Hero Ideas

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Level 9
Jan 11, 2009
Here're some Heroes i thought of for my campaign, and now i want your opinion. +rep if you like them and please give credit if you use.

-Hero Name- Antyr
-Hero Class- Assasin

Model for Hero: SatyrTrickster.mdl

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.5

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.5

Range: 650
Cooldown: 1.64

Primary: Agility
Strenght: 16 + 2.1
Agility: 19 + 2.9
Intelligence: 18 + 2.4
Movement Speed: 320


Ability # 1| Kidney impact - Passive Ability - Stuns enemy if attacking from behind. Bonus damage is 25/45/75/135
Ability # 2| Deadly Silence - Powerfully Ability, which silences all MEELE-Attackers in 250/350/400/500 for 3/4/5/7 seconds.
Ability # 3| Telepathic crippling - Cripples Enemys in cruel way, make them insusceptible against friendly abilities or auras for 60/90/100/150 seconds.
Ability # 4| Phasor - Makes Antyr invisible, but slows him after first attack by 50/40/30/20 % for 15/13/11/9 seconds.
Ultimate Ability| Dust - Creates Dust on battlefield, takes 5 Minutes. If Antyr is in dust, he is completely invisible and can't attack, but casting spells is possible.


-Hero Name- Orhgmor
-Hero Class- Orcish Warlord

Model for Hero: ChaosHellscream.mdl

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.6

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.4

Range: 100 [Meele]
Cooldown: 1.47

Primary: Strenght
Strenght: 25 + 2.9
Agility: 16 + 2.1
Intelligence: 19 + 2.4
Movement Speed: 290


Ability # 1| Orcish Blood - Heals an Orc by 250/300/400/750 over 20 seconds.
Ability # 2| Call of Orcs - Increases Orhgmor's attack speed by 100/200/300/400 percent over 10/12/14/16 attacks.
Ability # 3| Burning Axe - Burns Orghmor's axe, damaging all units in 400/450/500/600 range around him, dealing 75/125/200/325 damage.
Ability # 4| Sharpen Armor - Orghmor's armor gets upgraded with deadly spikes which damage nearly attackers by 5/7/9/12 percent of their life.
Ultimate Ability| Overpower - Every attack increases Orghmor's attack speed by 4 percent, the effect returns after 2/6/12 seconds.


-Hero Name- Furksul
-Hero Class- Fire Prophet

Model for Hero: HeroFlameLord.mdl

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.3

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.7

Range: 650
Cooldown: 1.72

Primary: Intelligence
Strenght: 16 + 2.1
Agility: 19 + 2.4
Intelligence: 25 + 2.9
Movement Speed: 305


Ability # 1| Fire Orb - Passive Ability - Burns nearby enemys with 5/7/9/14 percent of Furksul's life.
Ability # 2| Flame Storm - Hits all Units around him with 100/175/225/300 damage in 600/550/500/450 range.
Ability # 3| Fire Arrow - Gives a small chance of 10/20/35/50 percent to hit an enemy with a fire arrow, stun it for 1/1,5/2/2,5 seconds; deal 5/10/15/20 bonus damage.
Ability # 4| Liquid Fire - If Furksul kills an enemy, it will explode into liquid fire; 50/75/125/175 damage in 100/175/250/300 range.
Ultimate Ability| Rift - Opens a rift of which 2 Fire Elementals come out, they have 500/650/700/900 HP and 13/27/43/67 damage. Takes 45/55/65/75 seconds.


-Hero Name- Ithiriel
-Hero Class- Dark Ranger

Model for Hero: Sylvanas.mdl

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.4

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.6

Range: 650
Cooldown: 1.9

Primary: Agility
Strenght: 17 + 1.5
Agility: 23 + 2.5
Intelligence: 20 + 2
Movement Speed: 300


Ability # 1| Soul Blast - Blasts enemys in a line with 35/50/75/100 percent of Ithiriel's current life.
Ability # 2| Parasite - Creates a parasite on enemy units, slows them by 10/20/30/45 percent over 10/15/20/30 seconds.
Ability # 3| Splatter Orb - Passive Ability - Enemys killed by this unit splatt into million of pieces, dealing 75/175/300/500 damage to nearby friendly units in 300/450/600/800 range.
Ability # 4| Dark Arrows - Auto-Cast - Using dark magic arrows Ithiriel deals 5/10/20/35 bonus damage and has a 1/2/3/4 percent chance to deal 500 damage. Cooldown: 4/3/2/0 seconds.
Ultimate Ability| Opolus Eye - Creates the eye of Opolus, the God of Spions and Rangers. The eye has 1500/2000/3000 hitpoints,deals 75/125/200/300 damage per second in 400/500/600 range, inmoveable and takes 25/35/50 seconds.


-Hero Name- Lord Stinghammer
-Hero Class- Human Warlord

Model for Hero: Lord Garithos

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.4

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.6

Range: 100 [Meele]
Cooldown: 1.9

Primary: Intelligence
Strenght: 15 + 1.5
Agility: 20 + 2.0
Intelligence: 25 + 2.5
Movement Speed:


Ability # 1| Warcry - Passive - Every kill of Lord Stinghammer gives nearly units 10/20/35/50 percent attack rate. Effect can stack 3/4/5/6 times and returns after 5/10/20/35 seconds or 10 attacks.
Ability # 2| Arcane Crush - Using a lot of mana, L. Stighammers axe gets covered with magic, dealing 200/350/450/600 damage to a target, stunning it for 3/4/5/6 seconds.
Ability # 3| Frenzy - Auto-Cast - Gives a friendly unit 100/200/300/400 improved attack rate but the target gets damaged by 5/10/15/15 per second, takes 10/15/20/30 seconds or 10 attacks.
Ability # 4| War Aura - Passive - Gives nearly units 5/10/15/20 percent damage in 500/750/1000/2000 range.
Ultimate Ability| Godly Strenght - Increases damamge of nearby units in 500/600/700 range by 30/40/50 for 35/45/60 seconds.


-Hero Name- Bearon Bonebreaker
-Hero Class- Orcish Warrior

Model for Hero: Tauren.mdl

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.7

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.3

Range: 100 [Meele]
Cooldown: 1.9

Primary: Strenght
Strenght: 25 + 2.5
Agility: 15 + 1.5
Intelligence: 20 + 2
Movement Speed: 270


Ability # 1| Troll Regen - Auto-Cast - Using healing water of troll magicians his targets regens 1/2/3/4 hitpoints per used Mana-Point of Bearon.
Ability # 2| Berserk - This unit can attack 20/30/45/65 percent faster but takes 50/40/30/20 percent more damage.
Ability # 3| Orc Cage - Captures an enemy in an orcish cage, it cannot attack or move for 10/15/20/30 seconds and takes 10/15/25/45 damage per second.
Ability # 4| Bloodlust Aura - Passive - For every point of damage on theirself friendly units in 600 range gain 1/2/3/4 percent more damage. The effect returns after 10 seconds, if the unit is dead or not attacked.
Ultimate Ability| Pulverize - Stomps to the ground, stunning all enemys for 1/2/3 seconds and dealing 150/200/250 damage in 550/600/700 range.


-Hero Name- Jinx
-Hero Class- Lightning God

Model for Hero: still searching

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.5

Base: 500
Regeneration: 0.5

Range: 450
Cooldown: 2.2

Primary: Intelligence
Strenght: 15 + 1.5
Agility: 20 + 2
Intelligence: 25 + 2.5
Movement Speed: 290


Ability # 1| Pulsar - Hits up to 3/6/9/12 units with a deadly laser-ball, the ball jumps to each target dealing 100/150/250/375 damage and reduces by 10/8/6/4 percent per target.
Ability # 2| Laser Cannon - Hits one target with a Laser Cannon, dealing 125/175/250/300 damage and stops it for 4 seconds.
Ability # 3| Light Aura - Changeable - For 4/3/2/1 dark creature/s nearly friendly units kill, they gain 12/24/48/96 hitpoints OR 18/26/48/164 Mana.
Ability # 4| Lightning Sword - Uses 50/75/100/150 of Jinx' current damage in an ancient lightning sword, which slices trough enemys and stunns them for 1/1.5/1.75/2 seconds.
Ultimate Ability| Light Storm - Make 55 lightning arrows fall down in 600/700/800/900 range, each deals 75/125/250 damage.
Level 7
Oct 14, 2008
I don't want to sound too critical or anything, but these heroes not only seem like they would be overpowered in most maps. Aside from basing my opinion on numbers, let's talk about concept. I see a great lack of synergy between spells on all of these heroes, you may want to work on that. What i mean is all of the abilities on each individual hero seem to be just randomly thought up, they don't work well together in any special way that impresses me.
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