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'Pending' Maps

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Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Its been several months since I posted my map. Yet its still pending. Matter of fact the list of pending maps is growing! Does this site not have enough resource moderators or is it just me?
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
Resource moderator != Map's moderator.

Earth-Fury has been taking great care of the map's section (thought I haven't heard from work of the other moderators, I hope they're doing their parts). If the other resource moderators aren't working, then something should be done.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Resource moderator != Map's moderator.

Earth-Fury has been taking great care of the map's section (thought I haven't heard from work of the other moderators, I hope they're doing their parts). If the other resource moderators aren't working, then something should be done.
I'm sure hes been trying his best, but I bet the inflow of maps is a bit too much. We need more moderators for the maps section...
Level 11
Feb 18, 2004
most map mods are inactive i nthe map section. its really, in all honesty, a shitty job. you poeple submit complete crap most often in the way of maps. i've been taking a break from map modding, and i will hopefully get back and empty out most of the queue again.

(side note: im drunk, so possibly disregard this message)
Level 15
Jun 28, 2007
most map mods are inactive i nthe map section. its really, in all honesty, a shitty job. you poeple submit complete crap most often in the way of maps. i've been taking a break from map modding, and i will hopefully get back and empty out most of the queue again.

(side note: im drunk, so possibly disregard this message)

you speak the truth

there is soo much crap in there its no wonder its takeing a long time to modreate
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
I worked very hard and very long (Several years) on my map thank you. Its a loap, and theres a lot of loaps, but I gave it many features that otherwise didn't exist on loaps. And I constantly tested.
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
Seven years? i didnt think frozen throne has been out that long 0_0 and that looks like a gold version of loap so that would req tft would it not?

But none the less i'll try it my self because i'm, abig fan of rp maps.

Custom loading screen. +2

okay grammar. +1/2 point

Evils units are just undead units with different names. -1

New Style of information giving. +1

No way to cancel the information you have to wait it out/ it blinds you from playing so if you in a battle and push the wrong hotkey you're basically good as dead. -2

All Custom Abiltys for evil. +1

Evil is unrigged. +1

Druglords drugs are 20 at start. +1

Creative use of god postion. +1

Not many changes that i can see. -1/2

Terrain changes. +1/2 point

In gods chamber druglord/mafia have ice boxes are they suppose too?

New Jobs + 1

in all - 5 and a 1/2

Notes: I'm, sorry but i do not see many changes for as long as you worked on it.
It seems just like a better loap edit but still aloap edit. The idea for this map is really creative but it just feels needing, It could be more fun with some more people but not by much. Try thinking out side the box and think what you can do to make this map special so people will want to come back and play. Also please add some way to cancel that information fade i was stuck for a few minutes just siting.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The trouble is most maps are not very good, and its boring to run a full test on them. Since who wants to play a footman frenzy upteen times or another maul / TD which is like all other in it chain ect.

I wish people would care more for their maps and make them better, then it would be a joy to moderate.
I moderate rarely, only around perhaps 10-20 maps a month and most of the other map mods do about the same thing, if not less.

I (and others) used to moderate more but the administration decided that what we did was not good enough and started reversing our decisions which made me stop for a long while. Heck even now the only maps I approve are maps that I've tried out on BNet no matter if I had played them from Hive or not.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
I'm not here to act as an advertisement for my map, but heres a couple of features you might have missed:
+The Arcangel, an interesting character located below the druglord's base
+God has good AI and will attack evil/demons
+Anyone can become a demon or an angel
+Being an angel or a demon is balanced, and each gets additional abilities
+Putting money in the bank will earn you interest
+You can repair your car if its destroyed
+Hundreds of rebalances govern the game's flow
+The game automatically determines the host
+The game has a small anti-mh feature I built
+The game has extra commands such as -ac which allow for better gameplay
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
+The Arcangel, an interesting character located below the druglord's base - counts as job
+God has good AI and will attack evil/demons - i already got gods ai that fell under Creative use of god postion.

+Anyone can become a demon or an angel - counts as job
+Being an angel or a demon is balanced, and each gets additional abilities +1/2 point
+Putting money in the bank will earn you interest +1
+You can repair your car if its destroyed +1/2
+Hundreds of rebalances govern the game's flow - no way i could test this.
+The game automatically determines the host +1/2 point
+The game has a small anti-mh feature I built - No way i could test this.
+The game has extra commands such as -ac which allow for better gameplay +1

8 1/2.

Sorry i don't catch everything because its not really my job too because i'm, not a mod. so my rating is worth like a 2 dollar shoe.
Level 11
Feb 18, 2004
I'm not here to act as an advertisement for my map, but heres a couple of features you might have missed:
+The Arcangel, an interesting character located below the druglord's base
... yes, because that hasn't been done before.
+God has good AI and will attack evil/demons
Because a god that attacks everyone is so like a real god.
+Anyone can become a demon or an angel
Because who doesn't want to become a demon or angel! i mean, all your friends do :<
+Being an angel or a demon is balanced, and each gets additional abilities
With your immense creative abilitys, making another LOAP map, i really belive in your balancing abilitys!
+Putting money in the bank will earn you interest
OMG! you know teh periudic triggaz?! U R SO |337!
+Hundreds of rebalances govern the game's flow
again, i have complete faith in your balancing abilitys... .... .... ....
+The game automatically determines the host
without sarcasm now: Impossible to do 100% accurately. Thus, you fail.
+The game has a small anti-mh feature I built
10$ says i can beat it within 1 try.
+The game has extra commands such as -ac which allow for better gameplay
because chat commands make up for a system so poorly designed as to need them!

Really, the big reasons I lost interest in moderating maps wasn't because you people submit mostly crap. It was because those that do submit crap truly can't tell the difference. I don't like every map, or every genre of map, but I can tell the difference between something made by someone who could barely tie their shoes, and something made by someone who had a good and unique idea, and did a good job of putting it in to WC3.

I don't touch some of the maps in the pending queue because I would rather shoot myself in the foot then stamp "approved" on another shittily pasted together and completely unoriginal LOAP map.

And, on a final note about your map:
Original content maps. All maps should be original in design and content: this means no edits of other people's work without the author's permission. This includes Blizzard's maps. One exception to this may be if a map was willingly passed on from one owner to the next, not simply edited from an open source map. If a map is based upon or contains a large percentage of another map's ideas or components, full credit is expected to be given. Resource moderators will decide on a case-by-case basis which maps are "original" enough to be approved.

Not that I would reject yet another shitty LOAP edit based on this, considering its popularity. (Thus why I'm not going to touch them again.)

Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
I bet you could beat the anti-mh. I made it detect only those that select invisible/fogged/masked units. Please, I really worked hard on this loap, I'm sorry if thats the way you feel. Please, I worked really hard on it, and I am a competent map maker. I know vJass. Most of the loaps triggers were made before I understood jass. Several recreates of the triggers later and about half of the leaks are cleaned. A complete rebuild of the triggers is upcoming.

I'm very very sorry you feel that way.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
There should be more requirement rules for submitting the map and a force read rules for atleast 20 seconds before submitting (like a redirect link to the submitting rules).
Mod's should also be able to remove maps easily.
Take this map for example: Its On German
If you were a mod, and you were able to remove maps, would you remove this map? (Be Honest!)

I got some rules that might help:
Description must be on English and it needs to be atleast over lets say: 30 letters? and the description gotta be ok/good explained!
This map is a good example for a bit to short description...
Heres another badly explained map with very very little information about the content in the map!
oh, and even another one!
And if a map gets under 2/10 from the mods, i think they should be able to remove the map then! (You need a good reason for removing it then, just not cus u dont like the person who submits it, or if you dont like that genre or type, judge by other points of view!).
Im not sure if this idea is already in the rules, but if theres a plain minimap (without any shop icons/units/goldmines or doodads) they should be able to remove it!
Edited maps which doesnt give credit to the original maker should also be easily removed.
Edited maps with few new content should be removed.
The more edited maps there exists of same type of map, the easier they should be removed (*cough* Loap & Mauls *cough*)

Btw there should be a section where resource-mods could move non-convincing maps easily too, but needs to add a short comment why they moved it there...
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
I'm, just wondering how can we make them read something for 20 seconds?

Thats a issue upon itslf

(mutipul user accounts)

When the mods start collecting they can see ip adresses easily.

We pretty much need another set of mods to do a quick review and filter out the crap and only leave the ones that seem pretty good so a approving mod can give his review and see if it makes the cut.
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Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Oh will, I'm going to delete my map here and move it to somewhere else.

It's ok Earth-Fury I understand, there are hundreds of loaps, 90% of them are very rigged, cheap, or boring. To have to go through them all, it must be very hard, especially if you don't like loaps to begin with. I'll ease your load a bit, and remove my map.
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Level 7
Dec 4, 2007
concidering how long the games been out and how many custom maps have been made. i think its impossable to create a map without "borrowing" something from another map, even if you thought you were being original.

even if you came up with the idea yourself, chances are someone else already has something similar to it in a different map

but yes, theres a major difference between that and copy pasting
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
9 Pages of Pending maps speaks for its self. Maybe its not that Map mods arent doing their jobs, but its because they look at certain maps, realize they suck shit, but they follow minimum standards. But they're pride keeps them from approving it so they leave it to the next guy. And it repeats..

Maybe there should be more strict rules on map submittion. First off, no more repeated maps, PLEASE.
Im so damn sick of seeing things like


Seriously, retards who read this; stop submitting these god damn maps. Footman, Vampirisim and Loap. They've been stacked so many times you cant even READ the name. Jeez guys.

And make some other rules that make getting the map done harder. That way the mods dont have to hide from these maps and can just happily click "ignore" with a comment "u phail at life"

Its that, OR the 16 resource mods are lazy. Eh..
Level 4
Nov 17, 2007
concidering how long the games been out and how many custom maps have been made. i think its impossable to create a map without "borrowing" something from another map, even if you thought you were being original.

What about a new rule: NO MAPS WITH RIGGED CONTENT?

As for the stuff, CnP is illegal in skins. If you made the loap map from basic its worthy of getting past the restrictions, however if its rigged in any way its not funny. And like, i domt play loap because there are only people who edit it for the sake of getting a name.
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