Well well well. It's beautiful to see another dedicated "race-maker" on the Hive; I could always use the competition. : ) Wa666r better watch out...
Anyway, on to the Naga. Oh the Naga; what a watery, maleficent race. Also one of the most-modded races... I guess something about Blizzard's excellent-but-lamentably-unfinished take on them just inspires every modder & their mother to do something about it... Heck,
I've got plans for
the best full custom Naga (race), too!
I really love Naga. Always did, even before I knew Warcraft - you cannot tell how happy I was to play Naga in the campaign... And how unhappy Iw as to not be able to play in a normal game. Then I found the world Editor and that compelled me to create this race.
That being said, I know I'm far too busy to physically check them out (as much as I'd like to... or at least, right now), but I will give some thoughts on things as I read them (& see them in Zzonehardy's videos (thanks, man!)), based on my experience in race-modding.
Sad to see you cannot test them yourself.. Maybe you'll be able to soon give them at least a go :3
[*]While I like the idea of having a "naming Theme", I'm a little worried at what might be considered an overuse of the term "Azshara". I mean, I know they love her, but you don't see half the Undead heroes with "Lich King's Wrath" and "Lich King's Frost", right?
I know what you mean and I will look into it. Though, I like the idea of giving every hero one ability with Azshara's name in it.
[*]Why does the Medusa have 5 abilities?
This is her structure, simple as that. The Medusa is a ranged attacker with rather low basic damage output - she needs her 5th ability - Piercing Cold - to actually be of use. Petrifying Arrows, in turn, regenerate her mana - which she also needs, as Piercing Cold drains mana quickly. Additionally, she has very low health, hence she gets some extra protection with her shield, and all of her abilities drain a lot of mana over time.
Overall, her skillset is quite cohesive and fits well together. Draining Protector to have some survivability if caught and while channeling Azshara's Wrath. Her two arrows skills to either damage enemies greatly or regenerate her delicate manapool, while Wrath of Azshara and Shredding TOrnado are both able to damage buildngs greatly. This gives her a very unique niche as an offensive Hero, I think.
[*]Some of your names are really interesting (Cradle of Filth, <3, Flash Freeze, Apocalypse, Miasma, Revenant, etc)... But many of your names are really weird (Draining Protector, Shredding Tornado, Crystal Fang, __ of the Apocalypse, Pandemia, Negative Blast, etc), and one is just plain misspelled (Syphon Mana). Eh? I know a lot of that is subjective, but still...
Creating so many names leaves one burnt out after some time ~.~ Any suggestions would welcome. And of course, I'll fix that spelling mistake soon ^^"
If you wish, we could chat a bit about that, as I'd like to have some more ideas and opinions for that.
[*]Looking at the Murloc hero Zzonehardy tested, I can say that while you've done a good job mixing & matching spells, remember that (much to my great misfortune & frustration), buffs do not stack. That is to say, the Plaguebringer's "Azshara's Venom" is cool, but is obviously based off of Shadow Strike and so won't stack with the Warden's Shadow Strike. (same deal with Miasma & the regular UD Disease Cloud) Frustrating (and maybe not worth your time until later), but something to consider if you're truly trying to make a "compatible-with-the-other-4" 5th-race addition.
I am aware of that and this is generally something I am worried about, yet do not know how to fix myself.
[*]Going with the "compatible with/standardized to the existing 4 races", you have 13 units, where each other has 12.
My thirteenth unit is the Turtle Caravan... Which is more of a building ^^" It is upgraded from the lumber-mill building.
[*]I for one have a big problem doing this... But you ought to consider both lowering the number of abilities (remember, some units (Human Knight) have none!, and each race has an average of 25-30 abilities total), as well as lowering the amount of text in the ability tooltips. Really all the tooltips; just noticed that there's loads of information presented. Can get difficult to wade through.
Many unit abilities are passive or autocast, which takes the main "problem" of them away. And Knights do not need abilities because they have some roflstomping damage, speed and bulk(Really, there are nearly as powerful as Tauren and arguably exceed Tauren in power, when they have not learnt pulverize).
I tried to keep the number of active abilities on a moderate amount, to make it less of a strain to use the Naga.
And for tooltips... yeah, I really need to shorten them. Many abilities, though, have a rather lengthy effect by nature, making it harsh to shorten the tooltips.
[*]I'm a big stickler for lore... So take this with a grain of salt. But I believe the Makrura were enemies to the Naga, so allying seems out of the question. Also, while your Mur'gul hero is pretty cool, I personally have a hard time seeing a lowly Mur'gul rising through the ranks to become a Hero of any kind. The Naga always struck me as a race filled with little enslaved cannon fodder (Mur'guls) backed up by powerful, trained & magical shock troops (Naga). Meh.
Makrura are indeed enemies of the Naga, but my Makrura is not a Makrura but more of a Naga.. with Makrura parts - a mutation, is the idea behind that, which I find.. interesting, to say the least. Suffice to say, the Naga are probably not the most prejudiced race on the face of Azeroth either, especially after their transformation, so I find it fitting.
And for the Murloc-Hero.. The way I imagined it somehow is, that he was an especially fierce fighter and intelligent Murloc that had a lifespan that exceeded the expectation of "Cannon Fodder" by far. Thus, he was blessed(cursed?) by Azshara, which gives him his poisonous, plaguing abilities.
Both of these things are a bit flimsy in reasoning, yet plausible enough I'd say.
[*]Two units with "Ensnare"? Eeehhh... Disables are pretty potent in this game, IIRC.
Thinking about taking one Ensnare out myself or weakening the Reaver's ensnare(Higher CD, lower duration). I wanna have some more people test it first, though.
[*]Snap Dragons = Fire Breath?? Poison, sure; steam, ok; water, totally...
Ah, steam... that idea is great..! I'd only need a fitting animation for that now. The idea for the firebreath mainly came about, as that thing is, after all, called snap
[*]Remember that regular units in Wc3 shouldn't have Direct Damage abilities (Jet Wave, I think?) nor Direct Summon abilities (Parasite being the only exception; and being on a campaign unit doesn't necessarily mean it's balanced
I do not see anything wrong with giving units summon or direct damage - not everything has to be standardized, as long as it does not evolve into a problem.
The Siren and Royal Guard both got a summon that is calculated in their balance(think of the summon and the unit itself as one), while I have also used a few directly damaging abilities, albeit sparingly.
Simply put: I do not see the imbalance in using summon or damaging effects, but I see the possibility for resulting disbalance in them... Yet, I wish to wait for more balance testing before I tackle the abilities.
Keep up the good work. Like I said, good to see another race-maker. : )
I am grateful, fellow creator :3