Features three usable attachments, for spells, effects, and targets. Origin, Overhead, and Chest.
Has marine machine gun effect, sound and lighting.
Inspired by the BattleTech Lotus, with some mods.
-No paths.
-No, I don't plan to add guns and huge explosions.
-Sleep is like an 'off' mode for the mech.
-You do not need star2.blp. Its in War3.mpq already.
-If you reskin it, let me know! I may include it.
-Red shown in pic will be team color. (You can also use NP for black)
I highly recommend:
'Art - Animation - Walk Speed : 200
'Combat - Attack 1 weapon type : Instant'
'Combat - Attack 1 Projectile art : Rifleman, Space Fel Orc, Marine'
Please enjoy. Let me know if theres any problems.