Ogre Mound

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Finally! My greatest project, my dear Ogre Mound, useful for WC2 Campaigns.

Change Log:

Version 1 - Idea

Model Edition

Version 2 - Editing

- Rocks
- Archway
- Entrance
- Fire Pit
- Bone in the Ground
- Rock Spike
- Team Color "hat"

Version 3 - Final Improvement

- Emissed Particles

Version 4 - Final Improvement 2

- Rocks were added in Decay and Death animation, as the Fire Pit trashed
-Demonic Pillars added (for Ogre Magi :3)
- The cave entrance now looks like a cave entrance (the entrance is not blocked anymore, the entrance used is the same as Cliff Cave)
- Particle Emitters of Pillars were disabled because it would look to fancy, but if the crowd want, I'll add again.

Because the building is a cave, it's hard to edit properly.

Ogre, Mound, WarCraft II, Building, Orcs.

Ogre Mound (Model)

15:25, 4th Jul 2015 MiniMage: Too simple. It looks cluttered and messy. Good luck with future models though.




15:25, 4th Jul 2015
MiniMage: Too simple. It looks cluttered and messy. Good luck with future models though.
Level 11
Mar 9, 2008
The archway or the cave entrance?

The problem I have with it is the rock color you used, it doesn't mesh well at all with the wooden colors of the rest of the building.

Also it looks awfully a lot like you just used the rock doodad and archway doodad and put them over the orc base. I'm not saying you DID do that, I'm saying it looks like that.

Furthermore you should probably make the entrance look like it is actually an entrance, currently it is very easy to see that it is blocked off by the rest of the rock.
We always need more building models, but it would really be nice if they weren't always so lazily made. We've got the doodad merges made by most people, and then the lazy tower rewrap made by myself, whom I also consider a noob (yes I insulted myself).

Can't we have some pros making buildings for once?

Anyway, seriously, work on this. Don't just rip the top of a tower and stick some doodads around it. Make something out of them. Reshape their mesh into the shape of the building you're imagining, and then wrap a different texture to them. By the time you're done, we shouldn't even know what doodads you used to make it.
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Level 12
May 11, 2014
Nice model , but the stones are strange , i mean they look like a cave . But great work !
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
I will echo what has been said by others, especially Infernal. Great to see Wc2 models, and great to see models for Ogres... But while this has the makings of greatness, it needs a bit more work.

A rule of thumb is the less-recognizable the parts are (doodads, buildings, units, etc) in the geomerge, the better.

Also, I am always leery when people use the game-provided background textures in their building (trees, leaves, bushes, ground, etc); those textures are designed to blend in, to literally be the background. Moreover, I find that they look AWEXOME in their own tileset, and really weird outside of it.

Good luck!