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Pending Maps

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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
Hello all
The maps section currently contains way too many pending maps. I would like to help our map moderators by easing the load on their shoulders. I will be removing ALL pending maps so they can start over. However, if your map is pending and you don't want it deleted, you can press the "Keep This" button on your pending maps so you don't have to resubmit them.
The button is right next to "Update" and "Delete".

I will be deleting all pending maps that haven't been marked in 3 days or something.
Level 24
May 20, 2007
Hello all
The maps section currently contains way too many pending maps. I would like to help our map moderators by easing the load on their shoulders. I will be removing ALL pending maps so they can start over. However, if your map is pending and you don't want it deleted, you can press the "Keep This" button on your pending maps so you don't have to resubmit them.
The button is right next to "Update" and "Delete".

I will be deleting all pending maps that haven't been marked in 3 days or something.

The majority will find a major dissapointment in this,but some users will never even notice.

Anyway,the deleted maps have a probability of being submited to EpicWar.com ,so it's not such a disaster.

It was the only way to keep the best of our maps in evidence and to lend that weight from the moderators shoulders.

Either way,it's a great idea!



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Do you agree that more than 50% use the Search for Maps,button?

Do you agree that epic war sucks dick in the moderation and general map quality, department?

So do we, at the moment. Trouble is, there is around a 30 page moderation queue. That's down to the moderation team, in part, myself including. There is no way to bring ourselves back from that state, unless we wipe the slate clean and start again. Myself, and others of course, are going to take an active role in making sure this doesn't happen again. And, now let's be truthful, all we're asking you to do is click a button. It doesn't take time and it, certainly, doesn't take effort. Deleted maps, along with those deleted before the 'great wipe', are going to be completely wiped from the database and you won't be able to see their thumbnails, this means that any previously removed map can be re-uploaded.

TL;DR; if you cared for your map, then you'll care enough to press a button. If you didn't submit the map and it's still pending, then resubmit the map when we've cleaned the database.

We need both the community and the moderation team to work on this together and, fingers crossed, we'll be able to recover from this issue, and give hive the good name, that it deserves, back.V
Level 3
Jul 28, 2008
THIS was the right solution and the one I was hopping for! BIG thanks Ralle =)
The majority of those maps do not deserve approval.
You could also delete rejected maps with a rating of 1/5, since they are doing nothing there.

Sorry, slight cold.
Level 3
Jul 28, 2008
This is a pretty good idea all in all.I do believe though that there could be a better system on pending maps.Though I am not quite sure how the system works, so I'm not sure if we already have the system I'm thinking of.
Level 3
Jul 28, 2008
What are you talking about?! There is no reason for Rui, who has been moderating maps as far as the Hive exists, to kiss Ralle's ass. He even made a user group dedicated to map reviewing and now things will be much easier.

I have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.All I did was cough.Why are you saying he kisse's ralle's ass?

You are a strange man 0_O.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Do you agree that epic war sucks dick in the moderation and general map quality, department?

So do we, at the moment. Trouble is, there is around a 30 page moderation queue. That's down to the moderation team, in part, myself including. There is no way to bring ourselves back from that state, unless we wipe the slate clean and start again. Myself, and others of course, are going to take an active role in making sure this doesn't happen again. And, now let's be truthful, all we're asking you to do is click a button. It doesn't take time and it, certainly, doesn't take effort. Deleted maps, along with those deleted before the 'great wipe', are going to be completely wiped from the database and you won't be able to see their thumbnails, this means that any previously removed map can be re-uploaded.

TL;DR; if you cared for your map, then you'll care enough to press a button. If you didn't submit the map and it's still pending, then resubmit the map when we've cleaned the database.

We need both the community and the moderation team to work on this together and, fingers crossed, we'll be able to recover from this issue, and give hive the good name, that it deserves, back.V

I agree with Ash. A lot of the people who post maps are people with 0 posts who really don't care if their map gets moderated or not. This isn't epicwar.

It's the right thing to do to get rid of the pending maps, not only to ease our staff's work load but to get rid of those kinds of maps.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Pending maps are maps that are waiting to be reviewed by the forum map moderators. Once at least one of the map moderators has reviewed the map, if he sees fit, he will approve it which basically guarantees that the map is not offensive, not pornographic, belongs to the submitter(unless stated otherwise), etc.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
There are 4 status' in the map section;

1) Pending, this hasn't been reviewed by one of our... 'dedicated' reviewers just yet. It branches off to

--->2) Rejected; your map has been rejected, this is due to it either A) Not being good enough, or B) Against our Rules

--->3) Approved; map has been reviewed and tested by a moderator/mini-mod, it is of, at least, decent quality and doesn't break any rules.

--->4) Deleted; the creator/moderator or, in some cases, admins delete a map because they feel like it.

I would also like to say that I disagree to the person who mentioned that 'approved maps aren't offensive'. Maps must be of, at least, decent quality to get in. Although, admittedly, the standards here are lower than WC3C -- I moderate both, before anyone mentions anything to the contrary.

I'd also like to say that most, if not all, of my reviews take 15+ minutes to write, not including the time it takes to play the map, re-play the map and re-play the map again; I look at a lot more things than just the hives 'rules'; I judge everything in order to give it a fair mark.

Hope this all helps a bit, guys :)
Level 11
May 11, 2008

Well im not sure about this but what if you created a temporary reviewer (well ofcourse it can't be anyone). So with all of these Pending maps being uploaded to the site, the results of APPROVED or REJECTED would go faster, for people who don't know how to type a good review there's a tutorial on good reviewing on the Tutorial tab.

Besides I was going to upload mine after I was finish but with all of these pending maps im gonna wait.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
That's my tutorial, whoop whoop :D

But, back to the point at hand. There are 31 pages (now) of moderations which roughly give you (20*31) 620 maps to moderate.

As I said earlier, just writing a review takes me around 15 minutes -- I write in full, of course -- that would mean that, without the time it takes to play the maps, it would be a very long time before you're finished. 93 hours straight, if I've done my maths right. However, as I've also said, it takes longer to do some maps than others -- on average I play a map 3 times -- and you need a rest at some point.

All in all, you could easily be looking at 150+ hours to moderate every map on this site, something which isn't really viable, as much as we'd like it to be.
Level 11
May 11, 2008
That's my tutorial, whoop whoop :D

But, back to the point at hand. There are 31 pages (now) of moderations which roughly give you (20*31) 620 maps to moderate.

As I said earlier, just writing a review takes me around 15 minutes -- I write in full, of course -- that would mean that, without the time it takes to play the maps, it would be a very long time before you're finished. 93 hours straight, if I've done my maths right. However, as I've also said, it takes longer to do some maps than others -- on average I play a map 3 times -- and you need a rest at some point.

All in all, you could easily be looking at 150+ hours to moderate every map on this site, something which isn't really viable, as much as we'd like it to be.

Ok how about a 2nd idea shut down the upload button until most of the maps are done reviewing im sure people are patient like me to upload it another time besides they could always try hosting it on B.net if they can.
Level 3
Jul 28, 2008
Well I'm still a bit confused on how this whole system works but if you ask me it should be that someone looks at the map before it even MAKES the pending stage.Rather not have a map called zombie survival with map size tiny bumpin down a game like ELDER SCROLLS RPG SAVE/LOAD.Plus it might ease the burden on the admins and mods as well.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
I think it is really the map moderator's fault...

They left those pending maps to be pending...

Majority of pending maps are pending, not because it was unattended of the creator but because the mods didn't bother or liked the map...

BUT, delete pending maps ftw...

Well, we moderator had our own life to attend. We cannot just sit infront of the computer 24 hours just to review all those map. :hohum:

And we cannot just review the map for 5 minutes and said "Oh, this map seem to be playable. Ok, approve" cause there might be some bug at the end of the game which we might not notice unless we play to the very end of it.
Level 3
Jul 28, 2008
Yeah this seems to be pretty much the only simple way to pend maps and approve to appropriate ones and disapprove of unwanted ones.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Lol, you can't just pop up a map you want to be reviewed in a totally non-related thread. If you want it so badly use the admin contact forum or something. In fact, the only reason you said "Great idea" is so that your post seems to be related to the topic at hand.
Level 4
Feb 10, 2007
Uhm what about more map moderator guys? (sorry if this was already said, didn't bother to read everything)
Level 24
May 20, 2007
People,to straighten an issue,this BIG DELETE is just a way to get rid of those mass edited maps,original and good maps may be deleted,but if the creators care/notice,they will re-upload it and the moderators will see their map right away.

They wont have to scroll ..30..40 pages just to stumble upon it.
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