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Magic the Gathering SC 1.54

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.
Magic the Gathering SC (v.1.54)

A remake of Starcraft's Magic the Gathering map. Gather mana from combat and at timed intervals, and use it to summon powerful creatures, cast map-affecting spells and invoke potent artifacts! Summon powerful Legendary Creatures or invest in sneaky tactics involving the combinations of different spells and summoned creatures. The last alive wizard standing will claim victory!

Five different colors to pick from, each with its own unique playing style, look and feel! With a thousand different strategies possible, no play-through is ever the same! Dont want to play on battle.net, or having trouble filling your game? No problem! This map comes complete with a functional A.I., so playing against computer-controlled players is an option. Even if human players on battle.net get disconnected, the A.I. will automatically take over.

This easy to learn but hard to master multiplayer map is a Hosted Project of the Hive Workshop.

1.54 Update:
  • Blue's Mahamoti Djinn's now use Dionesiist's awesome Phaseling model.
  • Loading screen updated to include the new Mahamoti Djinn.
  • Fixed glaring typo and version number error.
  • More optimalization. Fixed possible bug that could crash the game in Windows7. (Possible other versions too? This bug snuck in with the last Warcraft3 patch apparently. If you're gonna redownload, let this be the prime reason at least. ;P)

1.53 Update:
  • Fixed possibly game-breaking bug with The Unspeakable's unspeakable monstrosities.
  • Optimalization.

1.52 Update:
  • Increased the cost of White's 'False Peace' spell. Buffed the damage done by White's Cloudchaser Eagles and Skyrider Trainees. Buffed the slow effect of Arcanis the Omnipotent's aura.
  • ALL creatures, legendaries, wizards and other units now move slightly faster, to increase the pace of the game.
  • Fixed minor bugs with black's Mind Rot and red's Relentless Assault spells if enemy players had left, and the CPU had taken over.
  • Lumber display now displays credits instead. More praise to the custom model makers!
  • Fixed a number of typo's and other minor typographic things.
  • Watcher Birds are now called "Observer" to be less confusing for first-time players.

1.51 Update:
  • Fixed two glaring bugs with visibility were White and Black's lands were not being shown to all players if players White/Black had been defeated. Apparently this bug was in place for a long time and has avoided my notice for a fair while. Fixed now!
  • Fixed Arcanis the Omnipotent's passive ability.
  • Fixed a bug with red's "Dwarven Armory" spell. You're no longer able to stack a ton of Armories ontop of eachother.
  • Each Legendary Creature now has a total of 5 abilities to use, up from 4. Most of them are utility abilities that make some legendaries even more interesting to use, though some are abilities that rank up the offensive power of some Legendaries, such as Latulla, Keldon Overseer and Radiant, Archangel.

1.50 Update:
  • You can now use CPU-controlled players. Players that leave or disconnect automatically are taken control over by the A.I.
  • Spells now include visible cooldown timers.
  • 1 new Legendary Creature for each color! Each color now has an agility, strength and intelligence hero for players to choose from!

Made by GreyArchon.

Visit the forum at
to talk about the map, see preview screenshots, compare strategies or investigate all playable colors' creatures, spells, and more.

MTG, Magic, Magic the Gathering, Footies, Footmen Frenzy, Strategy, Starcraft, MTGSC, MTG SC, SC, GreyArchon, Altered Melee

Magic the Gathering SC 1.54 (Map)

Dr Super Good: One of our great hosted projects, selected by their time and effort they took to make and the high quality of gameplay.
Level 2
May 25, 2009
Enjoyed it GreyArchon. Thanks for hosting the map and keep up the good work! I'll host it for a few buddies of mine and give you some constructive feedback.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
The map is pretty shitty but i decent attempt to copy the old Starcraft ver of magic

If you're unsatisfied with this 'attempt' as you call it, please put your constructive critisism in the Hosted Project forum, thanks. Not much I can change to the map with feedback such as "pretty shitty".

I love the card game this is the best its even a little of a challenge to beat the computers but I could possibly make an AI for it for single-player with the makers OK.

I'd love to include AI, but preferably for Multiplayer as well. Please do contact me with this in the Hosted Project forum.
Level 1
Apr 8, 2009
Hi, um I would love to be able to test this map out but the site won't let me download it, it says that Internet Explorer cannot download maps.php from Hiveworkshop.com. Some one want to try to help me out here?
Level 1
Apr 8, 2009
I'm not new to downloading files from this site, for I have many models and skins... Something was going wrong, but I have it downloaded now and do not care much for my past troubles.

As for the map, I believe that it's fun and exciting. The only thing I do not like about the map is: the Clock building that can be taken from the center for 10,000 mana. Other than that one thing, I think this map is awesome.
Level 1
Aug 21, 2009
Fun map to play, think it needs a bit of balancing (Child of Gaea owned me every time >.>) and it starts to lag a bit when everyone is mass spawning units on such a small map.
Level 1
May 16, 2009
Wonderful map. I haven't been able to find a game online but have probably spent an upwards of 3 hours messing around with the different colors in single player... yes, it's pretty lame I know, but it just goes to show how much I want to play this map. The game system is well implemented and the colors all have their unique feels. The terrain conveys a clear sense of the colors and the spells for each color likewise have an appropriate feel. A fair number of the spells even alter the terrain for an often dramatic effect. The Legendary units feel appropriately epic but are not unstoppable and can either be countered by a few high tier units, another Legendary, or some well timed high end sorceries.

Someone host this map please =D

If only my old laptop hadn't died... I used to be able to host on that but I don't have the password to my router any more so I can't reconfigure my ports this time =(
Level 1
Oct 22, 2010
I haven't played the map yet, and it may be like this:
White- alot of little units, with alot of ways to boost them
Blue- focused on spells, with plenty of ways to remove enemy units, and a couple big finishers
Green- Alot of huge, powerful units, and ways of getting them out earlier than usual
Red- decent amount of little units, couple big units, alot of damaging spells
Black- lots and lots of ways to kill things( at least half there spells) some small units and some big units

but if not, then it is most likely not like the actual game at all, because thats what each color does , and that would be a major dissapointment:goblin_cry:
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Updated to 1.50 on Febaruari the 27th, 2011.

Other than balancing and minor changes and additions, here's the three biggest changes:

  • You can now use CPU-controlled players. Players that leave or disconnect automatically are taken control over by the A.I.
  • Spells now include visible cooldown timers.
  • 1 new Legendary Creature for each color! Each color now has an agility, strength and intelligence hero for players to choose from!
Level 5
Apr 10, 2010
i thought this project died out..........
Guess i wasn't paying any attention
Anyways this map is awesome and so as the ai it gives really much challange
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Updated to 1.52 on march the 7th, 2011.

Unlikely I'll update it any time soon again in the future unless very serious problems are found. At long last, I think I'm finally happy with this project. All the tiny, tiny things that bothered me such as a random typo or something that wasnt completely self-explanatory, has been fixed now.

The future of custom mapmaking has always resided in the younger generation's hands. I think that now, I can rest... and take my place amongst the legends of the past.



Level 2
Apr 8, 2011
great concept, i played with AI and they seems pretty good. i will test it with my friend if they could. overall its a good game.
Level 2
Jul 5, 2008
It has come to my attention that sometimes the Unspeakable Monstrosities spawned by The Unspeakable are indestructible. I don't know what causes it, but it doesn't happen every game and only every once in a while in those case. In the attached replay, at about the 8:00 minute mark, there is an Unspeakable Monstrosity a 1 health while being under fire. That Unspeakable Monstrosity will remain at 1 health for the rest of the game. Unless I am sorely mistaken, that definitely should not happen. This is not the first time I saw this happen, I just forgot to save that replay.


  • MTGBug.w3g
    135.5 KB · Views: 64
Level 3
Jun 20, 2011
very nice game! although i havent tried all the "colours" the ones i have tried are good, i was also curious as to what models you used, could you put a list of them please?
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
It has come to my attention that sometimes the Unspeakable Monstrosities spawned by The Unspeakable are indestructible. I don't know what causes it, but it doesn't happen every game and only every once in a while in those case. In the attached replay, at about the 8:00 minute mark, there is an Unspeakable Monstrosity a 1 health while being under fire. That Unspeakable Monstrosity will remain at 1 health for the rest of the game. Unless I am sorely mistaken, that definitely should not happen. This is not the first time I saw this happen, I just forgot to save that replay.

Many thanks for reporting this. Fixed the issue.

very nice game! although i havent tried all the "colours" the ones i have tried are good, i was also curious as to what models you used, could you put a list of them please?

Here're those available on this site. This is about 80% of the models used, other ones are unavailable.

Avatar of Storms http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/avatar-storms-129889/?prev=search=avatar&d=list&r=20
Human Executioner http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...r-179697/?prev=search=executioner&d=list&r=20
Lion Male http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/lion-male-92916/?prev=search=Lion&d=list&r=20
Footman Garithos http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...armel-47715/?prev=search=garithos&d=list&r=20
Tigerian Slicer (edited with permission) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/tigerian-slicer-48908/?prev=search=cat&d=list&r=20&t=2
Ridden War Eagle http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...-49258/?prev=search=eagle%20rider&d=list&r=20
Seraphim http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...aphim-84881/?prev=search=seraphim&d=list&r=20

Black Hole http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...7-49543/?prev=search=Black%20hole&d=list&r=20
Crystal Impale http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...555/?prev=search=Crystal%20Impale&d=list&r=20
Crystal Impale Hit http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...591/?prev=search=Crystal%20Impale&d=list&r=20
Lightning Elemental http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...prev=search=lightning%20elemental&d=list&r=20

Falling In Love Buff http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ff-effect-50520/?prev=search=love&d=list&r=20
Prime Matron http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...25142/?prev=search=prime%20matron&d=list&r=20
Old Spirit of Vengeance http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ance-48060/?prev=search=vengeance&d=list&r=20

Judgment of Light http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ight-115826/?prev=search=judgment&d=list&r=20
Magma Elemental http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...22/?prev=search=magma%20elemental&d=list&r=20
Thane (one horn) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...riation-125853/?prev=search=Thane&d=list&r=20

Cobra http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/serpent-158830/?prev=search=Cobra&d=list&r=20
Giant Mantis http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/giant-mantis-144552/?prev=search=mantis&d=list&r=20
Tree Impale http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...106076/?prev=search=Tree%20Impale&d=list&r=20
Invasion Vine http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...8732/?prev=search=invasion%20vine&d=list&r=20
Priestess of the Moon on Owl http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...7677/?prev=search=priestess%20owl&d=list&r=20
Ancient Hero http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/ancienthero-97950/?prev=search=ent&d=list&r=20
Thorny Creeper http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...8731/?prev=search=thorn%20creeper&d=list&r=20
Tiger http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/tiger-92909/?prev=search=tiger&d=list&r=20
White Tiger http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/white-tiger-92913/?prev=search=tiger&d=list&r=20
Venolia http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/venolia-48730/?prev=search=venolia&d=list&r=20
Faerie http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/faerie-96995/?prev=search=faerie&d=list&r=20
Last edited:
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Updated to version 1.54 on september 27th 2011.

  • Blue's Mahamoti Djinn's now use Dionesiist's awesome Phaseling model.
  • Loading screen updated to include the new Mahamoti Djinn.
  • Fixed glaring typo and version number error.
  • More optimalization. Fixed possible bug that could crash the game in Windows7. (Possible other versions too? This bug snuck in with the last Warcraft3 patch apparently. If you're gonna redownload, let this be the prime reason at least. ;P)
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
I really loved this game,i tried this with some friends and they get wild lol. So much monsters to choose from and i loved that and the spells are very cool too. Im just a newbie to this WE thing so i dont know how you did that and im curious. Btw im collecting some models that fit to my liking, i liked the model you used in your lavacore elemental and verdeloth the ancient. Where can i download that model sir?