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Poll: Starcraft as a Movie

Will Starcraft make a good movie?

  • Yes! It would be awsume!

    Votes: 36 47.4%
  • 50/50

    Votes: 21 27.6%
  • It wouldn't, and would never be made.

    Votes: 15 19.7%
  • No opinion.

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
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Level 8
Jul 20, 2007
I think that Starcraft as a movie (or 3-4 movies) would be great :thumbs_up:. Although it would be hard to pick a side for it (or just go with all three), it would have plenty of potential. And I have yet to see a movie that focuses mainly on war, massive armys, and has little amounts of character specifics. Like LotR: RotK's main battle; just more battles like it.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
But how exactly would it be made and what is the plot? Videogame Movies tend to be not centered around the game's plot, instead it's something like an alternative reality or a side storyline or something.

I'm thinking a Marine's story from a planet fighting the Zerg.
Level 4
Apr 14, 2007
it'd be better if they decided that plots can sometimes be a waste of energy, like they did in X3. i would love to see a massive three-way space battle that was three hours long.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Lol, if it has lasers and hundreds of fighters, with an epic climatic ending and a bit of a quieter start, it will be awesome.

Also, i vote its done in all CG, Live action would ruin it for me.
Level 8
Jul 20, 2007
Yea, CG would be better and save money (I think). If it was on a space platform, with the ground units fighting and the spaceships battleing, it would be an awsume movie.

Like the epic battles Clone Wars Animated Series. I don't mean the 5-10 minute battles, I mean the disks (of the 2 disks, the second was better). But with insanely good graphics. GO BIG HUGE BATTLE MOVIES!
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Yeah. Thats what id want a starcraft movie to be. Introduce a few chars of importance, tie the story together with the series in like the first 20 mins, with maybe a bit of combat to keep us interested, then throw the chars and theyre side against an equally powerfull foe, then have the entire movie be a series of epic battles, in the transitions learning bits and peices of the plot, untill it all ends with a huge epic battle that makes Lord of the rings look like a skirmish, with a key char dieing in the end for dramatic effect, then the conclusion. and (hopefully) no Lame love scenes to boost ratings. Relationships would be cool, but have them realistic instead of forced.

I also vote Peter jackson directs it. He pwns.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Lol Mortal combat 1 was terrible imo. You actually liked that movie ?

There is no star trek in starcraft, and there is no way to work it in, It defies the starcraft universe down to its core. If the director has any sense at all he would make it better than what you seem to think.



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
I hope a sc movie will never see the light of day. Every movie based on a game has been a great fuckup due to the hollywood intervention.
Although I'd like a starcraft animation movie, made by the Blizzard cinematics team themselves. That couldn't go wrong.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Yea, CG would be better and save money (I think). If it was on a space platform, with the ground units fighting and the spaceships battleing, it would be an awsume movie.

Like the epic battles Clone Wars Animated Series. I don't mean the 5-10 minute battles, I mean the disks (of the 2 disks, the second was better). But with insanely good graphics. GO BIG HUGE BATTLE MOVIES!

Can't remember where, but I remember hearing CG can cost more than live action. I think it was for Evan Almighty. They actually built the arc instead of doing it graphically. It was more cost efficient and more realistic, obviously.
I'd love to see a sc movie entirely in animation and absolutly no freakin actors/superstars.Anyway just translating the main plot of the game into a movie won't be possible anyway it's just too epic even in the game itself there is some ellipse.And making an alternative reality just sux.The best would be a secondary/trivial stroy that take place during the game plot but aside from it.Following the Zeratul secret bonus mission in the game.

Also too many movies now make big battle scene.It's like a must in heroic fantasy movie but seeing stupid actors roaring and runing like dumbass animals with heroic background musics is not that exciting.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Did i say anything about actors running around like animals with heroic battle music ?


As for the battle scene itself, I would be entirely dissapointing if there was no climax like that at the end, It would be like the movie had worked its way up and got us all pumped.... for nothing.
Level 8
Jul 20, 2007
Having a masive battle at the end would be the best way to handle a SC movie. And have the main charaters (if any) in the battle, would be sorta nice, but something like the into cinamatic of SC:BW, just the marine parts, would explain the movie better. You know, getting the view of the guy, the guy fighting and killing with exery chance he has, then dieing.

THat sorta thing.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
Aye, kill off one or two secondary charachters, to sort of kill off any possibility of a sequel (we all know how that would end) and for dramatic purposes.
Nonononono. Starcraft should never be made into a movie at all. They would do some stupid happy ending where every side somehow wins. Otherwise the Koreans would start rioting.

if it was made it would be centred on terran because thats the only one we can relate to. we dont have claws nor are we blue.
the plot will be like centreing on one grunt of a marine, somehow ending up with only about a dozen of his buddies, maybe with a firebat, trying to survive about a gazillion waves of zerglings, hydralisks and they will survive(as if!!!) and make their way to a dropship. then somehow a massive mother of a ultralisk will come out and the hero wil somehow survive that without a scratch. (obviously because if he got scratched from a ultralisk he would be dead)
then the ultralisk will kill one of his buddy and the hero will kill the ultralisk in anger, using nothing but his standard gauss gun(as if!!!)
then he will get on the nearby dropship, and return to his medic gf(even though most marines are angry, psychopathic, homicidal totally un-charming convicts under control because of neural implants not to mention they have a 0 possibility of acquring a girlfriend in a middle of a galactic war which holds the survival of the human species at hand)
thats what hollywood would probably write. a typical hollywood hero happy ending story
the terran fans of kora will riot because the movie was shit
then the protoss fans of korea will riot because there was no protoss in the movie due to the fact that if it was there it will overcomplicate the story. holywood like only good and bad guys. no one in between.
then the zerg fans of korea will riot because there is no way a marine will survive a gazillion zerglings and hydralisks and finish off an ultra.
then again all of them will be too busy to watch the movie because they are playing starcraft 2.

of course if blizzard made it, it will be worth watching because they know what they are doing and will have actual plots

Having a masive battle at the end would be the best way to handle a SC movie. And have the main charaters (if any) in the battle, would be sorta nice, but something like the into cinamatic of SC:BW, just the marine parts, would explain the movie better. You know, getting the view of the guy, the guy fighting and killing with exery chance he has, then dieing.

THat sorta thing.

you know how in movies the hero gives a brave, inspiring speech just before they charge out to face the enemy? it will be pretty funny to do that in starcraft movie because the zerglings are likely to chage in middle of the guy's speech and eat his arm off.
wow, long-ass comment. sorry
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Level 3
Mar 26, 2008
All videogame-based movies tends to be a disaster!

- Street Fighter
- Doom
- Final Fantasy
- Resident Evil
- Anyother else you can quote

/\ They All suck!

Edit: I am completely against the idea of a Starcraft movie, EXEPT if Stiven Spilberg does the movie.

Eh hem, Final Fantasy (the film) was NOT the game.
The Title "Final Fantasy" is actually a clever description of the over all plot of how the girl sees visions in her dreams, which are also known as Fantasies***. Its one of the few times the Title actually names the Plot.
Many people mistook this movie.
This was actually a very decent movie and was a brave one ever to release, due to the reasons that we see plainly here and now... misunderstanding it.

And an SC movie would be very awkward. It would get maybe 8 million fans to buy it right off but rating wise... would not go very far.
Halo is in production by Peter Jackson, so untill we see what he does with a game based movie... we'll have to wait on voting for him if SC:The Movie was ever to go through Hollywood.

SC as a movie would need to be a stand alone sort've thing; like the Final Fantasy series movies were. (the ones actually based off the game and made by the game developers)
If Blizzard ever did this, this would give them the medal of honor of game companies.

Plot wise, I think it should either be based off of the same plot as the game progressed, turning the missions into scenes that hop back and forth between each character we played and finally ending with the biggest battle of them all. Doing it this way would equal 2 movies, SC for number 1, and BW for number 2.
Another plot idea involves starting in the middle. Use Nova.
If a movie was to ever be thought of, I'd think it very importent not to have the movie add characters to the current storyline... as thats what causes problems. Use what you've got and you'll be atleast somewhat safe.
Level 5
Apr 27, 2008
The only way i could imagine a SCII movie is it starts off on a scarred old battleground with two Leaders from 2 different races on opposite sides. They give a battle cry and there army charges forward. After a 15-45 minute battle seen the other race charges in out of the blue. Boosted by rienforcements the three races battle and it does a cool scene were it will zoom into the view of a terran solgeir he will kill a few things and then get killed by a zerg unit who will kill more things untill hess killed by a protoss zealot. Then the protoss will kill a few people b4 looking up and seeing explosions in the distant sky and a menacing sky battle going on. It would then zoom to the sky battle and there would be selected scenes of battle planes dogfighting and HUGW warships firing laser and cannons. After this for another 15-25 mins the warships will conclude thair fight with the Terran ship being destroyed and terran forces retreting. After this scene it will zoom away to another ditant planet were an even bigger battle is happening. After a few of the scenes wich i just discribed(and mayby some different ones) huge missles will cover the planet with explosions and the planet will EXPLODE!

This is a rough idea of want i expect.
Level 4
Jul 3, 2008
The only way i could imagine a SCII movie is it starts off on a scarred old battleground with two Leaders from 2 different races on opposite sides. They give a battle cry and there army charges forward. After a 15-45 minute battle seen the other race charges in out of the blue. Boosted by rienforcements the three races battle and it does a cool scene were it will zoom into the view of a terran solgeir he will kill a few things and then get killed by a zerg unit who will kill more things untill hess killed by a protoss zealot. Then the protoss will kill a few people b4 looking up and seeing explosions in the distant sky and a menacing sky battle going on. It would then zoom to the sky battle and there would be selected scenes of battle planes dogfighting and HUGW warships firing laser and cannons. After this for another 15-25 mins the warships will conclude thair fight with the Terran ship being destroyed and terran forces retreting. After this scene it will zoom away to another ditant planet were an even bigger battle is happening. After a few of the scenes wich i just discribed(and mayby some different ones) huge missles will cover the planet with explosions and the planet will EXPLODE!

This is a rough idea of want i expect.

Too much 'zoom to new scene' in your post if you ask me :D

The only way i could imagine a SCII movie is it starts off on a scarred old battleground with two Leaders from 2 different races on opposite sides. They give a battle cry and there army charges forward. After a 15-45 minute battle seen the other race charges in out of the blue. Boosted by rienforcements the three races battle and it does a cool scene were it will zoom into the view of a terran solgeir he will kill a few things and then get killed by a zerg unit who will kill more things untill hess killed by a protoss zealot. Then the protoss will kill a few people b4 looking up and seeing explosions in the distant sky and a menacing sky battle going on. It would then zoom to the sky battle and there would be selected scenes of battle planes dogfighting and HUGW warships firing laser and cannons. After this for another 15-25 mins the warships will conclude thair fight with the Terran ship being destroyed and terran forces retreting.
Why Terran retreat? Random choice?

It would then zoom to the sky battle and there would be selected scenes of battle planes dogfighting and HUGW warships firing laser and cannons. After this for another 15-25 mins the warships will conclude thair fight with the Terran ship being destroyed and terran forces retreting.
I'd like some Devourers, Muta and Guardian exploding with some Scourge mixed in. :D (Hate Zerg)

The only way i could imagine a SCII movie is it starts off on a scarred old battleground with two Leaders from 2 different races on opposite sides. They give a battle cry and there army charges forward. After a 15-45 minute battle seen the other race charges in out of the blue. Boosted by rienforcements the three races battle and it does a cool scene were it will zoom into the view of a terran solgeir he will kill a few things and then get killed by a zerg unit who will kill more things untill hess killed by a protoss zealot. Then the protoss will kill a few people b4 looking up and seeing explosions in the distant sky and a menacing sky battle going on.
Why only 3 different soldiers? And why not make it sorta like you're looking from the marine's view, then the zerg, then the toss and onto the skies?
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
I don't know why I'm posting in here again, but i think it would be cool if they took a "full metal jacket" or "star-ship troopers" approach to the overall design of the movie, in that: we meet all the main characters relatively quickly at some Terran world (Korhal, or earth likely) and watch as they enlist and enter the war. Then we see them fight at a few story-related locales against the Zerg and later the Protoss. The climax would likely be a titanic clash of forces, most likely in the large battle against Kerrigan at the end of BW, or some completely fabricated battle. Of course, the Terrans are nearly crushed and are faced with a choice: surrender to the Protoss and assist them in the continuing fight against the Zerg, or attempt to flee, with one method proving to be fatal, killing off any remaining useless characters and maybe a main one just for dramatics.

After that, who knows ? The Protoss will probably pull some grand solution out of they're skinny blue telekinetic asses, but ultimately it will all rest on the protagonist's shoulders to go in and save the day (Yay !)... and probably die heroically in the process.

However, this could only be decent if 1: Blizzard was directly in charge of... well everything 2: Blood. Gore. Its starcraft, it needs to be gritty as hell. 3: All the sides get equal mileage, that is, the Terrans aren't portrayed as the most kick-ass thing since Chuck Norris, but likewise for all the other races. 4: all the troops/creatures/vehicles/whatever perform as they would in the game. Thats just a given.

I feel 35% dumber for posting 2 movie ideas...
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
No. It would suck fucking balls. Get real guys. And All CG? That would make it suck even bigger balls.

The protoss and zerg would be made in CG, as well as most battles (Space battles and shit)

Terran and the enviroment should be real. Think something like Starwars (How the robots and aliens and shit are CG, as well as the battles, but the enviroment and people are actors.)

Except its not star wars its Star craft... and its less cheesey. I want gore, action, and a good plot. Who is the retard who suggested a 3 hour space fight. What the fuck?
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
uh... wow you have alot of anger inside you.

Its just starcraft, a game. Won't be the end of the world if they make a CG movie out of it. But whatever, you seem quite.. insistent. I guess its impossible to please everyone.
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