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Old Server / New Server

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Level 17
Sep 29, 2003
If you see this News you're still on the old server.
Today the new ISP arranged the temporary Webspace for wc3sear.ch
I've currently moving the site to the new server.
Due to a small error made by the new ISP visitors are splitted between the 2 Servers.
So about 1/3 see the new server and 2/3 the old one.
After tomorrow everyone should be back on the old one until i completly moved the site there and tested it.
Uploads of Maps, Skins, Icons and Spells wont work for around 1 week.
Models and AI files can still be uploaded.
After the Weeek you'll be able to upload Skins and Icons.
And after I rewrote the Map upload script you can uplod Skins and Maps again.
The new server is very promising.
I tested the server with one of my uber-sql queries which took 30-70 seconds on the old server.
The new server made the same in 6-10 sec 8)
Right now I got 36$ from sponsored links and 50$ from donations.
I hope some of you can spare a few bucks to support me. I still need around 110$ for the server change :(
Thanks for your support

Darky27 (b.t.w the new server is nicely fast :shock: )
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