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Poor Server

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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
Hello guys
The site was down for approximately 3 hours earlier today. It was caused by the dynamic dns which suddenly was removed from dyndns.org.
Anyway, we're up again.

I feel sorry for the server because of ALL our downtimes, none has been caused by the server. Often it has been the router, this time DNS, a few power outtages, but never the server itself.

Anyway, we're up and running, so have fun!
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Well if Ralle is a lie and the server is a lie, ralle can't fix the server because he's a lie and the server can't be fixed because it's a lie, so the two lies cancel eachother out and make Ralle and the server... not a lie? And that makes the creator of these supposed lies, the government, a lie because he who creates a lie that isn't a lie is a liar and therefore a lie. So that means the government is a lie, and that makes the creator of the government is Al Qaeda, because nobody else could create a lie that devastating, which leads to the possibility that Al Qaeda is tied in with the whole universe and therefore knows the meaning of life, which is also a lie, which then makes Al Qaeda a lie because only a lie can actually know something that is in fact a lie. AL QAEDA IS A LIE!!! :ugly:

Good job Ralle, you fixed the server!
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
it said that it couldnt find the hive, and then my friends called and i went over to their house and hung out with them
See, that seems like a good thing. When Hive's down, people are actually social and active. :xxd::wink:

Anyway, the exact cause of today's downtime is unknown; however, the usual course of checking and reloading software fixed it. :smile:
Level 18
May 27, 2007
I didn't notice it, but that's probably due to the fact that I have a life and don't spend every waking moment on the hive.

But all this downtime is unsettling, any idea what the actual cause is? Other than general ideas of course.


Excuse me, a what? Could you explain in detail what you mean when you say 'real life'?

But seriously, it may not be that they spend all their time on THW, it may just be a random circumstance that they were on at that time. But I haven't been on to experience any troubles.
Level 17
Aug 20, 2007
I didn't notice it, but that's probably due to the fact that I have a life and don't spend every waking moment on the hive.

Ah gawd, another guy saying that he's better in life...

Gosh, honestly, I have been better with myself lately...

But, I can't believe anyone goes to the internet and attacks a person talking about how low he is and how cool you are...

I do stay alot in Hive, but that's because we all need something to do when we're bored, and for me, I choose Hive, cause its fking fun to make maps in the world editor...

And yes I have friends...

Look, that's your first post in this thread and I can't believe you are that frank (too honest) and "insensitive" to others. I believe you got your first sociable friend today?

Wow, I made a post about how much I hate it when someone talks about how low everyone is...
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