[Playable] The New Land - Melee Map

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I'd like to introduce to you the terrain of my melee map (which is still untitled and in development phase) Trees are all destructable and bridges are passable. Criticisms and Comments are welcome.

Terrain is inspired on popular RTS games like Starcraft II (specifically the Zerus Terrain), Command and Conquer III (For the crystal idea and destructable environment), Warhammer (For the gameplay idea), and Diablo (for the atmosphere)


The crystal glow looks out of place and intense when looking on the side angle, but if you try it to view ingame , it's all fine.


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Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
Ok, what I see looks nice so far, but what bothers me is the way you took the screens...

As it is a playable terrain you maybe should take the screens in the camera view the players will (probably) have, playing the map. Because of this, also the fog looks way too strong in my opinion (I guess in the actual playing view it's a lot better). Also the snow weather effect (or is it meant as ashes and there will be a vulcano somewhere?) looks a bit odd at the moment as there is no explanation for it visible in the terrain.

As for the light effects on the crystals, you should try to place a light effect for every single crystal, and not a group of it, so it's less likely that they 'poke' through the light effect (see screen 4 in the middle). Also you could add additional light effects to the lanterns and windows, the same way you did on the crystals.

To come back to the way you took the screens, to me it feels that you either were in a rush when taking them, or you put very little effort in it (no offense!). As already mentioned the camera settings, and mostly the white editor UI that takes up nearly 2/3 of every screen... you could have at least slided it to the left if you don't want to crop it out. In my opinion the better a screen shows the terrain, the more interested people are in it and comment on it more likely. I think, that those screens simply don't do justice to the actual quality of the terrain.
As for the light effects on the crystals, you should try to place a light effect for every single crystal, and not a group of it, so it's less likely that they 'poke' through the light effect (see screen 4 in the middle). Also you could add additional light effects to the lanterns and windows, the same way you did on the crystals.

For the crystals and windows, yes i think they need some improvements.

Also the snow weather effect (or is it meant as ashes and there will be a vulcano somewhere?) looks a bit odd at the moment as there is no explanation for it visible in the terrain.

For the snow, i disagreed, that snow idea gives cold atmosphere aswell. Im just illustrating my fantasy imagination (well, the fantasy for me is something "impossible" to happen in real life, bloodrains, cold ashes, something like that). I dont care if the snow are source-less. Fine...

ush when taking them, or you put very little effort in it

While honestly i did not really give effort to this terrain because i am focusing on the gameplay right now (on how it looks ingame and how useful those stuffs in the game). I am trying to finish the terrain quick without having much of constructions because everytime i make huge terrains (i mean with very insanely detailed and huge constructions) i always lose interest continuing it after a week of making it, and leaving the map in the grave after.

So basically , after shaping up the environment, ill start to put details and constructions. Expect more soon :)

I am not offended, i admit that it really lacks effort.


For the other explanations, I give wide spaces because it is the melee map where players have to build stuffs, also i didn't put unnecessary trees [trees that grows on the cliffs and waters, i find them useless for a playable terrain])


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Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
This new screens are really nice, but just because I mentioned the snow to be odd, you don't need to remove it ^^.

As I mentioned it looks like vulcano ashes to me (especially together with the light grey terrain fog). Just as an Idea, unless it does not fit to the rest of the terrain or there is no space anymore, maybe you could add some vulcanic looking part, or some deep cracks in the ground with lava in them, as this might go very well with the overall rocky look of the terrain.

Also, out of curiosity I'd really like to see one or two screens without terrain fog as the current takes a lot of the colors of the terrain (or at least thats what it looks like to me...). You also should give a more black/ drak grey (or even brown ?!) terrain fog a try as, at least from my experience these glows look best, when the surrounding is rather dark.
Just wish you'll tone down the fog, can't see shit.
Coz i'm hiding something, some shit.

Oh fuck, looks like there will be a competition on the best terrained melee map for my In the End map
Well the strengths of your melee map are, the terrain is balanced(symmetrical) and light (eye-friendly) which my melee map dont have.
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