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Looking for people to work on a 3v3 map

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Level 3
Sep 6, 2012
What kind of 3v3 is it?

It's a 2 sided battlefield with 2 lanes. Each lane has 4 towers(2 tier 1, and 2 tier 2) and a Core. The objective is to destroy the Core. Everybody chooses from a pool of heroes oriented by a Role(Mage,Warrior, Tank, Support, Assassin). Each hero has 5 skills(1 Passive, 3 normal and an ultimate) and 11 levels(Passive levels on 1/5/9 and normals have 3 levels while the ultimate has 2). On the bottom-center of the map there is a Giant Boss which gives a buff to your set of lane creeps and your heroes. There are 2 small camp, 1 large camp and 2 Spirit camps which are in the jungle. The whole team levels together so teamwork is important.

The point of this 3v3 is great teamwork and map awareness aswell a game which lasts 20-25 mins. I know a lot of people who think DotA 1 & 2 matches last too long for how mutch time they have, and they can't find a game as good as DotA 1 & 2 which lasts shorter. So here I am!!! :D

Who am I looking for?
1.1Someone who knows how to work with triggers in wc3.
2.Someone who I can chat over Skype or Garena with about the project.
3.Someone who can take some off his time into this project.
4.Someone who wants to work on a 3v3 map!

If you would like to work with me, add me on Garena - 218498361/Mecha
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Level 23
Feb 6, 2014
You should have just asked for a moderator to move your earlier thread to avoid double threads.

Now for your request, I think most people will ignore this since you don't give a lot of idea about to project. Most people will also think: "I'll do all the triggers and the OP will provide the idea, fuck that I'll make my own map, I don't have to listen to this guy" but some people (like me) actually finds the triggering part to be the most fun part.
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