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Nokrath: After the Archstorm

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Nokrath: After the Archstorm.

Hello people =) This is a text rp i will be hosting when im not working in my Battle Depths project, and i will state now, to make it clear, that is is a

Imagine, that you are a person from a world with extreme technological wonders, that your people were on the brink of shaping life, controling gravity and cheating death, permanently. Now imagine, that at the very day your people discovered the missing peice in the mystery of existance, nature itself, said stop. It was a catastrophe. Howling winds, drasticly falling temperature, global blizzards, comets raining down all over the various planets your people had conquered, and then, the Archstorm.

Whiteness. All over. Blinding white. You know what it is, snow. All over. everywhere. And then, black.

You open your eyes. You are lying in a beutyfull little forest. It could be one of the "fake" ones that your people had created, but it wasnt. This was real. You could feel it. Strange, the last real forest were destroyed millenias ago.

You stand up, look around. You can hear people talking, but you dont care right now. The only thing you can think of is "Where am i?"

In this little text rp, you are put in the role of a person from a technologically hyper advanced race. At the moment of your greatest accomplishment, something strange happens, and you wake up in a place inhabited by people whoose technology level is about what people had about the rennosance age. You have alot of gadgets on you, like laser guns and other stuff, and you, like all other of your people, live forever.

Now, what will you do?

Charecter Creation:
Background: (optional)
Gadgets: A list of things you had on you when the catastrophe happened.

You can add other things to the sheet if there are some info you want on there. And ofc, i will need to approve your charecter first.

There arent many rules, even though there is a limit of daily actions, wich i will limit depending on what actions, and the number of players. The point of the game is... well... whatever you want it to be. Use the situation to make the primitive people think youre a god? something else perhaps? The choice is yours. You win the game by killing all other players.


Krono's Empire:

Owner: Kronos.
Regions Controlled: The Snake Jungle.
Population: 1500.
Armed Soldiers: 500.
Magical Potential: Medium.
Stealth Potential: High.
Melee Potential: Very Low.
Bonuses: The Snake Jungle is a place full of strange and wonderous beasts. If tamed, there will be both mounts, war beasts, pets and various trade goods. Like snake skin armor for example.
Resources Available: Wood, Water, Iron and Fruits
Resources Claimable: Exotic Beasts and Animals, Various jewels, gold, Arcane Ruins and [Unknown Resource]
Technology: Beast taming and improved woodworking.

Empire Bulletin Board
Krono's Empire:
Claim Resources.
Research: Wood Masonry, Fletchery, Beast Breeding and Poison Mastery.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Well... It is a rp with alot of possibilities. If you had some extremely high-tech gadgets like laser pistols and desintegration rays, and you find yourself at a place with peple that still fight with swords and drinks water from wells, what would you do?
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Name: Kronos, Lord of time chaos.
Background: No one knows he back round but him and he doesn't share it.
Gadgets: Time watch, Sonic pen, Sonic lance
Appearance: A cloak of unbreakable metal covers his body. He has short brown hair, blue eyes and tan skin
Personality: He is funny at time and serous at other times. He knows why the Archstorm came and doesn't share that unless the times demand it.
Other: He is the lord of time and chaos. He is an Jusic, Immortals with power over domains. His brother is Brotus, lord of law and space.
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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Name:Cerberus The Demon Dog
Background:many people think he is a myth for all the story's about him are of death and destruction they say he is a mercenary who only accepts the contracts if there is death involved he is the story parents tell there children to go bed
Gadgets:he has 2 large axes on his back that can cut a man like paper and are light as a feather he also has gauntlets that have claws attached to them that can rip open portals so he can enter or shuv a person in and let them there in eternal pain last thing he has are 2 pistols that the bullets move so fast you die before you can here it shoot
Appearance:he wears a large strong armor that is colored in blood and a black material that is hard to even scratch his helmet is that of a ferocious giant dog and all you can see is dark blood red eyes
Personalty:he is a terrifying person to be around and no 1 really knows what his full name is because no 1 has ever bin able to stay alive to ask him
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Kronos: Approved. Lets say he knows PART of why the archstorm came, not all of it ;) (would ruin abit of my plot)

Cerberus: Approved. But please use some .'s and ,'s =S abit hard to read.

Okay now: Actually you dont have to start in a forest. You can start anywhere on this globe you want: In a desert, in a frozen wasteland, in a tropic jungle etc. Just tell me where you want to start =)
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Hmm... Okay.
You can start at a place wich i call The Hall of Doors.

Kronos opened his eyes. He looked around. He seemed to be inside a castle, made of... stone? The room he were in looked like a dining hall, or something. On the floor was a large red carpet, decorated with all kinds of golden patterns. There were doors everywhere. All over. Doors, doors, doors. All along the walls, there were doors. Above each one a single rune were engraved in the wall, but Kronos did not know what they meant. Okay... what should he do now?
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
He searched the runes carefully to find any that felt good. The hourglass called out to him and he opened the door.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
OOC: ill start now =] and reason i don't use . , im horrid grammar and don't know were to put them lol

Cerberus gets on his horse after the fight with the sand raiders a contract he had gotten said to kill there leader but he couldn't pass up the chance of killing the rest of them he gets on his horse and rides off for the village of Dromguard a old village that resides in a ruined castle to get his reward for this contract
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Some of the inhabitants slowly begin dancing. Then more and more of them follows, and soon all of them are chanting some strange words Kronos has never heard before. Then one of them yells "Kokathaka!"

All of a sudden the person yelling stands with a iron sword in his right hand, and his left hand is surging with a strange power. He points at Kronos. "Nokathar!"
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
One of the men approaches you. Points at you, and then at a big hut at the north end of the village. Kronos looks at it, and notices that it is a stairway, a stairway, to the REAL village.

Thousands of bridges, platforms and huts, and on all the platforms, people, looking down.
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