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Moving to a new Server

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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
Yes I know. We have been moving ever since we started and already twice this year.
But this time it is to an even better server but at the same price. This is because I have gotten used to using linux so I don't need the 10$ control panel that follows.
So the new server will have the double ram, double hard drive and a better cpu.

I am ordering the server tomorrow night and it will be up around thursday-friday. Where I will be busy installing all the stuff we need. There will then be a downtime. It will last around 24 hours until the DNS records update.
The new server software we will be using will also be lighter so I hope the server can run much smoother than it currently does.

Just so you know!

Yes I know. We have been moving ever since we started and already twice this year.
But this time it is to an even better server but at the same price. This is because I have gotten used to using linux so I don't need the 10$ control panel that follows.
So the new server will have the double ram, double hard drive and a better cpu.

I am ordering the server tomorrow night and it will be up around thursday-friday. Where I will be busy installing all the stuff we need. There will then be a downtime. It will last around 24 hours until the DNS records update.
The new server software we will be using will also be lighter so I hope the server can run much smoother than it currently does.

Just so you know!


How sad, down for a hole 254 hours? I miss it even for 3 or so hourse...As long as it dosent crash as much after its fixed, hurray though! :thumbs_up:


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
HT, I can't promise anything. But I can tell you that the server will be as basic as possible when they hand it over to me. And I will install only what we need.

It will not be down for 256 hours. More like 24 hours, but ofcourse, I cannot promise anything. Only that it won't last more than 3 days

EVERYTHING will be transferred. Even all your junk :p

Backing up and moving all files will take around 3 hours. Setting up the server will take approximately 4-5 hours. Moving all the files to their correct positions takes max 1 hour. The DNS move will take around 24 hours.
So I will have the forum-posting disabled and a link to refer people to go to the chat to talk.


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
everything! everything will be transferred. Every single attachment, every single bit.
It will have an AMD Athlon 3800 x64, 1024 mb ram, 160 gb hd.
The current one has a AMD Sempron 2600+ 32bit, 512 mb ram, 80 gb hd.

And the webserver software is going to be lighter which means that it might run like 4/3 of the curren't speed (maybe)
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I added it. Click on ur avatar and scroll to the bottom of the screen.

Thanks! :grin: I hope this transfer will also fix some uncontrollable messages like "The Webpage Cannot Be Displayed" at certain occasions, and of course, the global melting problem :p

The current one has a AMD (something)

Duron, Sempron?
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Excellent call Chieftain: saving ten bucks per month by disposing of a control panel that is useless anyway sounds like a plan. Can we all say "memory upgrade?"

Of course all data, posts and resources will be preserved. The disabling of forum posting is a great solution to the minor problems that we experienced during previous moves: users posting on the old server after the information was transfered but before the new DNS was refreshed.

It would be good idea to disable resource uploads as well, methinks.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
I can't wait to see the chat insanity that goes on while the site's down. Needless to say i'm definetly looking forward to it :grin:

Anyway, Ralle, i'm glad we're moving, especially if it stops having to do the random server restarts that plague us (even this morning Hive refused to load for a little while) and by saving 10 bucks a month, it's all the better :)

Good call, dude.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
I can't wait to see the chat insanity that goes on while the site's down.

so will the chat still be on while the site is down??

Anyways it sounds like a good upgrade in power. The amd athalon 64 is a good processor that still holds uptoday even if amd hasnt brought out anything new in a year. i myself have an amd 64 x2 4400+ and believe me they are good for a processor thats 2 years old. upgraded ram is good too and we should be looking at a nice speed. GJ Ralle :)
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