my natural voice. (Well, the first lines don't REALLY need emotion, but I'll try. Well, at least comparing to the extended/pissed lines.)

Edit: I've just heard the Ghost again, and that's not the mask... (at least the one from SC2) His voice really is like that. Emotionless, almost bored, a somewhat clear muttering, and "something" in his throat, but not like the Marine. (Emotionless because of the things they implanted in their brains ya know. To focus, augment psychic abilities and all.)

Edit: Remade the tests, put more than one version so you could have a greater reach of what I am capable, put two extras for Marine and Ghost, and also two versions of the sentence Dr. P told me to say. (I know, the website part is just horrible. And Tharkas, I did that "effect" on the ghost voice again because from what I heard, it really is his voice (aside from the radio and the mask) that does that, not the radio or the mask. Emotionless, bored, etc.

Edit: Looks like I made some errors... sorry. Of the Marine's extra ended up in being one of the Ghost Extra. Sorry.


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Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
Have been listening and playing around with your new recordings.

First of all, watch out for the sharp S sounds. Listen to Ghost Extra 1-1 at "The world of innoncenSSH. The world of luSH forests..."

And can you record the "welcome and website" sentence again?
But this time say it with more emotion, and skip the Double you, double you, double you... sounded horrible.

Welcome to LIFE of a TERRAN!
For the latest updates, visit our Website at LIFEofaTERRAN.COM!

Search for "WoW commercial" on Youtube, and listen to the commercial speaker's voice. ;)
Level 10
Aug 25, 2004
Double you, double you, double you - made my day :D
just LIFE of a TERRAN dot com would be fine

Sasuh, you are from azia right? Maybe we can use ur voice in ur native language to record a few sounds for the Mafia Boss

check out my own recording:


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Level 3
Mar 9, 2006
If I have some time, I can try recording a few. I'll just need some "test sentences".

No, it's not going to be a promade. :p
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Just cause I showed up another voice actor showed up? NUUU (Well, still, just two voice actors, so I don't believe we'll ever be thrown out. I think.)


- Helloy, I am Ozzy Osbourne, and I am the Prince of Darkness.

*crazy scream*

(Production) The Lich King is the Prince of Darkness, Ozzy.

(Ozzy) Well, maybe you're the one who have been riding a ******* crazy train, but I HAVE BEEN THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS SINCE NINETEEN SEVEENTY NIINE!


Level 3
Mar 9, 2006
Made 3 test messages. In Audacity it sounded pretty nice, but in Winamp I heard some kind of a crappy background sound. Have no freakin' idea how to fix it.

'kay, I know why it is so loudy in the background. It's just the .wav conversion.

Edit: Added a lame polish version. ^^

Next edit: So lame, couldn't I post it in the first edit? W/e. The polish version says:
Witam w Life of a Terran.
Jesteś szczęściarzem, że grasz w najlepszą mapę na świecie.
Odwiedź stronę lifeofaterran.com dla najnowszych wiadomości i aktualizacji.


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