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New Server Pictures!

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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
Hey guys!
Today I received the hardware for the new server. Here are some pics:

EDIT: Stats
4 GB Ram 667 Mhz
AMD Athlon X2 2.8 Ghz (dual core)
2x 500 GB Harddrives in RAID 1 (mirrored drives, 1 goes down, the other continues)
Uber nice Scythe Ninja CPU Cooler
EarthWatts 380W PSU

By the way, Hive Workshop currently has 1 GB of RAM and that is too little. That's what causes the "server is busy" messages.


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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Only critisim I can give is why AMD?, the dual cores from intel I heard massivly out preform AMD for less energy and are cooler. Also that cooler seems a bit exessive, considering I am running a P4 (which produces a lot more heat and chews a lot more power than a intel (not sure about AMD) dual core of greater power) with tons of other stuff internally on a smaller cooling system and they never overheat.

Unless you are planning to really overclock it, you get massive heat waves or AMD is more unefficent than I think, you could have probably gone with a smaller cooling system, especially since there is no graphic card to add additional heat internally.

An additional smaller fan system placed inbetween the hard discs would have been recomended (although you left great room for air circulation) I think as they also get very hot (I have 2 in this computer and they are smaller than those and probably less heat generating.)

Also, just out of interest, is all that ram really nescesarry? I know little about servers but I did not think they were that ram dependant.


Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
I went with AMD because Intel motherboards with ECC compability simply were damn expensive.
I am going to move the HDs I just wanted to get it up and running.I prefer to have a HD fan aswell but they don't feel hot ATM but I will continue to check their temperatures. However, read this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6376021.stm

I was like AMD eww at start but I think we will get pretty good results with it. Samuraid has been using it in his office for over a year and their server runs smooth with that exact motherboard and CPU.

4 GB ram is overkill, but it is also damn cheap. 40$ = 2 GB RAM so I couldn't resist.
The server is going to be a monster!

@firelord: AMD Athlon X2 5400+

I have been in love with this CPU Cooler for months and wanted one. It's so cool and silent. I want silent stuff since I am going to sleep on the server.. Or more like next to it..
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
RAM has dropped in price a lot lately. I remember when a 1gb cost 100$ CAN. Now it costs about 40$-60$ for 1 gb.

Where did you buy that 2gb for 40$? Is that 40 in American?
I dunno a lot about servers, but for a computer, that seems like a hell of a nice system. When I saw the cooler on the mobo first, I thought it was more than just gigantic... Gilles, you can get RAM that costs less and some that costs more, I think it depends on the DDR & number (frequency, right?), but there's ones that cost $40 for 2GB and ones that cost $200 for 1GB.

( example: at an online NZ shop, 2GBs of RAM can cost $80, but then there's special ones, something with ATI Crossfire stuff and they cost $500 for 2GB ... I'm not an expert :p )
Level 6
Mar 12, 2007
Man, that thing looks sick. As others said, you do tons of stuff for this website. Can't think of anyone better fit to run this popsickle stand man.
Question bout' the server: Are those HDs Raptors or just regular HDs raided? IF they are Raptors, that would be a wicked fast system.
Level 6
Mar 12, 2007
Oh no, thank you. I think it is really cool that you do so much for us. I didn't realize (or know...) until just about a month ago that the web master was only 18! I thought that was really cool that you are more close to the age of the majority of people on here (I think).
I would like to donate to you but I am only 16 and paying for gas is costing me big time, plus I am in the process of building a new PC. Maybe when that is all said and done, I will donate some money to help you out for helping me out. I could have never gotten this good at modding without the help of the Hive community (and it being in existence) and it's amazing resources and tutorials. Anyway, so for rambling but thanks are given to you my friend.
(sorry for turning that post into some thank you card :)
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
I have been in love with this CPU Cooler for months and wanted one. It's so cool and silent. I want silent stuff since I am going to sleep on the server..
Whatever just don't have sex with it. :xxd:

But I think the current server works better than fine already.
EDIT: Oh I forgot the monthly cost will be lower so it will save money in the long run.

The Uber nice Scythe Ninja CPU Cooler looks awesome :D :xxd:
I think I could dry my hair with it. :xxd:
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But I think the curret server works better than fine already.

No it doesn't. In the mornings and evenings we get huge lag spikes which results in "The server is too busy right now. Please try again later." messages. With this better server, we won't get any more of that. Hopefully.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
if the hard drives were raptors that would be awesome. I'm also happy that I won't get that lame "server is full" messages.

Just like TheSandwraith said, it's good to know the hive is run by someone close to our age. I've also gotten much better at modding, particularly terraining, since being introduced to the hive by none othe than thesandwraith, thanks again man.

Guess this turned out to be my thank you note!
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
almost forgot, you should wait to get the new server. in march intel is releasing their new line of phenrin processors and they're only going to be around 300 US dollars for one. Their processor speed is supposed to be around 3.2ghz and they don't overheat nearly as much because of some new conductor metal in the chip or something. I'd gladly donate some more money for the added cost of the phenrin if you get one.
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
The server hardware is already purchased, built, and in the process of being configured.

The 45nm Intel chips are excellent, as are the current 65nm Core 2 Duo/Quads; however as Ralle mentioned in an earlier post:
Getting an Intel motherboard that supports ECC RAM would have cost a lot more.
Level 6
Mar 12, 2007
Hmmm, I do like Phenrin. When they anounced the dye shrink, I was a little skeptical, but that HK (something like that) conductor metal is wicked low on heat production. Those look amazing. Although, on the note about AMD, they make some wicked GPUs, with the Phenom. It supposedly is better than the 8800s (ATI actually makes the Phenom, but AMD and ATI are in way close relations).
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Yes, and ATi's cards have been trounced by Nvidia's 8800's, so there is little hope for next year, unless of course that is ATi finally gets its crap together.

In terms of processors, however, it works the other way, AMD is getting outperformed massively by Intel, the Core 2 Quad blows away the Phenom, and don't even get me started on the Extreme.
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
It doesn't help AMD's cause any that many Core 2's can generally get away with a 1GHz+ overclock on air. :wink:

And a note about the server:
Much of the current site files have been transferred to the new server and testing is underway.
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