[Altered Melee] Custom Race: The Eternal Dynasty

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-Custom Race: The Eternal Dynasty-

This is an undead custom race that was inspired by Tomb kings from WarHammer Fantasy, Age of Mythology and the Protoss from Starcraft. It's almost done but I need help with stress testing for balancing issues. I’ve done some of my own testing but I feel that I'm bias and require other opinions

Made with Reforged: Classic graphics (Can be played with HD Graphics). This is an edit of the melee map Divide and Conquer to include The Eternal Dynasty as a playable race.
To play The Eternal Dynasty, select Undead and click Yes at the start of the map.
Credits will be listed when the race is posted on the map page.

Race Tips and Important Information.


  • When first starting the map, order Pyramid to Entomb your gold mine. Gold is passively collected.
  • With the exception of the Pyramid and Entombed gold mine, all buildings require blight to build.
  • The only buildings that spread blight are newly constructed Pyramids and Spirit Obelisks.
  • Buildings are built with orc style of construction.
  • When using the Ascend ability with the exception of the pyramid, ascended buildings require blight to descend.
  • Entombed gold mines are separate entities from your Pyramids.
  • Units are slower than the other Races units.
  • Pyramids and Spirit Obelisks have Awakening Aura which increases nearby friendly units' movement speed.
  • Living Idols are one of your most vital units as they can switch between auras and can resurrect your dead. When first starting the map it's recommended to activate its Glyphs of Compulsion as its speed bonus stacks with Awakening Aura.
  • The Eternal Dynasty lacks instant healing, relying on healing over time.
  • The Eternal Dynasty lacks strong air units.


Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

1.0 Uploaded


Primary structure that receives gathered resources and spreads blight.


Necrotects: Ancient skeletal architect. Basic worker unit. Can harvest lumber, build structures, Repair and Unsummon Buildings. Attacks land units and trees.

  • Grand Pyramid: Upgrade to Grand Pyramid to enable the production of additional types of structures, units and the ability to attack
  • Backpack: Gives specific Eternal ground units the ability to carry items.

  • Ascend: Allows the Pyramid to levitate out of the ground so that it can move and engage units in combat. Pyramid retains its Fortified armor and ability to receive lumber. Does not require blight to descend.
  • Entomb: Entombs a Gold Mine, slowly draining it of its gold.
  • Spread Blight: Expands buildable ground.
  • Awakening Aura: Increases nearby player ground units' movement speed.


Entombed gold mine that passively mines gold.


Vital Structure. Spreads blight and provides food, which increases the maximum number of units that can be trained.

  • Spread Blight: Expands buildable ground.
  • Awakening Aura: Increases nearby player ground units' movement speed.


Defensive structure. Attacks land and air units.


Provides attack, armor and building upgrades for The Eternal units. Also Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.

  • Koprite Armor, Ironite Armor, Obsiusite Armor: Increases armor of Swordmasters, Bowmasters, Carrion Riders, Tyrants, Living Idols, Jackals, Giant Sand Worms.
  • Koprite Melee Weapons, Ironite Melee Weapons, Obsiusite Melee Weapons: Increases damage of Swordmasters, Tyrants, Jackals.
  • Koprite Ranged Weapons, Ironite Ranged Weapons, Obsiusite Ranged Weapons: Increases damage of Bowmasters, Carrion Riders, Skull Catapults, Giant Sand Worms.
  • Ascend: Gives specific The Eternal structures the ability to levitate off the ground
  • Entombed Servants, Entombed Condemned: Increases the amount of gold drained by Entombed Gold Mines by 5.


Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Pyramid has (Pyramid , Grand Pyramid , and Black Pyramid) which buildings you have.


Summons Heroes. Revives slain Heroes.


Tomb King: Warrior Hero, adept at combat and manipulating the battlefield.

  • Compel - Gives a divinely ordained order to targeted units, increasing attack speed , Movement speed, and damage . However, a targeted unit can not cast spells under its effects.
  • Cleaving Sickles- The razor sharp blades of the heroes' weapons cleave through enemies dealing damage to nearby foes in an AoE.
  • Impaling bones - Using bones of laying forgotten beneath the earth, shooting spiked ribs out in 3 straight lines, dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them. Main wave has greater distance than the secondary ones.
  • Avatar of Neru - Prays to Goddess Neru gaining increased armor, hitpoints, and spell immunity.


Liche of Usirian: Mystical Hero, adept at using death magic to healing allies and cripple foes.

  • Dark Mend - Calls upon the mystical power of the underworld to the world of living. Friendly units affected by Dark Mend will be healed hit points over time, and enemy units will be damaged over time.
  • Soulblight - Harnessing the darker powers of the underworld, the Arch-Liche weakens his foes' will to survive the battle. Reduces armor and speed.
  • Desecration - The Hero comments taboo by destroying the bodies of the dead and Consuming the life force of the souls for his own healing. Deals damage and heals based on the number of corpses and blighting the ground.
  • Resurrection - Calls upon the power of Usirian. Friendly units brought back to life.


Hunter of Sokth: Cunning Hero, adept summoning and overwhelming units.

  • Summon Scorpion - Summons a Pit Scorpion
  • Scarab Trap - Summons a trap that activates when an enemy unit approaches. The trap will release scarabs to attack your enemies. Maximum of 7 traps at the same time.
  • Datura Poison - Increases the damage of the Hunter's attack by adding poison. Deals initial damage, and damage every second.
  • Viper Strike - Allows the Hunter of Sokth to become invisible, and move faster until the Hunter of Sokth attacks a unit. The attack will deal bonus damage.


Priest of Khsar : Mystical Hero, particularly adept at using desert to damage his foes.

  • Whirlwind - Caster Summons a cone of sandy air that rips the flesh from enemy units in its path.
  • Sand Cloud - Engulfs the unit in sand, providing armor and causing damage to nearby enemy land units. Drains mana until deactivated.
  • Farsight - Reveals the area of the map that it is cast upon. Also reveals invisible units.
  • Sand Storm - Summons a fierce controllable Sand Storm that slows enemy units' movement speed and damages enemies.


Primary troop production building.


Swordmasters: Powerful, but slow skeletal warrior.

  • Ancient Sword Techniques - The Swordmaster’s ancient training grants him a 7% chance to evade and 12% chance to deal extra 10 damage.


Bowmasters: Powerful, but slow skeletal archer, effective against air units. Requires Repository.

  • Ancient Poisons - The Bowmaster coats his arrows a nausea potion that has 25% chance to cause his organic targets to miss 25% of their attacks for 5 seconds


Living Idols: Vital unit. Living statues that can support your army with different auras. Has no Attack. Requires Grand Ossuary.

  • Eternal Oaths - Revives fallen player skeletal units with 50% of their max hit points.
  • Divine Glyphs (1) - Glyphs of Compulsion: Enscribs the living idol with Glyphs that increases nearby friendly units' movement speed and attack rate by 20%.
  • Divine Glyphs (2) - Glyphs of Conservation: Enscribes the living idol with Glyphs that increases nearby friendly units' life regeneration rate.
  • Divine Glyphs (3) - Glyphs of Attenuation: Enscribs the living idol with Glyphs that decreases nearby enemy units’ movement speed and attack rate by 20%.
  • Heberation - The Living Idol enters hibernation becoming stationary gaining spell immunity, increased armor and health and mana regeneration, but loses its ability to use its abilities.
  • Rediscover Ancient Sword Techniques: Allows Swordmasters to have Ancient Sword Techniques, which increases their combat capabilities.
  • Rediscover Ancient Poisons: Allows Bowmasters|r to have Ancient Poisons, which allows them a chance to cause enemy units to miss attacks. Requires Repository.
  • Rediscover Heberation: Enables the ability for Living Idols to assume Heberation. Heberation transforms the Living Idol into a statue with high armor, spell immunity, and regeneration. The Living Idol cannot move or use abilities in this form. Requires Grand Pyramid and Grand Ossuary.
  • Rediscover Eternal Oaths: Allows Living Idols to use the Eternal Oaths ability, which raises certain fallen non-Hero units from the dead. Requires Black Pyramid.

  • Ascend: Allows the Structure to levitate off the ground so that it can move. Also gives Structures Heavy armor. Requires blight to descend.


2nd tier Primary structure that receives gathered resources and spreads blight. Enables the production of additional types of structures, upgrades and units. Attacks land and air units.

Trains :

Necrotects: Ancient skeletal architect. Basic worker unit. Can harvest lumber, build structures, Repair and unsummon. Attacks land units and trees.

Upgrades :
  • Black Pyramid: Upgrade to Black Pyramid to enable the production of additional types of structures, units and the ability to attack
  • Backpack: Gives specific Eternal ground units the ability to carry items.

  • Ascend: Allows the Pyramid to levitate out of the ground so that it can move and engage units in combat. Pyramid retains its Fortified armor and ability to receive lumber. Does not require blight to descend.
  • Entomb: Entombs a Gold Mine, slowly draining it of its gold.
  • Spread Blight: Expands buildable ground.
  • Awakening Aura: Increases nearby player ground units' movement speed.


Magic troop production building.

Trains :

Liche Priests: Ancient skeletal priest. Supporting spellcaster.

  • Restore - The caster uses the ambient man to restore 100 hit points to a target friendly unit over 5 seconds.
  • Disenchant - The caster disrupts the bonds of spells, removing all buffs in the target area. Deals 250 damage to hostile summoned units. Requires Liche Priests Adept Training.
  • Banish - Turns a non-mechanical unit ethereal and slows its movement speed by 50% for 12 seconds. Ethereal creatures cannot attack, but they can cast spells and certain spells cast upon them will have a greater effect. Requires Liche Priests Master Training.


Hierophants: Ancient skeletal Shaman. Versatile spellcaster.

  • Mummy Curse - The caster afflicts a target enemy unit with a curse that deals 4 damage per second. If the afflicted unit dies while under the effect of Mummy Curse, a minor minion will spawn from its corpse. Lasts 30 seconds.
  • Choking Sands - The caster conjures sand to suffocate an enemy, preventing it from casting spells, and reducing attack damage by 33% and deals 2 damage per second. Requires Hierophants Adept Training.
  • Petrify - The caster temporarily petrifies parts of the target friendly unit's body, increasing armor by 6. Lasts 60 seconds. Requires Hierophants Master Training.


Avatars of Djaf: Divine avatars. Trained to destroy spellcasters. Requires Grand Ossuary.

  • Devour Soul - The Avatars of Djaf rips the soul from a target friendly Undead unit killing it, giving 50% of its hit points to the Avatars of Djaf.
  • Enchanted Blade and Shield - Offensive: Whenever the Avatars of Djaf attacks, he has a 20% change to purge the attacked unit and replenish 10 mana points to the jackal. Defensive: Reduces spell and magic damage dealt to the Avatars of Djaf by 100% and blocks a negative spell that an enemy casts on the Jackal every .33 seconds.
  • Feedback - Avatars of Djaf attacks destroy 20 mana per hit. The mana combusts, dealing damage to the attacked unit.

  • Liche Priests Training: increases Liche Priests' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast additional abilities.
  • Hierophants Training: Increases Hierophants' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast additional abilities.
  • Chosen of Djaf: Increases Avatars of Djaf's attack speed by 20%, hit points by 50, attack range by 100 and damage by 5. Requires Grand Pyramid and Grand Ossuary.
  • Devour Soul: Allows Avatars of Djaf’s to have Devour Soul, which allows the jackal to kill a target friendly Undead unit, giving a percent of its hit points to the Jackal. Requires Black Pyramid and Grand Ossuary.

  • Ascend: Allows the Structure to levitate off the ground so that it can move. Also gives Structures Heavy armor. Requires blight to descend.


Heavy troop production building. Trains :


Skull Catapult: Long-range siege weaponry. Exceptional damage versus buildings, but slow and vulnerable.

  • Siege Mastery - The Skull Catapult targets the critical points of its targets, giving a 30% chance to instantly destroy structures below 20% health.


Tyrant: Demon bound in living clay. Upon death there is a 5% chance the demon will manifest as neutral hostile doomguard.

  • On an attack, the Tyrant’s bindings may temporarily weaken, giving it a 20% chance of increasing its attack rate by 50%, but drains 10 hit points per second. Lasts 5 seconds.


Carrion Rider: Skeletal archer mounted atop an undead carrion bird.

  • Carrion Seeker - Reveals nearby invisible units.

  • Carrion Seeker Siege: Allows Carrion Riders to have Carrion Seeker, which allows them to detect invisible units.
  • Siege Mastery: Allows Skull Catapults to have Siege Mastery, which increases their siege capabilities.
  • Demonic Frenzy: Allows Tyrants to have Demonic Frenzy, which allows them a chance to increase their attack speed at the cost of hit points per second.

  • Ascend: Allows the Structure to levitate off the ground so that it can move. Also gives Structures Heavy armor. Requires blight to descend.


3nd tier Primary structure that receives gathered resources and spreads blight. Enables the production of additional types of structures, upgrades and units. Attacks land and air units.

Trains :

Necrotects: Ancient skeletal architect. Basic worker unit. Can harvest lumber, build structures, Repair and unsummon. Attacks land units and trees.

Upgrades :
  • Backpack: Gives specific Eternal ground units the ability to carry items.

  • Ascend: Allows the Pyramid to levitate out of the ground so that it can move and engage units in combat. Pyramid retains its Fortified armor and ability to receive lumber. Does not require blight to descend.
  • Entomb: Entombs a Gold Mine, slowly draining it of its gold.
  • Spread Blight: Expands buildable ground.
  • Awakening Aura: Increases nearby player ground units' movement speed.


Elite production building.


Sand Worm: Enormous burrowing sandworm

  • Lightning Breath - The Sand Worms’ attacks have 20% to electrocute the occupants of buildings stunning it.
  • Barrow - The Sand Worm dives beneath the ground gaining greatly increased movement and Health regeneration.

  • Lightning Breath: Allows Sand Worms to have Lightning Breath, which allows the Sand Worms’ attacks to have a 20% chance to electrocute the occupants of buildings stunning it.


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