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Magic the Gathering: SC

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Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
It must've been 3 to 4 years ago that I last visited this site. Back then it was named differently of course, but it's fun to still see my models, skins, buttons and other submissions in the database.

Hi, I'm GreyArchon.

I've made a map recently, and I thought I'd return here to my roots for a bit of advertising. It's a remake of Starcraft's Magic the Gathering, a map I fondly remembered as one of the best custom Starcraft maps I ever played.

You can find my remake here:

Map name: Magic the Gathering 1.44
Name of the creator: GreyArchon
Current stage of the map: Near Finished, in need of Balance Testing.
Summary of the map gameplay/objectives: Pick a Magic color; the offensive red, the magical blue, the hidden green, the defensive white or the powerful black. Defeat Enemy Wizards by summoning powerful creatures and casting map-affecting spells using the Mana gained from waiting and killing. Dozens of different strategies are possible!
Map features: 5 player spots, each a different color with its own playing style. 2 Observer spots, from which people can watch others fight to the death. Each color has 7 different creatures to summon and 6 different spells to cast. Each color can summon up to 4 Artifacts, and 6 different Multicolor creatures.
Miscellaneous Info: Based on the Starcraft original; Magic the Gathering.



Black is being attacked by Blue and Red. You can see Red's Ball Lighting tearing through Black's low-tier units.
In the background, White's Savannah Lions are ready to strike.


Red's Yamazaki Brothers beat up Black's Lim'dul the Necromancer, while Red's spell "Meteor Shower" is wrecking mayhem in the middle of the map.


Blue is considering the next spell he should cast.


Blue has cast Metamorphosis, upgrading his low-tier units. These units, with his Legendary Creature: The Unspeakable, fight off an attack from Black's Nightstalkers.


The next spell by Blue Floods his lands, making the rest of Black's creatures flee for safety.


White's Legendary Creature: Jareth, Leonine Titan, is stuck between green and blue's creatures. Meanwhile, green has cast Living Lands to protect himself, and Constricting Vines to debuff his enemies.


I hope you'll enjoy playing it and, if you can, provide some feedback. After 40 versions before I submitted it, it's pretty balanced, but I'm sure a bigger audience such as yourselves can find some bits to improve regardless.


Updated to Version 1.41 at 12th of januari 2008.
Updated to Version 1.42 at 13th of januari 2008.
Updated to Version 1.43 at 21st of januari 2008.
Updated to Version 1.44 at 22nd of januari 2008.
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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Heya, Archon.

Yea I was a big fan of the sc map of MTG? I used to host it all the time :)

Are you continuing this project? Because I working on one ages and ages ago, but never managed to finish it. So I've got many ideas for world spells etc. if you need any.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Woah... GreyArchon?
You're a myth, something from the past! It's amazing to see ya back.

Heheh. :) Good to be back. Though to be honest, I recognise very few usernames.

Hey GreyArchon, you left before I were around, if I remember correctly. Anyways, welcome back, hope you'll stay around a bit?

Will check out the map soon.

I hope you do. And yea, good to be back. Much things have changed since then though, I feel like a relic. :(

Heya, Archon.

Yea I was a big fan of the sc map of MTG? I used to host it all the time :)

Are you continuing this project? Because I working on one ages and ages ago, but never managed to finish it. So I've got many ideas for world spells etc. if you need any.

Well, it's rather finished... ish. I'm just looking for balance issues at the moment. I've playtested it with people on battle.net numerous times, and based on those experiences I made 40 edits of the original map (up until version 1.40, which is the latest) before uploading it here.

You can check the link in my original post to download it. The map has 2 Observer spots, so you can watch while other people play too.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Well, it reads 'should' not 'must', and using common sense is always welcomed :p.

Right-o. Edited the post.

Additionally, if people could use this thread to compare strategies, that'd be great. It gives me more insight in the versatility of each color.

Edit: Added screenshots to give a more detailed preview of the map.
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Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Just a quick heads-up regarding recent feedback; despite naming this a 'remake', this map is completely made from scratch.

The 'remake' part of this means I made this map with the memory of Starcraft's MTG fresh in mind. Terrain, units, statistics and other bits were not copied from any existing maps.

Just thought I'd mention that.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
Good to see Magic implemented in WC3, I'll try the map out when I get a chance. I never played the starcraft version, but I'll definitely check this one out.

Perhaps you could lend some advice to myself and Modo, who are currently working on an altered melee project set in the Ravnica world, where players play as the 10 guilds of Ravnica. I would love some advice from an experienced developer. You can find the thread in the idea factory sub-forum, if you're interested.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Version 1.41 uploaded.

  • Added additional model maker credits.
  • Nerfed regular spawned creature HP and damage by 10%.
  • Buffed White's defensive spell.
  • Nerfed Green's defensive spell.
  • Rebalanced low tier summoned ceatures; now they're worth their manacosts.
  • Added two multicolor creatures: the Vulturous Zombie and the Metathran Transport. Especially the transport opens up new possibilities for strategy.
  • Redone Green's spel: Hidden Path. It can now be used to travel back to the forest as well.
  • Slightly increased Green's creatures' manacosts, but lowered the cost for Child of Gaea.
  • Fixed Green's manacosts, they were some errors in the last version.
  • Buffed Legendary creatures to be on par with low-tier summoned creatures.
  • Buffed Green's spell: Stream of Life.
  • Buffed Green's spell: Whirlwind.
  • Buffed Red's spell: Meteor Shower.
  • Buffed White's spell: Divine Retribution.
  • Small buffs for some unit abilities- most to reflect new HP values of low-tier summoned units.

Thanks sofar, but please continue giving feedback! Doesn't need to be in PMs, you can post it in the thread as well.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Emergency Update:
Version 1.42 uploaded.

  • Fixed an exploit where players could use their Wizard to block off other players from summoning multicolor creatures.
  • Fixed an exploit where players could use their Wizard to block off other players from using the Mass Attack function.
  • Lowered Tier 1 Spawned units damage by 20%.
  • Lowered Tier 2 Spawned units damage by 10%.
  • Lowered White Shield Crusader damage.
  • Lowered Dwarven Berserker HP.
  • Lowered Armageddon Zombie's Anti-Hero attack damage.
  • Increased the hit range of Blue's spell: Flood.
  • Lowered White's Spell: Divine Retribution's duration.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Red. Only played it on my comp thougm not over B-net. I liked the Mass Attack selection area. I do think though, that the Island area could use a little more decoration. Maybe add some Sunken Ruins trees to make it look less bare.

Hmm, I'll keep it in mind if a new version is needed due to balancing. Didn't want to make the Island too crowded, since it's already litterred with ice crystals.
If you play it with 4 other people, I hope you'll provide feedback of your experiences! :)

This looks pretty good.

Thanks hope you enjoy playing it. Do give feedback of your experience!
Level 13
May 24, 2005
I've used to play a lot of MTG some years ago and just tested the map in a very quick and dirty way, playing green, without any human players.

It's cool! I'll definitely play it again with some mtg-experienced friends some time. Then I will be probably able to give some more detailled feedback.

On the one hand you might think about reducing the overall units count a bit but one the other hand it's cool watching (and trying to micro) the mass-battles.
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
Just wanted to stop by and say: GREAT MAP!! Its good if u just want to play a short game, and also good if you want a fun long game. So far I love white and Green. Giant tanks FTW! Although I just got 1 suggestion, when u use the mass attack to move ur units to move to ur base it dosent seem to work. Maybe u could make it a button, so u press the button to send them back to ur base. Also can u make wizards stronger so they dont get assassinated so quickly?

Yah just to say this again: This map is great and I highly recommend it. BTW Maedhros_Feanor /w me if u need a host.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
The Mass Attack function functions normally even when directing them to your own area: They will attack everything on their way there. So if they're already "in combat" and you use Mass Attack to order them to attack-move back to your area, it doesn't necessarily seem to work.

And I dont know, the Wizards got Mana Shield and Blink to get away from Black's Royal Assassins, don't really want to make them any tougher than they already are. (since that'd encourage wizard rushing the middle during the start of the game)
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
I had 1 more question. I havent played the original MTG, but why in the hell does White get the weirdest animals? A savana lion? wtf? and a polar bear? lOl just dosent seem to fit well.
Level 2
Jan 16, 2008
Hey, been hosting the game all day on USEast. :thumbs_up:

I played the original on SC many years ago and I just comments.

1) Do you plan on adding the SC "Mana Generators" that were in the bases in at the start, those always seemed to get the game going.

2) As an MTG player why did you decide to use some "weak" cards and do you plan on making changes in that respect. I.e. the Yamazaki Brothers, they are great in the game but in there are so many cooler legendary creatures that would be nice to see.

3) Also do you plan on making changes to units that are misrepresented in the Game compared to how they are in the Card game? I.e Illusionary Forces, Card Game - Flying, Your Game - Not

4) Do you plan on fixing the Ursa's ability to blink into hard to reach areas?

Well I had more but I forgot so I will probably come back to leave some comments if I can stop playing the game.

Also If you need any testers I would be willing.


5) Unholy Frenzy has the Same hotkey as Summon "U" (Black's Wizard)

6) What is the reasoning with changing the focus of a player when they click on a unit or spell they can cast?

7) How did you do the spawns? Is it Random? I think in the SC version I think the Tier of units spawned was determined by the amount of mana saved up, any reason you didn't do that, assuming you didn't I can't really tell?
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Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Thanks a lot for your feedback!

1) If I remember correctly, those were little boosts of additional mana, right? They spawn periodically on the middle field, they look like Rune items.

2) Not really no.. Any suggestions?

3) Not quite. Most of the decisions I made went like this:
Highest priority: Does it add versatility / fun / balanced gamaplay to the map?
Second priority: Is it consistent with the Starcraft version?
Third priority: Is it consistent with the Cardgame?

Cardgame consistency came as third priority when making this map. I plan to rename the map "Magic the Gathering SC", just so MTG fanatics dont bite my head off.

4) Thinking of removing it alltogether, yes. I'm thinking it's best to keep Blink available only for Wizards and Crystalline Slivers.

5) Thanks! Will fix that in the next version.

6) You mean when clicking on a summonable unit / casteable spell? Think I had some trouble making the investigation triggers functional when they didnt cause the player to lose targetfocus afterwards.. but I think I can work around that now. I may disable the loss of targetfocus in the next version.

7) You get Tier1 spawns normally, tier2 spawns when you have at least 2000 mana, and tier3 spawns when you have at least 4000 mana.

New version is coming soon too, with 5 new spells, one for each color.
Red: Gratuitous Violence.
Causes all of red's current units in play to be given the "Gratuituous Violence" ability, a passive self-buff that increases their damage by 50%.

Green: Hunting Pack.
Summons a Great Cat Beast to the Forest's aid, while at the same time transforming all current Dire Wolves in play under green's command into more powerful Hunting Pack Wolves.

Blue: Repel.
Moves all enemy units back to their respective areas, where they're rooted in place for 15 seconds afterwards.

White: Evangelize.
Upon casting, up to 8 random enemy units in the middle area switch sides to White.

Black: Intimidate.
Intimidates all enemy units, slowing their movement speed by 20% and making them unable to attack for 25 seconds.

Each new spell will cost 12000 mana.
Level 2
Jan 16, 2008
Oooh some new spells I can't wait.

1) I meant the Buildings (Xel'Naga Temple) they gave additional mana as long as you had more than a certain amount. I like the addition of the Runes in the middle :smile:

2) Just think there were so many cool Red units and I was a little depressed to see you used the Yamazaki Bros., bad card from a bad set :cry:
It would be cool to see a Kamahl or Chaos Lord

3) No need to change the name. I think it's best to do it the way you are, make the units work best for the game. Then if you find a card that fits the theme of the unit better then you can change. Gameplay is more important than it being like the CG.

4) Well it's possible for blue to teleport up into the Multi-Color unit spawning area. Just need to fix that :gg:

7) Oh ok that's good to know :thumbs_up:

8) In the SC version there were a few spells that anyone could cast (like the Multi-Color units), do you plan on adding that?


9) Plague and Pestilence deals massive damage to Wizards, you might want to make wiz's immune to it

10) Magnetic Mountain says it will pull all enemy units to the middle but it also sends your own. I think.
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Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Oooh some new spells I can't wait.

1) I meant the Buildings (Xel'Naga Temple) they gave additional mana as long as you had more than a certain amount. I like the addition of the Runes in the middle :smile:

2) Just think there were so many cool Red units and I was a little depressed to see you used the Yamazaki Bros., bad card from a bad set :cry:
It would be cool to see a Kamahl or Chaos Lord

3) No need to change the name. I think it's best to do it the way you are, make the units work best for the game. Then if you find a card that fits the theme of the unit better then you can change. Gameplay is more important than it being like the CG.

4) Well it's possible for blue to teleport up into the Multi-Color unit spawning area. Just need to fix that :gg:

7) Oh ok that's good to know :thumbs_up:

8) In the SC version there were a few spells that anyone could cast (like the Multi-Color units), do you plan on adding that?


9) Plague and Pestilence deals massive damage to Wizards, you might want to make wiz's immune to it

10) Magnetic Mountain says it will pull all enemy units to the middle but it also sends your own. I think.

1) Stuff like that has become the Artifacts in the middle. Any player can summon them, and they appear infront of their land entrances.
Mana Battery - Additional mana every 4 seconds.
Mirror Universe - Gives 5 mana to you when a creature of yours is killed, and removes 10 mana from the killer.
Serpent Generator - Adds Serpent Warriors (black tier2) with your regular spawn.
Armageddon Clock - As long as it stands, keeps on spawning hard-to-kill zombies inside enemy bases. The zombies have an anti-hero attack.

2) Yamazaki Bros work well for red- it gives red more individuality, since he's the only color that gets 2 heroes for his legendary, instead of one.
Though perhaps another Legendary would be fine too. I've recently created a pretty cool "Wall of Fire" spell, which functions exactly the same as that of the Diablo2 Sorceress. That, and the Firelord model + Volcano ability is still unused.

3) Yea, but still. 'Magic the Gathering SC' sounds good. I think it's a suitable name for when the truly final version is released.

4) Fixed that in the most recent version!

8) No, think I'll leave that behind. With the addition of the new spells in the upcoming version, each color has 6 different spells to cast. No need to add more.

9) Perhaps. Though Wizards have Blink to get out of nasty situations like that.

10) Ah, thanks for that. I need to fix that spell description. Yes, it's supposed to send all units.
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Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
I've been thinking.

Currently the only unit with an AOE ability in red's army is the Shivan Dragon. The Goblin Grenadiers count as well I guess, but not as much.

Perhaps it is best to replace the Yamazaki brothers after all, and replace them with a hero more suited to AOE.

I was thinking the Firelord, bearing the name of Myojin of Infinite Rage.

With the skills Volcano, Wall of Fire and a fiery version of Lightning Shield.
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
Lol whites new skill seems like it will suck. So much gold just to take over 12 units? Which may just be shit tier 1 units?
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Version 1.43 is released!

General Changes:
  • One new spell for each color!
    Red: Gratuitous Violence.
    Causes all of red's current units in play to be given the "Gratuituous Violence" ability, a passive self-buff that increases their damage by 50%.

    Green: Hunting Pack.
    Summons a Great Cat Beast to the Forest's aid, while at the same time transforming all current Dire Wolves in play under green's command into more powerful Hunting Pack Wolves.

    Blue: Repel.
    Moves all enemy units back to their respective lands, where they're rooted in place for 15 seconds afterwards.

    White: Evangelize.
    Upon casting, up to 9 random enemy units in the middle area switch sides to White.

    Black: Intimidate.
    Intimidates all enemy units, slowing their movement speed by 20% and making them unable to attack for 25 seconds.
  • When investigating creatures and spells, target is no longer lost.
  • Added trees to Island, Plains and Mountain. Children of Gaea and Cloudcrown Oaks rejoice.
  • Added minor moonglow to the Forest.
  • Added minor sunshine to the Plains.
  • Increased HP of Firemane Angel by 50%.
  • Increased HP regeneration of Firemane Angel by 50%.
  • Increased the life transferred by "Life Transfer" by 50%.
  • Removed a minor memory leak.

Color-specific Changes:
  • The Kamazaki Brothers have retired.
  • New Legendary Creature: Myojin of Infinite Rage.
    Myojin has the abilities: Wall of Fire, Blazing Flare, Incinerate and Rage Division.
  • Hammer of Bogardan now targets only killable targets.
  • Fixed some misinformation in Magnetic Mountain's description.
  • Added a graphical effect to Magnetic Mountain.

  • Jolrael no longer has Stampede as ultimate ability.
  • Jolrael has a new ability: Change Mounts. Using this ability, she dismounts her Arctic Battlecat and mounts a Giant Owl instead. While mounted on her Owl, she cannot fly over water or mountains, but can only be targetted by anti-air attacks. When not mounted by Jolrael, the Arctic Battlecat fights solo. Has Gift of the Wild, Devotion Aura and Resistant Skin.
  • Slightly lowered the HP return granted by Jolrael's "Call of the Crows" ability.
  • Given "Activate Hidden Path" a mana cost. It will now take a few seconds before you can use Hidden Path, after it has spawned.

  • The Unspeakable no longer has Aquatic Orb.
  • The Unspeakable has a new ability: Crystallize. Crystals shoot from the ground, tossing creatures in the air, whereafter they are crystallized for 9 seconds. Cannot be cast on Heroes.
  • Fixed a bug where Magus of the Unseen's "Clone" ability could only be cast on itself.
  • Magus of the Unseen now has the "Aquatic Orb" ability. This ability is now 25% less powerful.
  • Lowered Magus of the Unseen's damage.
  • Counterspell now affects Evangelize, Hunting Pack, Gratuitous Violence and Intimidate, though it can only weaken them, not cancel them out.

  • Jareth, Leonine Titan has retired.
  • New Legendary Creature: Radiant, Archangel.
  • The ability "Illumination", formerely used by Jareth, has been removed.
  • New ability for Radiant: Pillar of Light. Calls down a pillar of light from the heavens, which heals 4% HP per second for units standing inside it. Lasts 12 seconds.
  • Wrath of God now costs 8500 mana to cast. It now destroys all Spawned Tier 1, 2 and 3 creatures. This includes Metamorphosed Tidal Warriors and Water Elementals. This includes Hunting Pack'd Dire Wolves. This excludes White Shield Crusaders, Dwarven Berzerkers and Generated Serpent Warriors.
  • Slightly lowered Crusader damage.
  • Increased Crusader HP.
  • Removed "Touch of Light" from Crusaders, leaving them only the Spell Steal ability.
  • Savannah Lions now actually look like lions. Additonally, one male and one female lion is spawned for each cast. The males have higher HP, but lower damage.

  • Reduced Lim'dul the Necromancer's Plague and Pestilence ability damage from 4% to 3%, but reduced it's cooldown from 80 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • Removed "Unholy Charge" from Black Knights.
  • Given the "Unholy Armor" ability to Black Knights.
  • Given the "Unholy Armor" ability to Lords of the Pit.
  • Slightly lowered Black Knight and Lord of the Pit HP in exchange for the armor buff they received from Unholy Armor.
  • Given the "Unholy Charge" ability to the Undead Warchief.
  • Slightly more Worms of the Earth die when "Worms of the Earth" is cast a second (third, etc.) time.
  • Pimped up the "Terror" ability building.
  • Fixed a bug with the Mana Skimmer. It is now a ranged land unit, and is no longer considered an air unit.

Please download, and enjoy! Be sure to give your feedback on the new spells!
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Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Emergency Bugfix Version 1.44:

  • It is no longer possible to summon 2 Jolrael's by casting her summon spell while she's in Owl mode.
  • Fixed a clipping issue with Green's Hidden Path in White's area.
  • Both Ancient Protectors in Green's land are now on ledges.
  • Repel no longer works against Armageddon Zombies.
  • Evangelize can now be cast properly.
  • Hunting Pack can now be cast properly.
  • Slightly lowered the maximum amount of normally spawned creatures (Tier1, 2, and 3).
  • Vulturous Zombie and Metathran Transport are now described in the "Artifacts and Multicolor Creatures" quest.
  • Wall of Fire now does 20 more damage per second.
  • Reduced manacosts of some of Myojin of Infinite Rage's spells.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Known bugs / errors to be fixed in next version:

  • Metamorphosis's description "building" is called Metamorphose. 144 versions and only now I realized.
  • Some description buildings have mana, will be removed.
  • Myojin's of Inifite Rage's Wall of Fire doesn't go straight when casted in crowded areas.
  • Myojin's of Inifite Rage's damage is somewhat low.
  • Radiant, Archangel's "Pillar of Light" ability is slightly overpowered.
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
I was just playing as black, on the latest released version and the map crashed. No clue what caused it tho. The spells I was using was the sacrifice pit thingy.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
I was just playing as black, on the latest released version and the map crashed. No clue what caused it tho. The spells I was using was the sacrifice pit thingy.

Did it crash Warcraft3, or just end the map - "your connection to battle.net" has been lost" ?
How long were you playing when it happened?

If it was a disconnect, the cause would be a memory leak that piled up. I'm fixing those right now, and will be removed in version 1.45.

If it made War3 crash completely, there may be a bigger problem.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Ahh, good to hear you will. I tend to avoid battle.net and stick to LAN with friends.

If you have 4 friends you're all set; it's a 5-player map.
But AI is definatly considered for the future of this project.

Sidenote: 1.45 is 20% complete. All of red's spells, abilities and other triggers have been reworked to have 0-5% memory leaks when compared to before.
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Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
I was playing for around 20 mins. It was a crash, closed wc3 compleatly, and gave the warning. That was the only time it crashed, so maybe its some random shit? Also dont know if u intended it to work like this but blues dragon guys (The anti-caster ones) cant fly if u make them invis. Also I think whites a bit over powered compared to the rest of the ppl.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
I was playing for around 20 mins. It was a crash, closed wc3 compleatly, and gave the warning. That was the only time it crashed, so maybe its some random shit? Also dont know if u intended it to work like this but blues dragon guys (The anti-caster ones) cant fly if u make them invis. Also I think whites a bit over powered compared to the rest of the ppl.

The crash: It's very odd, but if it never happens again it may've just been a one-time fluke. If it happens again, we need to know exactly what your actions were so we can see if we can cause it to happen again. If so, we know the problem and what to fix.

Mahamotti Djinns can Wind Drift only above the area they're currently in, yes. You cannot cross a body of water or a mountain range when Drifting. I should include this in the next version's spell description.
And I shall.

White's hero is currently slightly too powerful. His healing ability is becoming more costly and have a much bigger cooldown in the next version.
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
So anymore updates? Also, I was wondering, can you decrease the cost of metamorph, or change it some how? It is sometimes usless. For instance, to use it to its maximum potential, you should have a fuck load of units saved up. If you spend ur time saving up, sure they become strong, but u get less gold.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Currently I have removed 65% of all memory leaks. I'll be working on it all day tomorrow, to have version 1.45 ready for release on sunday, or late saturday.

I have also added a "retreat" option to the Mass Attack unit.

And no, I dont feel Metamorphosis should change. What many people seem to forget is that it doesnt only upgrade your Tier1 and 2 Spawned creatures, but also your Tier1 and 2 Summoned creatures. This turns Metathran Soldiers into a heavy melee force, and Air Elementals into a supreme Anti-Air force.

Thats what makes Metamorphosis especially worthwhile. It's in both the quest and the spell description, but people seem to read past that.. :p
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Level 5
Dec 12, 2006
Right the map is great. The zombies killed me tho.:(

Also the multicolored creature that gives you 3 at a time (in my opinion) should have more allowed. only getting nine is buying 3 times for a lot of mana but they die realy easily.

I played as red. I liked the magnet spell combined with rain of fire.
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
Cool, thanks for the update. The thing I love about the map is how almost perfectly it is balanced. Its funny how one player might think one colour is extreamly weak, and with another player its extreamly good. Just one thing that I wanted to mention. As red, is there any way to beat blue? Iv played a game where I was red, and blue was pro. I kept a huge amount of troops near my wizard. He would always repel my attacks, and wouldnt attack himself. And then he started using his legendary to kill my mortars. None of my units could reach his legendary before he killed my mortar. None of my units could reach his hero, the legendary out ranged them all. He would try to lure all my shivan dragons to blacks land and kill them. Eventually I gave up... no way he could kill me, no way for me to kill him, and he kept gettin gold from mortars.
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