LotR Ability Ideas

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Level 17
Mar 21, 2011
i'm currently working on a LotR AoS/MOBA. every hero has 1 basic passive ability, 3 actives, 1 passive and an active ultimate ability. so far i have gimli completed, gandalf and Bert the Troll are missing some spells:


Aura of Wisdom (Passive/Basic):
Increases mana regeneration of nearby allies

Knocks nearby enemies back - deals magical damage

Blinding Light:
Blinds all enemies in the target area, giving them a chance to miss attacks and slows them down.


Passive Ability(dont know the name yet):
whenever gandalf casts a spell, his next attack will be ranged and deals magical damage.

Light Shield (Dont know the name yet // ULTIMATE):
Gandalf creates a sphere around him which protects him and his allies from damage that comes from outside. enemies inside the sphere will be silenced.


Troll Skin (Passive/Basic):
increased spell resistance.




Cleave (Passive):
Deals AoE damage with each attack

Ultimate (no name yet):
Every damage source done by this hero knocks enemies back. lasts x seconds.

that's what i've got so far. you can give me ability ideas for any lotr character, does not matter if i mentioned him or not. especially aragorn is a bit tough.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
I see that gandalf is a supportive character... I would imagine as a mage though.
For your basic attack spell: Lightning Sword/Lightning Strike (either of the 2)
Because you know, when Gandalf fights the balrog on the top of the mountain, he fires a lightning from Glamdring.
The animation should be a simple lightning thingy and the damage should be instant.

Also Blinding Light -> Istari Light (Just a bit of lore.)

I assume that Lightburst is kinda like the spell from LotR BfME... if not, then ok but it is pretty nice ;)

The missing ability for Gandalf:
Idea 1: Increase an allied unit's movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds and shield them for 200 health.
(Movement Speed bonus scales and shield strength scales.)
Idea 2: Gandalf teleports to the targeted location, dealing magic damage and shocking all enemy units.
(High cooldown. Shock is a simple 0.01 second stun, it is used to interrupt channels.)
Idea 3: Create a magical shield around the target for 6 seconds. The shield blocks the first incoming spell and negates all effects. After that the shield breaks.
Level 17
Mar 21, 2011
yep, he is supposed to be a defensive supporter. about the instant lightning strike being instant: perfect idea, it also won't bug anymore as you mentioned int the help zone.
all ideas are awesome, i like the 3rd most. do you mean only target effects with that?
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
You have to make a spell engine and let every single effect run when your custom SpellEffect event is fired.
When your custom SpellCheck fires, you check if that unit has the spellshield buff and stops the spell if so.

Your Spell Engine should look like this:

function SpellEffect takes spell returns nothing (arguments are different than this ofcourse.)


if SpellStop then



I can't explain it more simple but you will have to do something difficult to make something epic.
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