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Project: Naga Campaign:Rising of Nagiranana!!

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Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Warcraft III Naga Campaign: The Rising of the Nagiranana

A thousand years later ... when the Warcraft world is a different place and where a deserted universe of barely that much races left is atold ... a story in which takes place when Orcs, Dwarves, Gnomes, Gnolls, Harpies, Kobolds, Mur'guls, Nerubians, Razormanes, Tuskarr, Ogres, Half-Orcs, Half-Trolls, Draenei, Furbolgs, Treants, High Elves, Blood Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, and Humans do not exist.

The only races that exist in this new world is the Pandarens, Some Trolls which now call their race the "Skul'Emars" which means "Remnants", Undead, Demons, Night Elves, Murlocs, and finally the Naga, and in actuality, newer and more terrifying races to behold.

Ten thousand years ago, during the reign of Queen Azshara, there was an elite Night Elf magic-using sect known as the Highborne, who dabbled in magics that many other elves considered heretical by drawing upon the power of the Well of Eternity.

These so-called High-bornes of the Night Elves made an abuse of Arcane magic and in turn, brought demons to the world and it led to the War of the Ancients. This war was a battle between the Highbornes and the Burning Legion.

The Highbornes, with a great cost, casted away the demons and defeated them, but however, when a magical backlash that was used to put away these demons, shattered the world, and caused the Well of Eternity to implode, sinking the Highborne's capital city to the depths of the ocean.

A great cataclysm occured that changed the land and destroyed the Well of Eternity, within this cataclysm the Highbornes were brought down to the depths of the unforgiving seas. Many Highbornes died. However, during the end of the cataclysm, some Highbornes, by the cascading and renderous energies, turned into the mystic oceanic creatures called the Naga.

When the Well of Eternity imploded at the conclusion of the War of the Ancients, sundering the world, the Highborne inhabitants of a Highborne city, Zin-Azshari was trapped in the blast. At the last second however, Azshara struck a deal with the Old Gods for her and her people's survival.

Azshara and her followers were dragged down beneath the raging sea... but they did not die. Twisted by the Old Gods, invigorated by the Well's energies, they took on new shapes, new powers and became the hateful, serpentine naga race.

Warcraft III Naga Campaign: The Rising of the Nagaraen is a new Warcraft III custom campaign that features an ultimate storyline, gameplay, etc. of the Naga race. There will be spoilers up ahead so if you want to proceed then you may.

The Rising of the Nagiranana starts 1,000 years from now, at a start of a new world and a very savage world full of unknown creatures you haven't known in Warcraft until now.

Remember the fight between Arthas and Illidan? Yes. Arthas unforunately won and gained the Crown of the Lich King. Arthas was actually defeated by an unknown warrior of a very mysterious race not even the Naga or any race knows about.

958 years later. The remaining Naga and Lady Vashj took over part of Icecrown and Ashenvale to avenge Illidan's death and eventually took over the rest of Icecrown and Ashenvale. This long 950 year war was called the "Destiny of the Lands".

42 years later. Lordaeron was conquered by the Undead again and the Skul'Emars (Trolls) were scattered amongk in different places in Ashenvale after the Undead took over Lordaeron. Lots of Trolls was killed and this war was called "The End of the Trolls". Ice Trolls, Forest Trolls, Half-Trolls, Jungle Trolls, and every type of Troll was involved in this war. The undead brought upon hundreds of demons and was under the demonic leader, Mannoroth's indifferent brother, Mannonin.

Trolls now barely exist and live in hard-to-reach places in Ashenvale. Now to the Orcs, Ogres, Gnomes and Dwarves. Since Ogres were in the Horde before and left because of racial reasons and Gnomes and Dwarves are cousins to each other, Gnomes and Dwarves decided to attack the Orcs and Ogres without the Human Alliance's help. The strongest and most powerfulest Dwarves attacked the Ogres. While the normal strength Dwarves aided by the Gnome's technology they attacked the Orcish Horde.

This war was called the "Semi-Alliance Versus The Unallied Horde". Half-Orcs and Orcs were winning, and in turn, the Dwarves defeated the Ogres and started headed to their Gnomish and other Dwarven cousins. When allied together they defeated the Orcs, however, at the last point, Thrall's grand grand grand grand grand grand errr ... grand x5, son, Thirkodi'Nalle called upon the God's power and wished for power to defeat the Dwarves and Gnomes. Unknowingly, however, the power was so great, he killed all the Gnomes and Dwarves, but in a bad turnpoint he has sacrificed himself and also in doing so, he has killed his own people as well.

This ended the Orcs, Half-Orcs, Ogres, Gnomes, and Dwarf races forever... there were never any survivors to any of these races. Now to the rest of the Alliance. During the reign of the Mannonin, Mannonin slaughtered and killed every Human, Blood Elf, etc. he saw and this lead the last people of the Alliance to Ashenvale where they would be safe from their wrath... for now ...

However, the Alliance thought wrong, little did they know, Ashenvale was taken over by the Naga. The Naga then took all the Humans to the depths. After they all died, Naga High Priests and High Priestess used various Arcanic magic to revive and turned the Alliance into Naga and thus new people were borned.

Finally, to the Night Elves. During the times the Naga attacked Ashenvale, Night Elves alike died, and the Naga brought them to the ocean and turned them into Naga. The remaining Night Elves then moved to an ancient, hidden, and forbidden city that only Elune watched over and could be inhabitied in and only the most important times. The Night Elves themselves never left this city... ever... and was never found again, in these 1,000 years, it is unknown if they still exist.

Now to the Naga. Within the 1,000 years, the Naga have conquered Azeroth and Northrend, and the Demons hold Lordaeron. The Naga have a new conquest and mission to find and defeat every demon living in Lordaeron, and if they succeed, the Warcraft world will be controlled by the Naga.

However, during an experiment that Naga High Priests were conducting, this experiment broke out. This experiment was called "Project Nagiranana". Nagiranana are species identical to the Naga race and was guranteed to help defeat the demons controlling Lordaeron. But, these creatures are now very unknown and very unpredictable and roam around at night.

This project was under the care of Naga Summoner, Naji'Vahj, Naga High Priestess, Sana'Nuu'nei, Naga Elite Oceanic Mage, Kalinithirana, and finally Naga Elite Royal Guard, Karanadanael also known as the legendary skillful and tactical "Ember Naga".

One Naga High Priest said that a Nagiranana was moving around too much and he was thinking it was trying to break out. But in actuality when this priest was fixing the Prison the Nagiranana was held in, this Nagiranana broke out when the High Priest wasn't looking and the Nagiranana helped release the other Nagiranana and they finally got out of the underwater testing labs.

When the Naga High Priest noticed the Nagiranana was released, he immediately contacted the King, Rama'Nagia, Kalinithirana and Karanadanael about the incident.

With the Nagiranana roaming the outskirts of Azeroth. The Naga was in danger of the Nagiranana at Night. Because for some reason, Nagiranana get their power and abilities at night.

Now with the Naga facing 2 great problems they must face to take over the Warcraft world, they have no choice but to defeat every creature that stands in the Naga's way. Will you help defeat the Nagiranana and finish the conquest to Lordaeron? We shall see!

Units and Heroes

Now with the storyline finished I will introduce the Naga Units and Heroes... later on I will show the New races, New demonic units, and the Nagiranana.

Naga Laborer
The basic worker unit of the Naga race. Harvests gold and lumber. Builds Basic and Advanced Naga Buildings made for making an army and doing research.

Naga Footman

The basic melee unit of the Naga race has more armor than the Naga Elite Warrior. Can learn Defend. History: When the Humans moved to Azeroth after Mannonin took over Lordaeron, the Naga grabbed random amounts of Footman and brought them to the depths of the sea.

Naga Elite Warrior

The elite melee unit of the Naga race has less armor than the Naga Footman but does more damage.. Can learn Ensnare and Endurance Aura.

Naga Elite Hunter

The ultimate in hunting and fishing. Can learn Ensnare and Hunting Spear.

Murloc Dreameater

A ranged Murloc that masters hunting and intelligence. Can learn Ensnare, Blizzard, and Dream Eat.

Naga Creeper

A very fast Naga ranged unit. Can learn Wind walk.

Naga Ramming Artillery

A large slow Naga melee siege unit.

Naga Den Protector

A medium melee Naga unit. Can learn Wall, Improved Armor, Hurl Boulder.

Naga Slicer

A medium melee Naga unit. Can learn Evasion and Slice. Can also harvest more Lumber than the Naga Laborer.

Naga Seeker
Very fast invisible melee Naga unit. Can learn Ensnare, Evasion and Backstab.

Naga Spell Breaker

A medium spellcaster Naga unit. Can learn Feedback and Dispel Magic.
History: During the times of the Alliance going to Azeroth, Naga kidnapped Blood Elves and High Elves and converted them to Naga.

Naga Siren
Medium Naga spellcaster unit.

Naga Couatl Seer
Medium Naga spellcaster flying unit. Can learn Abolish Magic and Water Phoenix.

Naga Water Phoenix
Large Naga flying unit. Summoned by a Couatl Seer.

Naga Myrmidon
Medium melee unit. Can learn Ensnare.

Naga Ritual Priest
Small Naga spellcaster unit.

Naga Spirit Walker
Medium Naga spellcaster unit. Can learn Spirit Heal, Spirit Resurrect, and Spiritual Bond.

Naga Beastrider

A large melee Naga unit. Can learn Summon Couatl, and Summon Snap Dragon.

Naga Tidal Serpent

A large flying ranged Naga unit.

Naga Hydra

A large ranged Naga unit. Can learn Acid Breath.

Naga Elite Guardian

The ultimate large melee siege Naga unit. Can learn War Stomp, Spiky Carapace, and Roaring Waters.

Thats all the Naga units for now. But I really need a lizard-like spirit walker, and a shelled-like Naga with a trident and a new ver. of the Naga Myrmidon atm like more shading and some armor. And a spear thrower naga.

Anyways hope you enjoy updates as they come :thumbs_up:. Suggestions/Comments/Questions/Positive Criticism/Etc. are always welcomed ok? :grin:
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
Most of these units are just copies of units that were remodeled...
Why don't you invent some of your own units? And is this all or will we be able to use hero's like the King of Nagas you mentioned and plenty others?

If you want unit ideas you can ask me i could help you a lil
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Oh god those models'n skins are horrible.
For example footman, mana stealing guy thing, beastmaster and those are baaaaaaad!
Use original units + hydra + that cool flying naga model (dragon) + and some models that looks like naga and switch Naga Elite Guardian into something else, that model just looks horrible.
Something like a hydra or big turtle would be better, same for artillery.
I would say something organic for artillery would look alot better.
Also work on the names like: Mannonin, Nagiranana (no offence, but it really sucks and its not catchy at all).

Oh and i got an idea.
Make a unit based on goblin zapper then switch model to the slug model and jsut keep the abilities and when he explodes he will make a poisonous cloud which poisens everyone around (he can only explode on organic units).

Btw a tip: make custom triggered spells, they make the map alot more interesting!
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
... Is that Hakkar?
And a Rockflayer?
Yes ... it is ... unless someone can make a silmiar model to those 2 I can replace it.
Yep it does not seem to be a such good set of units in the campaign...
~.~, then ... I feel your loss ... ... ... ... maybe.
Most of these units are just copies of units that were remodeled...
Why don't you invent some of your own units? And is this all or will we be able to use hero's like the King of Nagas you mentioned and plenty others?

If you want unit ideas you can ask me i could help you a lil
This is a beta set of units anyways. You can give me ideas for units if you like. Also, yes, you will be using heroes, about over 10 heroes in the whole entire campaign.
Oh god those models'n skins are horrible.
For example footman, mana stealing guy thing, beastmaster and those are baaaaaaad!
Use original units + hydra + that cool flying naga model (dragon) + and some models that looks like naga and switch Naga Elite Guardian into something else, that model just looks horrible.
Something like a hydra or big turtle would be better, same for artillery.
I would say something organic for artillery would look alot better.
Also work on the names like: Mannonin, Nagiranana (no offence, but it really sucks and its not catchy at all).

Oh and i got an idea.
Make a unit based on goblin zapper then switch model to the slug model and jsut keep the abilities and when he explodes he will make a poisonous cloud which poisens everyone around (he can only explode on organic units).

Btw a tip: make custom triggered spells, they make the map alot more interesting!

Well ... am offended actually :bored:. Plus, you are insulting The_End's skins btw. Also I am using the original units but I was too tired from typing to do it :xxd:.

Although in actuality, I really want someone to help me on the models, and that won't be easy to find, about the Naga elite guard, I know the head and body doesn't match abit or ever for that matter and the UV wrap was junk I guess ... but I couldn't find anything else silmiar to that so ... I tried it out.

Your Goblin Sapper Idea: LOLZ! WTF? That would be so funny if I did that sadly am not. But that poison idea was good :smile:.

Hmmm... of course am using Custom Triggered Abilities. For example, heroes will be using custom triggered abilities and even a few units use custom triggered abilities. :hohum:
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Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
Oh god those models'n skins are horrible.
For example footman, mana stealing guy thing, beastmaster and those are baaaaaaad!
Use original units + hydra + that cool flying naga model (dragon) + and some models that looks like naga and switch Naga Elite Guardian into something else, that model just looks horrible.
Something like a hydra or big turtle would be better, same for artillery.
I would say something organic for artillery would look alot better.
Also work on the names like: Mannonin, Nagiranana (no offence, but it really sucks and its not catchy at all).

Oh and i got an idea.
Make a unit based on goblin zapper then switch model to the slug model and jsut keep the abilities and when he explodes he will make a poisonous cloud which poisens everyone around (he can only explode on organic units).

Btw a tip: make custom triggered spells, they make the map alot more interesting!

Thanks for insulting my skins..thanks
Anyways, I better get some credits here sir

And I would suggest getting rid of those atrocious WoW models you are using, and make them look more of a race, not a bunch of random creature clustered together. You need alot of custom Naga units, go ask a geomerger for them or something
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Yeah i'm not critisizing models, because he didn' make them. But they shouldn't be used, it's like a mismatch of radioactive naga, and a gnome artillery wep.

The names are horrible. Some of the lore also needs work. Sounds like randomletters put together, like Thralls great-great-great-great-great-grandson
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
I knew there was something I forgot to do ... :grin:.

I forgot to put credits and also a little statement on the bottle saying "The techtree, units, names are very unofficial at this time note the following:
  1. The campaign is 10% finished and ideas for the Nagiragana are not real yet ...
  2. The names and/or units are beta meanining some units will be replaced and/or removed or newer units may be added.
  3. At this moment, beta development is not even close... ^^

XD. Anyways ... The_End, Of course I will give credits, also I will consider removing the WoW models cuz, its forbidden ive heard ... but ... unless I can really find someone at least trying to make some models I need ... then everything will be just fine. :thumbs_up:

Lolol, Rakdos, Jeez what do you want me to put then? I mean sure the names to me seem basic ... but am still improving the stats and names, etc. Also it ain't random actually ... but then again what else would I put then, for Thrall? Basically, just Thrall's grandson? NOW THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE IF THE WoW WAS FUTURIZED (Not a word... I think but you get what I mean). Sheesh ... >.>

No harshness intended ... :wink:
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