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Modcraft 3D Team

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Level 7
Oct 24, 2006

The objective of Modcraft 3D is to convert some 2D RTS games into 3D games. But this is not your average Total Conversion modding team. Not only does this mod convert 2D games to 3D, it changes/removes the undesirable features and content of the game, creating an entirely new and refreshed gaming experience.

My current project is The Sands of Time, a total conversion which converts Dune II into 3D, while also changing most features also adding a variety of features and content.

Anyone can join the team, whether you're a Mod DB member or a member of THW or any modding website. You don't need to be a professional member, you need only to be good enough to get the job done for the projects of this team.

I need a person who can create an..... Opening Animation for this team. The logos are ok, I'm in charge of the team logos and symbols.

I also need a member who can draw a new symbol for House Harkonnen as the symbols that Westwood studios made were wrong and not related in the books. Harkonnen Symbol is a blue griffin.

Needed Team Members

Unit Modelers - If you can model tanks, infantry, and buildings then you're not going to have a hard time. I can't recruit Kofi_Banan or IllidanEvil because the're really busy with their projects.
Glue Screen Modelers - Just modelers who make GlueScreens for the mod. A GlueScreen is the sort of backdrop you see behind the Wc3's main menu or in a Campaign.
Programmers - Those good at C++ can be capable of changing Wc3's Interface and functionality. Programmers should just change the content inside MPQ's like models and they can make a 3rd party editor for The Sands of Time and also remove the 'Time of Day' interface.
Video-Takers - Those guys with full-version Fraps can just take a demo video of the game.
Testers - They literally test maps for the mods in Modcraft, and they'll detect any bugs or faults in the mod to be fixed on the go.
Map Maker - He can just make melee maps for specific projects of this team.
Secondary Leader - He'll be in charge of the group when I'm not active. He needs not to be a member of Mod DB, just to see what's going on in the team.

The member that I most need is a modeler. If you can finish a model (w/out anims) atleast in a month then show me the renders for that model and I'll put it in the gallery. I'll give you credits as well.

Current Team Members
jonadrian619 - Group Leader, Game Interface, Music, Sound Effects, Object Data, Loading Screens, Terrainer, Movies (Dune 2000 movies will be used)

I'm still making the UI for the game. The Cursor is finished and the Custom Tiles and Cliffs is half done. Music has already been assigned but Sound Effects are not done yet.

I'm recruiting team members because I can't do all the work alone. If you want to join, then post here!! Anyone is welcome. Just be sure to follow the site rules though.

~Thank you and good luck
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Level 7
Oct 24, 2006
I guess I'll just change Dune 2k into Dune II. Cause I got used to those usual comments that Dune2k is almost the same as D2 with better graphics and sounds and w/movies. Dune II is the big-daddy of RTS and gave way to popular games like Red Alert and Tiberium Wars.

Anyway thanks for the heads-up. I still need team members, it's impossible to do a total conversion mod alone:hohum:.
I also need a member who can draw a new symbol for House Harkonnen as the symbols that Westwood studios made were wrong and not related in the books. Harkonnen Symbol is a blue griffin.

Well, Westwood also included Ordos, which were barely mentioned in Dune encyclopedia and had no big role in the story, but they added them to make the gameplay more interesting (they were funnier race to play although weakest).

Bull embleem also fits more as the Harka means bull in finnish as far as I know.
Level 7
Oct 24, 2006
I don't think you will succeed with your project, but try contacting AqoTrooper on Project Revolution forums, he had made several Dune2 models for wc3, maybe he would release them
The project will take about 5-6 years to complete (slow progress) the game and all of it's data. I've contacted AqoTrooper awhile back but he's not been active for a long time.

Well, Westwood also included Ordos, which were barely mentioned in Dune encyclopedia and had no big role in the story, but they added them to make the gameplay more interesting (they were funnier race to play although weakest).

Bull embleem also fits more as the Harka means bull in finnish as far as I know.
Ordos is also a cool house, although very weak and the only good thing they had was the Deviator. Bull emblem is fine to me, some complain that it's wrong to have an emblem like that for the Harkonnen, even when they're evil.
Level 7
Oct 24, 2006
Why bother starting a project that will even take over one year? WC3 would be overshadowed by SC2
There's a website I'm working for, FED2K, the official Dune website. Duniverse players will really want a new title for the Dune universe, even just a renewal (not a remake) for Dune 2 (Westwood never even worked a game for the Dune Universe, only Command and Conquer. Though I love those games, it irks me that they just left behind their ideas and works for the Dune universe and stopped at Emperor: Battle for Dune, so we have made the move to create a game for ourselves). I've been planning for this mod last year, and most people on FED2k voted to see this mod in action, even in a long dev time,... so I initiated the project, and promised that It'll never be dead, like PR.

I think it would be somewhat impossible to create RTS remakes without fantasy interface, because there are more fantasy RTS games as sci-fi ones.
I already made the User Interface and Unit Queues, and even Cursors, and they're cool as well, suited for the Dune II game. You can also check out the terrain here (although it's a bit of crap, I can change it anytime, just usin' it to catch attention).

I need team members, still. Those who wish to volunteer, or would like to show their skills, PM me here.
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Level 8
Dec 27, 2007
redscores first of all in starcraft 2 i saw on battle.net that there doing a wc3 hero system in the editor but not in campaigns or normal custom games. But they said there not promising anything. And my opinion is if they didn't put a system like that alot of people will probably go back to wc3 to make maps. Well i would anyway because ive been doing things with wc3 editor for about 3 years. not that ive done anything massive but why would i spend 3 years using it then go to some weird new editor with no hero system? that would kill all the ability's and then all you would be able to do is mod the game not create maps because you couldn't do much on the editor. Second of all hes doing a MOD not a map. MODS are something were you actuely edit the interface of the game itself and edit it to look as tho its something else but its using a different engine (for instance look at project revolution its starcraft in a warcraft 3 engine). I would love to play this because a while back i used to play all the dune games including 2000 but all of my dune 2000 disk are scratched lol:grin: Sorry i cant actually help because i have no experience with moding. But i might be able to test it. Anyway best of luck with your mods!:infl_thumbs_up: :infl_thumbs_up: :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 7
Oct 24, 2006
Sorry I wasn't here for a long time due to some FDF file issues for TSoT(the sands of time). I managed to create a 2nd copy on Wc3 on my comp, which will be TSoT itself. Here are the first modifications for the TSoT game.

You're now on the team as a tester, but I'll only let you test the custom spells (like airstrike, paratrooper, nuclear missile or whatever) on this mod and detect bugs or errors. The mod testing will take place after 2 years, or a time when the mod can be playable (with the triggers, models and maps). Thanks...
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