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[Altered Melee] Bandit Race (Still needs test)

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Hey guys, LordHatchet95 here, and I've finally got a bit more of motivation to make a scenario. This time, around the Bandits.

A fully customized Bandit Race able to put traps, hire units instantly (yet they still must replenish), and build an almighty Lair which can garrison up to 10 brigands (spear throwers). They need engineers to build defensive units and trebuchets (which can be packed and moved elsewhere).

Their tech tree is very similar to the human one, and its still incomplete, but its a somewhat easier work in progress than a full RPG world.

I need a tester for this, so I can play it 1v1 against humans. This should be played more casually, and not competitively, since its a test, and the race is still more than incomplete, with just 1 hero and several things short.

Link to a short video (with cheats, so the most basic features could be seen):

The Tech Tree:

Thieves' Hall: Main resource drop site. Has workers and engineers for hire. Can be upgraded to Thieves' Keep, then to Brigands' Hideout.

Hut: Provides food.

Bandit Encampment: Basic troop production building. Produces Bandits (Melee units), Brigands (Ranged spear throwers), and Riders (Mounted Bandits). Bandits and Brigands can learn Defend and Dirty Fighting. Bandits' Defend is less effective than Humans' one. Dirty Fighting gives them a very small chance to dodge attacks, and a chance to do 2x damage with +15 bonus.

Sawmill: Serves as Lumber drop site, and upgrades units' attack and armor.

Altar of Thievery: Summons and revives heroes.

Admiral (Hero): Renegade Hero. Can learn Black Sky (Rains cannonballs in waves), Death Strikes (Chance to crit, damage increases per skill level), Intimidate (Reduces enemies' attack in an area) and Marked for Death (lvl 6 ability: powerful poison that deals heavy damage over time, and can kill marked enemy.

Workshop: Trains Siege Rams (Powerful melee siege unit which only damages buildings, resisting arrows and some melee attack), and has Engineers and Flying Saboteurs for hire (the latter: Flying machine with higher stats than conventional flying machines. Can perform Kamikaze on aerial units).

Wizard Guild: Building where spellcasters are trained. Has Rogue Medics (Support mage, can use Aid, Mana Burn, and Frost Armor) and Mad Wizards (Mounted Offensive Mage Can use Cripple, Electrostatic Field which damages in a large area overtime, and Vampyrism which allows him to drain 50% of normal damage dealt as life)

Outpost: Weak tower that can detect nearby enemies.

Fixed Ballista: Long Ranged Crossbow that deals Area piercing Damage.

Spike Trap: Attacks enemies at very close range. Can be hidden until they attack.

Trebuchet: Massive siege unit that must be built on the field. Can pack to move.

Lair: Massive castle that can train Axethrowers (can Pillage buildings), and Renegade Riders (Gryphon Riders with melee attack on air units, and ranged attack on ground units. Can stun non mechanic units for short). This building can attack only if it has at least 1 Brigand inside it. Attack speeds up with more.

Both Engineer and Worker are more expensive, but come out instantly, and have higher stats than normal workers.

The test map is attached. You can test the map with 2 players, but there's no AI, and the hero can be spammed, unfortunately... so try not to spam the Admiral hero in-game for a better testing.

Map works with reforged, but with SD (classic) graphics.


  • BanditRace.w3x
    1.5 MB · Views: 70
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
It's w3x but which wc3 version? Can't play on my 1.26...

To prevent spamming heroes, there is a trigger function to limit unit-type, set it to 1. And you should add the hero to the dependancy list on the game constants screen, where all the other heroes are.
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