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Malware in the Download button?

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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
It's what I get when pressing the DOWNLOAD button in the maps section since today. I've tried downloading other maps I've did before. The same... I've also not updated anything since yesterday so, I don't get what's happening.

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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
Ah well. That always happens. JNGP is being marked as a virus by security software which makes a broad statement about this whole website. The thing is, JNGP latches itself onto World Editor to provide its advanced features. Often times when doing this, it's shady, but JNGP has pure intentions. No need to be afraid.
Geez. Anti-Virus software developers suck giant hairy balls.

To be honest, I'm not even sure we still need Anti-Virus in 2016. I haven't had a virus in years. Modern OS are pretty secure.

I'm not sure there's something that Ralle can do about it. I'd say slap a message on the download button that tells people that this site does not contain viruses and every download is legit and leave it to the responsibility of the users to fix their weird browsers.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
To be honest, I'm not even sure we still need Anti-Virus in 2016. I haven't had a virus in years.

Depends on what kind of user, surfer and downloader one is.
As for me, no need for resident antivirus, nor whatever third-party firewall.

At the very least, I would recommend using an anti-exploit. Also, have your PC and browser properly configured, with a few good extensions. Lastly, I suggest to use a few passive defenses which use little to no memory (hostfile(s) + browser "vaccination" + resident ad blocker at OS level, not at browser level).

Doing P2P stuff would require other, additional protection.

Oh, I was about to forget: happily surfing as Admin on XP. :smile:

Modern OS are pretty secure.

Out-of-the-box, I seriously doubt it. Fortunately, they can be hardened afterwards, at little to no cost.

Yeah. I'm not sure people would trust such a disclaimer. I'd believe the opposite of whatever was written.

With computers, one only has to know and understand what he is doing / what is happening.
It only requires having a bit of common sense, as well as being logical. Reading a little helps, too. Nothing big, really...
Yeah sure, but would you feel better if there was no disclaimer at all?

I would. If there is a disclaimer, I always get suspicious that something is up. Kinda like those sites that say "you're computre haz been infected by virus! cilkc here to fix it!". I think the internet has trained us to be skeptical, and rightfully so. :D

Although, if enough people get this warning then yeah it is probably worth it to set up a warning.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
It's not JNGP in the maps causing it. I tested a bunch of map downloads and I'm certain many of the ones I tested don't use JNGP because of how simple / old they are. It's every map.

But here's the catch, I think it's Chrome. I used internet explorer (for once!) and it's all fine. Even my Norton security anti-virus (free version) doesn't detect anything.
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Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
JNGP is the hero society needs, but not the one it wants.

Like in the Anime "Naruto". You need Naruto (and the other Jinchuuriki) , but you don't want him here (Because of Kyuubi), because you think he is the Kyuubi just reincarnated into a Human. (Sounds dumb to me, if you ask me.)
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