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Hey folks.

I know icon requests are not your main occupation but I'm going to give it a try anyway since I can't find an "icon making" thread, and my request seems pretty simple :)

I'm in need of some arrow icons. Not arrow as in bow-and-arrow but as direction arrow.
A total of 12 icons is needed. 8 for west, north-west, north, north-east, east, south-east, south and south-west. And 4 for corner arrows like the one in the picture attached.

If you can make them goldish in colour and kinda dark since they are to be used as requirement arrows in a skilltree. So they cannot be too flashy. Also if they can be rather slim that would be great as well :)

Hope you will take the request.



  • Standard arrow.png
    Standard arrow.png
    8.4 KB · Views: 64
  • Corner arrow.png
    Corner arrow.png
    481 bytes · Views: 119
Yes, I do take care of both icons and logo's. However as I am currently writing my master thesis with a deadline for delivery on the 24th, I consider likely I won't get much done before that time. I will however try to do some from time to time. Else I'll promise to take care of it after as fast as possible. :wink:

Completely understandable :) Just take all the time you need. The map is loooooong from finished anyway.

I might add a few extra types of arrows I could use, although not a necessity.

Thanks in advance :)

Edit: I have uploaded a picture that better explains what I'm requesting. The ones with blue lines around are the most important. I guess you can just make one of each and rotate them.

Edit 2: I should note that since I'm going to use these arrows as a skilltree I am only going to use the DISBIN version. Dunno if that will make it easier for you :)


  • Arrows.png
    4.4 KB · Views: 67
Last edited:
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Okay to the arrows and other stuff...

And then a request I got which I should get around to post:

Removed icons, watermark, date and some other stuff

Converted to standard loadingscreen size:
Download it here

I'd like to request a loading screen and a minimap preview. ^_^

If you're up to taking my request..
..I appreciate it, and of course, thank you.

Also got some time to finish this quickly.

Loadingscreen with text:

Both loadingscreen and preview:
Download them here
Level 14
Dec 29, 2009
Lol @ Runy The Runes
Thank you Baron. <333

EDIT: The preview doesn't really seem to be anything in particular tho.

  • Could you add the same text & effect that's on the loading screen in a large font?
    • Preferably one that takes up majority of the preview.
  • Keep the rune and just have the text show up above it.
Level 8
Jul 18, 2010
Wait a minute, Red Baron. I forgot to tell, my loading screen is 1024x768, a high quality loading screen. The BLP file, actually my original loading screen wasn't BLP it was TGA, is only 512x512. I need a high quality loading screen, the one with four parts, BR, BL, TR, and TL. I think it's possible for it to be BLP, i saw something like that somewhere, can you do that? I think BLP has a lower file size.

It also requires the LoadingScreen2.mdx, but I already have that one, so don't bother. I just need the LoadingScreenBR.blp, LoadingScreenBL.blp, LoadingScreenTR.blp, and the LoadingScreenTR.blp.

+rep in advance.

EDIT: I just found the place where I found that information, I need the LoadingScreen3.mdx. I downloaded it already so all I need is the four BLP parts. You can just give me the whole edited picture, I can do it by myself if you want.

I'll probably come back here for the date. I hope I'll be able to finish it soon.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Wait a minute, Red Baron. I forgot to tell, my loading screen is 1024x768, a high quality loading screen.

As standard I use the lowest format for screens as it saves valuable space for the map. However when I make HQ screens I normally use blp.

So I guess you whole post can be summed up as: You want a HQ screen.

Could you refer me to what you want as that loadingscreen? (Is it that demon I edited for you) And also, I am unsure what you can do yourself if I give you the picture - You mean the split? (If so then your welcome to try and if you have any trouble ask). I already gave you the picture - just download it since it is in the thread.
Level 8
Jul 18, 2010
I know how to do the HQ loading screen, so don't worry about it I only need the edited picture.

I'm probably getting dumb or something, is the BLP file the picture or is it the one you posted. I downloaded both, the BLP file is 512x512 and the one you posted is, oddly, 1011x768 only, unless you accidentally cut the 13 from it.

I need it to be 1024x768 cause i think it will not work.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
I know how to do the HQ loading screen, so don't worry about it I only need the edited picture.

I need it to be 1024x768 cause i think it will not work.

Thats what I meant :smile: Though you didn't seem to understand it. If I am cutting out and making the blp images for the HQ screen, which is how it work, then I have already made the HQ screen, thus no need for you to do it. If you on the other hand wanted to do the thing yourself then just use the jpg and convert that :p

And yes, that which is already posted is a standard loadingscreen, as already said.:wink:
Hence I am doing it all anyway, so no reason for you to do anything. In this situation is kind of an all or nothing thing.
Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
Would you also take an icon request? I need some icons to fit the feel of the icons used by this system


I need the following

Charm Small
Charm Large

Cape and necklace are fairly self explanatory. Pants can look something like this




small charm


large charm


If you could do it, itd be awesome! Using them for a full-screen diablo 2 item system I'm making
Level 8
Jul 18, 2010
I'm not sure who's right or wrong but I'll clarify this anyway.

If I am cutting out and making the blp images for the HQ screen, which is how it work, then I have already made the HQ screen, thus no need for you to do it.

If you did, then where is it? It's only the FullScreen.blp and LoadingScreen.mdx that I can see on the DemonicRemoval.zip. If you did, I should see the LoadingScreenBR, LoadingScreenBL, LoadingScreenTR,
LoadingScreenTL, and LoadingScreen2.mdx. But I'm going to use the LoadingScreen3.mdx, it's the one for HQ Loading Screens that requires .blp files.

If you on the other hand wanted to do the thing yourself then just use the jpg and convert that :p

I could do it by myself cause I know how to do that part anyway.

But here's the problem.

The picture that you posted, I saved that image, but when I open it,

It's only 1011x768

Try to check it.

It's really important for it to be 1024x768, I think you know this already. So this is mainly the problem that I'm having.

And yes, that which is already posted is a standard loadingscreen, as already said.:wink:
Hence I am doing it all anyway, so no reason for you to do anything. In this situation is kind of an all or nothing thing.

Thank you for that. But it's either you post the four parts, I have the LoadingScreen3.mdx already, don't worry about that, or you post the 1024x768 image, and I'll do it by myself. Like I said, it's only 1011x768, I need the 1024x768. You can do either way so thank you again.

I hope I've clarified it.:ogre_haosis:
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
I'm not sure who's right or wrong but I'll clarify this anyway.

Not really a question of right and wrong, I believe you just misunderstood me.

Wrote a reply via pm :wink: Basically I haven't made the HQ screen yet, I was just saying that if I made the four parts required for it, then I would already have made it (Would as in, "if" I did it. :grin:).

As for the other one, if you want to make it just change the size of the jpg.

So the only thing I need to know from you, is if your doing it or I shall? :smile:

Arhowk: Yes I do, but expect delays since I am very busy until the 24th.
Level 18
May 11, 2012
OK people, I need a Loading Screen and a Minimap for my map.
size of Loading Screen must be 1024x768 and minimap 128x128

The Loading Screen is a battle between DevilDare and 4 heroes. The DevilDare is Kil'Jaeden and the four Heroes are: Abystic Flamelord, Lightning Destroyer, The Raper, Myrmidon

I need only the Picture of them Fightning, I will make the letters. Something like DotA Loading Screen if it's possible somehow...

The place can be anything u want, just include those heroes and the DevilDare. No need to see them casting spells, just fightning

The Pictures of the Heroes
- Umnocious:
Right Side
Left Side
- Lightning Destroyer:
Left Side
Right Side
- The Raper
Right Side
Left Side
- Myrmidon
Left Side
Right Side

If you need anything more, please let me know
Well then I think you'd be better with Red_Baron as I have limited image editing software so your loading screen would not only be hard but would take longer so I will leave it for the baron.

Speaking of minimap/loading screen images in order to decrease your work load baron I would be willing to create those for people depending upon what they want.
Level 18
May 11, 2012
Well, then the Red_Baron will draw me a Loading Screen :D
Can you draw those heroes I posted there to be realistic heroes like in DotA Loading Screen? Or I could have you to make me the letters if you're not busy? :D
I'll sketch the letters and post the image here if u want
Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
Not really a question of right and wrong, I believe you just misunderstood me.

Wrote a reply via pm :wink: Basically I haven't made the HQ screen yet, I was just saying that if I made the four parts required for it, then I would already have made it (Would as in, "if" I did it. :grin:).

As for the other one, if you want to make it just change the size of the jpg.

So the only thing I need to know from you, is if your doing it or I shall? :smile:

Arhowk: Yes I do, but expect delays since I am very busy until the 24th.

Okay thats fine. Also, i misspoke, I don't need the necklace.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Speaking of minimap/loading screen images in order to decrease your work load baron I would be willing to create those for people depending upon what they want.

Yea, slight problem: sadly the best way to help would be to take care of the more intensive request, given that my lack of time allows me only to care for the smaller requests at the movement. However I fully understand why drawing those heroes would be a problem :smile: As such let me just write you if something pops up.

Anyway some more requests done when I wake and also I'll check what I can do for an image and those icons. :wink:
Level 1
May 16, 2013
Hi, I'm a green hand here.
But I want to know is it a plugin or a program?
And does it have any differences compared with the normal one?
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Level 18
May 11, 2012
Level 18
May 11, 2012
Need Signature: X Hero Siege D-Day

Text must be reddish, fiery effect (not too much). Color of the text: Red - yellow (to match the fiery color)

Not to big, must fit in the upper - left corner of the screen.
If you're doing it in photoshop, then when u finish, save as .PSD and send me the file so I can edit if something is wrong.
Thank you mega much! Credits too if required


Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
Hey there,I would like you to make me an loading screen that has a guy cool looking that is standing and has energy that you can see on both of his hands.With cool armor on.And on top says The Way on the top in the middle.And the backround you can decide what fits the picture.Thank you if you make this and credits will be given to you after completion.
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