19:46, 30th Nov 2008
Rating PointsAdvice: 5 points are the highest rating and 1 point is the lowest rating.
Documentation: 5
Visual Effects: 5
Triggering: 3
Idea: 4
Advice: If you didn't understood my rating or if you maybe have questions because you don't know how to fix bugs or leaks etc. You can always send a private message to me. I will answer as soon I got time.Rating Comment
Nice job, you improved your spell very much till my last review. Now your script is BJ free and also your demo triggers got no leaks. The spell is much better configurable than before. All in all a really good job.
But still the script could be improved. It would be better if you wpuld use more locals. For example it would save more performance if you just have to call GetTriggerUnit() one time and then just using the local. Also please stop using the TriggerSleepAction. In singleplayer this action maybe will be perfectly timed. But in the multiplayer this function is very inexact. The next point is that you have to learn to null the local handles at the end of every function. Otherwise it could cause leaks and another hint, try to use for the tempgroup instead of a local a global group, so you don't have to create and destroy the group all the time, which save performance later. More I didn't saw yet.
This spell will be useful for many guys and is also one of the best naruto spells I've seen yet.