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NEW UI WIP, Misha's Request.

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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008

Now, as for the interface, what immediately strikes me is that it's entirely flat and without thought of putting focus back onto the battlefield. You see, all the UIs by Blizzard have a perspective that suggests you're looking into the middle of the screen, and the elements of the UI come along that line. If you try to implement that in one way or another, I think the UI as a whole would be more inviting come the time for people to actually play with it.

Misha said that he didn't want it to look like Blizzard in any way, so much so to the point that he appeared to explode when I showcased an experimental route to go by.
That's kinda why I tried to avoid making it look like blizzard. But I suppose you have a point. XD

Here was the concept I went by, although I doubt Misha would like it as he didn't like blizzard stuff. I just thought that when I had leaves on the top and a story thing below, it would look fantasy and storyish.
That was what I went by from the begining. Before he suggested me to go by Slavic mythology.


Behold, an example of my concept. Yanking something quickly and describing it didn't seem to work, so I yanked some pieces, applied the concept and now. Yeah.
Thankfully, this only takes me a few minutes. So if Misha doesn't like it, I'll revert back a stage that were only minutes back.


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Level 12
Oct 7, 2010

Now, as for the interface, what immediately strikes me is that it's entirely flat and without thought of putting focus back onto the battlefield. You see, all the UIs by Blizzard have a perspective that suggests you're looking into the middle of the screen, and the elements of the UI come along that line. If you try to implement that in one way or another, I think the UI as a whole would be more inviting come the time for people to actually play with it.
I'm sry for being off-topic. But can you explain it further? I've always wanted some great tips from a master. I'm having difficulties trying to make a UI with that feel as well.

1st the goblin UI, now this? i think there should be a section specially for your UIs. :D Anyway, I'll be sure to add this into my UI list once it finished. hope you're ok with it. :)
EDIT: Looks like when i'm typing this post, Minimage is replying as well. haha
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I'm sry for being off-topic. But can you explain it further? I've always wanted some great tips from a master. I'm having difficulties trying to make a UI with that feel as well.

1st the goblin UI, now this? i think there should be a section specially for your UIs. :D Anyway, I'll be sure to add this into my UI list once it finished. hope you're ok with it. :)
EDIT: Looks like when i'm typing this post, Minimage is replying as well. haha

Always fun to see people who likes the stuff I make. Oh and I updated the post above this one.
I saw your reply when I was editing my previous one.

If you're wondering what this UI was intended from the moment that I began creating it.
It was intended as Fantasy UI, capable to be working with a map based on a fairytale.
Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
Misha said that he didn't want it to look like Blizzard in any way

Uhh, I don't think you understand what shiiK meant :S
He was talking about composition, which Blizzard did right. It won't look Blizzardish if you do it like he suggested.

Although I myself disagree with him. Resp. he's probably right, but I don't think it to be a big deal.
That's just my opinion tho.
Level 17
Jul 1, 2010
Copy Paste much ?
@GhostThruster: Even if I get banned (again) I have to ask this: Are you stupid ? He is using other people's art to create his and didn't even specify from where he got the images. He didn't create them just like his Goblin UI...jeez And that is not art...
On Topic: Don't change it's color and lose the sword...maybe add a dragon head to the middle frame bottom...and if you're gonna add the panel texture desaturate it and give it the same opacity and contrast as the other textures cause it looks good...
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Make it more wooden, maybe with some ivy, not so metal and civilized. Add either a 3-headed dragon, Firebird (or not, it'd look too much like a phoenix). Some old church Slavonic inscriptions may fit. I don't know, maybe some inscription in Old Church Slavonic?

Ah... Don't tell me he's copy-pasting... again.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Copy Paste much ?
@GhostThruster: Even if I get banned (again) I have to ask this: Are you stupid ? He is using other people's art to create his and didn't even specify from where he got the images. He didn't create them just like his Goblin UI...jeez And that is not art...
On Topic: Don't change it's color and lose the sword...maybe add a dragon head to the middle frame bottom...and if you're gonna add the panel texture desaturate it and give it the same opacity and contrast as the other textures cause it looks good...

Well, I wouldn't question if you indeed get banned because you don't really seem to brighten up your presence when you jump into a crowd. I did specify sources of things I know will be used and did say that if I found something I come to the conclusion that I would use, I would also add a source to said material, before I only added sources when I officially uploaded it to the hive, now I'll do it simple to avoid raging mods. I'd recommend you editing your post and skipping the off topic because you come off as a douche. I don't need your personal view on what art is.

The sword was declared as an experiment if anything. The changing of gradients was never done by me but of a person fascinated by the UI who wanted to help. I never had any intention of using a gradient but I appreciated the interest.
As for the Goblin UI? Did you see the first thread? It wasn't even close to what it was on the first page and the last page. Don't do the same mistake here.

@Chucky: Yes you are stupid. I was merely jesting, why would I tell a skin mod to go away, especially when he has expertise in this field? Besides I thought it would seem less serious, based on the sentence structure.

@MiniMage: Make the leaves hang over the map.

Indeed, I found your comment amusing. Made a few leaves slightly hang over it, the others hang over the Unit Preview thingy. I think it's getting better.

Make it more wooden, maybe with some ivy, not so metal and civilized. Add either a 3-headed dragon, Firebird (or not, it'd look too much like a phoenix). Some old church Slavonic inscriptions may fit. I don't know, maybe some inscription in Old Church Slavonic?

Ah... Don't tell me he's copy-pasting... again.

That last sentence is unnecessary. I make my UI's the only way how. No one else accepts requests so why complain when someone attemps to make their own? I may use CNP, but the results tend to turn out well.

As for the wood part, I'm way ahead of you, started adding a little wood before. Haven't added any inscriptions though.
I once thought for fun to add "Oh lord, bless thy hand grenade to blow my enemies into tiny bits" as a funny inscription but that would've probably ruined the whole Bas Celik angle on it. XD

Thoughts? What ya think guys?


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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
It looks really good, I suggest to take the part of the leaves on the left part and add it to the right part as well, as on the right side the leaves stop instantly, on the left side they are getting smoothely smaller, I think you got what I mean? And really, let all the leaves hang over the paper, it's going to be weay better.

Was thinking about having the three glasses of water and leaves around them at that spot though.

Bas Celik is essentially like this, enjoy my summary of the story. A senile king who has three sons and three daughters, says that whoever knocks on the door and asks to marry one of the daughters, shall be able to do so. Even though this would be a political nightmare. The older brothers who appears to have to few braincells questions their fathers last wish to dish out their sisters like wet towels to strangers, but the youngest son has inherited his fathers lack of braincells and says it's okay.

The older brothers started wondering who took their sisters, so I assume they were closing their eyes, with their hands in their ears going "lalalalalalala" as it appears a Dragon Lord, a Lord of Eagles and a Lord of Hawks each snatched up their sisters for some wonderful woman on beast sex. The thought of how their kids will look like scares me. Seriously, it does.

Anyhow, onwards with the story. The older brothers, worried, embarks on a dangerous and fascinating quest to find out where their sisters are, thus we instead follow the dumb younger brother who stumbles on a princess that is helpless to a slithering little snake, He rescues a princess by whacking it with whatever he could find, I would assume a nearby stick. The princess father, lets them be married because of this. The thing is, wouldn't the older brother have been capable of arranging this himself, since he would obviously be the king now? Also, wouldn't a princess usually be accompanied by royal guards?

Anyhow, the King says that he should make himself at home here in his fancy castle but requests him not to go into a certain room, which most likely would be the dungeon of said castle. The youngest brother with his enormous disrespectful genius barges into said room, finds a strange man in chains and proceeds to give the man glasses of water, for each glass of water, the strange man grants the young prince an extra life, like 1ups in Mario. However, once the strange man has drank his third and last glass, he gains immense strength and shows his appreciation by flying away with the young princes wife. Because everyone knows that it most likely the best way to show gratitude.

The young prince chases after the mysterious man who apparently appears to be some kind of immortal-ish dude who can't be killed unless you kill the a bird in the heart of a fox which itself is running around in some forest. The youngest son never really pauses and tries for a strategy but darts into combat like a moron and gets pummeled to death four times, leaving him dead, since all his 1ups has been used. Not once did the youngest prince think "Hm, He has killed me now, very gruesome and dominated my ass a little much, maybe he's, ya know, a little too strong?"

But nevertheless, the older brothers, taking a break from fancy-pants adventuring picks up the brothers remains without any worries and brings him to a necromantic pool of water which brings him back to life.

The older princes uses as simple words as possible to convince the poor younger prince that he can not kill the strange man, who apparently is name Bas Celik, also for some reason they know his one weakness and asks the dragon lord dude to give them a lift so that the young prince can receive the honor of striking the final blow to the fox. Which he does and whoop. The princess is saved
Hope you enjoyed the fairytale kids. I thought I'd merge some elements from the story into the UI, the core of the story would be the three glasses of water, correct?
So I thought I'd have that. I haven't found any glasses yet though, which leaves the wooden part an empty space for now.

I could try out with all leaves hanging over the map though, although I'm doubting it will look that much better. But what do I know, I'll try it.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Yes, that's way better than the current one. That map and the night-elf leaves ruin it completely.
All other versions suck. The first [on the first page] is best and most usefull.

I thought that it made it feel more fantasy-ish. That was what it was intended to be. An UI for a fairytale. Would come want me to tweak the UI on the first page and upload that as well? Or do you want me to leave it as it is? Because I could do that. One version will be for Mishas project. The other could be for whoever wants their UI to give more of a medieval dwarfish feel. XD
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I like the leaves. :\

So does Misha. I think. Which is why I'll upload the version I am working with and the first one, because apparently people liked that one too. ;D
I created the frame in two three days, inspired and motivated by the thought of finally getting someone to help me complete my models by getting them animated.

But since the UI is being made for Misha, when Misha is happy with it, then It will be done and uploaded as that.
Oh and anyone of you guys know where I can find me three glasses of water to fit into that space to the right of the leaves?

I thought I'd find something, but I haven't yet. I'd appreciate the help if you tried to help me. XD
So yeah, I'll upload the very first version and the very last version that I will upload here. That'll satisfy both of ya. ;D

I'm not done yet though. So I wont be uploading in a while. If you have ideas to improve the first version and/or the current version, I'm all ears. ;D
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Very very nice. Everyone is going to like a different version... just get to the point Misha wants it at and then still have a version of the previous UI's available to this thread... or people can make it themselves from the images.

As for the most recent version, the cleaning up of the parchments edges will do rather nicely. Can't wait to see what else gets added in!

Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Alright folks, just to clarify to those that might've dropped in later or to those that remain somewhat unsure.


I will continue with this picture and drive it another direction.


This is the one I'm making for Misha. I made the leaves hang down over the map as requested.

I personally think it looks better when the leaves are not hanging over it. What do you guys think? Here's the other one for comparison.


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Level 4
Aug 17, 2011
I thought that it made it feel more fantasy-ish. That was what it was intended to be. An UI for a fairytale. Would come want me to tweak the UI on the first page and upload that as well? Or do you want me to leave it as it is? Because I could do that. One version will be for Mishas project. The other could be for whoever wants their UI to give more of a medieval dwarfish feel. XD

Admittedly, I also prefer the 'first' one. (without map and leaves) So, yeah, please upload it as well!

RE: Misha's Request:
Personally I don't like that map thing... Can you not shade it darker (and maybe more 'grey-ish') to make it meld into the background a bit more. (more like the interface is on top of the map, as opposed to the way it is now, with the map on top of the interface) It's kinda in-your-face at the moment.

Also, (you probably know this, but what the heck!) check that top right corner of the map-thing, it is over the circle-thing, it looks weird... and on the left, it covers the circle of the little arrow thingy. Also, check the little detail just above the inventory, it doesn't line up with the grey line.

Another thought, you have the dragon spines/skeleton (bottom left) could you not use something similar for your 'bird' idea. Maybe make some kind of fantasy fossil? Or old-ass looking rune-stones? (that could make it too 'undead-ish' though.)
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Admittedly, I also prefer the 'first' one. (without map and leaves) So, yeah, please upload it as well!

RE: Misha's Request:
Personally I don't like that map thing... Can you not shade it darker (and maybe more 'grey-ish') to make it meld into the background a bit more. (more like the interface is on top of the map, as opposed to the way it is now, with the map on top of the interface) It's kinda in-your-face at the moment.

Also, (you probably know this, but what the heck!) check that top right corner of the map-thing, it is over the circle-thing, it looks weird... and on the left, it covers the circle of the little arrow thingy. Also, check the little detail just above the inventory, it doesn't line up with the grey line.

Another thought, you have the dragon spines/skeleton (bottom left) could you not use something similar for your 'bird' idea. Maybe make some kind of fantasy fossil? Or old-ass looking rune-stones? (that could make it too 'undead-ish' though.)

I don't like the idea of making the map to gray. It's giving the UI color, which is a good thing. But the whole dragon fossil thing sounds like an awesome idea.
I have also had people suggested runic writing and runic rocks, so I suppose I could look up a few. Go back a page btw. I told you which UI's I would continue with. XD

Btw, should add leaves over the map and to the right or would that be to much?
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
It's perfect as it is now.

Gotcha. I think I'll tweak the details I have.. might work on perfecting the "flow" of the UI. I might also work on a conceptual time indicator because I remember hearing Misha saying something about him wanting one.
Also, added a new.. Inventory Icon thingy. Might be a little too gray though.


I didn't realize that the human UI had the perfect dragon on its time indicator. Another experiment folks. ;D Might tweak it to be more dragon-like.. or make it a dragon serpent, either works, I think. ;D


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Level 6
Apr 11, 2010
Inventory Icon thingy. Might be a little too gray though
It realy seems to stick out of the UI a bit.. I don't know if it's the grey causing that effect, but maybe you should play around with it a bit more ;) P.S. The dragon looks cool!
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Experimental Time indicator added. As well as a couple more dragons. XD


The new time indicator annoyed me. So I thought I'd go for something more.. simple. Instead of having a circle in which time is shown.
I have a orb of a planet in which I will add transparency like sort of.. cracks, giving it a sort of spiffy effect. That's the idea anyhow. Time indicator version 2.0



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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I like the dragons and the new inventory icon!

Wonderful. The "dragon" over the inventory icon could probably be edited into a hawk. XD

Also, MOAR UPDATES. I think this UI is getting closer and closer to completion.
Gotta find someone to do the final touches though. Anyhow. Here ya go. I'm kinda worried the thingies up there is going down too far.

I lost my UI template so I'm not a hundred percent sure it will work. XD


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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Very impressive UI. I think this is what I needed for one of my in-plan project. However I still hate those leaves.

The reason it doesn't look all that good now is because of one simple reason. ;D
There's no shadows here. No light source. It's perspectives all over the place. The leaves should throw a shadow on the map. So should the inventory icon.

I'm not capable of fixing this, so I leave the final touches to an artist that truly knows what he or she is doing. XD
I will be doodling a little more with this, but it's not much left now. XD

On second thought, I might make a non-leaf version. Also, updated the upper part and moved it up, just in case.



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Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Ah, copper is definitely better. Also you should remove the compass under the minimap buttons, it's really unappropriate for the theme.

Also the globe doesn't really fit into the slavic mythology design, how about some gem or a crown?
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Ah, copper is definitely better. Also you should remove the compass under the minimap buttons, it's really unappropriate for the theme.

Also the globe doesn't really fit into the slavic mythology design, how about some gem or a crown?

The purpose was fantasy art UI intended for Bas Celik. Slavic mythology was just an example to nudge me in the right direction.
Talked it over with Misha a while ago, which was why I steamrolled in the direction of a UI that looks Medieval with a hint of fantasy. Did I forget to tell you guys this? ;O

Alrighty folks, tinkered a little more with it. Gave the dragon to the right a little spin and made it decoration. ;D


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Level 2
Oct 11, 2011
Compared to the rest, the right and left side tops (like, next to inventory and above map) look rather bare.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Compared to the rest, the right and left side tops (like, next to inventory and above map) look rather bare.

Well, my idea was to go with simplicity at those places. Also, it would draw the attention to the middle, where basically everything happens anyhow. I'm worried if I tried to even it out, the UI would instead appear.. messy.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Yes please, do it!

OT: you might post those pics in hidden tags, they stretch the forum window too much.

Really? My computer screen is pretty big, so I've never really had a problem with that. Well, might edit it later, I am lazy.

Looks better, hope you manage to correct the colours so they fit better together. (You mentioned anyway that you are just putting together the base things and then make it fit together sooo. :p)

Anyway, I like the old backpack item better somehow :/

Well, if I replaced that inventory icon, the whole dragon ontop of it would have to go too, which would look worse. Yanked the inventory from the Undead UI and with a little fix, it fit like a glove.
Here's the latest version. I'll request an artist to tweak the colors when that person does the final touches to this work. It'll be easier for me and it'll probably look better than if I did it. XD



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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Bumping this thread with the next version. Misha disliked the fact that I the inventory changed to look blizzard-ish so I edited them slightly, also made an experimental change to the time indicator.

If you don't like that one, I'll just revert to an earlier version



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