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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I have to agree with you a dragon should be massive force of destructive power even though I still think that dragons also should be highly intelligent and have both good and bad sides just like humans have.
I have to agree with you a dragon should be massive force of destructive power even though I still think that dragons also should be highly intelligent and have both good and bad sides just like humans have.
Dragons are part of SotP history, and they play important role in SotP world, I can't use them as creeps, sry.
Guys I finished with spells for next version. It should be good enough for nice gameplay, I have made place for more spells to add, and also link them to each other in next versions.

New bounty system, you will see :)

3rd person custom camera is now something that I STRONGLY RECOMMEND for awesome playing experience, you can use ESC to switch between changing Z offset and Distance to target with UP/DOWN arrow keys, while LEFT/RIGHT are used for rotation. There is no terrain height or place where camera can't be optimized.
I added limitations for safety but you will still be able to lower camera below ground sometimes, so please do not exploit this, it isn't bug just bad GetLocationZ functions, blame blizzard for that :sad:

New creeps like bandit spearman, bandit axeman, makruras, crabs, skeleton archers, golems and so on, you will see (THIS IS THE LAST THING I NEED TO FIX BEFORE UPLOAD).

Damage system fixed once again, creeps now use cold/poison damage, critical, etc flawlessly without any errors. Care ghost and such like creatures have huge evasion values.

Added new Hero Button F4 for talent tree system.

Still no new quests/items.
But I promise this will be the only thing I will be working on for next version.
Because I have epic story crafted in my mind :)

Fixed many other small errors in code, leaks and handles etc etc.

Creeps are now recycled as well, this will save/increase map efficiency drastically.

Damn I probably forget something but I will make sure everything is mentioned in change log.

Shadows of the Past v0.7.5.5 Coming Soon!
Level 11
Apr 22, 2011
Nice I would like to try out the 3rd person camera since I must say I did not kinda like the way the first one worked and I injoyed the Free CAM more but we will see. Also I must mention that you should keep an eye on Doodads since you have placed some of them off Ground. This cannot be seen from Free Cam perspective but from 3rd Person I could see those lets call them bugs. Now I dont know for you but I play almost every game at high Dificulty since that brings out the F-U-N BuT In SotP NOOOO way to dangerous! ;)

And I nearly forgot, thank god that Dragons are a part of this project, Also Kobas you have these Books all arround the map, I think you should create Lore for your project but wery deep lore like back when that world was created, put some Gods in and some devine creatures that you can than take some Legendary Idems that hame their name in 'em. Like Helm or Dupe - where Dupe would be a god. Something like that.

Cheers... :)


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
- Lore - World Forces -

The elder god MarKobas had created the world ages ago. He just thinked that something was wrong. He sent 5 dragons to balance the powers of the world.
He told them:"Spread all around our world and think, think things deeply, deeply in your minds."
___So the dragons left to do their mission. First dragon went east... second one went west. Third one went to north, fourth went to south. Fifth, had no point where it could go and keep the world in balance. He asked MarKobas where should she go. MarKobas asnwered:"Think, think things deeply, deeply in your mind."
___The dragon started to think, deeply in its mind. He understood, "keep the world in balance", hold together, be a family, it will hold. He looked around and started to fly to the sunrise...

-The world forces were born. Love... hatred... friendship... betraying... everything...
No matter where we go, she will hold us, she will watch us, she will never betray...

Not really :)

You see gods shaped SotP world and each one created it's own favorite creature, human, troll, vampire etc, but they all together worked on ultimate creature that will hold world in balance, those creatures in SotP were Elves :)

But I didn't mentioned dragons right, well dragons was favorite creature of the one who created gods, the ultimate divine being :)

He created world, and gods so they can shape it, then moved to another dimension, space whatever to do same and so on.

Shadow Lord is fallen god, his creatures, vampires, become the ultimate weapons of darkness.

OK, I will stop now, just wait, everything will be explained nicely :)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well there you see the model of Malygos. However I doubt -Kobas- will include the model in SotP since he at several occations have complained about the size of the map and including a wow rip would add an extreme amount of file size. Even though I would love to see Malygos in the game.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I take it you already know of two steps from hell so I'm going to give examples of some other music.

Last edited:
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
No Two Steps from hell is a group that makes music and -Kobas- is already using their music. And my post was a reply to -Kobas-.
Level 11
Apr 22, 2011
Testing results and Feedback:

Absolutely awesome spell system and easy usage makes the game way more customisable and fun to play.

Terrain is awesome lol, however I would like to see Dungeons and more Epic Boss fights, also one question: Do you plan on making the Inside of Buildings?

I have not seen any bugs yet but I am still testing all of the Features.


Now Ive had a problem with Finding the Cave for that Dryad in the Forest, seems to be quite dificult since you do not know how are cirtain parts of the map called right, If I remember correctly It was the ''Misty Cave'' where you needed to get that Owl to, unfortunately It took me about an hour of frustration and map exploring to find it ( I died 3 TIMES), so the aim of this talk is that you should eider point us in the right direction or like put the line in the Dialogue: ''Take me to the Misty Cave, Its just North of here.'' and something like that to point us in the right direction, as for everithing else its awesome.

Still playing and Testing.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Well I had the same problem as marko9 exept that I don't want you to change it since I like the challange so I'm only going to describe how I fell about the update.

Level 11
Apr 22, 2011
Forgot about MONEY SYSTEM AWESOME work man I love it, I was a bit confused at the beggining and started colecting the gold to my inventory and than i was like WTH, than I droped them out of Inv (No space lol) and walked over tham and woala nice.

Talent Tree system I gues I have allready commented but aniways, its so easy to use and its all set in order I hope to see how you finish it and then I can progress my Mage to reach Legendary Spells, also I think you should add limit to chosing spells I took 4 spells right at the Beggining just by clicking on them, since its SP map you can add a bit of story to Mages and other Magic classes, like how they gain their powers and stuff, but since warrior, thief and others can also use spells you should make that for them as well like a seperate quest line, or whats better make the Mages College where they can Upgrade theire magic skills and stuff, maybe gain some Elementals to spawn also control the nature and such stuff.

I still dont know how are you going to do with quests, are you going to go only with the main story or you will have Optional Quests. Now if you will have Optional (I hope you will ofc) I have some Ideas...

So, beside from the main Shadow Lord and stuff line I was thinking as I mentioned above like ''class only'' quests like for mages you make them go and Discover their power by finding an Ancient Elven artifact in some newly discovered ruins or something like that.
Or for Thiefs for example you make a Thiefs Guild somewhere in one of the Cities (if you have more than one) and make them complete this quest line of like 3 to 4 qeusts in a row, but so player can chose does he wish to go and work those quests out or leave that quest for later and go do the main quest line.

Also the main quest line should not be the very end of game like for example I kill the Shadow Lord and I get Credits and good bye thanks for playing NO! please make that when you complete the main quest you get the Credits and then brings you back to game so you can continue working on unfinished or even unstarted quests, maybe I you make some, discover some secrets and earn Legendary Items that you can later store in your house on a mannequin in your House (ok thats to much of Skyrim now ;)

But why not its on you Its a SP map so If size does not matter you can do what you want and after the main release is out you can rest and make updates with all new stuff
that you want to introduce to us.

Those are the ideas and a bit of Feedback on my Recent play, Im still playing, looking for bugs and for now everithing is fine.

I will keep informing you.

Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
- When you look at mirror, you don´t see yourself. You´ll see the evil part of yourself.

I'm pretty sure that's the explenation even though I must admit I've never heard that word before in either the swedish or english language so I can not answer if it's a made up word or not.
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