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Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
This is a list of the allready realized and the to-do features in Darkwind RPG – A Hero’s Tale.

Custom Interface Features:

10 Button Actionbar:
  • -Providing 10 clickable buttons for learned talents "done"
  • -Detecting left/right clicking "done"
  • -Showing grafical cooldown of talents inside the buttons "done"
  • -Working Global cooldown when a talent is used "done"
  • -Updating the attack icon with the currently used weapon "done"
  • -Allowing to plug/move, swap/remove talents into/inside/from the actionbar "done"
  • -Trying to cast an talent on an out of range target will force the hero to move in castrange "done"
  • -Coloring the buttons when the target is out of range "done"
  • -Coloring the buttons when not having enough mana "done"
  • -Coloring the buttons when the skill requirements aren’t passed "done"
  • -Embed animated progressbar to show your current exp "done"
  • -Allowing to bind the buttons to the hotkeys 1-0 via controls groups"done"

6 Button Beltbar:
  • -Providing 6 clickable buttons for usuable items like i.e. potions "done"
  • -Detecting left/right clicking "done"
  • -Showing grafical cooldown of items inside the buttons "done"
  • -Working Global cooldown when an item is used "done"
  • -Showing stacksize inside the buttons "done"
  • -Allowing to plug/move, swap/remove item into/inside/from the beltbar "done"
  • -Hiding the beltbar when being empty "done"

The HUDs:
Hero HUD:
  • -Showing detailed information about your current stats "done"
Target HUD:
  • -Left/Right on a target will set it to your current target "done"
  • -Hitting ESC clears your current target "done"
  • -Showing detailed informations about your targets stats "done"
  • -Showing targets name, class and level "done"
Party HUDs:
  • -Showing detailed information about your party members stats "done"
  • -Showing party members name and level "done"
  • -Allowing to select the party member by left clicking the HUD "done"
  • -Allowing to follow the party member by right clicking the HUD "done"

The Loot/Roll system:
Loot frame:
  • -Hitting ESC will close the lootframe "done"
  • -Showing a frame holding icons/names of dropped items "done"
  • -Showing tooltip on left click "done"
  • -Pick up via right click "done"
Role frame:
  • -Showing a frame holding icon/name of rolled item "done"
  • -Showing tooltip on left click "done"
  • -Showing an animated progress bar fort he remaining rooltime "done"
  • -Providing two buttons, roll or disclame "done"

The castbar:
  • -Providing an animated castbar to show the progress of casted and channeld spells/actions "done"
  • -Hitting ESC will cancel the casting/channeling "done"

  • -Hitting ESC will close all fullscreenmenus "done"

  • -Showing preview of equipt items "done"
  • -30 slot Backpack "done"
  • -6 slot belt "done"
  • -Money display "done"
  • -Tooltips on mouse over "done"
  • -Use/Equip on double click "done"
  • -Items can be dragged "done"
  • -Stack items of same type "done"
  • -Drop items/split item stacks "done"

  • -Showing detailed information about all of your stats/attribute "done"
  • -Provide buttons to spend attribute points "done"
  • -Showing animated progressbars for exp,fame,weapon/armorskill and special skills "done"
  • -Tooltips on mouseover "done"

  • -10 talent trees "creation"
  • -Talent points can be spent by left click "done"
  • -Tooltips on mouseover "done"
  • -Tier and requirement restrictions for learning talents "done"
  • -Showing allready spent talent points next tot he talent icons "done"
  • -Showing the amount of spent talent points per tree "done"
  • -Learned active talents can be pluged/moved, swaped/removed talents into/inside/from the actionbar "done"

  • -Showing current backpack items and merchant items "done"
  • -Tooltips on mouseover "done"

The camerasystem:
  • -Providing a very smooth camera "done"
  • -Camera follows terrain Z "done"

Custom Gameplay features:

Hero controls:
  • -Hero moving by right click arrowkey "done"
  • -Right click on target will force the hero to engage the target "done"
  • -Right click on dead targets will start the loot process "done"
  • -Right click on interactive objects will start the interaction process "done"

Scrolling combat Text(SCT):
  • -Showing damage/heals against your hero "done"
  • -Showing damage/heals against your target "done"
  • -Showings buffs/debuffs against your hero "done"
  • -showing buffs/debuffs against your target "done"
  • -Showing buff/debuff fading events "done"
  • -Showing events like i.e. +combat "done"

Dynamic Attachment System (DAS)&Fitting Anmations System (FAS):
  • -All equiped armor and weapons parts are shown in your hero "done"
  • -All weapon types and fighting styles use individual animations "done"

Buff/Debuff system:
  • -Global/Individual buffs/debuffs can be applied to mobs/hero "done"
  • -Buffs/Debuffs are shown in the hero‘s status list with icon and tooltip "done"
  • -Buffs/Debuffs are shown on the target as special effect "creation"
  • -Stackable buffs/debuffs "done"

Hero Stats System (HSS):
  • -Let the hero‘s attributes effect his stats and skill effectivenes "done"
  • -Let the hero’s weapon/armor skills effect his stats "done"
  • -Let worn items effect the hero’s attributes and stats "done"
  • -Let learned talents effect the hero’s attributes and stats "done"
  • -Let item sets bonusses effect the hero’s attributes, stats and talents "done"
  • -Let buffs/debuffs effect ther hero‘s attribute, stats and status "creation"

Artifical Intelligence (AI)
  • -Let Mobs guard their homelocation "done"
  • -Let Mobs engage the hero when coming to close "done"
  • -Implement Aggro managementsysten "done"
  • -Let Mobs use their given skills "creation"
  • -Simulate a basic logical behaviour "creation"

Mob Management System (MMS):
  • -Being able to place mobs with all needed setting via trigger "done"
  • -Being able to change alle stats of every mob ingame via trigger "done"
  • -Being able to edit the behaviour of every mob ingame via trigger "done"
  • -Let mobs respawn if supposed to "done"
  • -Let mobs drop items from their specific loottables "done"

Combat Management System (CMS):
  • -Let heros enter/leave combat "done"
  • -Let mobs enter/leave combat "done"
  • -Let NPCs enter/leave combat "done"
  • -Add aggrolists to mobs "done"
  • -Add aggrolists to heros "done"
  • -Add aggrolists to NPCs "creation"

Non Player Characters (NPCs)
  • -Add a dialog based talk interaction to NPCs "done"
  • -Make the player able to chose the topic he want to talk tabout "done"
  • -Make the player able to start a trade with NPCs "done"
  • -Let NPCs interact with mobs i.e. attack "creation"

Torch system:
  • -Make the player able to use torches and other light sources "done"
  • -Torches can be droped and picked up again "done"

Game world:

  • -Add Realistic day and night lighting "done"

Physic engine:
  • -Knockback "done"
  • -Collision "done"
  • -Are of effect spells will effect the enviroment "creation"

Greetings Thy
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Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Let me count for you.
You have a total of 37 features. 13 of them are done. 24 aren't completed or even started.

So a progress would be like this:
Let's say 35%.


One funny thing is that the world is 0% done...

Edit: outdated now...
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Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
vercas; said:
One funny thing is that the world is 0% done...

Hrhr, yeah got it *g* For now it only exists in my mind.

The reason why I haven't gave out a fix %value of progress was, that everything could happen. For example. I finished a system and it works perfect. but suddenly I realize that it would really cool to add some subfunction to imporve that sytem even more. So the 100% state won't fit anymore.

M4stah; said:
For the animation stuff you could look at how the 40 animations villager was done.

Thanks for that tip, but my hero model is much more complex than the wc3 villager model. The animatons aren't that difficult to make, they simply takes time to make them look good/natural.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Another update to the progress. Now the mainfocus lies on the demo. I can't give out a release date yet. But we are on a very good way, if I'm allowed to tell it that way.

Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Some progress for you folks:

-Auto zoom in if something blocks the line of sight to the hero "done"
-Unselecting your target by hitting ESC "done"
-Displaying the equipt items on NPCs "done"
-Playing the fitting NPC animations "done"
-HeroHUD shows information about your hero "done"
-Displaying an eliteindicator inside the targethHUD "done"
-Your armorskills increase while being hit "done"
-Hostile NPCs fight back using the fitting animations for their used weapons "done"
-Hostile NPCs engage the hero if in range "done"
-NPCs guard their homelocation and won't leave combat until being hitten for an specific time and being far away enough of their home "done"
-NPCs switch between ranged and melee fighting in dependence of the distance to their target "done"
-Performance optimization of the projectile system "done"
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
-Allowing to bind the buttons to the hotkeys 1-0 via controls groups"creation"

Well, I think you won't be able to trigger this. I mean you won't be able to force the "Ctrl" key, so you can't create the required control groups.

The only way I can imagine is a bind mode: by turning it on the buttons won't work, but the player can select them, so the player can bind them manually.

But to be honest, you've already done lots of things (that most mapper thought impossible), so I wouldn't be surprised if I would see something unique again :D
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
AI? Hmm, I'm not sure if I understand it correctly. Are you talking about UI keys (e.g. call ForceUIKey("X"))? Well, if yes, it's impossible. You can't forc keys like Ctrl, Shift, Alt, or even Esc (however there's a function to force the esc key). That's why it's impossible.

I was working on a DGUI ORPG map too (but it has been terminated after I saw this one :p), and found the same problem. I couldn't bind my hotkeys using triggers. That "bind-mode" thing was the only acceptable thing I could do. [+ call EnableDragSelect(false, false); call EnableSelect(true, false]
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I managed it by adding to commands. -unlock will disable the functionality of the actionbar buttons and the player is able to select and save them in a ctrl+# group. -lock will switch back to normal game mode.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Exactly what I said :)

However, a great and well-made map, like this one deserves a cool escape-key system: pressing it will close the open things (like inventory, skill tree, etc), and if there's nothing open, a menu pops up with various things (like save game [shows the load code], options, leave party, and things like that - and if you select the options menu, another menu pops up, that contains camera settings, party settings, bind mode on/off, etc.)

Hopefully you like my idea :D
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
The ESC part is allready implemented. You can cancel everya action via ESC as well as cose every menu. Options will have their own fullscreenmenu.
Level 1
May 6, 2011
umm so what's the current progress... I can't wait for this map after another project that I follow had been terminated...
Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
-Items can be dragged "done"

I'm curious how did you allow for this? Did you have some way of getting where the mouse is? I mean surely you don't have trackables all map-wide right? Or did you mean dragged in a different sense sort of besides simply dragging an item with the image on/as your mouse?
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
I use a combination of trackables for mouse detection and units to show the correct icons/highlight/frames etc.
Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
Well that is awesome; I might try to do something similar for my map. Not sure if it's worth it tho as CPU wise it could be sort of intensive.

Also the other question i got is how do you plan on doing save/load codes? Surely the codes your map generates are going to larger than most average codes.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Code will be generated and automatically saved into a *.txt file on the players system. The data will be devided into different parts. Only the hero data is required for loading, everything else like backpack or profession data ist optional. The player than simply have to open that textfile, copy the correct line of code and paste it into the wc3 chat. The system does the rest.
Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
You must be using some form of program that allows you to save the codes in a .txt file though cause enable local files doesn't work anymore right?
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
It still works by using preload. but you can't load anymore from textfiles during runtime without desynch. For loading you have to enable local files. And because of that the player will have to copy&paste the code from the textfile.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Argh, to be honest, I totally forgot about this progress thread... Shame on me. It is way not uptodate anymore. Damn it, I need more spare time.