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Mapping - Map without object editor

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Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
The point of this contest would be focusing entirely on the design part of game creation and specifically how to make much from little.
Thus, the limitations:
No object editor.
No imports.

Possibly viable genres:
ORPG(because a large part of content creation is out of the way)
Essentially whatever you can make with this limitation.

Any part of unit data that can be changed with triggers is allowed to be changed. The limitation is strictly that the object editor remains untouched. Replacing models of existing units should be disallowed separately.
Enhancing existing abilities through triggers is allowed.
ObjectMerger and any tool that fills the same purpose is disallowed.
Level 14
Nov 30, 2013
Pretty challenging for most map makers, Although it will be rare that someone will join this one if they have such a good triggering/programming skill and find multiple ways to do with the decent Wc3 units/abilities.
I'm just gonna watch them how they'll do.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
a. Do you have to open object editor or otherwise touch object data to do it? Yes, so it's not allowed.
b. If you can make existing units work as dummy casters without messing with them in object editor, then you can use them, but only then.
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