Warcraft 3v3 MOBA Game

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Level 3
Sep 6, 2012
Hello, anyone who is reading this!

So, the main idea of the map is the 3v3 hero showdown! The goal is to destroy the enemy Altar, but first you must destroy the towers guarding it. The are 2 lanes and a forest filled with creatures from which you gain gold to buy items and gain experience. There are Regular Camps but there are also Mission Camps which give you additional bonuses like Attack Damage, Movement Speed... etc.
You can also hire mercenaries and defeat Champions around the map to gain items.

It would be cool if we could talk over skype and gather to adjust to each others ideas! If you would like to work with me, and show interest for a warcraft 3 map, add me on skype!
Matej Dudjak | Mecha
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