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Skill Idea Request

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The current hero I'm working on:

- Uses Jaina Proudmoore model
- Has no unique name yet
- Has 2 skills, each skills has 4 levels
- Has 600 attack range (standard range)
- Has 300 default movement speed

The current skills she has:
1. Lightning Bolt (active)
- Summons a bolt from the sky, deals medium-heavy damage to a unit and stunning it for 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds.

2. No skill yet.

3. Storm Surge (passive)
- Enables Lightning Bolt to jump to nearby enemies, making it a chain lightning, stunning every target.
- Each level increases number of jumps.
- Each jump deals lesser damage.

4. No ultimate yet.

So, I would like to get some more insane yet logical ideas. The hero is to be used in a AoS map, but majorly involves hero battles. Credits will be given.

Edit: Hero has been completed. Thread closed.
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Level 11
May 10, 2008
i would call her Storm if she's gonna be all lightningy :p but hmm for 2nd ability maybe... summon lightning elemental?? lol and ultimate should be umm..... Wrath of Zeus maybe... which would be some huge lightning storm most likely an AOE spell i would say
i would call her Storm if she's gonna be all lightningy :p but hmm for 2nd ability maybe... summon lightning elemental?? lol and ultimate should be umm..... Wrath of Zeus maybe... which would be some huge lightning storm most likely an AOE spell i would say

I thought of the summon skills as well. But you see, I enabled heroes to buy tome of attributes. If the game drags on, summoned units become less effective because they lacked upgrades.

I love your ideas though. =D
Level 11
May 10, 2008
Hmm maybe u should call her the Lightning Thief and make the 2nd spell drain mana but name it different and give it a cool lightning projectile drain... what do you think of this one?
Level 6
May 9, 2010
You shouldn't have a passive that is that useless, why isn't the first spells
strong enough to upgrade alone by bouncing more often? Why does it need
a passive skill to be improved? Maybe you should make the 2nd and 4th skills
use projectiles also that way, the passive will be used on all of them bouncing
more often.

My 2c

As for a skill!
Make her summon 3 columns of lightning and make them move so they deal
damage to units within them and add wind into the whole thing to slow them
down while they are in the area. Each passive would enlarge the Area of Effect.

You shouldn't have a passive that is that useless, why isn't the first spells strong enough to upgrade alone by bouncing more often? Why does it need a passive skill to be improved? Maybe you should make the 2nd and 4th skills use projectiles also that way, the passive will be used on all of them bouncing more often.

I just realised I forgot to add in that it's a stunning spell. That's why if it can stun up to 20+ targets at the same time, it would be imbalance, wouldn't it? Imagine if there's only two targets.

Make her summon 3 columns of lightning and make them move so they deal damage to units within them and add wind into the whole thing to slow them down while they are in the area. Each passive would enlarge the Area of Effect.

That's a brilliant idea. I'll add that into my consideration. Thanks.
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