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  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
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Orcs & Humans: Orc Missions (ALPHA)




10.24. ~ Yeees, version 1.6 with two new missions has come! It takes me two all days to finish the started fixings and missions. Thanks
your waiting and good play! :D

  • 22.02. ~ New version 1.2 with a lot of fixes, changes and atlast chapter 6 has arrived!
  • 24.02. ~ Old sreenshots have been deleted, new ones have been uploaded.
  • 12.04. ~ Creating Chapter 7 is nearing to its end. Next update will include Chapter 8 too, so hold on guys! :)
  • 10.06. ~ My long rest is nearly to its end, and working on the campaign will be started again very soon. In two weeks
    next update will arrive at last. Hold on ladies and gentlemen! :)
  • 21.06. ~ "Good news everyone!" Mission 7 is nearly complete, and I will start mission 8. Maybe it will completed in a week!
  • 04.07. ~ Three week is not two, I know, but you don't wait in vain: VERSION 1.3 HAS ARRIVED!!! (At long last)
  • 05.07. ~ It seems, I had to upload 1.4 too early, because of a bug mentioned by Thunder1. And I also added a new
    gamecode to the people who have already played the missions. :)
  • 15.07. ~ Bugs, bugs everywhere, but their number is smaller in 1.5. Try it out! Thanks you guys, who reported these bugs! ;)
  • 28.08. ~ Four days and school will start... Jesus! :O Don't worry guys, I'm planning to upload the next version witch has 2 new
    mission, but not the last ones. They will come soon, so keep up! :) ...Four days, man!
  • 09.03. ~ Hey guys! I thought, I have to show you that I'm still living. I will take an exam after a month, so sorry, but you will
    not get the new version in the near future :/ Anyway, enjoy the new site and have a good day! :)

About the Campaign

The campaign is based on the Warcraft I: Orc & Humans game created by the Blizzard Entertainment, I have just revive it.

My decision was to create a map, a very good map, but at the beginning I had no idea. I started to create map with their own story, but
it was really hard to imagine the characters, the story or even the look of the map. They haven't been finished yet or have been deleted
forever. After a time, I got a new idea: make a map with bases that had already been imagined, like put World of Warcraft into Warcraft 3
environment. It wasn't an easy work. In the end, I had to find out that these maps are boring and unnecessary, because why would
someone play with my map if it's better to play original WoW? Another plan has landed in the bin...
Finally, I saw the former Warcraft games. First think was 'Interesting games, but too compared to nowadays games. Why doesn't Blizzard
renew them?'
and the second was 'Why shouldn't I try to do it myself?'. And so you can see, I've started to create the Warcraft I
Orc campaign nearly a year, (so long time!) and haven't stopped making it.

And about the campaign in nutshell...
Lead the Horde against the nation of Azeroth, the humans, be the chieftain, Orgrim Doomhammer and conquer cities through 8 missions.

The campaign isn't finished yet!


First of all you should know, this campaign isn't only the copy of the Warcraft I. I've strived to make a blizz-like campaign with adding
my own ideas.
It has new features like:

  • New map look
  • Loading screens
  • Quests for every maps
  • Cinematics
  • Netural units
  • Human computer players
  • Ingame events
  • Orgrim Doomhammer hero

Orgrim is very powerful hero, has six special abilities, able to use and carry items. Like the heroes in Starcraft, he can't be revived,
so if he dies, the currently playing mission will be failed.

Orgrim Doomhammer's Abilities


Gives a chance to stun an opponent for a time.
This ability is given to Orgrim immediately, has no
other levels.

A wave of force that ripples out from Orgrim Doomhammer, causing
damage to land units in a line.

Has 4 levels, minimum level doesn't required.

Slams the ground, dealing damage and slowing the movement and
attack rate of nearby enemy units.

Has 4 levels, minimum level doesn't required.

Critical Strike
Gives a chance to do more damage on an attack.
Has 3 levels, minimum level 4 required.

Howl of Terror
Emits a terrifying howl that reduces nearby enemy units'
attack damage.

Has 3 levels, minimum level 6 required.

Causes a hammerstorm of destructive force around Orgim
Doomhammer, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage
to nearby enemy land units.

Has 2 levels, minimum level 8 required.

I've created an option menu for disable or enable the showing of texts. (See below in the Screenshots part.)
For example, if you don't need to see hints at playing, simply just write 'option' as a chat, click on the ~ HINT ON ~ button in the dialog.
The button will change to ~ HINT OFF ~ and the hints won't appear. Remember, the texts turn up only one time, so if you disable showing of
a text, you're NOT going to see it in the mission later.

The campaign has an Intro cinematic and 8 completed missions. Later, I will upload new version of the campaign having further missions.
Don't worry about Orgrim's items, because the new campaign will use the game cache of the older one.













Added maps:
  • Intro
  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5

  • Orgrim is a hero with max level 16
  • Some hints have been changed
  • Some icons have been changed
  • Cleric model has been changed
  • Reports now useable items
  • Loading screens have been fixed
  • Guards and Scouts quest (in chapter 1) has been changed to optional

Added maps:
  • Added Chapter 6
  • Added descriptions to maps
  • Added healing ability to the Town Hall (heals only Orgrim)
  • Added music to cinematics
  • Updated maps' look
  • Updated loading screens' look
  • Updated players' AI
  • Campaign image has been changed
  • Orgrim's voice has been changed to Grom's
  • The life of the buildings have been changed
  • Units' model sizes and costs have been changed
  • Hotkeys of abilities have been changed to Q, W, E, R, T (last for just Orgrim)
  • Abilities and costs of some items have been changed
  • The model of Stable has been changed
  • Some grammar mistakes have been fixed
  • Orgrim gains levels and abilities when he can't be loaded from the game cache
  • Intro will no longer crash at the end
  • Mission buttons will no longer be seen
  • Chapter 5 is finally bug-free and harder to finish

Added maps:
  • Added Chapter 7
  • Added Chapter 8

  • Added 'mission jump'
  • Blackhand and Grol'dar are now targetable

  • Name of the campaign now has the 'ALPHA' sign
  • Added more hints to the missions
  • Added upgrade arts, names and tips to the spellcasters
  • Added buyback possibility to Orc Town Hall
  • The extensions of the loading screens files have been changed from .tga to .blp (It reduced the camp size by 8 Mbs!)
  • Models of Necrolyte and Warlock have been changed
  • Icon of Necrolyte has been changed
  • Icon of Select Hero ability have been changed
  • Prises of items have been changed
  • Prises of some buildings, units and upgrades have been changed
  • Orgim's primary attribute has been changed to Strength
  • Duration of stun have been changed
  • Reports won't give roar buff to Orgim
  • You can decide in a dialog that you will continue Chapter 1 or not after finishing the main quest
  • Slimes will spawn at some dying ogres' positions in Chapter 4
  • You will get the gold in Chapter 5 which you earned in Chapter 4
  • Now it is easier to destroy Blackhand's base in Chapter 7
  • Orgim's abilities are won't reset in Chapter 8
  • Destroying rocks in Chapter 8 will no longer cause error
  • Key to the Catacombs will dropped to all 5 doors in Chapter 8

Added maps:
  • Added Chapter 9
  • Added Chapter 10
  • Added Marshal Diggs to Mission 2
  • Orgrim's weapon sound has been changed to bash
  • Orgrim's armor sound has been changed to metal
  • AIs of enemies have been changed: there are ugrade systems in them, and they aren't so agressive
  • Multiboard has been changed: it shows Orgrim's and in some missions a quest unit's life and mana, and the number of quest
    requirement (such as killed units)
  • In the quest messages the texts of the completed requirements are gray
  • Undiscovered quests are now seen
  • Dialog won't show up if you have already finished the optional quest in Chapter 1
  • The gold in the first mine have been increased by 500 in Chapter 1
  • The archways of the rooms will turn invisible if a unit is close to them in Chapter 8
  • Orgrim will get experience from the Tome of Experience even he has earned level limit in Chapter 8
  • Garona is able to attack with small damage, her life has been increased, she has 3 small armor and Slink ability in Chapter 8
  • Conjurers can't cast Rain of Fire in Chapter 8
  • End cinematic has been changed (because of warcraft's lore) in Chapter 8


Special Thanks:
  • To the Blizzard team that has invented the Warcraft games.
  • To the downloaders, reviewers and idea givers.
  • Frankster - Orgrim, Spearthrower
  • frostwolf - Griselda (Watcher)
  • Syroco - Orc Lumbermill
  • Wandering Soul - Archer
  • Kuhneghetz - Cleric (Archmage on Foot)
  • AndrewOverload519 - Mage, Catapult
  • Ket - Church
  • MassiveMaster - Stable
  • Thrikodius - Weeny the Chaos (Pumpkin Infernal)
  • CRAZYRUSSIAN - Griselda
  • donut3.5 - Weeny the Chaos (Pumpkin Warrior)
Tutorial of Map Description:
  • -Kobas-


The missions have been fixed so many times, but there may still be little bugs in the triggers or language mistakes in the speeches
cause I'm not english. I asked you to write them down, so I can fix. Write the bugs in your comments or email me.
Tell your ideas to me, I'll read them and think about to add to the campaign.
Please don't ask when will I finish the twelfth mission. I wanted to done the campaign before the end of summer, and it isn't done yet.
The new deadline is before Christmas... We will see how fast I will be.

I don't own the basic ideas of the game, and the pictures in this site, the rights belong to the Blizzard Entertainment company.
The innovations that are mentioned in the Features part belong to me.


orc, orcs, human, humans, warcraft, I, III, 1, 2, and, missions, missions, campaign, &

Orcs & Humans: Orc Missions (ALPHA) (Campaign)

StoPCampinGn00b 22:35, 4th Feb 2015 Map Name - Orcs & Humans: Orc Missions (Version 1.1) Review Posts - Sclammerz' Review, Gismo's Review[tr] Verdict - Approved, Not Rated




22:35, 4th Feb 2015
Verdict - Approved, Not Rated
Map Name - Orcs & Humans: Orc Missions (Version 1.1)
[/TD] [tr]
Level 23
Apr 12, 2014
Hmm. From warcraft 1 based story? Sounds cool, but I don't know anything about it. Anyway ill try it later. It's a campaign!!!!

@Mechanical man and Yrk: Foul beasts.

Edit: Will alleria will have a scene? (played and she did not)
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Level 3
Aug 21, 2009
Yay just tested a couple of missions, and I love it so far. Especially love them dialogues.

Moreover you are basically making what I was trying to do for 5 years now. I dont know how often I tried to make the Swamps of Sorrows mission of the Orc Campaign and never finished it. So you Sir deserve a cookie.

I also suggest you could add some more stuff, like an epic duel between Orgrim and Blackhand after storming the Blackrock Spire and the destruction of the Shadow Counsil and the deal with Guldan as bonus missions. But thats up to you to decide.

Anyway I wish you luck and a lot of inspiration :thumbs_up:.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Oh my God!
Milions THANKS!!!!!!!!!! For making this...
I have missed the first Warcarft game so much...
I will test it right away and give a review on it :)
Level 23
Apr 12, 2014

Sclammerz's Review

MAP NAME: Orcs & Humans: Orc Missions
Version: 1.0


I have played this because I like playing campaigns. Anyway I did finished it and its really short, maybe you could add more chapters to it? Is this a beta version? Anyway here's my review.


The Terrain was fantastic, you did a fine job, your tile variations really fits. But the terrain in the cave (Where you fight ogres) is really empty, I can only see rocks, rocks and another big rocks but still its good specially when you enter the ruined place where the ogre lord.


Not many to say about this. A warcraft-ish gameplay and nothing is wrong with it and you did add some of your own uniqueness like those dialogues and suchs.



I like how you introduced warcraft 1 to warcraft 3. It seems interesting but its too short, I did'nt get much the story. The cinematics were nice, nice dialogues but there were some spelling and grammar mistakes, I suppose.



Is it really necessary to make Orgrim Doomhammer not a hero type of unit? cause its really bugs me when I press F1, and I forgot he was not a hero type unit, so I did used and type "Hero" to make the camera to him but it takes small amount of your time. And your hero does not level up. Anyway its up to you.
Maybe add more chapters to your campaign to show a complete story.
So, that I will know what happened in Warcraft 1 and 2
The orc techtree was nice with some old warcraft models but the Temple of the Damned bugs me. Its really OP to the whole techtree of the orcs. Maybe you could find another and more fitting building for the orc race.
The model for the cleric is somewhat not fitting, maybe you could remove the hero glow or pick another model. It's just my taste anyway.
The loading screens in some chapters was "Another Warcraft III map", maybe you could fix/replace them.
The icon of the spearthrower really looks different from the model, maybe you could find some icons here on hive or request one.
The thread looks nice! +2 for that.


I think this deserves an approval, I hope moderators will approve this. Happy Mapping! :D

4/5 - RECOMMENDED I vote for approval! :)
How many downloads are needed to continue? (dem kickstarter references)

I finished the first chapter, but I felt it was too long for a first map, where you expect more of a tutorial. Because if the first map is too long, it may discourage the player to continue it. But if he finishes it quickly he may become more interested in continuing.
Level 7
Dec 30, 2014
Thanks for the comments! :)

I don't know maybe Alleria will be in this or in the Human missions l. But that's the future...

Thanks the cookie hagen! :D yea I thought I won't finish the Swamp . I think I started to create it since one year and stopped making, than in summer continued it. It was very hard, and I give myself "holiday" when don't Sclammerz do the maps for a week.

I"'m happy hearing this Mikasa, I'm waiting for the review :)

Sclammerz you did a great review :O Thanks for it, your ideas are good too, I wanted create Orgim to a hero unit, but I thought it won't be like heroes tarcraft. Hmm maybe tomorrow I will upload 1.1... :)

Oh I am going to continue this and don't stop it I promise Mechanical :D in the 1.1 the first mission completion will be shorter.

Thanks again for all your comments! :)
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
First mission:

No loading screen, using the standard game screen.

The spider broach item gets a message saying you got a longbow.

English needs help.

I would suggest making Orgrim a hero so you can select his icon (the biggest drawback thus far), and giving him only the unit abilities and locking his level to prevent him being a one-orc army.

You should make the reports clickable (so using them repeats the minimap ping).

Other than that, awesome terrain, and the dialogues are decent.
Level 7
Dec 30, 2014
It is good idea to make the reports clickable. The other ideas have been told to me, and they will be done. Sorry the loading screen changing, it always changed when I remove somethink in the campaign editor. I will fix it.

Have a good game!
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Second mission ending cutscene: You should have Orgrim, the footman and the grunt separate from the others, it's awkward that they seem to be talking while destroying a base while the footman is trying to stab them.

Third mission has no loading screen.

While the terrains are very good, the edges aren't. Even if they're not normally visible, you should try to make them more appealing instead of flat and empty.

Fourth mission: after the boss battle ends, you should trigger the cutscene only after Orgrim gets on the bridge, as there might not be time to grab the gauntlets otherwise.

Fifth mission has no loading screen.
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Level 20
Jul 14, 2011

Note: outdated




Rating: 3/5
Status: Approved

[TD][/TD][TD][/TD][TD][/TD] Overall, the terrain is very bliz-like and very fitting for the campaign.
It reminds me when I first played Warcraft 3.
There are some parts where the tiles dont really fit,
for example, the spider forest in the third chapter just doesnt look natural.
A darker atmosphere would fit that better, in my opinion. [TD][/TD]
The gameplay, as you would think, is in a campaign-like fashion.
The first and second chapter are challenging
but from the third onwards the missions become rather easy,
to the point where attack ground can win the game without even building units.[TD][/TD]
  1. The first cinematic crashes during the big battle.
  2. There are alot grammar mistakes. For the most part, it is understandable
    but in some cases the sentences dont make alot of sense.
  3. Change Shockwave's hotkey. 'S' overrides the Stop command.
  4. Shockwave's learn tooltip is 'Sockwave'.
  5. All chapters are accessible without unlocking.
  6. All the maps have the default name and description (visible when loading a saved game).
    Change them to something that tells you what campaign it was from and what chapter.
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Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Nice campaign i had a lot of fun playing it, although its kinda short but i guess its becuz of the story.
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Level 7
Dec 30, 2014
Oh, I haven't seen the 2. side of the comments x/

Nice campaign i had a lot of fun playing it, although its kinda short but i guess its becuz of the story.

I know it is short, but just now, cause this is only the half of the campaign. I will upload new versions which will have new missions. :) Until then, have a good game!

Will you do the human campaign once this is finished?

Yes, I will... later. I don't know when, cause the making of the 6. mission takes 3 weeks. So, yes, later :)

I really enjoy this campaing. When will you add a new episode?

Good to hear this :D Check it, I've uploaded new version with Chapter 6 ;)

Oooh, cool new description! Ill play it through in a couple of days. Ill edit this post when done (and link it in the last review to avoid confusion)

Thanks Gismo! :D Well, I hope it won't have bugs. ( I needed to upload 1.2 again, cause some mission buttons haven't been seen after playing xD )

Good game to all you guys, thanks for downloading it!! :D

Oh, and someone can tell me how to change the icon of this campaign in the Hive? This shield is bad to me :D
Level 1
Jul 5, 2015
Sorry if there are some spelling mistakes, I am not British

It is a very beautiful campaign, very well realized. 5/5 without hesitations

But it remains some bugs : actually, 2 minors and a medium. If I speak about it, it is simply to inform the players, in particular of the third. But all the rest is completed, promised !

Chapter Seven (The Black Morass) :
Bug minor = After Grol'dar was killed, his sentence beginning a fight with Orgrim ("still there", or something like that) remains activated when we cross in the zone and move the camera towards this one. Without gravity.

Ps: I did not take time to see if Twilight Hammer's clan destroyed himself trees separating us from him or not. The kinematics activating the optional mission opens the passage only to Bleeding Hollow.
Thus I do not know if it is normal or not, I just say that in case ;-)

Chapter Eight (Northshire Abbey) :
Bug minor = just a "!" above Orgrim. Not really annoying :)
BUG MEDIUM = when you try to destroy rocks in front of spiders, the game
crashes and posts
"Fatal Error [...] The instruction at '0x6F47E0EB' referenced memory at '0x00000020'. The memory could not be 'read'."

As we can finish the quest without killing spiders, the problem does not prevent the progress of the campaign. Nevertheless, this small minor bug makes plant the game if we try to destroy rocks :-(

Ps : Just a suggestion (I know I am boring :p): you should change the head of Orgrim as you made it for Blackhand. So that we really see a new hero ;-)

Once again thank you for this great campaign, paying tribute to the first one warcraft. What I have just told you is only minor, I do not want to annoy you more, I am conscious of the supplied work :)
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Second mission: the rescued orcs repeat their line three times.

Dead Mines mission: the camera shakes even if Turok didn't cast his spell due to being stunned.
Gold collected doesn't carry over to the next mission.

Red Ridge mission: You should set the "destroy camps" mission as a required quest, and stop the humans from spawning then staying at their camps.
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Blachand mission: maybe reduce the attack waves, there's not enough time to get a base going when they attack.
Items can't be sold to the Great Hall.

Northshire mission: Orgrim's abilities are all reset, and the Roar icon on his head becomes an exclamation point.
Game crashed while in the catacombs, killing the rock chunks north of the east entrance. Three times in a row now.
In the west catacombs, the surface trees are visible.
Please make the keys powerups instead (or give units Backpack), it's very annoying to have to backtrack halfway across the map to pick one up, or face a boss with less than all items, or lose an item because it got left behind in a now blocked-off area.

Overall: terrain and mission variety is good, grammar is bad but remains comprehensible.

I would suggest putting the hero health and mana scoreboard to better use by having it keep track of sidequests (5 houses remaining, 14 clerics remaining, etc.)
You should also remove the upkeep, it's not adapted to games where you need a large army.
Give units backpack once you've gotten the Great Hall to buy items so you can view reports and such without taking up a slot.
Give the Warlock/Necrolyte different models/skins, you can't tell them apart.
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Level 4
Jan 8, 2014
Hey i like your idea about this campaign and i would like to give a rating but there is something that bothers me at the first level. Its the quest.... your main quest ist to build a
base for your Orc brothers, ok fine no problem, then you get the secondary quest to destroy all human outposts and bases. the problem with that, its a site quest and if you finish your base with farms and stuff you just finished this chaptor .. which is sad because i hoped to explore more of that level.

Ok thats why i stoped right after lvl 1, can you pls fix that , like make the base building primary quest or a site quest and the destroying of human outposts primary or atleast make it able to finish the all quests without getting warped suddenly to the next chaptor.

Oh and btw , the text rushed to fast after finishing the base so i coulnd read the text :( gl for your maybe further campaignes(i hope human site too :*)


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I can't kill or even attack Grol'dar to get to Blackhand.
Is this campaign finished? If it's not why isn't there a(n) unfinished/not finished etc. in brackets after it's title? You know I like to play it when it's finished so I would have consistency and not forget to get the levels later.

Since this campaign's development is so slow paced I'll put my thoughts about the played chapters:

-spells are not different from those of warcraft iii but their names are modified....
-what's the point of the panel in the right upper corner with Orgrimm's health?

chap 1:

-quest log, main quest: Orgim must alive
-hero's life regeneration: his life will regenerate not increase.
-hint: keeping as many golds and lumbers. Those are not written with s for they're plural
-end cinematic (unselect units/Orgrim)

chap 2:
-loading screen: troops not troop; moving to the at risk camp (not really English)

chap 3:
-brigands have their player name as brigans

chap 5:
-orcs in danger does not turn to completed in the quest log after finishing it

chap 7:
-not all twilight hammer's peons became friendly after their town hall was destroyed
-could have used the neutral hostile colour for the Blackrock clan
-Gror'dal can't be attacked.... after him getting out of his region and in again and my troops out of his region he repeats constantly Doomhammer back again it will end like the last time and the camera pans there. It can't be skipped it's continuous... i had to bring my troops and Orgrim there to stop it and the warlock still couldn't be attacked...
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Level 7
Dec 30, 2014
Sorry if there are some spelling mistakes, I am not British

It is a very beautiful campaign, very well realized. 5/5 without hesitations

But it remains some bugs : actually, 2 minors and a medium. If I speak about it, it is simply to inform the players, in particular of the third. But all the rest is completed, promised !

Chapter Seven (The Black Morass) :
Bug minor = After Grol'dar was killed, his sentence beginning a fight with Orgrim ("still there", or something like that) remains activated when we cross in the zone and move the camera towards this one. Without gravity.

Ps: I did not take time to see if Twilight Hammer's clan destroyed himself trees separating us from him or not. The kinematics activating the optional mission opens the passage only to Bleeding Hollow.
Thus I do not know if it is normal or not, I just say that in case ;-)

Chapter Eight (Northshire Abbey) :
Bug minor = just a "!" above Orgrim. Not really annoying :)
BUG MEDIUM = when you try to destroy rocks in front of spiders, the game
crashes and posts
"Fatal Error [...] The instruction at '0x6F47E0EB' referenced memory at '0x00000020'. The memory could not be 'read'."

As we can finish the quest without killing spiders, the problem does not prevent the progress of the campaign. Nevertheless, this small minor bug makes plant the game if we try to destroy rocks :-(

Ps : Just a suggestion (I know I am boring :p): you should change the head of Orgrim as you made it for Blackhand. So that we really see a new hero ;-)

Once again thank you for this great campaign, paying tribute to the first one warcraft. What I have just told you is only minor, I do not want to annoy you more, I am conscious of the supplied work :)

Thanks you Falaan! ;) I fixed the bugs that you had mentioned.

Twilight Hammer's clan attacked at the 19th min in the game, now I changed this to 17th min.
As for Orgrim, maybe I will change his model :)

No, you didn't annoy me! Keep playing and write down all the bugs that you see, cause it is good to me to fix them and it makes tha campaign better :)

Have a good game!

With that hammer and model shouldn't Orgrim be using strength rather than agility?

Good observation, StopTickingMe, I changed it :)

Second mission: the rescued orcs repeat their line three times.

Dead Mines mission: the camera shakes even if Turok didn't cast his spell due to being stunned.
Gold collected doesn't carry over to the next mission.

Red Ridge mission: You should set the "destroy camps" mission as a required quest, and stop the humans from spawning then staying at their camps.

Blachand mission: maybe reduce the attack waves, there's not enough time to get a base going when they attack.
Items can't be sold to the Great Hall.

Northshire mission: Orgrim's abilities are all reset, and the Roar icon on his head becomes an exclamation point.
Game crashed while in the catacombs, killing the rock chunks north of the east entrance. Three times in a row now.
In the west catacombs, the surface trees are visible.
Please make the keys powerups instead (or give units Backpack), it's very annoying to have to backtrack halfway across the map to pick one up, or face a boss with less than all items, or lose an item because it got left behind in a now blocked-off area.

Overall: terrain and mission variety is good, grammar is bad but remains comprehensible.

I would suggest putting the hero health and mana scoreboard to better use by having it keep track of sidequests (5 houses remaining, 14 clerics remaining, etc.)
You should also remove the upkeep, it's not adapted to games where you need a large army.
Give units backpack once you've gotten the Great Hall to buy items so you can view reports and such without taking up a slot.
Give the Warlock/Necrolyte different models/skins, you can't tell them apart.

Thanks your reports cleavinghammer! :)

I don't know what is the bug in the second mission :/ Did you mean the captured spearmen?
Maybe I will change that quest, but it has small chance.

That scoreboard idea is very good, I will include it in the next update :D
I don't want to remove the upkeep, it is in Warcraft 3 too :)
Maybe I will give inventory to the Town Halls. In 1.5 you can sell items and buy them back :)

Keep up with the playing! :)

Wow, the terrain is so vivid and various that I thought It was made by Blizzard...

I wanted to achieve this, bbsome :ogre_haosis: Thanks! ;)

Hey i like your idea about this campaign and i would like to give a rating but there is something that bothers me at the first level. Its the quest.... your main quest ist to build a
base for your Orc brothers, ok fine no problem, then you get the secondary quest to destroy all human outposts and bases. the problem with that, its a site quest and if you finish your base with farms and stuff you just finished this chaptor .. which is sad because i hoped to explore more of that level.

Ok thats why i stoped right after lvl 1, can you pls fix that , like make the base building primary quest or a site quest and the destroying of human outposts primary or atleast make it able to finish the all quests without getting warped suddenly to the next chaptor.

Oh and btw , the text rushed to fast after finishing the base so i coulnd read the text :( gl for your maybe further campaignes(i hope human site too :*)

Hey Letgoit2! :D

I create a dialog that ask Do you want to continue the mission after finishing the main quest :)
I won't make the optional quests to main ones, cause I have plans with them... :)
Which text did you mentioned?

Thanks your reports, have a good game! ;)

There is a fatal error when i break the rocks in the catacombs in chapter 8

Fixed it ;) Bye TheGreenBottle! :D

I can't kill or even attack Grol'dar to get to Blackhand.
Is this campaign finished? If it's not why isn't there a(n) unfinished/not finished etc. in brackets after it's title? You know I like to play it when it's finished so I would have consistency and not forget to get the levels later.

Hello deepstrasz :) (equivocal name xd)

I think you played with 1.3, this bug was in it. I wrote that this campaign isn't finished yet, but now I wrote ALPHA to the name :)
Sorry for the unnecessary playing! :/

Look for this campaign in the end of summer. I want to finish it then :)


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Upkeep: yes, but these aren't Warcraft 3 units, they are considerably weaker. There is no way to keep both a defense and an attacking army, on a single gold mine, while upkeep is in use.
I always try playing with no upkeep in campaigns. This one though it does not offer any towers it can be beatable. You just have to watch the moments when to attack and retreat to defend the base. You can't really have a continuous attack on one base. It's good this way as it makes the game more interesting.

Oh and Mr. Adney, will the cache be restored to the newer levels even if maybe you modify the hero to have strength instead of agility?
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Level 7
Dec 30, 2014
I always try playing with no upkeep in campaigns. This one though it does not offer any towers it can be beatable. You just have to watch the moments when to attack and retreat to defend the base. You can't really have a continuous attack on one base. It's good this way as it makes the game more interesting.

Oh and Mr. Adney, the will the cache be restored to the newer levels even if maybe you modify the hero to have strength instead of agility?

Then I don't remove upkeep :) (btw I am not a very big Warcraft 3 player who win in a game against insane players x( so that's why I didn't know it would be good to remove Upkeep)

And deepstrasz did you mean game cache for storing Orgrim? That won't change, even if you played with a older version, cause I haven't give nother name to the cache. For example, if you finished the first chapter in version 1.3 and you start playing the second chapter in version 1.5, Orgim will get the abilities, the experience and the items he had in chapter 1 of version 1.3. :)

the first chapter is not done very well.

Can you write a bit more about why you think this? Cause I don't know what king of things aren't good in your opinion.
Level 1
Dec 23, 2013
When playing on Hard/Insane difficulty should enemy heroes make an appearance? Cho'gall at the Twilight Base and Kilrogg at the Bleeding Hollow when you do the Blackhand mission would be a great example. Orgirm should also make a bashing sound instead of slashing when he attacks. And the armor type or sound should be metal instead of flesh when he gets hit?
Level 2
Nov 20, 2014
It was pretty enjoyable I say. Some missions where nearly impossible to beat (I was playing on Normal). So, let's first start with the bugs I discovered.

Mission 1
-"You have to finish the Optional Quest to end the mission. "(Finished it before building all Farms, did not end game for me).
-Ogrimar talking offscreen, no unit avatar.
-In the Main Quest "Orgrimar must alive" (Should say Orgimar must survive)
-Netruals are not "worth" any EXP points.

Mision 2
-My Items and Level 2 skill are gone.
-You can't dodge the human encampment, there is no other way but trough it.
(Add more shallow water for the way around, so it is wakable)
-You can't destroy the rocks that block the way around.
-In the final cinematic captured Footman is facing wrong direction.

Mision 5
The deffenders can not defend aganst humans, yes you can destroy 3 camps and maybe a 4rth but after you do 2-3 waves of human soliders
allready destroyed the base, and there is no way for you to finish the mission then. Make it so when the company arrives
at the base player gets controll over the base, would make things a lot more fair.

Another thing that keept bugging me are the waves, they are too offten and they prevent you from attacking at all. As all of your forces are so damaged you can't do anything to the opposing base.

I suggest nerfing Conjurers, at the state they are currenty at they are overpowered. They should not have the mana to cast anything after casting scorpions, same goes for Warlocks and their Spiders.

Mask of the fallen Warchief is a broken item, you can finish the final mission with just "Mc Hammer". Instead give Blackhand a heroic ability.

Human camps have too many forces for what they are, reduce it to 4-5 soliders max.

Change the model of "Orc Tower" and enable the player to construct them.

Necromancer's first ability is called Shadow Spear, can't you call it dark/demonic brust? It is not flavor legit at all.
Level 1
Sep 27, 2015
I just played this mod and made an account literally for this purpose alone:


please continue your great work!

Level 11
Nov 24, 2010
I usually play old styled Warcraft 3 maps and campaigns. To be honest, this is one of the best. From the on going cinematics, quests, side units always playing some kind of an importance, and a lot of items dropping from around. There are also a few boss fights, such as the ones versus Blackhand. Orgrim's rise to power is highly noted, as he acquires the items from the former Warchief. He goes through a perilous journey to lead the Horde he wishes to save and he becomes a very powerful hero. But there are some things that bother me in some of the chapters. Notably 9 - 10.

Through Chapter 9:
- Orgrim Doomhammer becomes very powerful and it's usually that I depend only on him, rather then my army. Orgrim solo's an enemy attack force, while my attack force is only used when I lay siege to an enemy place. This is highly bothering in Chapter 09, where both armies lay siege to you. You can't even muster your attack force properly until you literally upgrade your weapons, armor, researches, and etc. When you finally upgrade. You can gather the army, but they still lay siege to you pretty bad. It isn't demonstrating the Horde's power. It's more like showing the power of one orc and that's Orgrim.

Through Chapter 10:
- Chapter 10 was a wonderful and executed chapter. The story was good and god bless. But if you stop the peasants from signalling the fire. It's literally a walk in the park. Not to mention due to Orgrim becoming very powerful due to the items. I literally solo'd the outposts and anything else I found on the outskirts. I sent Orgrim to attack the enemy units in the base and while they were fighting the Undying hero. My Raiders just took down the base like it was nothing. I suggest you add another sort of resistance that attacks as well with the blue team in that chapter. Because it was the easiest from all the chapters for me.

However, do note that if you do not have the powerful items you gather through lower chapters. These maps I named above would actually be pretty hard. Except for Chapter 10, because Orgrim is literally level 10 and it's easy to take down the enemy team. I played this on [HARD] Difficulty. Other than the spelling mistakes you have in game. I actually very like this and hope to see more of your chapters.
Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
Adney I had to play through campaign twice this weekend. Saw you new update after I finished.

First off the revisions to previous levels are great in v1.6

Your terrain is hands down some of the best if not the best I've ever seen. You mop the floor with blizzards official campaigns with your attention to detail.

I also appreciate the difficulty and skill to beat these even before you made it easier with new patch.

You use Orgrim and his ability to heal sometimes directly fighting against the hall as your tank while you build up forces. Eventually you turn Orgrim into a damn juggernaught which I love.

I assume you have a few more levels left to make.

If you had the desire upon completion I beg you to do the 2nd war from the Humans PoV because this recreation is a masterpiece. I'm advertising your campaign in a community where I'm very well known and respected in my compilation thread. You should get a lot more traffic and downloads

Suggestion . For the campaign download give a better graphic image rather then the orc banner that most generic campaigns use. I'd also make it stand out more name wise. I thought this was a dull WC1. Copyandpaste remake before I started it and was amazed by just first level.

5/5 amazing cc and fits perfect as a direct sequel to Deicide's The Saga of Azeroth.

Campaign 2. Warcraft 2 Humans missions as Lothar

The only problem is Lothar would be gone from Black rock spire and the Dark Portal but I would simply make Lothar die at cinematic in end of the Dark Portal since it would be odd to use any other Hero for the 2nd War.

Epilogue can have them honoring Lothar, Orgrim escaping, Gul'Dan being tore apart at the Tomb to give finality to your saga.

Since canon is Orcs for Wc1/ Humans for Wc2. I think this would be perfect.

Or have Dark Portal Then final level is Blackrock Spire in end cinematic Lothar dies and Blackhand is defeated by Turalyon for ending.

Campaign 3 Warcraft 2 BTDP Mix Human/Orc important missions. Grom+Teron and Turalyon+Khadgar

Suggestion name change campaign to version+ a more distinct name other than orcs and humans. Example v1.6a. For alpha since the tag MAY be off putting when it shouldn't be. Your work is great and frankly upon completion this is your foot in the door to an RTS studio as a career choice if you wanted to pursue I bet!

Edit: Chapter 7: When you finish I would remake the black rock camp into a mountain tileset since its supposed to be Black rock Spire. How you did the level Sunnygladr comes to mind.

This is only level good terrain but I don't think it fits with the high quality of other maps and its probably the most important mission for story.
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Level 7
Dec 30, 2014
The waves came too often and the hero is weak. Even the 2nd chapter has the same problems.

I will solve this problem :)

When playing on Hard/Insane difficulty should enemy heroes make an appearance? Cho'gall at the Twilight Base and Kilrogg at the Bleeding Hollow when you do the Blackhand mission would be a great example. Orgirm should also make a bashing sound instead of slashing when he attacks. And the armor type or sound should be metal instead of flesh when he gets hit?

StopTickingMe you had good ideas :D I did all you mentioned exept the heroes. Maybe there will be heroes in the next versions :)

It was pretty enjoyable I say. Some missions where nearly impossible to beat (I was playing on Normal). So, let's first start with the bugs I discovered.

Mission 1
-"You have to finish the Optional Quest to end the mission. "(Finished it before building all Farms, did not end game for me).
-Ogrimar talking offscreen, no unit avatar.
-In the Main Quest "Orgrimar must alive" (Should say Orgimar must survive)
-Netruals are not "worth" any EXP points.

Mision 2
-My Items and Level 2 skill are gone.
-You can't dodge the human encampment, there is no other way but trough it.
(Add more shallow water for the way around, so it is wakable)
-You can't destroy the rocks that block the way around.
-In the final cinematic captured Footman is facing wrong direction.

Mision 5
The deffenders can not defend aganst humans, yes you can destroy 3 camps and maybe a 4rth but after you do 2-3 waves of human soliders
allready destroyed the base, and there is no way for you to finish the mission then. Make it so when the company arrives
at the base player gets controll over the base, would make things a lot more fair.

Another thing that keept bugging me are the waves, they are too offten and they prevent you from attacking at all. As all of your forces are so damaged you can't do anything to the opposing base.

I suggest nerfing Conjurers, at the state they are currenty at they are overpowered. They should not have the mana to cast anything after casting scorpions, same goes for Warlocks and their Spiders.

Mask of the fallen Warchief is a broken item, you can finish the final mission with just "Mc Hammer". Instead give Blackhand a heroic ability.

Human camps have too many forces for what they are, reduce it to 4-5 soliders max.

Change the model of "Orc Tower" and enable the player to construct them.

Necromancer's first ability is called Shadow Spear, can't you call it dark/demonic brust? It is not flavor legit at all.

Hey Skitoritto I'm glad you enjoyed playing with the campaign :D Yes, some missions are too hard, I wanted to solve this problem in version 1.6. with changing the AIs. :)
I fixed the most bugs you had mentioned, but I think I have to play again and again the missions to fix completely their difficulty. So I will do it, I need just time for it :)

But there is things I won't change like Orc Tower's model and Shadow Spear's name because they are in WC1, so sorry, but I can't changed them :/

REALLY cool map, its awesome

waiting for the human version :D

Thanks Gweikas! :D It is bad you have to wait for finishing this campaign :'D Keep up playing :)

I just played this mod and made an account literally for this purpose alone:


please continue your great work!


Thanks you, Aetherbeast, this means a lot for me :) Don't worry I will continue making the campaign. :D Later, I will start the human... But its a mean of time :)

I usually play old styled Warcraft 3 maps and campaigns. To be honest, this is one of the best. From the on going cinematics, quests, side units always playing some kind of an importance, and a lot of items dropping from around. There are also a few boss fights, such as the ones versus Blackhand. Orgrim's rise to power is highly noted, as he acquires the items from the former Warchief. He goes through a perilous journey to lead the Horde he wishes to save and he becomes a very powerful hero. But there are some things that bother me in some of the chapters. Notably 9 - 10.

Through Chapter 9:
- Orgrim Doomhammer becomes very powerful and it's usually that I depend only on him, rather then my army. Orgrim solo's an enemy attack force, while my attack force is only used when I lay siege to an enemy place. This is highly bothering in Chapter 09, where both armies lay siege to you. You can't even muster your attack force properly until you literally upgrade your weapons, armor, researches, and etc. When you finally upgrade. You can gather the army, but they still lay siege to you pretty bad. It isn't demonstrating the Horde's power. It's more like showing the power of one orc and that's Orgrim.

Through Chapter 10:
- Chapter 10 was a wonderful and executed chapter. The story was good and god bless. But if you stop the peasants from signalling the fire. It's literally a walk in the park. Not to mention due to Orgrim becoming very powerful due to the items. I literally solo'd the outposts and anything else I found on the outskirts. I sent Orgrim to attack the enemy units in the base and while they were fighting the Undying hero. My Raiders just took down the base like it was nothing. I suggest you add another sort of resistance that attacks as well with the blue team in that chapter. Because it was the easiest from all the chapters for me.

However, do note that if you do not have the powerful items you gather through lower chapters. These maps I named above would actually be pretty hard. Except for Chapter 10, because Orgrim is literally level 10 and it's easy to take down the enemy team. I played this on [HARD] Difficulty. Other than the spelling mistakes you have in game. I actually very like this and hope to see more of your chapters.

Thank you very much Pyraeus! :D I see your point and in the next version I will fix your mentioned bugs :)
Looks like I have to fix the AIs again :D

Adney I had to play through campaign twice this weekend. Saw you new update after I finished.

First off the revisions to previous levels are great in v1.6

Your terrain is hands down some of the best if not the best I've ever seen. You mop the floor with blizzards official campaigns with your attention to detail.

I also appreciate the difficulty and skill to beat these even before you made it easier with new patch.

You use Orgrim and his ability to heal sometimes directly fighting against the hall as your tank while you build up forces. Eventually you turn Orgrim into a damn juggernaught which I love.

I assume you have a few more levels left to make.

If you had the desire upon completion I beg you to do the 2nd war from the Humans PoV because this recreation is a masterpiece. I'm advertising your campaign in a community where I'm very well known and respected in my compilation thread. You should get a lot more traffic and downloads

Suggestion . For the campaign download give a better graphic image rather then the orc banner that most generic campaigns use. I'd also make it stand out more name wise. I thought this was a dull WC1. Copyandpaste remake before I started it and was amazed by just first level.

5/5 amazing cc and fits perfect as a direct sequel to Deicide's The Saga of Azeroth.

Campaign 2. Warcraft 2 Humans missions as Lothar

The only problem is Lothar would be gone from Black rock spire and the Dark Portal but I would simply make Lothar die at cinematic in end of the Dark Portal since it would be odd to use any other Hero for the 2nd War.

Epilogue can have them honoring Lothar, Orgrim escaping, Gul'Dan being tore apart at the Tomb to give finality to your saga.

Since canon is Orcs for Wc1/ Humans for Wc2. I think this would be perfect.

Or have Dark Portal Then final level is Blackrock Spire in end cinematic Lothar dies and Blackhand is defeated by Turalyon for ending.

Campaign 3 Warcraft 2 BTDP Mix Human/Orc important missions. Grom+Teron and Turalyon+Khadgar

Suggestion name change campaign to version+ a more distinct name other than orcs and humans. Example v1.6a. For alpha since the tag MAY be off putting when it shouldn't be. Your work is great and frankly upon completion this is your foot in the door to an RTS studio as a career choice if you wanted to pursue I bet!

Edit: Chapter 7: When you finish I would remake the black rock camp into a mountain tileset since its supposed to be Black rock Spire. How you did the level Sunnygladr comes to mind.

This is only level good terrain but I don't think it fits with the high quality of other maps and its probably the most important mission for story.

Thanks you Anaxie! :)) I'm really happy you like my camaign that much :D
Wouu and you had advertised my campaign on another side :O There are no words how I feel now :') Thanks you! :)
The first version campaign had the orc symbol as a campaign image that's why it is still that image, in turn I have changed it. Maybe I will ask a Hive member to change it on the site :) But to change the campaign name is good idea :D
Good ideas for the next campaigns, I don't know now what will be in the epilogue, so these help me :)
Alright, I will change the name if the campaign will have all of the 12 missions +2 cinematics :D than I will change to BETA :) Someone sad that, he/she thought the campaign is finished, and seeing it isn't was a suprise to him/her, so I gave the ALPHA name to the campaign, cause it will have +2 missions and an epilogue :)
Oh I didn't Blackhand was in Blackrock Spire. I will make my best to change it :)

Really thanks your ideas, opinions and bug reports guys! These why I love and keep up doing and fixing this campaign! :D Have a nice day!
Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
So only 2 Missions to go? Awesome.

Ontopic of Warcraft 1 is the Epilogue after Stormwind Keep fall going to show Orgrim Manhandling Gul'dan until he swears alligence? Destroying the Shadow Council was one of the most important things Ogrim accomplished when he became Warchief so please do~

Absolutely do WC2 Humans though. I think everyone here would be grateful to see much more of your work.

Even if Missions need trimmed down. 12 for your WC1 is just... huge.

Warcraft 2 would be 16 missions but many Plots can be condensed into a single mission. Or irrelevant ones scrapped.

I'd break it down to 8-10 Missions with the 4 Major Story arcs

I would use two heroes Lothar and Turalyon only having them together on very few missions this also makes it simple to kill off Lothar in Blackrock Spire

~ Rescuing the Elves
~ The Battle of Hillsbrad
~ The Battle of Tol Barad
~ The Revolt at Tyr's Hand
~ The Betrayal of Alterac
~ The Burning Of Quel'Thalas
~ The Siege of Lordaeron Capital
~ The Battle of Crestfall
~ The Assault of Blackrock Spire
~ The Dark Portal

As for Gul'dan at the Tomb I would just do an interlude after the Siege of Capital City which would likely be a defense mission the Horde Retreat from after the time. Interlude with Gul'Dan shows why then the War continues without going off track.

Feel free to actually make a Map instead of 50% Water like Original Wc2 considering half these places aren't even islands or coastal as WC2 depicted. Standard WC3 TFT Shipyards can be used when needed without the necessity of Oil.

Not trying to be pushy just super stoked that you brought Warcraft 1s Story to life and wish the same for 2.
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Level 3
Aug 21, 2009
Yay nice to see this campaign nearing its completion.

I agree on Orgrim bashing in Gul'dans face untill he breaks out in tears and "swears allegiance" sounds like a good Idea for an epilogue :D.
In the epilogue Gul'dan should also mention the propable raider revolt and promise to create death knights.
Perhaps show some preparations for the second war, like building ships, amassing forces, enslaving dragons etc.
I suggest making a dungeon map after Stormwind siege where you have to dismantle the Shadow Council and find Gul'dan though.

As for WC2 Campaigns, Id be happy to see the Human Campaign too, but I think Orgrim ransacking Northern Kingdoms until the Siege of Quel'Thalas and Lordaeron, gaining alliance with Zul'Jin and losing it later and then finally Sargeras' Tomb are all major plotlines which should be implemented in an Orc Campaign ;)
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