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Medieval Realms

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Level 11
Mar 31, 2016

-Medieval Realms-
Medieval Realms is a grand and complex RTS. It overhauls all the old WC3 systems and adds many new systems along with new mechanics for combat, construction, and much more. Test alpha map will be released soon. Still a work in progress...

Inspired by Stronghold and Age of Empires II

Camera Zoom, New Combat Mechanics, New Construction System, New Harvest System (7 Total Resources), Everything (Units, Structures, Abilities, etc) is Upgrade-able, Walk-able Walls, Ladders, & Stairs, Custom Pathing, Revised Hero System, Revised Creeps System, Lots of Items, Farming System, Trade System, and Alliances.
8 Player Map - Altered Melee - Terrain inspired by Germany's beautiful landscapes.

MassiveMaster, ZiBitheWand3r3r, and Koltira (Triggers)
Mirage1 & Himperion (Animations)
NFWar, The_Silent & Eagle XI (Icons)
Hayate, Mike, .KC, paladinjst, & GhostThruster (Models)


All structures start off as Building Plots then upgrade into a chosen structure. When Selected, each building under construction has a worker amount and type requirement displayed in the upper right multiboard. (Worker Type: Required #/Max #) Basic buildings require workers, however more advanced structures require an architect in addition to workers. Workers use the construct ability to build structures - simply right click or manually use the construct ability. The more workers constructing, the faster the building is constructed. Also more advanced workers and upgraded workers construct faster.


Lots of structures... All built from 4x4, 4x8, 8x8, 12x12, and 16x16 Building Plots.





New Combat Mechanics overhaul the old damage/armor types and implements a stagger/critical/block/parry system for all units.

Armor Types:

Attack Types:



Food, Lumber, Population, Clay, Stone, Ore, and Gold.
Food - Harvested from Plants, Fish, and Animal Corpses.
Food is used as a primary resource for all human units.
Lumber - Harvested from trees.
Lumber is used in building construction, repair, and as a secondary resource to some human units.
Population - Accumulated from housing structures.
Population is used up by all units as well as some fortifications: towers, gates, and stronghold.
Clay - Mined from Clay Deposits.
Clay is used in building construction and can be processed into Ore.
Stone - Mined from Stone Deposits.
Stone is used in building construction and can be processed into Ore.
Ore - Mined from Ore Deposits.
Ore is used for advanced and armored units.
Gold - Mined from Gold Deposits and Profited from Trade.
Gold can be exchanged for any other resource.



*Need help with Triggers and Animations. PM me!*
Sorry some images are pretty pixelated - I'll do new in game screenshots soon.
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Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
To Do List

Things that need work for Alpha Release:
  • Finish Terrain (80%)

Things that need work for Beta:

  • Balance Object Editor Data
  • Fix some abilities - many not working properly or upgrading properly.
  • Fix Hero's Switch Attack-2 ability, causes damage stats on UI to disappear but still works.
  • Add more Abilities
  • Update caster abilities
  • Add unit pathing to other buildings like 'Barracks', not just walls.
  • Fix Wall Pathing Bug while under construction.
  • Fix Doorway Trigger to allow units to move through towers and gates along a wall.
  • Expand Farm System for more types of crops.
  • Add proper Harvest animations to workers for each resource.
  • Revise animations of many other units and buildings.
  • Add more Attachments (+variety).
  • Reshape Attachments for better fit + eliminate clipping.
  • Add more Items. Add Item Stack Trigger.
  • Trade Triggers for Player to Player resource trading and trade cart/ship patrols.
  • Implement Garrison and Bell Tower Abilities and Trigger for Instant Unit Garrison.
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Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
Dear god lol
1v1 me scrub? :D

lol one of these days for sure.

Shield Wall

I want to implement battle formations so badly... need help with triggering tho :/

theoretically pretty dope?

You'll find out for yourself soon enough.

I can confirm dope-ness. It will be more dope once I get more help with triggers though.
I want to implement more systems for battle formations, cavalry charge, etc - then it will be DANK.
The map's alpha/beta versions will probably be released soon, before the extra triggers are implemented.
Still, even with just the core systems, its quite a unique experience. Hope you enjoy!



Level 13
Nov 7, 2014
This mod(map) already looks more unique than most of the indie games I've ever seen :)

How do people feel about importing lots of WoW icons for more ability and upgrade icons? This will give enough icons to eliminate duplicate icons.
Think of how many icons you need;
Where else would you get that amount of icons?

Using WoW icons is clearly ok for me. :D and using WoW models is a different talk.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
This mod(map) already looks more unique than most of the indie games I've ever seen :)

Think of how many icons you need;
Where else would you get that amount of icons?

Using WoW icons is clearly ok for me. :D and using WoW models is a different talk.

Wow, really? Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy the experience once its released. I'll be posting more updates and screenshots in the mean time...
One day, I'll remake it as an indie game using Unreal Engine - with enough work, it can be the nextgen Age of Empires.

True - it's in the hundred of icons. 3-5 Tiers per upgrade, 2-4 upgrades for abilities so... Also imported all I could from Hive resources but I still needed more.
Good, glad you and squid are fine with it. I know some people who don't like importing anything from other games so just making sure everyone doesn't feel that way.
I like the WoW icons - it works well and fits well with a consistent style of icons. Also some classic WoW icons are nostalgic.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
New ideas about creeps- not sure if I should implement it though. Give me feedback.

Implement Respawn System for Beasts?

In addition to Beasts, should I add Native/Barbarians and Bandits ? Possibly camps/forts for Bandits to guard more lucrative Resource nodes as well?
Level 6
Aug 17, 2016
Oh HELL yeah!
Also, see if you can get the happiness system from Heroes and Empires. It'd be a great addition, as well as the desertion of morale reaches extreme low points.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
Update: All resource harvest systems are finished - thus all core triggers are now complete and ready for an alpha.
This includes new farming, hunting, and fishing systems for food. Screenshots soon...
Many mechanics will be polished and expanded up later on after the initial alpha version.

Alpha should be ready in about a month.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
UPDATE: Sorry about the long wait. Things have been very busy IRL so it's taken much longer than I anticipated. I won't give any more estimates on when it will be done until it's 99% done however I left a progress list in the 2nd comment of this thread so you can always check to see what things are left and how close it is to release.

The map is making progress bit by bit. There's also many things I've added and changed that will make gameplay much better and realistic. Too many to list but here's an example: All ranged units attacks are now artillery so that they have the potential to miss moving targets. (I always thought it was BS that archers couldn't miss...)

Hope there's still interest in this project. Please feel free to leave feedback and or questions about anything. Also will post more screenshots soon.
Level 3
Sep 28, 2014
@UmbraUnda Why won't you just tell us that you are also working on Game of Thrones Map.. I don't care about when this project gonna finish but I think you should focus on Game of Thrones Map..
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
@UmbraUnda Why won't you just tell us that you are also working on Game of Thrones Map.. I don't care about when this project gonna finish but I think you should focus on Game of Thrones Map..

Haha, way to keep it real. I have also invested some time into that project as well however I haven't put that many hours into yet and won't until Medieval Realms is done. Idk why you would want me to focus on the Game of Thrones map because that would take another year to finish (unless I had a team help me).
I think I should just focus on Medieval Realms for now to get it done - it's only a few dozen hours from alpha release.

Here's a LINK if anyone wants to check out the Game of Thrones map... screenshots are scattered among each page as it progresses... I'll make a gallery eventually.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
How're things holding up?
Good but slow as usual lol. work has been busier than normal... Combat stats are almost done and revamped a bit from the last version. All the I need to finish are resource costs, a few triggers, and lastly tieing together upgrades and abilities with units. Having 500 units/buildings takes forever to do stats... xD
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Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
Looks like patch 1.29 is gonna increase a lot of limits on the editor - hope it comes out in time for the alpha release. Hopefully it will increase ability limits as well - that would make garrisoned tower have an increased garrison capacity as well as many other buildings and ships. Almost done object editor stuff (finally) - got resource costs done as combat stats are done. Now I just have to link upgrades, write tool tips and double check abilities. Maybe by the end of this month - hopefully.
Level 7
Jun 27, 2014
I agree - take all the time you need. I ain't sure about the increased ability for garrison, but even if that doesn't happen, you can probably make it through setting dummy units. I'll be waiting for your update my friend! By the way. What will be the player maximum for the map. Blizzard has pushed the boundary all the way to 24 players, and from what I've experienced in online play - there isn't much delay coming from it :)
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
Thanks guys, will do. It's been a long road up to this point. I'm glad it's come so far. It's nearly ready for the alpha ^_^ .

Right now there are 8 Players for the current map, which is shaped kind of like an 8-leaf obtuse clover. The clover shape also helps balance resource placement and distance between players. Omg 24 players? Jeez.... that's too much for a map like mine xDDD. Maybe I can add an additional 8 slots for the potential for 2 players to start in each leaf. The will be a little tight for each player to coordinate their own city layout though. I may just keep this map for 8 players and later on make another map(s) (maybe like a UK island map) with 12-16 players which I could foresee being easier to spread players out. Another idea I had was a DOTA/Castle Siege type map with a lot of the same systems. That could easier be 20-24 players.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
Kind of like the old Stronghold games? By Firefly?
Yesss - some features from Stronghold will be in this game like build-able walk-able walls. Overall there are so many unique systems and a completely new combat system that it's now unique from all the other games but pulls inspiration here and there from Stronghold, Age of Empires, and WC3.
Level 7
Jun 27, 2014
One question I have is about the walkable walls; even though I haven't seen them yet. What happens when you station units on a wall segment - and that very segment gets destroyed? Do the units on that spot die, or are they dropped down to fight?

Also, considering sieges are in order; will you make catapult ammo that is required for the siege (Because, primarily the units shouldn't be able to kill walls; and if siege weapons have unlimited ammo, the walls can easily be brought down on several sides. It wouldn't defend all too good if, for example, through continuous siege, the southern wall is completely destroyed. That provides 0 defense for your soldiers.

This is just me - but if you make a random spot that the siege unit will attack in its aoe, it would provide a lot more realism (And longer sieges)

On another note; are you planning to make "Higher" walls, like - building atop of a wall to make it higher? xD should provide more defense if ladders are used, but should be hindered quite a bit. If you make walls stronger by thickness but weaker by height, I would truly believe that the wall system has reached perfection :) And I think the new version will allow for that to be done.

On a side note.... the UI can be customized in the new version - not in the form of re-texture, but in creating your unique UI - so it could probably prove to be useful if you want an option to hide UI's :D

Hope this is of help ^^
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
One question I have is about the walkable walls; even though I haven't seen them yet. What happens when you station units on a wall segment - and that very segment gets destroyed? Do the units on that spot die, or are they dropped down to fight?

Also, considering sieges are in order; will you make catapult ammo that is required for the siege (Because, primarily the units shouldn't be able to kill walls; and if siege weapons have unlimited ammo, the walls can easily be brought down on several sides. It wouldn't defend all too good if, for example, through continuous siege, the southern wall is completely destroyed. That provides 0 defense for your soldiers.

This is just me - but if you make a random spot that the siege unit will attack in its aoe, it would provide a lot more realism (And longer sieges)

On another note; are you planning to make "Higher" walls, like - building atop of a wall to make it higher? xD should provide more defense if ladders are used, but should be hindered quite a bit. If you make walls stronger by thickness but weaker by height, I would truly believe that the wall system has reached perfection :) And I think the new version will allow for that to be done.

On a side note.... the UI can be customized in the new version - not in the form of re-texture, but in creating your unique UI - so it could probably prove to be useful if you want an option to hide UI's :D

Hope this is of help ^^
Good question. I'm actually not 100% sure, I believe they still live just get lowered down back to ground level. Maybe I can add another trigger to incur fall damage. Also units walk onto the wall via a modified Move ability (modified so that if you right click a structure it will not trigger patrol, it will only target a point and the unit will then move to that spot.

Nice suggestion - I like the idea of siege units having ammo but I'm unsure of how to actually do that. Do you know which abilities would be used? Maybe it could be added further down the road when I get more help with triggers/abilities. Indeed, that system would be pretty realistic.
Random spot? You mean having the chance to miss and altering the projectile's trajectory? Again idk how to do that but it sounds good.
Also btw, all ranged units have an aoe attack ground based attack instead of single target so that homing missiles are gone and units could run away/projectiles can miss.
Unfortunately the wall system I borrowed from another map only has 2 types of walls, wooden and stone. If I get somebody to help me with the triggers then I will add more types of walls (to advanced for me to expand or rewrite, I can only make small edits here and there for tweaks). I agree, that would be perfection, having thin curtain walls and thicker fortified walls would be good for defense and city building.

Wait what? New version? New Patch you mean? Hide UI? By UI do you mean the layout of the top and bottom action bars? Resources, time of day, minimap, buttons, borders, etc? If so yeah, I'm considering eventually making my own that suits the medieval theme better but for the alpha I'm just going to leave it in the Human WC3 theme or maybe one here on Hive.

Thanks for the questions and suggestions!
Level 7
Jun 27, 2014
By UI - I exactly mean that; so yes, you will truly have any and all means of making an UI - even to the point of altering how much space it takes up or whether or not there are even action buttons on the lower right. Deleting or even moving the minimap location would also be possible; so you'll be able to even make a toggled UI where you hide or show certain things ^^

As for the Ammo thing, you could make it in the form of mana; and the way to reload it requires you to have stone at hand within something of the form of a wagon (or anything else that the siege equipment is using). Basically the wagon would serve as an obsidian statue that replenishes mana, but to have the wagon have the ammo for siege units; it needs you to the stone from the market square.

You could probably also make the tents and camp give some bonuses, such as slight increased regeneration or some form of area where you can leave your supplies in (such as unloading ammo)
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
By UI - I exactly mean that; so yes, you will truly have any and all means of making an UI - even to the point of altering how much space it takes up or whether or not there are even action buttons on the lower right. Deleting or even moving the minimap location would also be possible; so you'll be able to even make a toggled UI where you hide or show certain things ^^

As for the Ammo thing, you could make it in the form of mana; and the way to reload it requires you to have stone at hand within something of the form of a wagon (or anything else that the siege equipment is using). Basically the wagon would serve as an obsidian statue that replenishes mana, but to have the wagon have the ammo for siege units; it needs you to the stone from the market square.

You could probably also make the tents and camp give some bonuses, such as slight increased regeneration or some form of area where you can leave your supplies in (such as unloading ammo)
That's pretty cool. Is there a tutorial that shows how to do that?
I like the idea but again idk how to implement it... I asked for help with a trade trigger between markets and got 0 help so it'll have to wait on the to-do list.
Yes, camps as well as other residential structures will have abilities to heal nearby units.
Level 7
Jun 27, 2014
Great to hear about the camp thing! However, I'm in the blue on the triggering part - just as you may know, I'm more on the point where I can tell you what is possible and the ways to do it (I have the idea, but lack the skill to do it). If you want to do a trading system, I do suggest talking to Koltira, who has actually done such a thing. His map is very similar to what you are trying to do in terms of resources (In fact, he even has food consumption in it), so I think if you ask him for a bit of help with the system, I'm sure he might lend a hand; though it isn't perfect.

You might also look at Genesis of Empires for how that over 10 years old map did its trading. If you ask me - that there is the very basics of trade, the roots of the trigger in question if you will.

As for the tutorial on the UI, I do remember older versions of WC3 being able to customize UI, so the tutorials on those versions should exist; but I am not quite sure if customizing UI will be the same. Honestly it might be even easier, but like I said - I don't have the proper skills for it. I'll ask some jass coders that I know and see what I can do!
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
Great to hear about the camp thing! However, I'm in the blue on the triggering part - just as you may know, I'm more on the point where I can tell you what is possible and the ways to do it (I have the idea, but lack the skill to do it). If you want to do a trading system, I do suggest talking to Koltira, who has actually done such a thing. His map is very similar to what you are trying to do in terms of resources (In fact, he even has food consumption in it), so I think if you ask him for a bit of help with the system, I'm sure he might lend a hand; though it isn't perfect.

You might also look at Genesis of Empires for how that over 10 years old map did its trading. If you ask me - that there is the very basics of trade, the roots of the trigger in question if you will.

As for the tutorial on the UI, I do remember older versions of WC3 being able to customize UI, so the tutorials on those versions should exist; but I am not quite sure if customizing UI will be the same. Honestly it might be even easier, but like I said - I don't have the proper skills for it. I'll ask some jass coders that I know and see what I can do!
Thanks, I'll PM @Koltira about it. Nice - like rationing food for army upkeep?
Genesis of Empires II actually inspired me a lot - wish I could use the triggers from that map but its protected lol... I think #1 is also protected.
Awesome, thanks mate. UI is no big deal right now, so no rush.
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